Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids A Model System for the study of Tri-Trophic Associations NSF ADBC Digitization TCN Melissa Tulig, Toby Schuh & Rob Naczi TCN Partners This project could not have been put together without an amazing team of people. Botany ▫ Robert Magill, Missouri Botanical Garden ▫ Robert Naczi, New York Botanical Garden ▫ Richard Rabeler, University of Michigan ▫ Melissa Tulig, New York Botanical Garden ▫ Margaret Koopman, Eastern Michigan University ▫ Loy Phillippe, Illinois Natural History Survey ▫ Deborah Lewis, Iowa State University ▫ Michael Vincent, Miami University ▫ Timothy Hogan, University of Colorado ▫ Mary Ann Feist, University of Illinois ▫ Craig Freeman, University of Kansas ▫ Christopher Cambell, University of Maine ▫ Anita Cholewa, University of Minnesota ▫ Beryl Simpson, University of Texas ▫ Kenneth Cameron, University of Wisconsin Data Contributors ▫ Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria ▫ Consortium of California Herbaria ▫ Southwest Biodiversity Consortium Entomology ▫ Toby Schuh, American Museum of Natural History ▫ Christine Johnson, American Museum of Natural History ▫ Christiane Weirauch, University of California, Riverside ▫ John Heraty, University of California, Riverside ▫ Charles Bartlett, University of Delaware ▫ Benjamin Normark, University of Massachusetts, Amherst ▫ Neal Evenhuis, BP Bishop Museum, Honolulu ▫ David Kavanaugh ,California Academy of Sciences ▫ Stephen D. Gaimari ,California Dept. Food and Agriculture ▫ Chen Young, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg ▫ Boris C. Kondratieff, Colorado State University ▫ James K. Liebherr, Cornell University ▫ Dmitry Dmitriev, Illinois Natural History Survey ▫ Richard Brown, Mississippi State University ▫ Andy Deans, North Carolina State University ▫ David Maddison, Oregon State University ▫ John Oswald, Texas A&M University ▫ Kipling Will, University of California, Berkeley ▫ Caroline Chaboo , University of Kansas ▫ Michael Sharkey , University of Kentucky Data Contributors ▫ ▫ ▫ Canadian National Collection, Ottawa University of California, Davis Kansas State University 30 Institutions across the US A Tri-Trophic Example Plants Crop Plants (Solanaceae) Herbivory causes yellowing of leaves, curled leaves, stunted growth, wilting, low harvesting yields and death of the plant Insect Herbivores Parasitoids Aphids (Hemiptera) Parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera) Pierce stems and leaves to feed on the plants – specialize on one species or numerous species Lay eggs directly inside the aphids and consume them from the inside out A Tri-Trophic Approach • About 85% of Hemiptera are herbivorous with high host specificity for many large plant families (Asteraceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae) • Hempitera are serious agricultural pests (armored scales, mealy bugs, potato leafhoppers, Lygus bugs) • Vectors of viral and bacterial diseases (Green peach aphid is a vector of over 100 plant viruses) • Parasitic Hymenoptera are very beneficial as biological control agents • The relationship between these groups is of significant ecological and economic importance Species Coverage for the North American Biota Bugs Hemiptera Coccoidea (scale insects) Aphidoidea (plant lice) Psylloidea (jumping plant lice) Plants Number of species 986 1,532 176 Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas, hoppers) 4,629 Heteroptera 3,827 Total Hemiptera Parasitoid Hymenoptera 11,150 Number of species Aphelinidae 212 Encyrtidae 490 Mymaridae 187 Signiphoridae Trichogrammatidae Total Parasitoids 19 131 1,039 Family Apiaceae Asteraceae Chenopodiaceae Cupressaceae Cyperaceae Fabaceae Fagaceae Grossulariaceae Juglandaceae Lamiaceae Oleaceae Pinaceae Poaceae Polygonaceae Rhamnaceae Rosaceae Salicaceae Scrophulariaceae Solanaceae Zygophyllaceae Total Number of species 250 2,400 250 30 850 850 97 53 17 240 35 66 1,400 440 75 360 123 430 85 15 8,066 Bugs Specimen Digitization Institution American Museum of Natural History % georeferenced Specimens databased Prior funding 30,000 100 0 0 California Academy Sciences 4,000 100 NSF-PBI 40,000 California Dept. Food & Agriculture 1,000 100 NSF-PBI 75,000 Carnegie Museum 0 1 15,000 Colorado State University 0 1 15,000 Cornell University 0 1 30,000 36,000 100 Mississippi St. University 0 0 N. Carolina St. University 1,000 100 Oregon State University 1,000 100 Texas A&M University 15,000 100 NSF-PBI 150,000 University of California, Berkeley, Essig Mus. 12,000 92 NSF-PBI, NSF-BRC 45,000 University of California, Riverside 14,000 100 NSF-PBI, NSF-DBI 75,000 2,000 0 20,000 University of Kansas 0 0 50,000 University of Kentucky 0 0 35,000 10,000 0 15,000 B. P. Bishop Museum Illinois Natural History Survey University of Delaware University Massachussetts Total Grand Total 126,000 NSF-PBI Specimens to be databased 333,000 70,000 NSF-REVSYS 73,000 50,000 NSF-BRC 75,000 40,000 1,206,000 1,332,000 Plants Specimen Digitization Institution % georeferenced Specimens databased Prior funding Specimens to be databased or enhanced University of Colorado 51,000 0 67,000 Eastern Michigan Univ. 0 0 10,000 University of Illinois 0 0 30,000 308,000 17 94,000 Iowa State University 46,000 0 102,000 University of Kansas 129,000 65 97,000 University of Maine 100,000 0 34,000 University of Michigan 26,000 0 115,000 University of Minnesota 93,000 10 NSF- BRC 70,000 247,000 25 NSF-BRC 101,000 14,000 5 New York Bot. Garden 102,000 30 University of Texas 105,000 10 105,000 University of Wisconsin 120,000 50 90,000 Illinois Nat. Hist. Survey Missouri Botanical Garden Miami University Total GRAND TOTAL 1,341,000 35,000 NSF-BRC, NSF-PBI 274,000 1,224,000 2,565,000 Project management • Steering Committee of 10 PIs ▫ Toby Schuh (AMNH) Committee Chair ▫ First TCN meeting Oct. 29-30th in NY • Full-time Project Manager at AMNH ▫ Daily project management, training of entomology partners, & centralized georeferencing • Full-time Project Coordinator at NYBG ▫ Training of botany partners, barcoding of NY specimens and database all herbarium specimens for all partner institutions • Digitization assistants ▫ Hourly staff at all partner institutions to image or database specimens Infrastructure • Use existing infrastructure for hardware and software at each institution • Each institution will use existing databases and imaging stations or share with partner institutions • Use existing Storage Area Networks at NYBG & AMNH (Mirror the PBI AMNH database at UCR) • Use an existing web portal for data integration (Discover Life) as modeled by AMNH’s NSF PBI Plants & Bugs project, plus send copies to iDigBio, GBIF & other networks • Looking forward to working with solutions and tools developed by iDigBio & others Plants Plants Workflow • Specimens are barcoded, given a filed as name, and imaged at partner institutions • Image files are sent to NY • Each image file gets a database record with the institution, barcode number, filed as determination, and preliminary OCR of the label ▫ Using Tropicos from Missouri Botanical Garden as our names authority file • NY Project Coordinator completes the partial records • Send DarwinCore to DiscoverLife and back to each partner institution Imaging Station – 90 specimens/hour How do we complete & georeference 1,200,000+ partial records? • Send image files through SALIX/HERBIS • Merge existing partner datasets and expect duplicates • Scatter, Gather, Reconcile; FilteredPush • Crowd sourcing & citizen scientists • Georeferencing tools: GEOLocate, BioGeomancer & others • All ideas welcome! Bottlenecks • Curation ▫ Outdated names, specimens of the same species filed under more than one name • Combined data ▫ Duplicates and differing names – how to know which is correct, how to report discrepancies back to home institutions • File transfer ▫ What’s the best way to move 1,000,000 images to NY? • Long-term archival image storage for all institutions? ▫ Potentially 36+ TB of raw files Bugs Bugs Workflow • Organize specimens by collection event • Pin barcodes to each specimen • Perform data entry for all specimens • Take close up images of representative specimens of every species AMNH Matrix-code labels Databasing Use existing online PBI database for most data entry Streamlined Interface for Rapid Data Entry • Taxon names • Locality data • Collection Events • Specimen Data • Host names Link directly to host plant images Collection site Living host plant Voucher specimen Imaging • Image representative specimens for each species • Use existing imaging stations at partner institutions • About 30% of Hemiptera are complete • Expect to produce about 20,000 new images Combine datasets in Discover Life • PBI database is already set up as a data provider to Discover Life • Generates species pages that include specimen data, maps, and images • Creates a linkage between host/parasite/parasitoid data • Updates PBI data every 24 hours to deliver up-to-date information What can be done with these 4,000,000+ combined data records? • Conservation biology: management decision making • Systematics: species distributions • Biogeography: large data pool for studies of endemism • Ecology: host-herbivore-parasitoid relationships and origins • Agricultural sciences: invasive/pest species data and management, identifications at ports • Climate change studies: ecological niche modeling; phenological changes; distributional changes Thank you, NSF! Contact Us Toby Schuh ( Rob Naczi ( Melissa Tulig (