The Life and Times of an Ant

An _____ will speak at the
next science fair.
a) communication
b) astronomer
c) investigates
d) nutrients
astronomer – noun – a
person who works or
specializes in
astronomy, the science
that deals with the sun,
moon, stars, planets
and other heavenly
In order to complete the safety
report, the students ____ the cause
and effect of the fire in the lab.
a) territory
b) communication
c) astronomer
d) investigates
investigates – verb - to
carry out a detailed
examination or
inquiry, especially
officially, in order to
find out about
something or
Sometimes we get ill because we are
not getting the proper _____.
a) astronomer
b) investigates
c) nutrients
d) solitary
nutrients – plural noun –
substances need
by the bodies of
people, animals, or
plants to live and
The prisoner was placed in _______
a) solitary
b) prehistoric
c) overcome
d) territory
solitary – adjective –
living, being, or
going alone
______ artists sometimes made cave
paintings to tell a story.
a) investigates
b) nutrients
c) solitary
d) prehistoric
prehistoric – adjective –
belonging to a time
before people
started recording
The team was able to _____ losing
the lead to go on to win the game.
a) nutrients
b) solitary
c) prehistoric
d) overcome
overcome – verb – to
get the better of,
beat or conquer
My brother’s _______ for selling
medical office supplies is in North
a) prehistoric
b) overcome
c) territory
d) communication
territory – noun – any
large area of land;
Some forms of _______ do not
require speech.
a) overcome
b) territory
c) communication
d) astronomer
communication – noun –
an exchange or
sharing of feelings,
thoughts, or
Susan Ging Lent Production
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