FIFTY YEARS & MORE OF HOVERCRAFT DEVELOPMENT SNAME and IHS Dinner Meeting 11 MAY 2011 DAVID R. LAVIS BAND LAVIS DIVISION OF CDI MARINE CONTENTS OF PRESENTATION EARLY ENDEAVORS RAPID EXPANSION MAJOR CHALLENGES MOST SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS MANY ACV & SES PHOTOS & VIDEOS RECENT DEVELOPMENTS CUSHION SEALS PROPULSION MANEUVERING CONTROL DESIGN SOFTWARE SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS & THE WAY AHEAD EARLY ENDEAVORS 1936 – Grandpa Lavis stumbles onto the idea of Amphibious Assault WELL, MY GRANDPA DID RUN A BOAT BUILDING BUSINESS EARLY ENDEAVORS SR-N1 in 1959 RINA PAPER LISTS 30 INVENTORS WITH PATENTS PRIOR TO 1953. AT LEAST 12 OTHERS DID NOT FILE PATENTS. 8 PATENTS FEATURED FLEXIBLE SKIRTS BEFORE SR-N1 CROSSED THE ENGLISH CHANNEL WITHOUT A SKIRT IN 1959. Date of Patent 1716 1876 1877 1880 1882 1888 1889 1897 1902 1906 1907 1908 1908 1909 1912 1913 1916 1921 1922 1922 1925 1927 1928 1928 1935 1935 Name and Location Swedenborg, E., Sweden Ward, J., San Francisco, USA Sir John Thornycroft, UK Girard, L., France De Laval, G., Sweden Walker, J., Texas, USA Barre, M.C.A., France Culbertson, USA Therye, C., France Schroeder, F.W., Germany (British Patent) Clark, J., USA Worthington, C., USA Porter, J.R., UK Wunderlich, A., Germany Alcock, A.U., Perth, Australia Eells, A.F., USA Von Thomamhul, D.M., Austria Gambin, M.A., France Breguet, L., Paris, France Trask, F.G., North Dakota, USA Casey, V.F., Minneapolis, USA Tsiolkovski, K.E., Russia Nicin, V., Dresden, Germany Warner, D.K., Sarasota, USA Birrard, J., France Kaario, T.J., Finland Subject Plenum Craft Illustration Plenum Machine Idea Air Lubricated Hull Rail Car Air Lubricated Hull Air Lubricated Hull Idea Rail Car Sidewall Craft Idea Rail Car Air Lubricated Hull Design Craft With Annular Ducts Rail Car With Flexible Seals Annular Jet Craft With Flexible Skirt Plenum Craft Levapad Craft Rail Car Air Lubricated Torpedo Boat Date of Patent 1939 1942 1944 1952 1954 1955 1955 1955 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 Sidewall Craft Plenum Craft With Flexible Seals Rail Car 1959 Air Lubricated Hull With Air Recirculation Rail Car Plenum Car Giving Reduced Wheel Load 1960 1960 Sidewall Craft with Spring-Loaded Rigid Seals Sidewall Craft Design Plenum/Ram Wing Craft 1960 1959 1960 1962 1962 Name and Location Courant, France Cristadoro, C.C., Venice, CA, USA Brian, W.S. & Birk, F.J., Owensboro, KY, USA Bondat, A.J., France Seck, W.G., Canton, Ohio, USA De Lima, R.A., Brazil Cockerell, C., UK Roe, A.V., Canada Beardsley, M.W., Severna Park, MD, USA Weiland, C., Switzerland Bertin, M., France Jay, D.J. & Pelthman, H.W., USA Latimer, C.H., Needham, UK Petersen, T.K. & Smith, P.L., Tulsa, OK, USA Gaska, C.W., Michigan, USA Vaughen, J.F., Irving, Texas, USA Ford, A., USA Hurley, R.T. & Agni, E.S., USA Mackie, H.A. & Veryzer, R.W., USA McCreary, N.B., Arkansas, USA Lewis, N.W., USA Bliss, D.S., of HDL, UK Subject Sidewall Craft with Mechanical End Seals Sidewall Craft With Flexible End Seals Sidewall Craft Snow Skis With Multi-Plenum Air Cushions Hovering Vacuum Cleaner by Hoover Co. Peripheral Jet and Aircraft Landing Gear Peripheral Jet and Sidewall Craft Peripheral Jet Craft Craft With Peripheral Jet & Membrane Sheet Craft With Labyrinth Seal Craft With Multi-Cell Plenum Skirt Craft With Multi-Plenum Craft With Flexible Skirt Cargo Handling Conveyor Craft With Flexible Skirt Hover Pallet With Flexible Seals High-Speed Sidewall SES Sidewall Craft Wheel Barrow With Flexible Skirt Plenum Craft With Flexible Skirt Craft With Finger Skirt - Vertical Craft With Finger Skirt - Inclined CRAFT WITH FLEXIBLE SKIRT BY PORTER, UK, 1908 FABRIC SKIRT FLEXIBLE END SEALS BY BREGUET, FRANCE, 1922 FLEXIBLE END SEALS AND CUSHION DIVIDER BY CRISTADORO, USA, 1942 Transverse Seal Air Supply Fans AVRO PROJECT-Y, FLYING SAUCER (1952 to 1962, CANADA) Click for web source Click for web source CURTIS-WRIGHT MODEL 2500 AIR CAR (USA) Operated in 1959 with 8-inch Flexible Skirt Click for Web Source EARLY ENDEAVORS (Contd.) 1952 – 1960 ACV (GEM) DEVELOPMENT CANADA (AV ROE); UK (Cockerell), USA (CURTIS-WRIGHT, GM, FORD, CONVAIR, MARTIN, BELL, GD, H. Chaplin, Beardsley, Bertelsen) 1960 – HIGH-SPEED SES DEVELOPMENT USA NADC (A. Ford) & UK HDL (Cockerell) 1960 – 1970 RAPID EXPANSION UK, USA, CANADA, SWEDEN, NORWAY, FRANCE, JAPAN, RUSSIA, CHINA, AUSTRALIA TECHNOLOGY PROGRESSION 1959 UK UK 1980 USA 1963 USA 2004 FINLAND THE PRINCIPAL CHALLENGES HIGH COST (LOW EFFICIENCY) PROPULSION LOW RELIABILITY OF HIGH-POWERED SYSTEMS NEED TO REDUCE AIRBORNE NOISE PERFORMANCE SENSITIVE TO WEIGHT GROWTH TWO ADDITIONAL SYSTEMS (SKIRTS + AIR SUPPLY) SKIRT MAINTENANCE (MINIMIZED BY GOOD DESIGN) SPEED LOSS IN A SEAWAY CHALLENGING MANEUVERABILITY SAFETY (HIGH-SPEED NAVIGATION) SOME OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS 1962 to 1977 HDL Bag-Finger Skirt (ACV & SES) – 1962 Denny D-2 GRP Hulls (SES) – 1962 Airscrew-Weyroc Centrifugal Fans (ACV & SES) – 1962 SRN-Series Integrated Lift & Propulsion (ACV & SES) – 1962 SRN-Series Integrated Maneuvering Controls (ACV) – 1962 US Navy XR-Series of Experimental SES – 1962-85 Bell Skimmer Shrouded Propellers (ACV) – 1964 Aerojet General Application of Water Jet Propulsion (SES) – 1966 Aerojet General Ride Control (SES) – 1966 Aerojet 100A, Bell 100B and Rohr 3KSES Programs – 1967-79 Hovermarine GRP Hull Mass Production (SES) – 1968 Aerojet All-Welded Aluminum AALC JEFF(A) (ACV & SES) – 1977 Bell AALC JEFF(B) Controllable Bow Thrusters (ACV) – 1977 SOME OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS 1978 to 2008 BHC Low-Pressure Responsive Skirts (ACV) – 1978 Bell BH-110 Medium Displacement Sidehulls (SES) – 1978 BLA Whole-Craft Design Synthesis Tools (ACV & SES) – 1978 BHC/HW Air-Cooled Diesel, Auto-Welded Structure for AP.1-88 (ACV) – 1982 Griffon Hovercraft Ltd starts World’s Largest Range of ACVs – 1982 LCAC Erosion Protected Propeller and Fan Blades (ACV) – 1984 Brodrene Aa Cored Composite Structures (SES) – 1986 BLA Compact Axial-Flow Water Jets (SES) – 1988 ABS Hovercraft Ltd M-10 with Advanced Composites (ACV) – 1994 BLA Deep Skirt (ACV) – 1995 BLA Wake-Adapted Shrouded Airscrews (ACV) – 2003 Japan’s Ogasawara 460-ft Techno-Superliner (SES) – 2005 Russia’s Murena E-Class Landing Craft (ACV) – 2005 IMAA Partial Air Cushion Catamaran, PACSCAT (SES) – 2008 VA1, 1960 (UK) CC 1 AND 2, 1960 & 1961 (UK) CC 2, 1961 (UK) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. SR-N2, 1961 (UK) First Integrated Lift & Propulsion & Maneuvering Control System VICKERS VA-2, 1961 (UK) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. VA3, 1962 (UK) First ACV Passenger Ferry SR-N3, 1963 (UK) BELL SKMR-1, 1963 (USA) First ACV with Shrouded Props BELL SKMR-1 (USA) HD1, 1963 (UK) With Inclined Finger Skirt QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. SR-N6 AND SR-N5, 1965 & 1964 (UK) SR-N5, 1964 (UK) With Peripheral Jet Skirt QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. BHC SR-N4, 1968 (UK) With Bag-Finger Skirt QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. BHC SR-N4, 1968 (UK) QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. BHC BH-7, 1969 (UK) BELL LACV-30, 1969 (USA/CANADA) Modular Construction for Transportability JEFF(A), 1977 (USA) First ACV with Welded Aluminum Structure JEFF(B), 1977 (USA) First ACV with Rotatable Bow Thrusters BHC AP-188, 1982 (UK) Air-Cooled Diesel-Powered and Auto-Welded Aluminum Structure LCAC, 1984 (USA) GRIFFON-HOVERWORK 4000 TD (UK) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. POMORNIK, 1986 (ZUBR-CLASS USSR) Click for Web Site ABS M-10, 1994 (UK) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. DASH 400, 1998 (UK) DENNY D1 SES, 1961 (UK) DENNY D2 SES, 1962 (UK) First SES Passenger Ferry and First of GRP HD1 CONVERTED TO SES, 1963 (UK) US NAVY XR-1 SES, 1963 (USA) First High-Speed SES US NAVY XR-1D SES, 1974 (USA) US NAVY XR-3 SES, 1967 (USA) HM2 SES, 1968 (UK) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. HM2 BELL SES 100B, 1972 AEROJET SES 100A, 1972 (USA) 3KSES (USA) US NAVY XR-5 SES, 1973 (USA) BELL-HALTER BH-110 SES, 1978 (USA) First Commercial SES in USA SES-200, 1982 (USA) CIRR 120P SES, 1987 (NORWAY) First Cored FRP SES QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. DERGACH SES, 1987 (USSR) Largest Military SES CORSAIR SES,1989 (GERMANY) Modular Construction including MTU Diesels Suspended in Modules from the Overhead AGNES 200 SES, 1990 (FRANCE) AGNES 200 SES, 1990 (FRANCE) QuickTime™ and a BMP decompressor are needed to see this picture. SMYGE SES, 1991 (SWEDEN) OKSOY & ALTA-CLASS, 1993 (NORWAY) Mine Hunters and Sweepers OKSOY SES, 1993 (NORWAY) P960 SES, 1997 (NORWAY) 55-knot Skjold Military Patrol SES IMAA 1/3rd -Scale FLC Manned Model (UK) Partial Air Cushion Catamaran, PACSCAT (SES) Operating at High Speed in Scale SS4 Head Seas PACSCAT 2010 (UK) Click for Web Source JAPAN’S TSL-A140 OGASAWARA SES, 2005 Largest Fast Ferry of any kind MORE RECENT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS CUSHION SEALS PROPULSION MANEUVERING CONTROL DESIGN SOFTWARE SKIRT SYSTEMS Cross-Section of JEFF Craft Skirts SIDE SKIRT BOW SKIRT DEEP SKIRT DESIGN DEEP SKIRT DESIGN Subjected to Extensive Sub-Scale Test Prior to Committing to Full-Scale Prototyping QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. NOT ALL IS GOOD Material Delamination after 100 operating hours on the prototype skirt. Issue also showed up on the Canadian Coast Guard AP.1-88/400 and the Hoverspeed SR.N4 MKIII. All three craft used the same natural rubber material. Suspected that Fatigue was the Primary Failure Mode. NOT ALL IS GOOD FEA analysis of an inflated finger indicated Stress Concentrations and areas of Large Deformations. Stress Map Deflection Map THINGS GET BETTER FEA analysis indicated that a modification of the Design & Lofting Process would correct this. Deflection Map before Modification Deflection Map after Modification SECOND & THIRD GENERATION DESIGNS QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. 2nd Generation T-2000 Skirt had 440+ hours on original bow and side fingers. Stern corner and stern fingers replaced after approximately 300 hours. SECOND & THIRD GENERATION DESIGNS Head-Sea Operation in Sea-State 3 . Believe that Additional Performance Improvements are Possible THE OVERALL POWERING CHALLENGE Diminishing Transport Efficiency with Speed 1,000.0 THE POWERING CHALLENGE WV P Monohull Catamaran SWATH IOWA Monohull Circle Q 100.0 Hydrofoil-Foil RV Triton Trimaran SES Austal III MEF Cat W.V P InCat 050 HSV-X1 ACV Bazan B60 Cat HydroPlane KNM Skjold SES 10.0 Stena HSS 1500 SemiSWATH Aker T2000 ACV Offshore Racer Monohull InCat Jervis Bay VISBY MonoHull Jetfoil Hydrofoil 1.0 Miss Budweiser HydroPlane SPEED (VOLUMETRIC FROUDE NUMBER) Circle K JGH 0.1 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 TODAY’S SOLUTIONS 70-kt ACV QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. 1,000.0 QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Monohull WV 40-ktPSEMI-SWATH 100.0 40-kt SEMI-SWATH 70-kt ACV Catamaran 100-ktSWATH OFFSHORE RACERS Hydrofoil-Foil IOWA Monohull RV Triton Trimaran SES Austal III MEF Cat InCat 050 HSV-X1 Bazan B60 Cat QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. 10.0 ACV KNM Skjold SES Stena HSS 1500 SemiSWATH Aker T2000 ACV Offshore Racer Monohull InCat Jervis Bay VISBY MonoHull 1.0 55-kt SES Jetfoil Hydrofoil Miss Budweiser HydroPlane 170+-kt HYDROPLANES QuickTime™ and a Microsof t V ideo 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. JGH QuickTime™ and a Microsof t Video 1 decompressor are needed to see this picture. 0.1 0.1 HydroPlane 1.0 10.0 Speed (Volumetric Froude Number) 100.0 DUCTED PROPULSORS Typically, designs are developed for free-stream conditions. Ignores Installation Effects. Full-scale trials experience indicates that these designs typically produce Significantly Less Thrust than expected. TOOL VERIFICATION LCAC CFX Computational Model LCAC propulsor analyzed prior to starting new design. Checked against known performance. Results compared favorably. CFX for LCAC at 25 knots (Midway Station 7’6”) AIR FLOW INTO PROPULSOR View from Bow View from Aft Leading Edge of Shroud BOW THRUSTER NOZZLES Bow Thrusters are used on many modern ACV’s Enhance Maneuverability Augment Thrust from Main Propulsors Provide Some Redundancy to Main Propulsors BOW THRUSTER NOZZLES Typical Bow Thruster Nozzle Easy to Manufacture Aerodynamically Inefficient Easy Bend versus Hard Bend Large Over-Turning Moment on Bearing BOW THRUSTER NOZZLES Low-Profile Bow Thruster Aerodynamically Efficient Cascade Significant Reduction in “Over-Turning” Moment on Bearing Reduced Visual & Radar Signature Complex to Manufacture Full-Scale Trials Verified Aerodynamic Efficiency ACV DESIGN TOOL Designing With Respect to Cost SUMMARY & THE WAY AHEAD NEW SKIRT Lower drag, reduced powering, more reliable, less cost. Extra depth, improved seakeeping /overland operations. NEW LIFT FANS Higher efficiency, more compact & quieter. NEW PROPULSORS Higher power absorption, more efficient. NEW BOW THRUSTERS More efficient, less vulnerable, reduced loading. NEW SES Lower cost, more reliable PACSCAT solution. ACV & SES DESIGN & ASSESSMENT TOOL Reduced cost, easier to assess technology options. Easier to assess cost impact of operational requirements. WHAT’S LEFT Lighter weight systems, better skirt material, stability, ride, collision avoidance, less noise, improved RMA & lower cost. Questions?