Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences Department of Biology Division of Cellular and Molecular Biology Prostate Cancer Epithelial Cells and The Changes That Take Place During Their Malignant Transformation PhD Student – Liana Ramishvili Scientific supervisor - Prof. N. Kotrikadze Normal Epithelial Cells of Prostate Partial Activity of Krebs Cycle Mitochondria Low level of Respiration and Terminal Oxidation Low Levels of Reactive oxygen Species (ROS) Energetically Inefficient Can only produce small amount of Electorns Malignant transformation of Epithelial Cells of Prostate Krebs Cycle Functions Properly Mitochondria Incresed production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Increased electons Flow to the Electon transport Chain Intensification of Freeradical Processes Increased rate of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Mitochondrial Defects The Goal of the Work To study the metabolic changes that take place in prostate epithelial cells during their malignant transformation. Tasks: • To study of prostate tumor tissue by fluorescence spectroscopy. • To study the mitochondrial defects (respiratory chain enzymes and gluthatione dependent system) in epithelial cells of prostate tumor. Object of investigation: Tumour tissue of patients with prostate tumours: - Prostate benign hyperplasia; - Prostate benign hyperplasia with PING(3-4) regions; - Prostate Cancer. Method of Investigation: Laser induced Fluorescence Spectroscopic Methods A B D C Histo-morphological pictures of Prostate Tumours. A. Controle group B Benign Hyperplasia C. Benign Hyperplasia with PIN regions D. Prostate adenocarcinoma wyar o Light source T eT r i si naT l i s L1 L2 IBM DataPC: mo nac emT a collection Segr o vebaand da processing d amuSaveba F -l az er i NN2 Laser 2 Laser Canceroscope Consists of 4 blocks : •Lights Source block; Ar+ - l az er i •Sample block Ch •Registration block 2 YAG: Nd3+ l az er i 3 4 FM CCD speqt r o met er i registration ni muSebi s sad gami Sample •Data collecting and processing block. PM Excitation was carried out by N2 laser: =337nm wavelength. Recording of Spectra was carried out in the 300500 nm wavelength region. The Study of Prostate Tumour tissue by Laser induced Fluorescence 440-460nm (I=0,48) 390-400nm (I=0,38) λ (nm) Tumour tissue fluorescence spectrum of men with prostate benign hyperplasia 440-460nm (I=0,9) 400-410nm (I-=0,65) λ (nm) Tumour tissue fluorescence spectrum of men with prostate benign hyperplasia with PING (3-4) regions 460-470nm (I=0,8) 400-410nm (I=0,45) λ (nm) Tumour tissue fluorescence spectrum of men with prostate adenocarcinoma 440-460nm (I=0,9) 400-410nm (I-=0,65) Benign tumour Benign tumour with PING(3-4) regions 440-460nm (I=0,48) 390-400nm (I=0,38) λ (nm) 460-470nm (I=0,8) λ (nm) 400-410nm (I=0,45) Prostate Cancer 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 The Changes of NADH Fluorescennce peaks intensities tumor tissue of prostate (440-460 nm) 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. Conclusion • Sharply Increased intensity of the Nicotinamide Coenzymes peak (440-460 nm) in benign prostate tumor with PING3-4 regions and in prostate adenocarcinoma compared with benign tumor tissue spectra, reflects the type of metabolism that is typical to prostate malignant tumor cells. The Study of Mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes (complex II and Complex IV ) The Activity of Succinatedehydrogenase 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. The sharp increase in SD activity presumably indicates on the enhanced electrons flow in respiratory chain of mitochondria. The Activity of Cytochromeoxidase 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. The insignificant changes in COX activity presumably indicates on the low level of terminal oxidation. Thus, - Sharp increase of the activity of SDH (complex II); - Insignificant changes of COX (complex IV) activity ; These changes Presumably indicates to activation of Krebs cycle in mitochondria and increase of electrons flow in respiration chain on the one hand, and to impairment of the terminal oxidation of oxygen, on the other. Epithelial Cells of Prostate malignant Tissue (PIN G3-4,, Cap) General scheme of energy metabolism Possible alterations in mitochondria of epithelial cells of prostate malignant tissue (BHP with PIN G3-4,regions, CaP). Krebs Cycle activation m-aconitase oxidates Citrate Isocitrate GSH Enhanced production Isocitrate Dehydrogenase NADP+ H2O + O2 O2 - activates NADHDehydrogenase (I complex) O2 Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Glutathione peroxidase Glutathione reductase NADPH GSSG H2O2 Ubiquinone/Cytochromeb (III complex) Cytochrome Oxidase (COX) (II complex) (IV complex) Enhanced Electron transfer Reduced Electron transfer 2H´+ 1/2O2 H20 Glutathione-dependent Enzymes : Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px); Glutathione reductase (GR); Reduced Glutathione (GSH). The Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 11 2 2 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. 33 The Activity of Glutathione Reductase 0,035 0,03 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 1 2 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. 3 The Amount of Reduced Glutathione 1- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia; 2- Prostate Benign Hyperplasia with PING3-4 regions; 3- Prostate Cancer. Thus, sharp activation of mitochondrial antioxidant system, (GSH-Px, GR) revealed in BHP with PING(3-4) regions and malignant tumor epithelial cells, indicates to intensification of defensive abilities of tumor cells. (to withstand switching of the mitochondrial way of apoptosis, induced by free radicals). Conclusions: Thus, stimulation of the activity of SDH and retention of COX activity in epithelial cells of prostate malignant tissue may be responsible for sharp activation of isocitrate dehydrogenase and correspondingly, for significant accumulation of NADP(H). Laser Induced Fluorescence spectra have shown the incresead intensity of NADP(H) peak in case of malignant tumor tissue that corresponds with investigations in Mitochondria of tumor epithelial cells. Accumulation of NADP(H). may stipulate a sharp activation of the glutathione-depended system, which was proved by our investigations. Activation of the GSH-dependent system (GSH-Px, GR) presumably would be responsible for resistance of cancer cells against the oxidative stress. Changes in the activity of enzymes of the II and IV complexes of mitochondrial respiration chain and antioxidant system, in case of prostate malignant trabsformation, are reflection of specific metabolic changes in mitochondria. All the Above mentioned indicates to resistance of prostate malignant cells and correspondingly, to intensification of proliferation processes. Epithelial Cells of Prostate malignant Tissue (PIN G3-4,, Cap) General scheme of energy metabolism Possible alterations in mitochondria of epithelial cells of prostate malignant tissue (BHP with PIN G3-4,regions, CaP). Krebs Cycle activation m-aconitase oxidates Citrate Isocitrate GSH Enhanced production Isocitrate Dehydrogenase NADP+ H2O + O2 O2 - activates NADHDehydrogenase (I complex) O2 Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Glutathione peroxidase Glutathione reductase NADPH GSSG H2O2 Ubiquinone/Cytochromeb (III complex) Cytochrome Oxidase (COX) (II complex) (IV complex) Enhanced Electron transfer Reduced Electron transfer 2H´+ 1/2O2 H20 Thank you for attention prostatis keTilTvisebiani simsivne viTardeba prostatis kranialur nawilSi ZiriTadad periureTraluri jirkvlebidan PIN ubnebiani keTilTvisebiani da avTvisebiani simsivneebi (ukana kaudalur nawilSi) mTavari samozne jirkvlovani epiTeliumis sekretoruli ujredebia winamdebare jirkvlis lokalizacia da zonaluri anatomia CZ – centraluri zona; PZ – periferiuli zona; TZ – gardamavali zona prostatis epiTeliumSi arCeven bazalur, sekretorul da parakrinul-endokrinul ujredebs prostatis keTilTvisebiani hiperplazia prostatis adenokarcinoma