Conservation Coaches Network Workshop Presentation 2A. Develop a Formal Action Plan: Goals and Objectives Adaptive Management Workshop Presentations 1A-1B. Team, Scope, Vision 1B. Conservation Targets 1B. Viability Assessment 2A-1. Strategy Selection 2A-2. Results Chains 2A-3. Goals and Objectives 1C. Threat Rating 1D. Conceptual Models 2B. Monitoring Plan Plan Your Actions & Monitoring Goals & Objectives This Presentation • • • • • Goals & Objectives What is a goal? How to define goals What are objectives? How to define objectives How to determine if strategies (with results chains and objectives) are sufficient to achieve goals What is a Goal? Goals & Objectives Goal: A formal statement detailing a desired impact of a project, such as the desired future status of a target. Criteria for Goals Goals & Objectives A Good Goal Meets the Criteria: Linked to targets: Directly associated with one or more of your conservation targets. Should be phrased in terms of the Key Ecological Attribute(s) of the target that you are trying to conserve Size – Geographic extent (ecosystem or habitat); Abundance &/or demographics of the population/community (species) Condition – Composition, structure, & biotic interactions Landscape Context – Landscape-scale ecological processes, adjacency and connectivity Criteria for Goals Goals & Objectives Impact oriented: Represents the desired future status of the conservation target over the longterm. A preview of Results Chains: Criteria for Goals Goals & Objectives Time Limited: Achievable within a specific period of time, generally 10 or more years. Measurable: Definable in relation to some standard scale (numbers, percentage, fractions, or all/nothing states). Specific: Clearly defined so that all people involved in the project have the same understanding of what the terms in the goal mean. This Presentation • • • • • Goals & Objectives What is a goal? How to define goals What are objectives? How to define objectives How to determine if strategies (with results chains and objectives) are sufficient to achieve goals How to Define Goals Goals & Objectives 1. Choose a conservation target 2. Select key ecological attributes of the target to represent in the goal 3. Write a draft description of the future desired condition of the target 4. Apply criteria 5. Modify the goal as needed 6. Analyze whether all relevant strategies / results chains should be sufficient to achieve the goal Our Example – Swan Coastal Plain Wetlands Adapted from WWF Australia’s WetlandsWatch Project Goals & Objectives 1. Choose a Conservation Target Seasonally Flooded Wetlands Goals & Objectives 2. Select Key Ecological Attributes of the Target to Represent in the Goal Goals & Objectives From the Viability Assessment… Indicator Ratings Target Seasonally flooded wetlands Category KEA Indicator Poor Fair Good Very Good Size Area of seasonally flooded wetlands # of hectares <1,000 ha. 1,000 – 2,000 ha. 2,001 – 3,000 ha. >3,000 ha. 2. Select Key Ecological Attributes of the Target to Represent in the Goal Goals & Objectives From the Viability Assessment… Indicator Ratings Target Seasonally flooded wetlands Category Landscape Context KEA Water level fluctuations Indicator Hydroperiod Poor Fair Good 12+ weeks <12 weeks fully fully flooded flooded and/or 17+ and ≤16 weeks weeks completely completely dry dry Very Good 2. Select Key Ecological Attributes of the Target to Represent in the Goal • Target: Seasonally flooded wetlands • Key Ecological Attributes: – Area – Water level fluctuations Goals & Objectives 3. Write a Draft Goal Goals & Objectives • Target: Seasonally flooded wetlands • Key Ecological Attributes: – Area – Water level fluctuations • Draft Goal: By 2025, the area of seasonally flooded wetlands are restored to historic levels Goals & Objectives 4. Apply Criteria • Target: Seasonally flooded wetlands • Key Ecological Attributes: – Area – Water level fluctuations • Draft Goal: By 2025, the area of seasonally flooded wetlands are restored to historic levels • Criteria: – – – – – Linked to target? Impact-oriented? Time-bound? Specific? Measurable? 5. Modify the Goal as Needed • Target: Seasonally flooded wetlands • Key Ecological Attributes: – Area – Water level fluctuations • Draft Goal: By 2025, the area of seasonally flooded wetlands are restored to historic levels Goals & Objectives • Criteria: – – – – – Linked to target? Impact-oriented? Time-bound? Specific? Measurable? Modified Goal: 5. Modify the Goal as Needed • Target: Seasonally flooded wetlands • Key Ecological Attributes: – Area – Water level fluctuations • Draft Goal: By 2025, the area of seasonally flooded wetlands are restored to historic levels Goals & Objectives • Criteria: – – – – – Linked to target? Impact-oriented? Time-bound? Specific? Measurable? Modified Goal: By 2025, there are at least 2,100 ha. of seasonally flooded wetlands with good annual water level fluctuations and representative native species. Final Goal Goals & Objectives • By 2025, at least 2,100 ha of high conservation value* wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain maintain a “good” hydroperiod** and contain viable populations of key native flora and fauna, as listed by the Department of Environment and Conservation. * High conservation value wetlands = wetlands assigned ‘Conservation’ management category by the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia. ** “Good” hydroperiod is defined as 12-16 weeks in fully flooded condition and no more than 16 weeks in completely dry condition (no standing water) Goals in Miradi Goals & Objectives Goals & Objectives Example of a Goal Goal: By 2025, ensure “Good” base flows in summer (Aug-Oct) so that no sections of river go dry (~50 to 75 CFS in dry years) Key Attribute = Hydrologic regime Conservation Target Enter # of Target Category 6 Great Basin Riverine Landscape Aquatic System Context Key Attribute Bold = Current Indicator Ratings Indicator hydrological Base flow regime Poor No base flow in summer Fair Low base flow in summer (including drying up in sections) Good Italics = Desired Current Rating Very Good Moderate High base base flow in flow in summer (no summer sections go dry) Fair Careful…A Goal is NOT a Threat Reduction Objective Goals & Objectives Conservation target: Seasonally flooded wetlands Goal: By 2025…high conservation value* wetlands… Threat to target: Clearing for residential development and infrastructure Threat reduction objective: Beginning in 2012, there is no further clearing of high conservation value wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain. Example Goal Goals & Objectives • Target: Coral Reefs • Goal: By 2025, at least 80% of the coral reef habitat in the northern bioregion will have live coral coverage of at least 20% and will contain healthy populations of key species* * Healthy populations of species at the top of the food chain, such as sharks, and an abundance of other key species, such as parrot fish and spiny lobster. Whether a population is “healthy” will be based on the latest scientific understanding. See viability assessment for population numbers for different species. Example Goal Goals & Objectives • Target: Montane forest (in Eastern Arcs) • Goal: By 2017, 100% of remaining montane forest* is effectively conserved** and connectivity among major forest patches*** is created. * Based on baseline data from 1999 -2003 (total is around 2,000,529 ha) ** Effectively conserved = Intact tree canopy with full set of species including representative endemic species *** Ulugurus (Bunduki, Kitumbaku Hills), East Usambaras (Derema, Nilo-Kambai/Segoma), Udzungwa (Scarp to Matundu/Iyonde) Which of the Following Comply with the Criteria for a Good Goal? Goals & Objectives • In 10 years, eliminate mangrove harvesting in all of Ban Don Bay, Thailand. • By 2022, more than 80 pairs of quetzales will successfully nest and reproduce each year in the Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve. • Within 12 years of the start of the project, Katani Nature Preserve will serve as an effective ecological corridor for tigers traveling between Karimara and Sulaken National Parks. • By 2015, the population of Golden Lion Tamarins has increased. This Presentation • • • • • Goals & Objectives What is a goal? How to define goals What are objectives? How to define objectives How to determine if strategies (with results chains and objectives) are sufficient to achieve goals Develop Your Goals & Objectives Objectives Objective: A formal statement detailing a desired outcome of a project such as reducing a critical threat. A good objective should meet the following criteria: Outcome Oriented: Specifies necessary changes in critical threats and other factors that affect one or more project goals What Does Outcome Oriented Mean? A basic results chain: Goals & Objectives Develop Your Goals & Objectives Objectives Specific: Clearly defined so that all people involved in the project have the same understanding of what the terms in the objective mean. Measurable: Definable in relation to some standard scale (numbers, percentage, fractions, or all/nothing states). Time Limited: Achievable within a specific period of time. (Necessarily less than the timeframe of the associated goal.) Practical: Achievable and appropriate within the context of the project. This Presentation • • • • • Goals & Objectives What is a goal? How to define goals What are objectives? How to define objectives How to determine if strategies (with results chains and objectives) are sufficient to achieve goals How Do You Write a Good Goals & Objectives Objective? 1. Select a result in your results chain where you want an objective Landowners implement best mgmt practices 2. Write a draft objective for that result Draft 1: “More landowners are implementing BMPs on their properties” 3. Apply the criteria to modify and refine your draft objective - Outcome oriented - Measureable - Practical - Specific - Time limited How Do You Write a Good Goals & Objectives Objective? 3. Apply the criteria to modify and refine your draft objective Draft 2: “By 2022, at least 75% of landowners are implementing BMPs on their properties” Draft 3: “By 2022, at least 75% of those landowners informed about best management practices are implementing at least two BMPs on their properties” Develop Your OBJ. B: By 2011, there are no more than 10 infractions issued annually against landowners in the Swan Coastal Plain for illegal clearing of vegetation OBJ. A: By 2013, none of the landowners in the Swan Coastal Plain are creating fire breaks as part of their vegetation management regime Goals & Objectives Objectives OBJ. C1: By 2015 and thereafter, no new invasive plant species are detected in the EucalyptusMelaleuca woodlands and seasonally flooded wetlands OBJ. C2: By 2015 and thereafter, at least 90% of EucalyptusMelaleuca woodlands and 75% of the seasonally-flooded wetlands remain invasives-free Objectives in Miradi Goals & Objectives Which of These Comply Goals & with the Criteria for a Good Objectives Objective? • By 2010, no water concessions are granted in identified critical grasslands and associated wetlands. • Promote community wellbeing and health in the area surrounding the Indah Biosphere Reserve. • To establish a sustainable enterprise-based conservation and development project that meets the needs of local people while protecting biodiversity in the region surrounding Indah Biosphere Reserve. • By the end of the project, annual household income for all families participating in non-timber forest product harvesting enterprises has increased by at least 20%. Real World Examples of Objectives OBJ. A1: At least once/year starting in 2008, SLOSEA provides a synthesis of pollutant data to public and policy makers OBJ. A2: By 2011, permits for NPDES include limits for nonylphenol Goals & Objectives OBJ. A4: During next cycle, stormwater plans are updated to reflect findings from the pollutant monitoring strategy OBJ. HF2: By 2012, at least 80% of samples over entire scope meet updated State and Federal water quality standards of nitrates, nonylphenols, and other potential pollutants Adapted from SLOSEA 2008, Morro Bay, California Real World Examples of Objectives Goals & Objectives OBJ.: By 2012, 60% of American population understands the need for ecological fire management (including rxfire, thinning, letting natural fires burn) OBJ.: By 2015 Congress and agency leadership allocate $705 million/year for restoration of fire-adapted ecosystems Adapted from TNC Global Fire Initiative 2008, USA OBJ.: By 2015, 2.78 million acres in WUI treated annually by federal agencies This Presentation • • • • • Goals & Objectives What is a goal? How to define goals What are objectives? How to define objectives How to determine if strategies (with results chains and objectives) are sufficient to achieve goals Determining If Strategies Are Sufficient to Achieve Goal Goals & Objectives • Build a high-level results chain including: – – – – – A target and its goal(s) All relevant threat reduction results Viability results (optional) All relevant strategies For each strategy, 1-2 major intermediate results • Analyze whether all strategies, with their associated major results / objectives, will be sufficient to achieve the goal Determining If Strategies Are Sufficient to Achieve Goal Viability results (optional) are included to clarify which strategies contribute to which aspects of viability Goals & Objectives Goal: By 2025, at least 2,100 ha of high conservation value* wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain maintain a “good” hydroperiod… Determining If Strategies Are Sufficient to Achieve Goal Goals & Objectives Determining If Strategies Are Sufficient to Achieve Goal Goals & Objectives Determining If Strategies Are Sufficient to Achieve Goal Include strategies that other organizations are implementing Goals & Objectives Sufficient? Goal: By 2025, at least 2,100 ha of high conservation value* wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain maintain a “good” hydroperiod… Key Points Goals & Objectives Conservation strategies are a group of actions designed to enhance viability of a target (GOAL) and/or abate a critical threat (OBJECTIVE). Goals & Objectives – What you want to accomplish Strategies – How you are going to get there A threat reduction objective is not a goal. Objectives should be specific, measurable, time Limited, and practical. Be relatively sure that your strategies are really sufficient to achieve your objective/goal.