PROPOSED PRIORITIES FOR SCIENCE AND COLLABORATION OCTOBER 2012 TODAY Review priority identification process Discuss proposed priorities – finalize list Review and discuss current and future LCC investments Next steps Vision: A conservation community, that while governed by their unique purposes and missions, collaborates on sustaining lands and waters that support natural and cultural resources and the services they provide. Mission: To support and sustain a conservation community through information development and dissemination designed to inform coordinated conservation action. PRIORITY IDENTIFICATION PROCESS Interview Key LCC Members Identified potential LCC roles and priorities Presentation and Clarification of Findings Science, coordination, and communication roles >150 potential priorities Identification of Priority Statements Priorities condensed into ~50 statements Sorting/Ranking Priority Statements Technical Core Team sorted and ranked priority statements for Science and Coordination Technical Core Team Workshop Developed short list of 5 Science and 4 Coordination priorities as recommendations PROPOSED SCIENCE PRIORITIES Assessing terrestrial and aquatic connectivity Conservation of species at a landscape scale Climate change adaptation for fish, wildlife, and natural resources Quantifying and communicating ecosystem services Energy development and landscape change Breakdown of UMGL LCC science funding (2010 - 2012) within proposed science priorities 0% 1% Assessing terrestrial and aquatic connectivity 25% Conservation of species at a landscape scale Climate change adaptation for fish, wildlife, and natural resources 52% 22% Quantifying and communicating ecosystem services Energy development and landscape change PROPOSED COORDINATION PRIORITIES Information management, delivery, and communication Using regional assets for relating science, management, and policy Emerging conservation issues Regional conservation efforts Breakdown of UMGL LCC coordination funding (2010 2012) within proposed coordination priorities 0% Information management, delivery, and communication Using regional assets for relating science, management, and policy 40% 50% Regional conservation efforts Emerging conservation issues 10% CURRENT INVESTMENT – SCIENCE vs. COORDINATION Breakdown of UMGL LCC funding (2010 - 2012) between science and coordination 19% Science Coordination 81% NEXT STEPS – IDENTIFYING SCIENCE NEEDS Communicate UMGL LCC priorities Update website and fact sheets, press releases, etc LCC meeting/workshop? Develop objectives and expected outcomes for each priority Select framework for each priority Reorganize Technical Team – workgroups/committees by priority?