Marine Animal Life: Deep Water

Lauren Burns
November 28th, 2011
Earth Science
Bathyal Zone
 The Bathyal Zone is also known as the twilight zone, so called because
of the lack of light.
The scarcity of light does not allow any plants to grow in this part of the
ocean. It is for this reason that no deep sea creatures are plant eaters.
The creatures that live here usually have weak muscles and soft, slimy
When a fish is brought up from this zone or any of the deeper zones,
they will puff up because of the change in pressure.
This zone is the home of brittle stars, hatchet fish, and prawns.
Brittle Stars
 Brittle Stars are also
called serpent stars.
 They live up to their
name and break away
very easily when under
Hatchet Fish
 Hatchet Fish are probably some of the ocean’s strangest looking fish.
 They are usually 2.5 – 6 inches in length.
 Prawns are almost the same
animal as shrimp and the two
terms are often used
 The difference is that they
come from separate sub
orders which means their
body structures are different.
 Prawns have plate like gill
structures, longer legs and a
longer pair of second pincers.
 Shrimp have branching gills,
shorter legs, and a longer pair
of first pincers.
The Abyssal Zone
 Absolutely no light penetrates the water to the abyssal
 It is approximately 16,500 – 19, 500 ft. below the
surface of the water.
 The many of the creatures here have under slung jaws
and large eyes.
 The black swallower and the giant squid are two
interesting species that live in the abyssal zone.
The Black Swallower
 The black swallower is a small
fish sometimes called the
 The black swallower has no
scales and is 10 inches or less in
 Its body is long and slender with
a super expandable stomach and
a jaw like a snake’s which
enables it to swallow food much
larger than itself.
 Bony fish are its prey.
Giant Squid
The most well known deep sea
creature is most likely the
Giant squid.
This great animal’s stomach is
above its head and it is 40 – 60
ft. in length.
This amazing creature has
made itself famous in
adventure stories such as Moby
Dick and others.
In many fishermen’s tales, the
squid has played the role of the
“sea monster.”
Giant squid are the prey of
toothed whales.
The Hadal Zone
 The Hadal zone is the deepest zone of all.
 The depth exceeds 20,000 ft.
 There is no light in this zone, but oddly enough the
animals have eyes which are always large.
 Viperfish and giant tube worms are two conspicuous
species that live in this zone.
 Viperfish catch their prey with a
special bioluminescent organ at the
end of their dorsal spine. It is a
glowing orb that they jiggle around
to attract prey and make
communications with other
 They live about 30 – 40 years.
Giant Tube Worms
 Giant Tube worms live in the Pacific around geothermal vents. The geothermal
vents make the surrounding water extremely hot.
 Even though it seems impossible for anything to live around these vents,
scientists have found many living organisms that feed on bacteria. The
bacteria, in turn, receive their energy from chemicals in the water through a
process called “chemosynthesis.”
Giant Tube Worms cont.
 Giant tube worms have no mouth and no stomach, but
they do have bacteria inside them that produce their
 When giant tube worms hatch, they have a temporary
gut and mouth. This allows the bacteria to enter their
 When the bacteria die, the tube worm
also dies. These worms are eight feet
in length.
Food Chain
 The base of the food chain is the tiny organisms called
autotrophs(phytoplankton, zoo plankton, bacteria). There are more
autotrophs than any other living things.
 The autotrophs are eaten by the primary consumers, also called herbivores.
 The herbivores, in turn, are eaten by the secondary consumers, which are
carnivores, and omnivores.
 After the secondary consumers eat the primary consumers, they are eaten by
the tertiary consumers, which are eaten by the quaternary consumers.
 There are also two other classes, the detrivores and the decomposers. The
detrivores are the scavengers and the decomposers are bacteria and fungi,
which eat away whatever the detrivores left behind.
 Most of the deep sea animals belong to the tertiary or quaternary consumers.
Food Chain Diagram
“Creatures of the Deep Sea.” Sea and Sky Presents the Deep Sea.
“Wikipedia. ” Viperfish.
“Wikipedia.” Prawn.
“Marine Conservation Society (UK) SouthEast.” Marine Ecology Seafloor Zones.
“Wikipedia.” Pelagic Zone.
“Wikipedia.” Black Swallower.
Coffey, Jerry. “Universe Today.” Abyssal Zone.
September 28, 2010
Fenner, Bob. “AquaC.” Brittle and Basket Stars, Class Ophiuroidea.
Goodman, Benny. “New World Encyclopedia.” Benthic Zone.
“” Hatchetfish.
“” Food Chains and Food Webs “What’s for dinner?”