Symposium on Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography and Marine Biology Session 5: Fisheries, Marine protected areas, population outbrusts, biodiversity shifts An ExtendSim platform to simulate the effects of trawling on benthic communities Alba Muntadas1*, Johanna Ballé-Béganton2, Michel Lample2, Silvia de Juan1, Denis Bailly2, Dolors Blasco1, Montserrat Demestre1 1Institut de Ciències del Mar, ICM-CSIC- Barcelona; 2Université de Bretagne Occidentale, UBO- Brest * An ExtendSim platform to simulate the effects of trawling on benthic communities PLATFORM: SIMULATION OF TRAWLING EFFECTS ON BENTHIC COMMUNITIES AND EXPLOITED RESOURCES BLOCKS ● SYSTEM PRESENTATION ● METHODOLOGY ● STUDY AREAS ● SIMULATION THE SYSTEM BLOCK : SYSTEM PRESENTATION This platform is meant to be a tool to estimate the status of a community subjected to a provided fishing effort [ Find out more ...] Commercial species Management ● Trawling affects benthic communities modifying Essential Fish Habitats Effects on the resources. ● Platform goal link Fishing effort fishing – benthos – commercial species ● This platform is meant to Benthos be a useful tool for stakeholders: managers, fishermen, scientists, politicians… Dayton et al. 1995. Aquatic Conservation. 5:205-232 METHOD BLOCK : METHODOLOGY [ Find out more ...] FISHING EFFORT ESTIMATION -There are many ways to estimate fishing effort: CPUE, swept area, total length of trawl tracks.. Chosen unit: GT x days at sea/month - This information can be obtained in any area were the simulations wants to be applied Demestre et al. CIESM 2010 METHOD BLOCK : METHODOLOGY [ Find out more ...] BENTHIC COMMUNITY REPRESENTATION : THE TRAITS APPROACH ● Species composition is highly influenced by local characteristics it can mask fishing impact consequences ● SPECIES TRAITS : - Reduces the number of variables : Overcome regional differences Highlights fishing effects ● For the simulation we used simple traits easily assigned to species and directly related to trawling resistance/vulnerability de Juan, S. and Demestre, M. 2012. Ecological Indicators. 18: 183–190. METHOD BLOCK : METHODOLOGY [ Find out more ...] BENTHIC COMMUNITY REPRESENTATION : THE TRAITS APPROACH Traits used in the simulation Position Feeding Motility Size Other attributes Legend Emergent Filter feeding Sessile (attached) Large >10 cm Fragile Very resistant* Surface Deposit feeding Sedentary Medium 5-10 cm No protection Surface burrowing Predators Motile (crawlers) Small <5cm Flexible Deep burrowing Scavengers Highly motile (swimmers) Resistant* Vulnerable* Strong Regeneration Vermiform Hard shell Very vulnerable* * Vulnerability regarding to trawling STUDY AREAS BLOCK : STUDY SITES [ Find out more ...] STUDY SITES -Presentation of the data available in each study site. Community structure is presented by: ● Trait structure ● Species composition SIMULATION BLOCK : SIMULATION [ Find out more ...] ● INPUTS PRESENT FISHING EFFORT 25000 GT * days at sea/month DESIRED FISHING EFFORT 20000 GT * days at sea/month HABITAT TYPE Mud Sandy-mud Gravelly-mud Sand Sandy-gravel Maërl > 80% Mud 60-70% Mud 40-30% Sand SIMULATION BLOCK : SIMULATION [ Find out more ...] SIMULATION OUTPUT : PRESENT VS DESIRED EFFORT STRUCTURE -Total abundance PLOT -Percentage of trait categories within trait type PLOT RESET Actual status Structure at desired effort Uncertainity of the simulation SIMULATION BLOCK : SIMULATION [ Find out more ...] SIMULATION OUTPUT : PRESENT VS DESIRED EFFORT STRUCTURE Relationship between traits: - Possibility to show one selected trait against another trait PRESENT STRUCTURE STRUCTURE AT DESIRED EFFORT Size Size Scavenging Predator Feeding Deposit feeding Scavenging Small Predator Small Deposit feeding Medium Filter feeding Medium Filter feeding Large Large Feeding An ExtendSim platform to simulate the effects of trawling on benthic communities WORK STATUS ● DONE: -Epifauna and physical data collection -Platform structure ● IN PROGRESS: -Statistical basis to run the simulation -Building the graphical interface FUTURE CHALLENGES : - Include information on infaunal community - Include the link benthos – comercial species