Study-project “Endangered species”. Актуализация лексики по теме «Вымирающие Животные», совершенствование навыков монологической речи; Развитие интеллектуальных способностей; Воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности; Расширение эрудиции учащихся, лингвистического и общего кругозора; Формирование уважительного отношения к животным; Организация работы в группах; Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 2 I remember you that our conference is devoted to the topic “Endangered species”. There are many endangered species in the world. Look at these animals please, they live with us on our planet. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 3 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 4 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 5 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 6 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 7 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 8 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 9 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 10 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 11 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 12 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 13 These animals are very rare, almost extinct. Nowadays these animals have become endangered animals: their numbers is so small, that they can easily die out. Why? -because Man kills them! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 14 Our forests are disappearing because they are cutting down by . destroys animals’ habitats. Birds and animals lose their homes and die! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 15 Factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are no rivers, lakes, seas and oceans which are not used as a dump. So they poison the water. This poison kills fish, reptiles and animals. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 16 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 17 Cars and busses are polluting the air in the big cities. To pollute the air and atmosphere means to make it dirty and dangerous for animals to live in. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 18 People use a lot of washing powder. It pollutes seas, rives, lakes and oceans! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 19 Man hunters a lot! It’s wrong to kill animals, especially endangered species! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 20 Our presentations. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 21 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 22 Our pictures: Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 23 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 24 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 25 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 26 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 27 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 28 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 29 Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 30 1 Use less washing-up liquid! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 31 2 Don’t throw plastic bottles and rubbish into the water! Use rubbish bins! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 32 3 Stop dumping waste into seas, rivers, lakes and oceans! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 33 4 We should stop cutting down trees. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 34 5 Stop hunters! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 35 6 We can recycle newspapers, bottles and metal cans. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 36 If nothing is done about it rare animals, may soon become extinct! . It is a very serious and global problem in our days. Please, help the endangered species!!!!!!! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 37 Let’s sum up: We are responsible for those we share our planet with. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 38 Thank you very much! Good bye! Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 39 Методы работы: поисково–исследовательский, коммуникативный, рефлексивный, презентационный; Продукт деятельности: творческие работы учащихся, презентации учащихся; Тип проекта: учебно-познавательный; Этапы реализации проекта: I этап – подготовительный (поисково – исследовательская деятельность) II этап – основной (активное погружение в проект) III этап – заключительный(презентация на уроке английского языка) Project leader : Smirnova Marina Vladimirovna Duration of the project : 2 weeks Работу выполнили: Бондарчук Саша. Зареева Анна, Зубаткина Анна, Краснов Дима, Комарова Лера, Костенко Настя, Морозова Ира, Орлов Влад, Устинов Федя, Циприков Денис, Поддбов Никита, Постнов Аркадий, Половинкин Паша. Smirnova M.V. Study-project. 40