Texas Ecological Systems Database Project Data access at: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/land/maps/gis/tescp/index.phtml Project Goals • Increase resolution of landcover mapping for Texas • Use field data to validate project • Integrate High Plains mapping with Texas Ecological Mapping Systems Data Texas Ecological Mapping Systems Database Project Phase 6 September 2013 Phase 1 Available Now Phase LPC February 2012 Phase 2 Available Now Phase 5 September 2012 Phase 3 Available Now Phase 4 September 2011 Floyd – Motley Area Bing Maps Floyd – Motley Area EMS Products/Enduring Value • • • • • Potential natural vegetation Existing vegetation using an improved classification Improved Ecological Systems interpretations for High Plains Abiotic Site Type Data Ground truth dataset (1,000+ Points in High Plains / 10,000+ Points Statewide) • User will build their own added value: – – – – – – – Context (local, regional, statewide) Management options Conservation opportunity areas Ecological significance and risk (riverine/aquatics as well) Species habitat modeling Development of educational and interpretive materials Change detection Field Data Collected includes: •Top 3 dominant species in Tree, Shrub, Herbaceous and Succulent Strata •Percent Woody and Herbaceous Cover •Includes % Live Oak, Shrub, Tree, other Evergreen •Landcover and Mapping System •Reference photo Current Extent of Texas Ecological Mapping System Data 3-date TM Satellite Imagery (30m resolution) Environmental data (slope, aspect, elevation, solar insolation) Training data from air photos plus ground data Classify Land Cover (e.g. cold deciduous forest) Draft Mapping Targets (NatureServe Ecological Systems) Assign Information using soils, ecoregions, geology, ecological site type, hydrology (“modeling”) Create Map with Named Mapping Units (e.g. West Gulf Coastal Plain Bottomland Seasonally Flooded Forest) Provide Interpretation of Mapping Units (booklet, summary statistics by ecoregion, etc.) Design and Execute Presentation Land use data (NRCS Common Land Units) Modeling Inputs •National Agricultural Imagery Program 2010 Ortho-imagery •TPWD Generated Image Objects •Multi-date Landsat TM5 Imagery •TPWD Developed Landcover Data (12 Classes) •1:24k National Hydrologic Data •National Elevation Dataset 10m DEMs •Playa Lakes Joint Venture Probable Playa Layer •TPWD Updated Common Land Unit Data •TPWD Modified Natural Resource Conservation Service SSURGO Data Ecological Mapping Systems ID Number Ecosystem Name Mapping System Name Common Name MoRAP No. Notes: CES303.659 Central Mixed Grass Prairie Central Mixed Grass Prairie Rolling Plains: Mixed Grass Prairie 307 How far west? 77 on caprock? 77E in Canadian breaks for sure. CES302.746.9 Chihuahuan – Sonoran Desert Bottomland and Swale Grassland Desert Swale Grassland Chihuahuan Desert: Tobosa Grassland 407 CES303.725 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and LEC Escarpment and Breaks Deciduous Breaks Shrubland and Steppe Shrubland Rolling Plains: Breaks Deciduous Shrubland 2106 Use for 78B and 77E Rough Breaks ESDs and Very Shallow ESDs CES303.725 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and LEC Escarpment and Breaks Great Plains Breaks Shrubland and Steppe Canyon Rolling Plains: Breaks Canyon 2100 Use for 78B and 77E Rough Breaks ESDs and Very Shallow ESDs -- this is barren CES303.725 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and LEC Escarpment and Breaks Juniper Breaks Shrubland and Steppe Shrubland Rolling Plains: Breaks Juniper Shrubland 2105 Use for 78B and 77E Rough Breaks ESDs and Very Shallow ESDs CES303.665 Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop WGP Cliff High Plains: Cliff 3100 > 100% slope grass / barren in 77s and 78s CES303.665 Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop WGP Wooded Cliff High Plains: Wooded Cliff 3104 CES306.835 Southern Rocky Mountain PinyonJuniper SRM Pinyon-Juniper Woodland High Plains:Pinyon Juniper Woodland 11101 Southern Rocky Mountain PinyonJuniper SRM Pinyon-Juniper Shrubland High Plains:Pinyon Juniper Woodland 11105 CES303.666 Western Great Plains Closed Depressional Wetland WGP Playa Emergent Marsh High Plains: Playa Marsh 6908 CES303.666 Western Great Plains Closed Depressional Wetland WGP Playa Grassland High Plains: Playa Grassland 6907 CES303.666 Western Great Plains Closed Depressional Wetland WGP Playa Lakes High Plains: Playa Lake 6900 CES303.675 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater WGP Emergent Marsh Depressional Wetland High Plains: Depressional Marsh 3808 Marsh in Bottomland ESD's and Wet Bottomland ESD's CES303.675 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater WGP Wet Prairie Depressional Wetland High Plains: Depressional Wet Prairie 3807 CES303.675 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater WGP Wet Shrubland Depressional Wetland High Plains: Depressional Wet Shrubland 3806 >100% slope shrub / forest CES306.835 > 20% - north facing slopes in 70Bs -- CEG Forest > 20% - north facing slopes in 70Bs -- EG Shrub Grassland in Wet Bottomland ESDs Shrubs in Wet Bottomland ESDs Object Generation Steps – Raw NAIP Object Generation Steps – PCA Object Generation Steps _ PCA 10m Object Generation Steps – PCA zoom Object Generation Steps – PCA 10m zoom Object Generation Steps – ERDAS Imagine Objective Object Generation Steps _ PCA 10m and Objects Object Generation Steps _ PCA 10m and Objects zoom SSURGO Soils: •Extensive clean-up of soils •Edge match ESD across county boundaries •Make sure ESD spatial distribution makes sense SSURGO Soils Ecological Site Descriptions Before TPWD modification TPWD Modified ESDs Landcover Classes 1. Barren 2. Agriculture 3. Deciduous Woodland and Forest 4. Deciduous Shrub 5. Coniferous Evergreen Shrub 6. High Intensity Urban 7. Low Intensity Urban 8. Marsh 9. Mixed Woodland and Forest 10. Open Water 11. Dense Deciduous Shrub 12. Grassland Floyd – Motley Area Landsat Floyd – Motley Area Landcover Floyd – Motley Area Riparian Floyd – Motley Area Slope Zones Floyd – Motley Area TPWD Modified ESDs Floyd – Motley Area SSURGO Map Units Floyd – Motley Area PLJV Probable Playas Floyd – Motley Area EMS Ecological Modeling Interpretation Partial Legend of Mapped Types Code Ecosystem Name Mapping System Name Common Name 307 Central Mixedgrass Prairie Central Mixedgrass Prairie Rolling Plains: Mixed Grass Prairie 407 Chihuahuan – Sonoran Desert Bottomland and Swale Grassland Desert Swale Grassland Southwest: Tobosa Grassland 2100 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and Breaks Shrubland and Steppe LEC Escarpment and Breaks Great Plains Canyon Rolling Plains: Breaks Canyon 2105 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and Breaks Shrubland and Steppe LEC Escarpment and Breaks Juniper Shrubland Rolling Plains: Breaks Juniper Shrubland 2106 LLano Estacado Caprock Escarpment and Breaks Shrubland and Steppe LEC Escarpment and Breaks Deciduous Shrubland Rolling Plains: Breaks Deciduous Shrubland 2503 Western Great Plains Floodplain WGP Floodplain Mixed Deciduous-Evergreen Forest and Woodland High Plains: Floodplain Hardwood / Juniper Forest 2504 Western Great Plains Floodplain WGP Floodplain Deciduous Forest and Woodland High Plains: Floodplain Hardwood Forest 2505 Western Great Plains Floodplain WGP Floodplain Juniper Shrubland High Plains: Floodplain Juniper Shrubland 2506 Western Great Plains Floodplain WGP Floodplain Deciduous Shrubland High Plains: Floodplain Deciduous Shrubland 2507 Western Great Plains Floodplain WGP Floodplain Herbaceous Vegetation High Plains: Floodplain Herbaceous Vegetation 2603 Western Great Plains Wooded Draw and Ravine WGP Wooded Ravine Mixed Deciduous-Juniper Woodland High Plains: Mixed Hardwood/Juniper Wooded Ravine 2604 Western Great Plains Wooded Draw and Ravine WGP Wooded Ravine Cold Deciduous Woodland High Plains: Hardwood Wooded Ravine 2703 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Mixed Deciduous-Evergreen Forest and Woodland High Plains: Riparian Hardwood/Juniper Forest 2704 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Deciduous Forest and Woodland High Plains: Riparian Hardwood Forest 2705 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Juniper Shrubland High Plains: Riparian Juniper Shrubland 2706 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Deciduous Shrubland High Plains: Riparian Deciduous Shrubland 2707 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Herbaceous Vegetation High Plains: Riparian Herbaceous Vegetation 2717 Western Great Plains Riparian WGP Riparian Emergent Marsh High Plains: Riparian Emergent Marsh 2800 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe Active Dune High Plains: Active Sand Dunes 2805 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe WGP Sandhill Sand Sage Shrubland High Plains: Sandy Deciduous Shrubland 2806 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe WGP Sandhill Shinnery Shrubland High Plains: Sandy Shinnery Shrubland 2810 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe WGP Sandhill Sand Sage Dunelands High Plains: Sandhill Deciduous Shrub Duneland 2816 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe WGP Sandhill Shinnery Dunelands High Plains: Sandhill Shinnery Duneland 2907 Western Great Plains Shortgrass Prairie WGP Shortgrass Prairie High Plains: Shortgrass Prairie 3100 Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop WGP Cliff High Plains: Cliff 3104 Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop WGP Wooded Cliff High Plains: Wooded Cliff 3806 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater Depressional Wetland WGP Wet Shrubland High Plains: Depressional Wet Shrubland 3807 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater Depressional Wetland WGP Wet Prairie High Plains: Depressional Wet Prairie 3808 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater Depressional Wetland WGP Emergent Marsh High Plains: Depressional Marsh 3900 Western Great Plains Saline Depression Wetland WGP Saline Lakes High Plains: Saline Lake 3906 Western Great Plains Saline Depression Wetland WGP Saline Shrubland High Plains: Fourwing Saltbush Shrubland 3907 Western Great Plains Saline Depression Wetland WGP Alkali Sacaton Grassland High Plains: Alkali Sacaton Grassland Modeling Existing Vegetation Type Using Ecological Site Types (Ecoclasses) and Landcover ecoclassid ecoclassna Bottomland Riparian Slope CLUCLSCD lulc VegNum VegName R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY028TX Limy Upland 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY028TXS Limy Upland 16-21 PZ S 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY037TXLEC Very Shallow 16-21 PZ LEC 0 0 20 0 4 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 12 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY028TXS Limy Upland 16-21 PZ S 0 0 0 0 3 0 R077CY028TX Limy Upland 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 10 0 R077CY028TXS Limy Upland 16-21 PZ S 0 1 0 0 10 0 R077CY028TXS Limy Upland 16-21 PZ S 0 0 0 0 10 0 R077CY028TXS Limy Upland 16-21 PZ S 0 0 0 0 10 0 R077CY037TXLEC Very Shallow 16-21 PZ LEC 0 0 20 0 12 0 R077CY037TXLEC Very Shallow 16-21 PZ LEC 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY037TXLEC Very Shallow 16-21 PZ LEC 0 0 20 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 1 0 0 12 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 11 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY022TX Deep Hardland16-21 PZ 0 0 100 0 4 0 R077CY036TXN Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ N 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY036TXN Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ N 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 4 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 0 12 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 12 0 R077CY036TXN Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ N 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY036TXN Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ N 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY035TX Sandy 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY035TX25J Sandy 16-21 PZ 25J 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY035TX Sandy 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY036TX Sandy Loam 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY026TX High Lime 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 2 0 R077CY037TX Very Shallow 16-21 PZ 0 0 0 2 2 0 Evolving and Improving Implementation • Initially implemented in raster. Time consuming and prone to error introduction. • Moved to vector, working with attributed polygons. • Initial models used Excel. Moved to Access to reduce error introduction through transcription. • Initial vector models used Model Builder. Moved to python to make implementation more transparent and reproducible. • Improvements result in ability to rapidly iterate changes in model to visualization in map. Modeling issues can be quickly visualized and corrected. Texas Ecological Mapping Systems Database Status April 2011 Data access at: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/land/maps/gis/tescp/index.phtml