RJE Office Induction 29 07 13

Employee Induction
RJE is an Engineering, Design, Project Management and Construction company
which focus on HV, MV and LV Electrical, Instrumentation and Control works in
the Mining & Resources, Power Generation & Distribution and Heavy Industrial
sectors. As well as Designing and Building plant RJE also offers a range of services
and equipment to assist analysing power systems, design, construction, testing
and commissioning.
The management and employees of RJE strive to conduct their business with
a firm commitment to understand, meet and exceed industry best practice
through the application and continuous improvement of our quality system.
We are aware that in order to achieve our goal, we will need to continuously
improve our quality system by reviewing and monitoring of our performance.
We are dedicated to establishing and maintaining close relationships with our
customers to ensure we understand their requirements and deliver
accordingly. RJE function as a team in our efforts to give our clients what
they want every time.
RJE will involve people at all levels who understand their role and
contribution within the organisation, who are responsible and accountable
for their performance, who freely share their knowledge and experience and
accept ownership of problems as well as their responsibility for resolving
RJE will establish relationships with key suppliers and share information, pool
expertise and openly communicate to balance short-term gains with longterm considerations in order to optimise cost and resources.
• RJE Head office, Beachport and Lonsdale phone system – Manual and
Desk extension number list’s are available upon request.
• Remote Offices and Site Project Managers have mobiles – Phone listing
available upon request.
• All Internal mail should be directed through Zoe at Reception.
• Computer Access (if working within the office) will be set up prior to you
starting with RJE. Access level will be determined by your position within
the company. Any queries in regards to your access level should be
referred to Melissa Carwana (Accounts Manager).
• The “IMS” is RJE’s Integrated Management System which is an internal
database controlling all documents, records, pays, training, test
instructions, field test records and so on. Access level to this database will
be determined by your position within the company. Training will be
provided to you in the use of this database.
Parking space is available at the front and back of the RJE
Head office.
Parking space is also available at Lonsdale and at
Site Workers will need to follow parking rules specific to
the site they are working at.
RJE Head Office – Refer Zoe Jordan
RJE Lonsdale – Refer Nick Thompson
RJE Beverley – Refer Andrew Taylor
Site Work – Refer to your supervisor
It is important that all employees understand their role within the
company, leave entitlements, disciplinary procedures and notices
of absence. This information will be explained to you by your
supervisor or RJE Reception.
All policies and procedures will be reviewed with you accordingly
and copies are included as part of your starter pack.
Please ensure the following;
• Have your pay arrangements been explained?
• Has your taxation form been signed?
• Have your superannuation details been supplied or relevant forms completed?
• Have your timesheets been explained to you (week start to weekend, where are
timesheets located etc).
• Have your bank details been collected by the relevant project manager or office
• For queries regarding payroll please contact Melissa Carwana at RJE Head Office
alternatively site personnel please refer to your supervisor.
Please ensure you have received a copy of our WHS policies and procedures
Visitors attending RJE premises for short periods are to be escorted at all times via
their RJE Host. Sign in / out books are available at Lonsdale.
You must be aware of Emergency Procedures in your relevant work areas (i.e
muster points)
Ensure the Office Administrator or Project Manager has shown you where the first
aid box is and what your responsibilities are in regards to this
Incident reporting will be discussed with you and a copy of the procedure is
provided in your starter pack
All relevant licenses, formal qualifications, certificates of competency etc must be
obtained or proof of attainment provided to your supervisor prior to work being
carried out. Staff must not engage in any duties that they are not qualified to
undertake. Please contact your site supervisor if you wish to participate in further
training to gain a qualification relevant to your position.
Once we have copies of your licenses and certificates our IMS database is updated
accordingly with your experience to ensure you are matched to the correct work
1. Fitness for Work - Never attend the job site under the influence or in possession of nonprescription drugs or alcohol.
2. Isolation Procedures - Never work on, or in close proximity to live plant without adhering to
RJE’s lockout/isolation procedure (minimum requirement is in accordance with NECA
3. Working at Heights - Never work at heights without correct fall protection or prevention
4. Confined Space - Never work in a confined space without following the correct procedures.
5. Safety Equipment and Devices - Never misuse or tamper with a safety device in such a
manner which would make them ineffective. Seat belts are to be correctly worn on all job
6. Supported Ground/Loads - Never work under or in close proximity to unsupported ground.
This includes trenches greater than 1.5m in depth. Never work under a suspended load.
7. Licenses - Never operate equipment or undertake work which requires a specific license
without having a valid and current license.
8. Risk Assessment - Never undertake significant works without completing a risk assessment
9. Incident Reporting - Always report Incidents, Near misses and Accidents as soon a practical.
Never attempt to “cover-up” an incident.
10. PPE - Always wear required PPE in the appropriate manner
RJE head office personnel must be aware of the evacuation plan of which copies are on
displayed at several places in the office. These plans show the muster points which are
located at front and back of RJE Head office. Zoe Jordan and Kelly Sanders are the
Emergency Warden’s and in the event of an emergency evacuation will give the “all
clear” when it has been deemed safe to return to the office.
Lonsdale personnel will be made aware of evacuation procedure upon visiting the
workshop or commencing work. Please ensure you take note of safety signs. Nick
Thompson is the contact for Lonsdale and in the event of an emergency evacuation will
give the “all clear” when it has been deemed safe to return to the workshop.
Beverley personnel will be made aware of evacuation procedure upon visiting the
workshop or commencing work. Please ensure you take note of safety signs. Andrew
Warren is the contact for Beverley and in the event of an emergency evacuation will
give the “all clear” when it has been deemed safe to return to the workshop.
Site personnel will attend a site specific induction where emergency evacuation
procedures will be highlighted for the relevant site that they are working on . Please
refer to your supervisor if you have any queries in regards to this.
• Be aware of emergency evacuation procedures posted around the office
• Muster Points are located at the front and rear of the RJE Office
• Zoe Jordan and Kelly Sanders are the OHS representatives
• First aid kit is located in the kitchen
• Incident reports need to be completed for any incident that occurs no
matter how small you think it is
Visitors to Lonsdale & Beverley yards are expected to:
• Sign into the visitors book
• At minimum wear closed in shoes, high visibility vest, & safety glasses
• Observe all safety signs within the area and be aware of your surroundings
• Visitors are to be supervised at all times
Workers to Lonsdale & Beverley yards are expected to:
• Have completed RJE general induction
• At minimum wear closed in shoes, high visibility vest & safety glasses.
Hard hats required in designated areas.
• Observe all safety signs within the area and be aware of your surroundings
RJE utilise their Integrated Management System (IMS) by
comprising our company operating policies, procedure,
environmental process, safe work practices and supporting
documentation which form the basis and minimum criteria by
which our construction activities shall be managed.
The Management of Robin Johnson Engineering Power is committed to the maintenance,
preservation and enhancement of the Environment. We recognise our responsibility for the
protection of the environment during all stages of our product and process life cycles including
design, manufacture, use and disposal.
We shall manage the activities under our control to minimise adverse impact on the environment.
To achieve this, we:
• Comply with environmental legislation and legal obligations.
• Promote the economical use of resources and decrease emissions and wastage in order to
prevent pollution.
• Educate and motivate our personnel to ensure accountability for optimal performance in the
protection of the environment.
• Act as good corporate citizens and respect community environmental values.
• Provide a consultative process to encourage our people to participate in the identification and
mitigation of environmental risk.
• Provide resources to establish and monitor objectives and set targets to ensure continuous
• Our environmental systems and procedures are integrated within our Management System so
that Environmental Management, along with all our other business activities, is controlled at
all stages.
A biological hazard is a living biological organism material produced by such an organism
that can cause disease in humans or animals or the environment in general. Biological
hazards can include, but are not limited to, Mosquitoes, Plant Pests, Stagnant Water,
Chemicals etc.
There are several ways in which infections substances can enter he body and cause
infection such as ingestion, inhalation, contact with mucous membranes including
transfer of micro organisms to the eyes by contaminated hands or with non intact skin.
Infections are caused from exposure to infectious aerosols, spills, splashes, needle stick
injury, cuts or accidents
To ensure biological hazards are considered prior to commencement of project work they
need to be incorporated as part of RJEs risk assessments that are carried out prior to site
entry. This should be an ongoing consideration that is also addressed as part of JSEAs.
Biological hazards should have their risk assessed by following the guidelines over the page
Risk Group – Low
(Low community and low individual risk of disease)
Unlikely to cause disease in health of workers. Hazards that pose little or no risk are classed as “low”
Risk Group – Medium
(Low community risk and moderate individual risk to disease)
Can cause human disease but under normal circumstances is unlikely to be a serious hazard to workers,
the community, livestock of the environment. Exposures rarely cause infection leading to serious
disease, effective treatment and preventive measures are available and the risk of spread is limited.
Risk Group – High
(Low community risk and high individual risk to disease)
Causes serious human disease or can result in serious economic consequences but does not ordinarily
spread by casual contact from one individual to another or that causes diseases treatable by
antimicrobacterial or antiparasitic agents.
Risk Group – Extreme
(Hazards with extremely high community and individual risk)
Usually produces very serious human disease often untreatable and may be readily transmitted from one
individual to another or from animal to human or vice versa directly or indirectly by casual contact.
Whilst the exposure risk is low within RJE Head office, Lonsdale and Beverley, you
may be faced with a different situation once on project sites. Please ensure you
follow our client induction in regard to project specific hazards that may be
identified. Some simple guidelines to follow whilst employed within RJE Offices
are as follows:
• Wash hands before eating
• Wash hands before going home
• Beware of stagnant water puddles
• Ensure good hygiene in regards to food preparation
• Follow MSDS provided
• Store hazardous chemicals in containers provided
Every incident (no matter how small) must be investigated to determine if the
risk of exposure exists and what could be done to prevent the possibility of
Incident forms are available – refer to templates in the IMS
It is important to note that specific site policies need to be adhered to prior to entry into any
substations or where there is High Voltage equipment.
Before entry into any ElectraNet or SA Power Network you are required to review the ElectraNet
Asset Access Manual (ElectraNet Doc Ref P6070 or ETSA Doc Ref 27A).
The following “Golden Rules” are mandatory when working on or near any HV Assets:
Breaching Approach Limits is prohibited
All personnel working on an ElectraNet or ETSA Utilities Asset must conduct a documented site
specific risk assessment and implement controls prior to all works undertaken
No person shall access an Asset Owners site without their authority
The leader of every work party entering and leaving a HV site shall contact: All system/network
controllers for that site and all other work parties on site
Crossing a safety barrier is prohibited
Safety signs must be obeyed at all times
Vehicle Access Barriers, safety barriers, isolation / danger tags must not be removed without specific /
relevant authority
No excavation can be undertaken until all underground assets are located
No person shall enter an asset owners site while affected or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
No person shall compromise the safety and security of the substation and / or assets through
negligent acts (e.g. leaving gates or doors unlocked)
Please refer to your Supervisor or Project Manager for any clarification or for a copy of the
above mentioned documents.
Manual Handling involves the use of the human body to lift,
lower, fill, empty, or carry loads. The load can be animate
(a person or animal) or inanimate (an object). Most
manufacturing or distribution systems require some manual handling tasks.
A variety of MMH techniques and tools exist to alleviate these potential
Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the
capabilities of the working population. Effective and successful "fits" assure high
productivity, avoidance of illness and injury risks, and increased satisfaction
among the workforce. Although the scope of ergonomics is much broader, the
term here refers to assessing those work-related factors that may pose a risk of
musculoskeletal disorders and recommendations to alleviate them.
Common examples of ergonomic risk factors are found in jobs requiring
repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions of the hands; frequent or heavy lifting,
pushing, pulling, or carrying of heavy objects; and prolonged awkward postures.
Vibration and cold may add risk to these work conditions. Jobs or working
conditions presenting multiple risk factors will have a higher probability of
causing a musculoskeletal problem. The level of risk depends on the intensity,
frequency, and duration of the exposure to these conditions. Environmental work
conditions that affect risk include intensity, frequency and duration of activities.
Noise exposure is the commonest preventable cause of occupational hearing
loss. Whilst occupational noise induced hearing loss is entirely preventable,
once acquired it is irreversible. Nationally, an estimated 1 million employees
in Australia may be potentially exposed to hazardous levels of noise at work
(in the absence of hearing protection).
Workers exposed to excessive noise must use appropriate PPE including ear
plugs, muffs, or both when engineering or administrative controls are not
feasible to reduce exposure. Hearing protection is part of a hearing
conservation program, which is required when noise exposure exceeds the
action level [85 decibels on the A scale (dBA)].
Airborne contaminants are contaminates in the form of a fume, mist, gas,
vapour or dust, and includes microorganisms. An airborne contaminant of this
type is a potentially harmful substance that is either not naturally in the air or
is present in an unnaturally high concentration and to which workers may be
exposed in their working environment.
The management of Robin Johnson Engineering recognises that it has a
responsibility to protect its employees, the environment and the community
at large from the effects of any hazardous substances it may need to use in
the operation of it’s business and so shall ensure that all hazardous
substances used in the work environment are eliminated where possible, or
the risk associated with their use is minimised. It is company policy that the
least hazardous substance will be used wherever possible.
Fatigue related impairment is considered an identifiable workplace hazard.
Like any hazard, the controls employed to manage the risks posed by fatigue
are based on sound principles. The most effective means to manage the
effects of fatigue is to have restorative sleep. RJE focus on work rosters as the
primary means of establishing the working hours of employees.
The range of hazards associated with the thermal environment is widely
acknowledged as a serious Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issue.
Exposure to extreme heat or cold can result in illness, injury and, in extreme
cases, death. While high-risk situations will require specialist occupational
hygiene advice, the generalist OHS professional should have an understanding
of the impact of hot and cold environments, risk assessment methods and the
regulatory framework as a basis for advising on, implementing, and
monitoring controls.
The management of Robin Johnson Engineering is committed to minimising
the risks to health and safety of its employees and subcontractors when
undertaking work that may be remote or isolated.
Remote or isolated work refers to situations where people may be exposed to
risks because the nature or location of their work means they would be
unable to readily summon assistance in the event of injury, illness, violence or
some other emergency at work.
The management of Robin Johnson Engineering understand that recycling and waste
management of office and construction materials is an important industry in Australia. It is
also an important environmental initiative because it reduces the demand for landfill space
and demand on raw materials, reducing carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Paper is kept separate from general “household” rubbish and is placed in a “Clean
Away paper bin at the rear of the RJE Morphettville, Beverley and Lonsdale Offices.
Cardboard is kept separate from general “household” rubbish and is placed in a “Clean
Away paper bin at the rear of the RJE Morphettville, Beverley and Lonsdale Offices.
Cans are stored in recycle bins and delivered to recycling depots by RJE employees for
Scrap metal is placed in steel bins provided and sold to scrap metal dealers.
Wooden pallets are stacked and re used for packaging and freight purposes
Environmentally friendly cleaning and toilet products are used
Paint and hazardous chemicals are stored appropriately in a locked storage cupboard.
Some of the RJE staff privacy and confidentiality obligations are as follows:
• Any information provided by RJE and any work carried out on behalf of RJE
must be treated as confidential.
• At all times during the term of your employment with RJE and thereafter you
shall not disclose any information that is the intellectual property, proprietary
information, commercial information or otherwise deemed confidential
• All intellectual material remains the property of RJE
Please make sure you have read and understand the companies confidentiality
and privacy policy. Should you have any questions relating to your confidentiality
or privacy obligations, please contact your supervisor.
Please ensure you have been introduced to the following people
where applicable
Managing Director – Robin Johnson
Principal Engineer – Dean Cook
Construction Manager – Dale Altschwager
Operations Managers - Michael White & Gary Gifford
Quality Manager / HSE – Sarah Harradine & John McCormack
Lonsdale Manager – Nick Thompson
Beverley Manager – Andrew Taylor
Accounts Manager – Mel Carwana
Personnel Coordinator- Zoe Jordan
First Aid Officer / Fire Warden – Zoe Jordan / Kelly Sanders
Project Managers – Relevant to your area of work
We thank you for accepting your position with our organisation. At RJE we
aim to ensure that you enjoy your employment in the safe working
environment we are committed to providing.
To achieve our business objectives, employees must embrace the corporate
culture RJE has worked hard to develop which include the key principles of,
leadership, personal development, teamwork and above all safety.
It is RJE’s primary objective on any project to ensure the safety of our
employee’s and co-workers. This is held firm by systems and policies that we
have in place.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the person in charge of
your department. We look forward to your input which will help to drive our
company forward.