Curriculum Vitae - Università degli Studi di Urbino

Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Carloni
Via Cà Giardino 30, 61034 Fossombrone (Italy)
Date of birth 03/09/1976 | Nationality Italian
Research Fellow
Post-Doctoral fellow
Department of Biomolecular Science, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo"
2, Via Saffi, 61029 Urbino (Italy)
The research activities included the development of the following projects:
-"Valutazione di effetti e meccanismi neuroprotettivi di agenti farmacologici che interferiscono con
stress ossidativo ed attivazione di fosfolipasi A2 in un modello animale di ipossia-ischemia neonatale".
-"Valutazione dello stress ossidativo come danno cerebrale nel feto e nel neonato".
-"Valutazione pre-clinica dell’efficacia di una nuova formulazione iniettabile di melatonina". The project
was developed with Eratech SRL with the aim to patent the formulation.
She tooks part in italian translation of the book “Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology The
basic science of poisons”.
University Theaching of Pharmacology
University of Urbino, Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie, Urbino (Italy)
University theaching of Food Toxicology and Microbiology and microbiological
control of food - Toxicology Form –
University of Urbino, Facoltà di Farmacia, Urbino (Italy)
Degree of Doctor in Pharmacy with Honours at the University of
University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Urbino (Italy)
Thesis on “Alterazioni biochimiche ecomportamentali conseguenti ad un danno ipossico-ischemico
neonatale nel ratto”.
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Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Carloni
Institute of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, University of Urbino., Urbino (Italy)
Collaboration with the company INDENA S.p.a. for the project "Studi di attività recettoriale di derivati
delle tiocolchicine".
PhD Program in "Metodologie Biochimiche e Farmacologiche" XVIII
Department of Biomolecular Science, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Urbino (Italy)
Thesis on “Neurodegenerazione conseguente a insulti tossici e ischemia durante lo sviluppo
cerebrale nel ratto: meccanismi molecolari ed effetti di trattamenti neuroprotettivi”
Updating course: “Nuove Tecniche di Microscopia in Fluorescenza”
University of Urbino, Urbino (Italy)
Workshop “La fibra muscolare scheletrica: aspetti morfo-funzionali e
tecniche di Studio”,
University of Urbino, Urbino (Italy)
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Biomolecula Scince, University of Urbino "Carlo BO, Urbino (Italy)
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine of the University of Siena., Siena
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Biomolecular Science, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Urbino (Italy)
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Job-related skills
Research activity has been focused on developmental neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology,
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Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Carloni
particularly at evaluating the mechanisms, long-lasting effects and potential therapeutic strategies of
hypoxia-ischemia-induced neurodegeneration during brain development.
Expertises in several Scientific Techniques
Surgical techniques: induction of brain hypoxia-ischemia
Pharmacological techniques: administration of drugs; behavioral tests
Histological and Immunochemical techniques: cardiac perfusion, histological staining, use of cryostat,
immunohistochemistry, Western blot
Use of light/fluorescence microscope and Image Processing
Computer skills
Competent with most Microsoft Office programms for PC and Macintosh (Word, Excel, Power Point,
Photoshop, Illustrator, NIH Image for Mac, ImageJ for PC, GraphPad Prism), with PubMed and others
search engines.
Winner of the Prize SITOX for the best poster entitled “Hypoxia-ischemia induced neurodegeneration
in the newborn rat: mechanisms and neuroprotective effects of simvastatin” XIV National Congress of
the Italian Society of Toxicology (Rome, 6-9 February 2006).
Winner of the Prize SIF for the best poster entitled “Protective role of rapamycin in neonatal hypoxiaischemia induced brain injury” XXXIV National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology
(Rimini, 14-17 October 2009).
Winner of the SIF-Farmindustria Award 2011 for pharmacological researches with the research paper
entitled “Activation of autophagy and Akt/CREB signaling play an equivalent role in the
neuroprotective effect of rapamycin in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia” published in Autophagy (2010;6:3,
Related document(s):
She took part in a major European project, NEOBRAIN, “Neonatal estimation Of Brain Damage Risk
And Identification Of Neuroprotectants”, that brought together industry and academic groups and was
aimed to improve the diagnosis, management, and neuroprotection in newborns with perinatal brain
Related document(s):
1. W.Balduini, E. Mazzoni, S. Carloni,M.G. De Simoni, C. Perego, L. Sironi, M. Cimino: “Prophylactic
but not delayed administration of simvastatin protects against the long-lasting cognitive and
morphological consequences of a neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury, reduces IL-1β and TNFα
mRNA induction, and does not affect endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression", Stroke, 34: 20072012 (2003)
2. S. Carloni, E. Mazzoni, W. Balduini:“Caspase-3 and calpain activities after acute and repeated
ethanol administration during the rat brain growth spurt” Journal of Neurochemistry,89: 197-203
3. W. Balduini, S. Carloni, E. Mazzoni, M. Cimino: “New therapeutic strategies in perinatal stroke”.
Current Drug Targets - Central Nervous System & Neurological Disorders, 3: 315-323 (2004)
4. M.Cimino, W. Balduini, S. Carloni, P.Gelosa, U. Guerrini, E. Tremoli, L. Sironi “Neuroprotective
Effect of Simvastatin in Stroke: A Comparison Between Adult and Neonatal Rat Models of Cerebral
Ischemia” Neurotoxicology, 26: 929-933 (2005).
5. S. Carloni, E. Mazzoni, M. Cimino, M.G.De Simoni, C. Perego, C. Scopa W. Balduini “Simvastatin
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Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Carloni
reduces caspase-3 activation and inflammatory markers induced by hypoxia-ischemia in the newborn
rat” Neurobiology of Disease, 21: 119-126 (2006)
6. M.LGelmi, D. Pocar, G. Pontremoli, S. Pellegrino, E. Bombardelli, G. Fontana, A.Riva, W. Balduini,
S. Carloni, M.Cimino, F. Johnson “3-Demethoxy-3-glycosylaminothiocolchicines: Synthesis of a New
Class of Putative Muscle Relaxant Compounds” Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,49:5571-5577 (2006)
7. M.LGelmi, G. Fontana, D. Pocar, G. Pontremoli, S. Pellegrino, E. Bombardelli, A.Riva, W. Balduini,
S. Carloni, M.Cimino “Novel 3-O-Glycosyl-3-demethylthiocolchicines as Ligands for Glicine andγAminobutyric Acid Receptors” Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,50:2245-2248 (2007)
8. S. Carloni, A. Carnevali, M. Cimino, W.Balduini “Extended role of necrotic cell death after hypoxiaischemia-induced neurodegeneration in the neonatal rat” Neurobiology od Disease, 27: 354-61 (2007)
9. W.Balduini, S. Carloni “Experimental models of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: hypoxiaischemia in the immature rat” Current Protocol in Toxicology,35: 11.15.1-11.15.11 (2008) Invited.
10. S. Carloni, S. Perrone, G. Buonocore,M. Longini, F. Proietti, W. Balduini “Melatonin protects from
the long-term consequences of a neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in rats” Journal of Pineal
Research, 44:157-64 (2008)
11. S. Carloni, G. Buonocore, W. Balduini“Protective role of autophagy in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
induced brain injury” Neurobiology of Disease, 32:329-39, (2008)
12. W.Balduini, S. Carloni, G. Buonocore “Autophagy in hypoxia-ischemia induced brain injury:
evidence and speculations”Autophagy, 5:221-3 (2009)
13. C.Signorini, L. Ciccoli, S. Leoncini, S.Carloni, S. Perrone, M. Comporti, W. Balduini, G.
Buonocore "Free iron, total F(2)-isoprostanes and total F(4)-neuroprostanes in a model of neonatal
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: neuroprotective effect o melatonin" Journal of Pineal
Research,46:148-54 (2009)
14. Donnini S, Solito R, Monti M, Balduini W, Carloni S, Cimino M, Bampton ET, PinonLG, Nicotera P,
Thorpe PE, Ziche M. “Prevention of ischemic brain injury by treatment with the membrane penetrating
apoptosis inhibitor, TAT-BH4".Cell Cycle,8:1271-8 (2009)
15. S.Carloni, S. Girelli, G. Buonocore, M. Longini, W. Balduini “Simvastatin acutely reduces ischemic
brain damage in the immature rat via Akt and CREB activation” Experimental Neurology,220, 82–89
16.S. Carloni, S. Girelli, C. Scopa, G. Buonocore, M. Longini and W. Balduini.” Activation of
autophagy and Akt/CREB signaling play an equivalent role in the neuroprotective effect of rapamycin
in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia”,6:3, 1-12;(2010)
17.S. Carloni, S. Girelli, C. Scopa, G. Buonocore, M. Longini and W.Balduini. “Inhibition of rapamycininduced autophagy causes necrotic cell death associated with Bax/Bad mitochondrial
translocation”.Neuroscience, 203,160-169 (2012)
18.S. Carloni, D. Alonso-Alconada, S.Girelli, A. Duranti, A. Tontini, D. Piomelli, E. Hilario, A.Alvarez
and W.Balduini. “The monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitor URB602 protects from the long-term
consequences of a neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in rats”. Pediatric Research, 72 (4), 400406 (2012)
19.W. Balduini, S.Carloni, G. Buonocore, “Autophagy in hypoxia-ischemia induced brain
injury”Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 25 (SUPPL. 1), 30-34 (2012)
20.W. Balduini, S. Carloni, PerroneS., Bertrando, M.L. Tataranno, S. Negro, F. Proietti, M, Longini, G.
Buonocore.“The use of melatonin in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage: An experimental study”. Journal
of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 25 (SUPPL. 1), 119-124 (2012)
21.A Rudov, W Balduini, S Carloni, S Perrone, G Buonocore, MC Albertini. “Involvement of miRNAs
in Placental Alterations Mediated by Oxidative Stress”. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
Volume 2014
22.S Carloni,MC Albertini, L Galluzzi, G Buonocore, F Proietti, W Balduini.“Increased autophagy
reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia: Role of protein synthesis and
autophagic pathways”.Experimental Neurology, 255, 103-112 (2014)
23.S Carloni,MC Albertini, L Galluzzi, G Buonocore, F Proietti, W Balduini.“Melatonin reduces
endoplasmic reticulum stress and preserves sirtuin 1 expression in neuronal cells of newborn rats
after hypoxia-ischemia”.Journal of Pineal Research, 57(2):192-9 (2014)
Related document(s):
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Curriculum Vitae
Silvia Carloni
1.CiminoM, Balduini W, Calvio AM, Carloni S,Guerrini U, Mazzoni E, Paletti R, Sironi L, Tremoli E:
“Statins incerebral ischemia: evidence of neuroprotection using behavioral and magnetic resonance
approches” 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, Parigi, 13-17 Luglio 2002.
2.Mazzoni E, CarloniS, Cimino M, Balduini W: “Endothelian NOS does not appear to be involved in
the protective effect of simvastatin in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury”VIII Convegno Nazionale
“Aspetti Biologici dell’ossido di azoto”, Siena Certosa di Pontignano, 6-8 Ottobre2002.
3.Mazzoni E, CarloniS, De Simoni MG, Cimino M, Balduini W: “ Neurodegeneration after hypoxiaischemia in neonatal rats involves caspase activation and induction of pro inflammatory cytokines
which are reduces by a prophylactic treatment with simvastatin” XIII Congresso Nazionale della
Società italiana di Tossicologia, Urbino 22-25 Gennaio 2003.
4.Carloni S,Mazzoni E, Cimino M, Balduini W: “Effect of ethanol administration during the rat’s brain
growth spurt on the expression of Bcl-2, Bax, and Caspase-3 in the developing cerebral cortex” XIII
Congresso Nazionale della Società italiana di Tossicologia, Urbino 22-25 Gennaio 2003.
5. Cimino M, Mazzoni E, Carloni S, Sironi L, Balduini W: “Neuroprotective effect of simvastatin in
adult and neonatal models of cerebral ischemia” VII Workshop on Apoptosis in Biology and Medicine,
Basic and Therapeutic Aspects of Brain Ischemia,University of Calabria 29-30 Aprile 2003.
6.Cimino M, Mazzoni E, Carloni S, Sironi L, Gerosa P, Lodetti B, Tremoli E, Balduini W :“Reduction of
brain damage by simvastatin: different neuroprotective mechanisms in adult and neonatal models of
cerebral ischemia” XXXI Congresso Nazionale Della Società Italiana di Farmacologia,Trieste 26-29
Giugno 2003.
7.Mazzoni E, Carloni S, De Simoni MG, Cimino M, Balduini W: “ Simvastatin and neonatal hypoxicischemic brain injury: involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines and caspase-3 activation” XXXI
Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Trieste 26-29 Giugno2003.
8.Carloni S,Mazzoni E, Cimino M, Balduini W: “Effect of acute and repeated ethanol administration
during the rat’s brain growth spurt on Bcl-2, Bax, and Caspase-3 expression” XXXI Congresso
Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Trieste 26-29 Giugno 2003.
9. Balduini W, Mazzoni E, Carloni S, Cimino M:“Simvastatin-induced attenuation of hypoxia-ischemia
brain injury in the newborn rat occurs through reduction of Caspase-3 activation” X International
Symposium on Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia, Marburg 25-28 Luglio 2004.
10.Carloni S:“Caspase-3 and calpain activities after acute and repeated ethanol administration during
the rat brain growth spurt” VIII Seminario Nazionale per Dottorandi in Farmacologia e Scienze Affini,
Siena-Certosa di Pontignano, 20-23 Settembre 2004.
11.Carloni S, Cimino M, Ottalevi B, Balduini W:“Hypoxia-ischemia induced neurodegeneration in the
newborn rat: mechanism and neuroprotective effects of simvastatin” 46th Annual Meeting of the
European Society for Pedriatic Research, Siena,31 agosto-3 settembre 2005.
12.Carloni S:“Hypoxia-ischemia induced neurodegeneration in the newborn rat: mechanisms and
neuroprotective effects of simvastatin” IXSeminario Nazionale per Dottorandi in Farmacologia e
Scienze Affini,Siena-Certosa di Pontignano, 20-23 Settembre 2005.
13.Carloni S,Cimino M, Balduini W:“Hypoxia-ischemia induced neurodegeneration in the newborn
rat: mechanisms and neuroprotective effects of simvastatin” XIV CongressoNazionale della Società
Italiana di Tossicologia, Roma 6-9 Febbraio 2006.
14.Carloni S,Balduini W: “Prolungato ruolo della morte cellulare di tipo necrotico dopo
neurodegenerazione indotta da ipossia-ischemia nel ratto neonato” 33° Congresso Nazionale della
Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Caglliari 6-9 Giugno 2007.
15.Carloni S, Perrone S, Buonocore G,Longini M, Proietti F, Balduini W: “Melatonin protects from the
long-term consequences of a neonatal hypoic-ischemic brain injury in rats” 33° Congresso Nazionale
della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Cagliari 6-9 Giugno 2007.
16.Carloni S, Balduini W:“Simvastatin acutely reduces hypoxia-ischemia induced brain damage in
the immature rat via Akt activation and reduction of inflammatory cell recruitment” IV EURAIBI
International Workshop,Siena, 3-5 Aprile 2008.
17.BalduiniW, Carloni S:“Autophagy delays cell death after hypoxia-ischemia in the neonatal rat
brain”IV EURAIBI International Workshop, Siena, 3-5 Aprile 2008.
18.S. Carloni,S. Girelli, G. Buonocore, B. Marzocchi and W. Balduini: “Protective role of rapamycin in
neonatal hypoxia-ischemia induced brain injury” 34° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Farmacologia, Rimini, 14-17 Ottobre 2009
19.S. Girelli, S.Carloni, G. Buonocore, M. Longini and W. Balduini: “Simvastatin reduces hypoxia-
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Silvia Carloni
ischemia induced brain damage in the immature rat via Akt activation and reduction of inflammatory
cell recruitment” 34° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Rimini, 14-17
Ottobre 2009
20.W. Balduini, S. Carloni, S. Girelli and G. Buonocore: “Autophagy in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
induced brain injury” 34° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Rimini, 14-17
Ottobre 2009
21.S.Carloni, S. Girelli, G. Buonocore, M. Longini, F. Proietti and W. Balduini:“Inhibition of rapamycininduced autophagy causes necrotic cell death associated with Bax/Bad mitochondrial translocation”
35° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Bologna, 14-17 Settembre 2011
22.S. Girelli,S. Carloni, G. Buonocore, M. Longini and W. Balduini: “Simvastatin modulates
autophagy in neonatal hypoxia –ischemia” 35° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di
Farmacologia, Bologna, 14-17 Settembre 2011
23.D. Alonso-Alconada, S. Carloni, A. Alvarez, S. Girelli, A. Duranti, A. Tontini, O.Arteaga, I. Lara, D.
Piomelli, W. Balduini, and E. Hilario: “THE CB1ANTAGONIST/CB2 AGONIST URB447 CONFERS
Novembre 2011.
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