- To whom it may concern - Rome, 10th of December 2014 -to whom it may concern- Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Peters, DearMrs Sir or Madam, currently, I am working as an IT Architect/ IT Project Manager/ Team Leader at Poste Italiane s.p.a., the Italian Postal Services' biggest company. As a member of the IT Department, I am involved in numerous IT projects, which include all the company's operating fields, such as financial, logistic, digital, postal, assurance services, etc. Moreover, I am the person in authority of the Open Source Competence Center at Poste Italiane as well as the project leader of the Private Cloud Company IaaS and PaaS infrastructure. Precedent, I studied Telecommunications Engineering at the university La Sapienza in Rome. There I have gained a BAC +5, completed through my dissertation about security and mobility patterns in 802.11 networks. During my studies I obtained skills about methodologies and technologies related to information management, telecommunications networks and information security. In the course of four years of professional experience, following my graduation, I have expanded my skills in IT Project Management, IT Procurement and Governance. I have achieved a good experience in the field of IT Architectures and Applications as well as management, organization, planning, controlling and supervising skills. I am able to adapt myself quickly to new work processes and environments, and to learn fast how to manage new methods and technologies in the ICT fields. Before joining Poste Italiane, I did an internship at Telecom ParisTech (the former ENST Paris), where I worked as a researcher/developer in the INFRES (ICT) department. My mother tongue is Italian, and I am fluent in spoken and written English as well as French. I am able to understand Spanish, based on the linguistic contiguity to Italian, and out of personal interest I have recently started to study German in my free time. I am looking for a job that could give me the opportunity to challenge myself and to expand my professional, educational and cultural skills. Particularly, I am looking for a position as a project manager/team manager, when possible inside an IT department. Working as a project manager/team manager, I feel that I can serve your company with a high level of professional skills and commitment, considering my technical, relational, management and linguistic skills. Since I have often travelled Europe, for business as well as out of personal interest, I am looking for a position that could make me settle outside of Italy, so that I can enjoy a different cultural and professional environment. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Fabrizio Costanzo faber.costanzo@gmail.com +39 329 20 56 363 Via Rimini, 14 Scala B Interno 11 00182 Roma Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Fabrizio Costanzo Fabrizio Costanzo Via Termini, 22– c.a.p. 66050 – Torrebruna (CH) Via Rimini,14 – c.a.p. 00182 – Roma (RM) +39 329 2056363 faber.costanzo@gmail.com http://www.faber1984.it LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/faber1984 Sex Male | Date of birth 05/08/1984 Nationality Italian JOB APPLIED FOR POSITION PREFERRED JOB STUDIES APPLIED FOR IT Project Management (Enterprise IT Architecture – graduated as a Telecommunications Engineer) WORK EXPERIENCE October 2011 Now IT Architect / IT Project Manager / IT Team Leader Poste Italiane s.p.a., viale Europa, 175 - 00144 Roma – www.poste.it ▪ Responsible for the Open Source Competence Center in Poste Italiane. ▪ Accountability to planning and managing procurement as well as technical, strategical and implementary steps in the company's Private Cloud Platform. ▪ Responsibility in defining, projecting and implementing company applications, standards and application architectures. ▪ Technical and strategical support in projects involving service offers through applications, such as mobile applications, web applications, smartTV applications. ▪ Supporting projects involving security and privacy themes. Business or sector Information Technology Important Projects: Competence Center Open Source Private Cloud PaaS/SaaS Anagrafica multicanale ed identità digitale (Digital Identity) Sperimentazione Smart TV (SmartTV applications) November 2010 → September 2011 Stagiaire – IT Architect Poste Italiane s.p.a., viale Europa, 175 - 00144 Roma – www.poste.it ▪ Member of the Enterprise Open Source Competence Center. ▪ Studies about themes such as Cloud Computing and Mobile Internet. Analysis, development and documentation in mobile application projects, supporting enterprises services and products. ▪ Working with colleagues in the validation process related to Enterprise ICT projects. Business or sector Information Technology February 2010 September 2010 Stagiaire – Researcher/Developer ENST Paristech - Dep. INFRES (actually Telecom ParisTech), 23, Avenue d'Italie, 75013 Paris (Francia) - www.telecom-paristech.fr/ ▪ Working in the INFRES department, research about Security, Mobility, Localization in 802.11 networks, collected in a thesis for the italian master degree (Tesi di Laurea specialistica). Business or sector Research and development, Telecommunications 2010 Contributor Various webzine – (e.g. www.tafter.it) ▪ News and articles about new technologies, especially when related to Telecommunications © European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 3 Curriculum Vitae Fabrizio Costanzo Business or sector Media 1999 2010 Workman Various Business or sector Hotels, Restaurants EDUCATION AND TRAINING November 2011 Qualification as Professional Information Engineer after passing the professional practice examination Università La Sapienza di Roma, Roma (Italia) – www.uniroma1.it 2007 2010 Telecommunication Engineering Master - Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni 103/110 Università La Sapienza di Roma, Roma (Italia) – www.uniroma1.it ▪ Focus on methodologies and technologies related to services systems and information management when working in telecommunications networks. Information security, networking, mobile internet and mobile networks. ▪ Thesis: Security and mobility patterns: exploiting mobility for security Working with: Prof. Andrea Baiocchi (La Sapienza) - Dr. Artur Hecker (ENST ParisTech) Abstract: Usually, mobility is seen as a constraint and a vulnerability to take in count when planning and managing a wireless network. Some mechanisms are developed, for instance, when a mobile user is doing a handover between two different access points, to manage mutual authentication between network's entities. Moreover, we can assume that when an user is yet in one particular environment he has yet passed a physical control. A network infrastructure can localize mobile users and authorize them to access certain resources in the network, reducing, by doing this, the load that security management impose to the system. Because system devices, and mobile user too, can store informations about mobile user's trajectory in the environment, it is also possible that they can have the same vision about these informations and this can lead to the making of a shared secret between the two entities. 2003 2006 Telecommunications Engineering Baccalaureat - Laurea di Primo Livello in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni 92/110 Università La Sapienza di Roma, Roma (Italia) – www.uniroma1.it ▪ Professional skills: Especially Internet and mobile networks. ▪ Thesis: RFID Technology: security features Working with: Prof. Andrea Baiocchi Abstract: (NFC technology) RFID technology, from its birth to actual evolution in Mobile RFID. Evaluation of algorithms and mechanisms that support information security in RFID technology. 1998 2003 High School Degree – Licenza Scientifica 95/100 Liceo Scientifico Raffaele Mattioli, Vasto www.liceoscientificovasto.it PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 French C1 C1 C1 C1 B2 © European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 3 Curriculum Vitae German A1 Fabrizio Costanzo A1 A1 A1 A1 I can understand a bit of Spanish (language contiguity to Italian) Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Organisational / managerial skills Job-related skills Computer skills Driving licence ▪ Able to work in a team and to achieve objectives. Able to adapt to new and unusual situations. ▪ Management, organization, planning, controlling and supervising skills. I am determined and motivated in achieving my objectives. During University years I did closer examination on methods and technologies about services and information management in telecommunications networks. I have studied information and systems security as well as networks and OSI network's application level.During my working years I have achieved a good experience in the field of IT Systems, Architectures and Applications. I have worked particularly on middleware, governance and IT process tasks, especially in the Open Source, Security, New Technologies environment.I am able to quickly adapt myself to new work processes and environments, and I quickly learn how to manage new methods and technologies in ICT fields. • Operative Systems Fairly good knowledge : iOS, OS X, Linux, Windows • Programming languages Fairly good knowledge: C++, Java, Objective C, HTML5 • Development tools Fairly good knowledge: Xcode, Interface Builder, Matlab, OmnetPP, JQueryMobile, Phonegap (Apache Cordova) • Office Suite: Microsoft Office , Open Office • Certifications: EC-ASP_G_SAPIENZA External Certification for AMTEC Security Professional/Graduate (2009) • Excellent ability on Internet and in gathering informations found on web. ▪ Italian driving license – Patente Italiana B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Volunteer Experiences Member of Bike2Smile-Team Operation Smile. We are an unformal associations that provides raising funds for Operation Smile using the bike as the media. Further information on: ▪ http://www.bike2smile.it/ or http://www.operationsmile.it/ Artistic skills and competences In 2009 I published my first Poetry book, titled “Catarsi”, with the aid of publisher Narrativa&Poesia. In 2010, for the same publisher, I contributed on the anthology “Anime Sparse” (which can be translated in Scattered Souls). Further information on: ▪ http://www.amazon.it/Catarsi-Fabrizio-Costanzo/dp/8895948114 ▪ http://www.amazon.it/sparse-Racconti-storie-ricerca-lettore/dp/889594819X/ref=sr_1_1? s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418644593&sr=1-1&keywords=anime+sparse+narrativa+e+poesia I am a fairly good self-taught guitar player and harmonica player and sing and write songs. I reached the national italian finals in the Emergenza Rock contest, a worldwide contest dedicated to young musicians. Further information on: https://it-it.facebook.com/virginias.mirror.roma Signature: Fabrizio Costanzo © European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 3 Testimonial of employment “Fabrizio works for my Architects Group since a couple of years and he has always shown great skill in every project he is involved. Great expertise, team working, project management and the ability to manage external resources are the main peculiarities. I do recommend him also because he has all the chances to grow more and more.” [Alessandro Saralli, IT Manager at Poste Italiane S.p.A., 2014, https://it.linkedin.com/in/saralli ] “Fabrizio has vision, competence, desire to learn, and ability to work in a team and transform ideas into projects.” [Roberto Di Mambro, IT Manager at Poste Italiane S.p.A., 2011 https://it.linkedin.com/in/robertodimambro] ---Matricola: 801491(09121394)----------------------------Certificato il: 01/12/2014 15:56------------------------------------CERTIFICATO DI LAUREA---------------------------------------Dall'archivio informatico di questo Ateneo, alla data odierna, risulta quanto segue:---------Il Dott. COSTANZO FABRIZIO-------------------------------------------------------------------Matricola n. 801491(09121394) nato a: ROMA (RM) il: 05/08/1984-------------------------------codice fiscale: CSTFRZ84M05H501T-------------------------------------------------------------nazione di nascita ITALIA--------------------------------------------------------------------ha conseguito, in questa Universit, in data 12/11/2010--------------------------------------la LAUREA SPECIALISTICA di ordinamento DM 509/99 [durata biennale] e il titolo di -----------dottore magistrale in INGEGNERIA DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI [LS (DM 509/99)] (classe 30/S)------con voti 103/110.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lo stesso COSTANZO FABRIZIO------------------------------------------------------------------- ha discusso la tesi sul seguente argomento: -----------------------------------------------"SECURITY AND MOBILITY PATTERNS:EXPLOTING MOBILITY FOR SECURITY."----------------------------Relatore Prof. BAIOCCHI ANDREA---------------------------------------------------------------Materia SICUREZZA DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI----------------------------------------------------Il relativo diploma stato CONSEGNATO in data 12/07/2011------------------------------------Il presente certificato, composto da 1 pagina:-----------------------------------------------a. contiene informazioni desunte da archivio elettronico dell'Universit 'La ---------------Sapienza' di Roma-------------------------------------------------------------------------b. valido solo con marca da bollo per gli usi consentiti dalla legge-----------------------Roma, 01/12/2014 15:56-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matricola: 801491(09121394)----------------------------Certificato il: 01/12/2014 15:56---Studente COSTANZO FABRIZIO-------------------------------------------------------------------- Il Direttore dellArea Servizi Agli Studenti Dott.ssa Rosalba Natale Valido solo con MARCA DA BOLLO €16,00 Ai sensi delle modifiche introdotte dalla Legge 183/2011 al D.P.R. 445/2000 si precisa che Il presente certificato non pu essere prodotto agli organi della pubblica amministrazione o ai privati gestori di pubblici servizi. Timbro Digitale Per la verifica del timbro digitale utilizzare il software Decoder2DPlus disponibile su http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/regolamenti/timbrodigitale Id Certificato: 1484332 ---Matricola: 801491(09121394)----------------------------Certificato il: 01/12/2014 15:57------------------------------------CERTIFICATO DI LAUREA---------------------------------------Dall'archivio informatico di questo Ateneo, alla data odierna, risulta quanto segue:---------COSTANZO FABRIZIO----------------------------------------------------------------------------Matricola n. 801491(09121394) nato a: ROMA (RM) il: 05/08/1984-------------------------------codice fiscale: CSTFRZ84M05H501T-------------------------------------------------------------nazione di nascita ITALIA--------------------------------------------------------------------ha conseguito, in questa Universit, in data 28/05/2007--------------------------------------la laurea di primo livello in INGEGNERIA DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI - SEDE DI ROMA [L ----------(DM 509/99)] (classe 9)----------------------------------------------------------------------con voti 92/110.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lo stesso COSTANZO FABRIZIO------------------------------------------------------------------- ha discusso la tesi sul seguente argomento: -----------------------------------------------ASPETTI DI SICUREZZA DELLA TECNOLOGIA RFID.--------------------------------------------------Relatore Prof. BAIOCCHI ANDREA---------------------------------------------------------------Materia RETI CELLULARI-----------------------------------------------------------------------Il relativo diploma stato CONSEGNATO in data 23/07/2007------------------------------------Il presente certificato, composto da 1 pagina:-----------------------------------------------a. contiene informazioni desunte da archivio elettronico dell'Universit 'La ---------------Sapienza' di Roma-------------------------------------------------------------------------b. valido solo con marca da bollo per gli usi consentiti dalla legge-----------------------Roma, 01/12/2014 15:57-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matricola: 801491(09121394)----------------------------Certificato il: 01/12/2014 15:57---Studente COSTANZO FABRIZIO-------------------------------------------------------------------- Il Direttore dellArea Servizi Agli Studenti Dott.ssa Rosalba Natale Valido solo con MARCA DA BOLLO €16,00 Ai sensi delle modifiche introdotte dalla Legge 183/2011 al D.P.R. 445/2000 si precisa che Il presente certificato non pu essere prodotto agli organi della pubblica amministrazione o ai privati gestori di pubblici servizi. Timbro Digitale Per la verifica del timbro digitale utilizzare il software Decoder2DPlus disponibile su http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/regolamenti/timbrodigitale Id Certificato: 1484333 ATTESTATO DI PARTECIPAZIONE Si attesta che Fabrizio Costanzo ha frequentato il corso di formazione EC-ASP_G_SAPIENZA External Certification for AMTEC Security Professional/Graduate 02/03/2009 - 12/06/2009 Roma, 12/06/2009 Excite Security Excellence Center for Innovation and Technology Education Technical Department Certificato Babbel Con la presente certifichiamo che fabrizio ha completato con successo il corso di tedesco: Corsi per principianti: Corso per principianti 1 basato sul livello A1 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER) ESPRIMERSI presentarsi e chiedere a qualcuno come sta scambiarsi informazioni su nazionalità e lingue parlate compilare moduli ordinare e pagare bevande utilizzare i mezzi di trasporto pubblico i numeri da 1 a 20 GRAMMATICA gli articoli determinativi e indeterminativi i verbi regolari al presente la negazione con "nicht" le desinenze al nominativo e all'accusativo 19.12.2014 Certificato Babbel Con la presente certifichiamo che fabrizio ha completato con successo il corso di tedesco: Corsi per principianti: Corso per principianti 2 basato sul livello A1 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER) ESPRIMERSI darsi appuntamento e capire l'orario chiedere indicazioni stradali ordinare al ristorante e prenotare una camera d'albergo parlare della propria famiglia capire le previsioni del tempo i numeri da 20 a 100 GRAMMATICA i pronomi possessivi l'imperativo la negazione con "kein" le parole composte i verbi "können", "müssen", "wollen" e "möchten" il futuro con "werden" 19.12.2014