2a pr fin INGLESE 13 14 - Istituto Tecnico per Geometri Girolamo

II sez. A
anno scolastico
Dopo una breve presentazione e un'attenta analisi del programma, sono stati visionati i nuovi libri di testo in
adozione. E' stto presentato il progetto Trinity e sono state fornite infomazioni sulle diverse tipologie di corsi
organizzati nel nostro istituto e sui livello ad essi riferiti secondo quanto previsto dal Common European
Il programma svolto si è basato principalmente sui seguenti libri di testo e di grammatica:
NEW HEADWAY ELEMENTARY di A. Maris, Liz and John Soars – Oxford University Press - (digital
version)- Student’s Book & Workbook;
NEW HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE di Liz and John Soars – Oxford University Press - (digital
version)- Student’s Book & Workbook;
THE BURLINGTON ENGLISH GRAMMAR ed. Mondadori/Burlington Books– vol. unico.
Più precisamente dal libro di testo: New Headway Elementary di A. Maris, Liz and John Soars – ed Oxford
University Press - (digital version) sono state svolte le seguenti unita' di revisione grammaticale degli
argomenti della classe prima e affrontati alcuni argomenti propri della classe seconda:
UNIT 13:
Storytime. Revisione del Simple Past Tense: Talking about Christmas presents, asking and
answering questions about past actions. Reading activity (part one)The Christmas presents.
Adjectives and their different forms (bored/boring- interested/interesting etc).
Have you ever? -Present Perfect Tense and its main use. Time expressons with the Present
Perfect tense. Use of the duration form: How Long/for and since. Present perfect versus the
past simple tense.
Da New Headway Elementary, Culture and Literature: Reading activity about Halloween and
its meaning in the Celtic tradition: (unit 3) p. 234 Exercise 3.
Dal libro di testo: New Headway Pre-Intermediate di Liz and John Soars – Oxford University Press - (digital
version)- Student’s Book & Workbook sono state svolte le seguenti unità didattiche:
Getting to know you Reviewing of the present simple/present continous- past and future
tenses - Wh-words: activities 1,2,3, and related grammar spot. A blind date: reading and
listening activity about Matt and Susan's first date.Listening activity 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 (ex 4)
Vocabulary section: detecting the difference between a noun, adverb, verb and so on on
your dictionary (ex.2)
What happened next?Introduction to the comparison between past continuous and the
simple past. Listening activity (warming up) 'Who let the dogs out?': activities: 3,4,5 -Review
of the simple past and related activities p.22/23. 'What a mystery!' Simple past formation
(review): activities 1,2,3 on p.23 (listening and writing) - Stephane Breitweiser's story
(listening: lead-in) -Past continuous and its different uses (compared to the Simple Past).
Grammar explanation and exercises on page 130: 1,2,3,4 and 5.Language lab activities on
simple past (review) and past continuous.
Listening activity 'The Man with the Golden Gun'; James Bond.(listening comprehension and
check). Adverbs formation and their position. Activities on page 28: vocabulary spot.
Activities: 1,2,3, (listening activity 3.10)UNIT 4
The market place Introduction to quantifiers: a lot of /lots of- much - many - a few/few - a
little/ little. Review of any/some/ no - indefinite and definite articles, introductions to
somewhere/nowhere/ somebody nobody/ anybody etc. Buying things in different shops;
listening activities on unit 4 (vocabulary section)Countable and uncountable nouns.
Collective nouns and Uns and CNs. Listening activity p.33 n.2- Activities on p.33 n:3 –
Exercises on p.132:1,2,4,5 - The Floating markets Of Bangkok and A Perfect Day In
Provence (reading comprehension).
What do you want to do? Verb patterns want/hope to do/Enjoy/like doing/looking forward to
doing/’d like to do - Use of Will and Shall: Making predictions, offering to do something,
asking someone to do something ( Shall I / Will You) - Decisions taken at the moment of
speaking - making predictions - agreeimg/ disagreeing . Grammar explanation on the use of
WILL (interr. neg. affirm. forms): its several uses and expressions. Periodo ipotetico: ifclauses O and 1st types. Use of: IF/UNLESS/WHEN etc. - Language lab activities: Ipractice exercises on UNIT 5 (writing, video activity, dictation , etc) all exercises and final test
(future tenses). Reading comprehension and activity on Brat Camps . Meaning of
vocabulary and keywords. Exercise 7 p.42
Comparatives and superlatives (lead-in). Common mistakes about comparatives. Headway
activity p.46: what's it like?Describing something/someone.Listening activities: T.6.1, 6.2 and
6.3 -The world in one city: London. (lead-in). Exploitation of the text on page 50 Vocabulary expansion p.52 all activities - Everyday English: listening activities on p. 53
-Listening comprehension: the best things in life that are free.(t.6.9)(unit 6)
Expressing obligations with 'Have to' and 'Don't have to' - Starter (lead-in activity: written).
Listenings: 8.1, 8.2, t8.3- Grammar spot and practice.Use of 'Have to? + infinito with
present/past simple - present/past perfect - future simple. Oral practise with
Have to /dont' have to: activities 2, 3 and 4 p.63 (oral pair-work activities) with would/could
/can. Uses of Must: moral obligation, forbidding something, giving orders, giving strong
suggestions, deductions. Should/shouldn't: giving suggestions. Cyclical reinforcement on
expressing obligations and the use of have to / don't have to must / mustn't - should /
shouldn't Headway interm.:Problems and advice: practice ex p. 64 n.1,2 and 1 (check)
First conditional (if-clauses 1st type) Lead-in: a Gap Year - Listening activities 1,2,3,4,5 Practice (written) p.71 - Reading passage on 'Travel Addict' - Reading activity and
comprehension check. Listening activity p. 72 no. 6 -Vocabulary and speaking: hot verbs:
make /do - Get / take- Activities 1,2,3,4 on p. 73
Sono stati affrontati, ripresi o consolidati, i seguenti argomenti grammaticali anche sul testo di grammatica
in adozione GRAMMAR FILES – vol. Unico-:
Present simple tense: interrogative and negative forms / short answers and question tags
wh-words (uso e significato di tutti i pronomi interrogativi) •
Past simple affirmative, negative and questions: regular and irregular verbs /short answers and
question tags
Was/were – Was born – Could
Present continuous for future •
Present simple tense versus present continuous •
Stative verbs without the present continuous
Ordinal numbers and dates
Time prepositions
Place prepositions
Use of Adjectives and adverbs formation and their position
Adverbs of frequency
this/that - these/those
Past Simple versus Past continuous •
Present Perfect Simple (ever/never/yet/just/so far/etc)
Present Perfect versus Past Simple
for and since
Tenses revision (Where do you live? /How long have you lived there?): future past and present
Have to /dont' have to/ would/could /can / Must /mustn't/Should/shouldn't:
Future Tenses and their uses: going to, will, and Present Continuous for future
Quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot/lots of - much and many - some /any - how much/ many
something, someone, somewhere / somebody /nobody/anybody
Si specifica che le unità didattiche menzionate sono state svolte usando il metodo funzionale/nozionale
comunicativo, pertanto sono state affrontate anche tutte le funzioni linguistiche relative alle unità in oggetto.
Pesaro, 7 giugno 2014
I rappresentanti di classe