Compassion Essay Do Now

The 15 Minute Essay
Adapted from Sarah Dille and Betsy Moss
Your Name-Class Period on the
front cover
2)Divide your RAW Book in to 4 sections
and place a tab to begin the last 3
sections. The first section you may label on
the first page.
3)Label each section as follows:
Tools (Grammar/Vocab)
RAW Book Set-Up
In 1955 medical researcher Jonas Salk
introduced an effective polio vaccine. At
the time polio was considered the biggest
threat to public health, yet Salk refused to
profit by patenting the vaccine because he
was more concerned with preventing
disease than with personal gain.
Although many people work to benefit
themselves, some people choose to put
others first.
Think carefully about this statement
Your task today:
Write an essay explaining whether people
should be more concerned about others
than about themselves.
For the next two minutes, write one
sentence stating your position on whether
people should be more concerned about
others than themselves. This can be your
first sentence.
 Hint: Use the language of the prompt to
write your complete sentence.
Write an essay explaining whether
people should be more concerned
about others than about themselves.
Take a breath and indent.
Think of a character in a movie, television
show, or book who is more concerned
about others than themselves (or vice
For the next four minutes, explain how
this character shows he/she is more
concerned about others than themselves
(or vice versa)
Take a breath and indent.
Think of a current or historical event in
which someone showed he/she was more
concerned about others than themselves.
For the next four minutes, explain how
this person shows he/she was more
concerned about others than themselves.
Be as specific as possible in your answer.
Take a breath and indent one more time.
In the next two minutes, end your essay
by answering the question “so what?” show your readers why this essay is
important and meaningful.
Final Step!
Take three minutes to edit and revise your
paper. Follow these steps:
◦ Carefully and slowly re-read what you wrote.
◦ Re-write sentences or add/delete words to
make sure your point is clear.
◦ Add transitions at the beginning of your
paragraphs (first, for example, in addition)