Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS Art & Design: Moving Graffiti Independent Enquirers plan and determine the focus of their own research, explorations and investigations explore their own ideas purposefully, observe and contemplate, judging the relevance and value of information from different perspectives and viewpoints, including their own researching local artist’s work and providing visual responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome develop own visual outcome, taking in to consideration work from other artists and other visual stimuli select and make informed choices about materials, techniques and processes when creating their art works use a varied range of media to present research and final outcomes work with increasing independence and apply their competence, cultural and critical understanding to new and increasingly challenging contexts. develop research and visual response using their own ideas and continuing to make adjustments as the work progresses, adding other visual stimuli generate their own ideas and explore possibilities to produce imaginative images, artefacts and other outcomes develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response Creative Thinkers adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both gallery showings and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets take personal responsibility for organising their time and resources to carry out and successfully complete their exploring and making use research and lesson time effectively to ensure an adequate visual response initiate projects for themselves, demonstrating commitment and perseverance and the ability to prioritise their actions to work towards their identified goals decide upon direction of own research and visual response, including the final outcome Effective Participators try out ideas and processes with confidence, taking and managing risks to achieve agreed outcomes respond to new or changing priorities, actively embracing change and coping with new challenges. develop and manage visual responses to research and experiment with different stimuli based on weekly feedback and target setting, develop work and final outcomes Reflective Learners experiment with creative approaches to solve problems, experiment with ideas, materials, tools and techniques, and try out alternatives develop experimental workings, using different methods and media to a preferred visual response explore the potential of new technologies to investigate new ways of working and to explore and experiment effectively use a range of techniques, including elements of photography to provide visual responses use and adapt creative ways to communicate their thoughts and feelings to a range of audiences provide a portfolio of work that combines personal research and responses to stimuli Self Managers recognise and respond to their own strengths and those of others, allocate roles and tasks, and take responsibility for their own contribution from generating initial ideas to final production provide and respond to constructive feedback, adapting their behaviours and resolving complex issues to achieve successful outcomes. develop personalised learning and independent study, through class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation adapt and refine their ideas as their work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development, setting themselves realistic goals and recognising achievements based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in a gallery showing at the end of each lesson use their skills to select relevant ways to communicate with different audiences, using visual and non-visual forms develop research in to an installation piece, showing a combination of media and skills carry out activities to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses and learn from their mistakes, making use of feedback from peers, teachers and others comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis continuously monitor their own progress, identifying criteria for success and making changes to further their learning. comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS Textiles & Food: Moving Graffiti Independent Enquirers plan and carry out their own research to design products and determine the production processes explore their own ideas to address design issues or problems make informed choices, sifting information, judging its relevance and value to support reasoned conclusions, for example in selecting materials researching local designer’s work and providing visual and tactile responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome develop own tactile outcome, taking in to consideration work from other designers and other visual and tactile stimuli use a varied range of media to present and model research and final outcomes use and adapt creative ways to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences, including new technologies, to investigate versions of work develop research and tactile response using their own ideas and continuing to make adjustments as the work progresses, adding other tactile and visual stimuli take increasing responsibility for exploring and experimenting with imaginative ways of working develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response Team Workers question their own and others’ assumptions in group design sessions to address problems and agree solutions provide and respond to constructive feedback while resolving increasingly complex issues to achieve successful outcomes. address issues, suggesting practical ways forward and breaking these down into manageable steps based on weekly feedback and target setting, develop tactile work and final visual and tactile outcomes adopt a methodical approach to construction of final tactile representation, using patterns and design stimuli play a full part in the life of their school and the wider community, identifying improvements that would benefit themselves and others present final tactile and visual outcomes in an installation of work Reflective Learners invite feedback from peers, teachers and others and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism concerning their product design based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in a design circle showing at the end of each lesson develop a method of group working to ensure best possible tactile outcome critically assess against criteria, their own performance and that of others for both process and product comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis share workings and provide peer feedback on interim showings of progress adapt and refine their ideas as their work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both design showings and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets Self Managers take responsibility for organising their own time and resources to successfully complete tasks for example to shape, form, mix, assemble and finish materials, components and ingredients anticipate and manage risks, responding positively to changing priorities and new challenges as production proceeds plan and prepare work effectively, by designing and constructing thoroughly Effective Participators Creative Thinkers allocate roles and tasks, identifying their own strengths and those of others and taking responsibility for their own contributions initiate projects, demonstrating commitment and perseverance and the ability to prioritise their actions and work towards identified goals develop personalised learning and independent study, through design and construction in class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS Design & Technology: Cre8 Independent Enquirers plan and carry out their own research to design products and determine the production processes explore their own ideas to address design issues or problems make informed choices, sifting information, judging its relevance and value to support reasoned conclusions, for example in selecting materials researching local designer’s work and providing design and product responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome develop own design outcome, taking in to consideration work from other designers and other design and product stimuli use a varied range of media to present and model research and final outcomes take increasing responsibility for exploring and experimenting with imaginative ways of working plan and prepare work effectively, by designing, constructing and manufacturing thoroughly anticipate and manage risks, responding positively to changing priorities and new challenges as production proceeds based on weekly feedback and target setting, develop design work and final design and product outcomes address issues, suggesting practical ways forward and breaking these down into manageable steps adopt a methodical approach to construction of final product representation, using effective assembly methods and design stimuli Effective Participators Creative Thinkers use and adapt creative ways to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences, including new technologies, to investigate versions of work initiate projects, demonstrating commitment and perseverance and the ability to prioritise their actions and work towards identified goals develop research and design response using their own ideas and continuing to make adjustments as the work progresses, adding other design, tactile, product and visual stimuli develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response Team Workers play a full part in the life of their school and the wider community, identifying improvements that would benefit themselves and others Reflective Learners invite feedback from peers, teachers and others and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism concerning their product design allocate roles and tasks, identifying their own strengths and those of others and taking responsibility for their own contributions develop a method of group working to ensure best possible design and product outcome critically assess against criteria, their own performance and that of others for both process and product question their own and others’ assumptions in group design sessions to address problems and agree solutions share workings and provide peer feedback on interim showings of progress adapt and refine their ideas as their work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development provide and respond to constructive feedback while resolving increasingly complex issues to achieve successful outcomes. adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both design circle showings and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets Self Managers take responsibility for organising their own time and resources to successfully complete tasks for example to shape, form, mix, assemble and finish materials, components and ingredients develop personalised learning and independent study, through design and construction in class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation present final design and product outcomes in an installation of work based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in a design circle showing at the end of each lesson comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS ICT: Go Plymouth! Independent Enquirers plan and carry out their own research and explore their own ideas to develop solutions to issues or problems determine for themselves the information, ICT tools and techniques they need to answer questions and test hypotheses develop their own ideas, explore possibilities, seek innovative alternatives and make new connections, for example use ICT to model scenarios and identify patterns researching local developer’s work and providing communicative and technological responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome develop own technological outcome, taking in to consideration work from other developers and other technological stimuli use a varied range of media to present and model research and final outcomes take increasing personal responsibility for developing how they think and work. explore for themselves how ICT can be used to communicate, collaborate and share ideas on a local, national and global scale show responsibility when using ICT to communicate safely with others Self Managers take personal responsibility for organising their own time and resources, prioritising actions and managing risks to carry out and successfully complete a task, for example using ICT effectively to organise their time and resources respond positively to new or changing priorities, for example actively embracing the challenges of applying concepts to new or unfamiliar contexts. make their own informed contributions to local, national and international issues using ICT for information exchange and access, for example participating in edebates develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response Reflective Learners develop a method of group working to ensure best possible communicative and technological outcome share workings and provide peer feedback on interim showings of progress adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both interim presentations and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets develop personalised learning and independent study, through technological and communicative acitivites in class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation plan and prepare work effectively, by researching, editing and producing thoroughly based on weekly feedback and target setting, develop technological work and final communicative and technological outcomes Effective Participators develop research and technological response using their own ideas and continuing to make adjustments as the work progresses, adding other technological and communicative stimuli Team Workers recognise their own strengths and those of others when allocating roles and tasks to achieve effective outcomes, for example when applying ICT to carry out extended tasks make choices about how ICT can support them in their learning and in their life outside school explore how communicating, exchanging and presenting information and ideas in ICT can be a force for change Creative Thinkers design their own information systems, adapting and modifying their ideas, for example refining information creatively to combine text, sound and image use perseverance, initiative and creativity to address challenging tasks negotiate and balance diverse sources of information and views, including their own, making independent decisions to solve issues and problems. reflect critically on available information, for example to take account of its purpose, author, currency and context use and adapt creative ways to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences continuously monitor their own progress, identifying criteria for success and making changes to further their learning. adopt a methodical approach to construction of final product representation, using effective technological methods and stimuli present final product outcomes in an installation of work present final product outcomes in an installation of work based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in presentations at the end of each lesson comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS Music: Urban Soundscapes Independent Enquirers plan what to do and how to go about it to determine successful outcomes, for example in performing, composing and listening researching local composer’s work and providing musical responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome recognise their own strengths and those of others when allocating musical roles and tasks and take responsibility for their own contribution, from generating initial ideas to final performance, for example in designating musical leadership roles make their own informed choices to make reasoned decisions, for example in selecting musical elements, devices, tonalities and structures develop own musical outcome, taking in to consideration work from other composers and other musical stimuli explore different musical contexts and styles, analysing music and judging the value of information from different perspectives and viewpoints, including their own researching local composer’s work and providing musical responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome work with increasing independence and apply their skills to a range of contexts and activities. record, edit and manipulate a varied range of sources to present and perform research and final outcomes Self Managers develop musical response using their own ideas and continuing to make adjustments as the work progresses, adding other musical stimuli take personal responsibility for organising their time and resources and organise themselves and show personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and perseverance when performing, composing and listening Creative Thinkers generate and explore their own ideas by creating, developing and extending musical ideas experiment and improvise using their own creative approaches, for example to respond to contextual influences that affect the way music is created, performed and heard make adjustments and adaptations when performing in different contexts and relating music to other art forms and subject disciplines, for example within different styles, genres and traditions select imaginative ways of working to improve their performance in a range of new and unfamiliar musical contexts. take account of how different views, beliefs and attitudes impact on music in national culture enter in to regular discussions regarding musical influence on the group according to views and beliefs provide and respond to constructive feedback, working confidently and cooperatively with others to achieve successful outcomes. use perseverance, initiative and creativity to address challenging tasks based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in presentations at the end of each lesson develop personalised learning and independent study, through design and construction in class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation Effective Participators develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response edit and manipulate recordings from a variety of sources and stimuli and provide a final outcome for an installation adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both interim presentations and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets Team Workers collaborate in order to work towards a common goal in a range of contexts, for example in group performing and composing work collaboratively in groups to record, edit and manipulate found sounds, working to provide a final outcome for installation work in groups to record, edit and manipulate found sounds and provide a final outcome for an installation engage with activities that they enjoy and have selected for themselves develop personal musical response as a final outcome from a varied range of sources play a full part in performance activities in the school and in the wider community produce a final outcome for an installation Reflective Learners reflect critically on available information, for example to take account of its purpose, author, currency and context use and adapt creative ways to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences continuously monitor their own progress, identifying criteria for success and making changes to further their learning. comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis and provide a final outcome for an installation comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary Creative Curriculum: Embedding PLTS Drama: People Watching Independent Enquirers structure their own research analyse and examine information, judging its relevance, value and validity investigate with increasing independence, challenging ideas and assumptions. generate their own ideas, making fresh connections with the ideas of others use their imagination to convey ideas and create settings, moods and characters researching local practitioner’s work and providing dramatic responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome use commitment, perseverance and understanding to prioritise actions and work towards their identified goals, for example in completing an extended task observe and develop own dramatic outcome, taking in to consideration work from other practitioners and other stimuli make informed choices about how they communicate formally and informally researching local practitioner’s work and providing dramatic responses of their own choices, whilst exploring the possibilities of the outcome Creative Thinkers identify and try out for themselves alternative and imaginative solutions and increasingly inventive approaches to what they say and write in familiar and unfamiliar contexts observe, record and improvise a varied range of drama pieces to present and perform research and final outcomes Team Workers recognise their own strengths and those of others to allocate roles and tasks, and take responsibility for their own contribution to achieve effective outcomes, for example in organising a presentation select for themselves and use etechnologies to extend their language experiences, for example use web or satellite links with another school or theatre workshops provide and respond to constructive feedback taking account of different views and developing the confidence to resolve issues. work collaboratively in groups to observe, record, improvise and perform personal observations, working to provide a final outcome for installation develop work so that it reaches a conclusion that is representative of a combined response adopt a reflective attitude to learning in both interim presentations and take in to consideration weekly feedback and working targets Self Managers take personal responsibility for organising their time and resources to carry out and successfully complete work, for example preparing an individual presentation develop personalised learning and independent study, through improvisation and performance in class and homework and presenting work creatively in an installation respond to new or changing priorities, actively embracing change, for example the challenges of investigating a new text or role. Effective Participators engage actively with topics, issues and events in school and beyond, which they select for themselves, for example participating in debates, discussions and drama activities take different views into account and modify their own views in the light of what others say work collaboratively in groups to observe, record and perform observations, working to provide a final outcome for installation enter in to regular discussions regarding dramatic influence on the group according to views and beliefs develop through improvisation a work ethic that involves responding confidently to varied stimuli and personal observations based on weekly feedback and target setting, enter in to regular discussions about work in presentations at the end of each lesson enter in to discussions based on observations, working collaboratively to produce a final outcome develop listening and negotiation skills to reach and express their own, well-reasoned responses, for example on the qualities and distinctiveness of texts of other cultures enter in to regular discussions regarding dramatic influence on the group according to views and beliefs consider alternatives represent or express views and beliefs, including those that may differ from their own. enter in to regular discussions regarding dramatic influence on the group according to views and beliefs Reflective Learners invite feedback from peers and others, evaluating their own strengths and weaknesses to monitor and improve their performance in speaking, listening, reading and writing provide opportunities for regular interim performances of work in progress, encouraging peer feedback and recording work for self assessment adapt and refine their ideas as work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development, setting themselves realistic goals with criteria for success comment and assess own work using the Skills Diary on a weekly basis and provide a final outcome for an installation continuously self-monitor and seek increasingly challenging ways to meet the goals they have set for themselves. comment upon their own learning on a weekly basis, using the comment areas in the Skills Diary