Developing students’ 21st century skills: inquiry learning through collaborative teaching and social media 培訓21世紀學生的技能:探究式學習,協作教學和社會媒體的應用 Dr. Sam Chu, Associate Professor Deputy Director, Centre for IT in Education Division of Information and Technology Studies, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong 1 Scholars who have inspired my work 2 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探究式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式教學) Study 1 at primary school level Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0科技) Study 2 at primary school level (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) GS group project English co-writing Study 3 at secondary school level 3 What’s P21 (Partnership for 21st Century Skills)? 4 What are 21st century skills P21 framework for 21st century skills 學習與創新 生活和職 業技能 資訊、媒體 及科技素養 Source: 5 What are 21st century skills P21 framework for 21st century skills 3 skill sets: Learning and Innovation Digital Literacies Life and Career Skills (學習與創新) (數位素養) (生活和職業技能) 12 components: • • • Critical thinking and problem solving (批判性 思維和解難能力) • • • Collaboration (合作) • Creativity and innovation Media literacy (媒 • 體素養) • Technology Flexibility and adaptability (靈活性和 適應性) literacy (資訊素養) Communication (溝通技 巧) Information Imitative and self-direction (模仿和自 我監督) • Social and cross-cultural interaction (社 會和跨文化的互動) literacy (科技素養) • Productivity and accountability (生產 力和問責制) (創意及創新) • Leadership and responsibility (領導能 力和責任) 6 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探究式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式教學) Study 1 Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0科技) Study 2 (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) Study 3 7 Why are 21st century skills important? The acceleration of digital technology development (加速科技發展 ) in the 21st century has required people to acquire different sets of digital skills and knowledge (對科技的知識和技能的掌握) (Black, 2009) Routine and manual work are being assigned to computers and jobs nowadays emphasize “expert thinking” (which involves critical thinking and problem solving) (專家思考: 批判性思維和解 難能力) and “complex communication” (which involves interpretation of information and communicating ideas to the others) (闡釋資料及與人溝通) (Levy & Murname, 2004, p.5) Hence it is important for educators to find effective ways to help students develop these skills 8 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探究式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式教學) Study 1 Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0科技) Study 2 (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) GS group project English co-writing Study 3 9 Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development - Inquiry PjBL (1) Inquiry project-based learning (inquiry PjBL) The EDB (Education Bureau) of the HKSAR / Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2002) defines Inquiry-based learning (IBL) as a student-centred (以學生為中心) approach that promotes the integration of skills, knowledge, and values (技能、知識和價值觀的整合) in the learning of General Studies (常識科). In the inquiry process, Students are active constructors of knowledge (知識創造者) teacher is a facilitator of learning (老師擔任學生學習的促進者) Instead of the teacher giving the right answers, students have to raise questions, find their own answers and look for the necessary information. are engaged in identifying problems (找出問題), collecting information (搜集資料) and solving the problems (解決問題) they encounter. (Education They Bureau, 2007)) 10 Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development - Inquiry PjBL (2) IBL may occur in the best manner through the implementation of projects (探究式學習最好利用專題 研習進行) (Wilhelm, Sherrod, & Walters, 2008). Projects can capture students’ interests (提升學習興 趣), provoke serious thinking (引發思考), and enable students to apply their knowledge (實踐知識) in a problem-solving context (David, 2008). IBL + project = inquiry PjBL (project-based learning) 11 Inquiry PjBL – Problems encountered 學生似乎缺乏探究式專題研習所需要能力和技能 進行口頭報告時,一組小學四年級學生利用一張A3尺 寸紙張展示他們的報告內容 另外一組小四學生製作了近20頁的簡報,但在口頭報告 過程中只利用了其中數頁 12 To tackle the problems… Maximizing support for students 加強對學生的支援 By bringing in teachers who could support students in inquiry PjBL in various ways 在教學過程中引入不同科目的老師 By bringing in relevant resources 向學生介紹相關的資料 E.g., WiseNews (慧科新聞) Proposition: If we can maximize students’ needed support, we can help them maximize their learning 主張: 如果我們能夠為學生提供他們所需的支持,我們 可以幫助他們更有效地學習 13 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探究式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式教學) Study 1 Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0科技) Study 2 (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) GS group project English co-writing Study 3 14 Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development - Collaborative Teaching Approach Research suggests that collaboration between different teachers promotes effective IBL (Thousand, et. al, 2006). 老師間的合作可令探究式學習更有效率。 Although there is much anecdotal evidence regarding successful teacher and librarian collaboration (老師和 圖書館員間的成功合作例子), there is scarce research that looks into the specific practice of teacher and librarian collaboration in primary schools (MontielOverall, 2007). Although there are professional guidelines for librarians to promote collaborative work with teachers to develop students’ information literacy (AASL,1998), further research is needed to examine the effect of these practices on the academic achievement of students. 15 Introduction to the 3 studies Study 1: A study on inquiry-based learning (探究式學習)in primary schools through librarian-teacher partnerships (Jan. 2006 - June 2007); Faculty Research Fund (HK$18,560). (Project report) Study 2: Promoting a collaborative teaching approach (協作式教 學)to inquiry project-based learning (探究式學習)with Web 2.0 ( Web 2.0 技術)at upper primary levels (Apr. 2009 – Jan. 2012); Quality Education Fund (優質教育基金)(HK$2,973,900). (Project report) Study 3: Developing information literacy (資訊素養) through an inquiry project with Web 2.0 (Jul. 2010 – Jun. 2013); General Research Fund / GRF (優配研究金) (HK$746,756). 16 Study 1: Inquiry PjBL with collaborative teaching approach (1) Modeled behind Harada and Yoshina (2004) and Kuhlthau’s (2003, 2007) work, the Principal Investigator and the school principal provided guidance and leadership in bringing the teachers and the school librarian in this study to work together to guide the Primary 4 (P4) students on projects. Over the six months, students were asked to do two General Studies projects (常識科專題研習) in two phases. The students were free to use any database, search engine, or printed sources. (學生可自由選擇運用任何資料庫、搜尋器或印刷資 料) The grades for the two projects were not included in the final subject grades awarded to the students so as to minimize parents’ concern on how well their children had fared in the inquiry PjBL projects. (學 生的報告分數不會被算入科目的最後分數中,以減少家長對其子女在 此專題研習所得的成績的憂慮) 17 Study 1: Inquiry PjBL with collaborative teaching approach (2) The four teachers approach for Inquiry PjBL The researchers of this study promote a close partnership between 4 kinds of teachers (General Studies, Chinese, IT, and School Librarian) to maximize the learning supports for students. 這項研究的研究人員促進了4種教師(分別任教常識,中文,資訊科技, 圖書館科)緊密的合作夥伴關係,以增強對學生的學習支持。 The study investigates the role of each type of the teaching staff and the collaboration between the teachers in guiding P4 students through inquiry group project-based learning. 這項研究探討每種老師在指導小四學生進行探究式專題研習的角色, 並研究老師間的合作。 (Chu, Tang, Chow, Tse, 2007) 18 Study 1: The Four Teachers’ role Contributions of the collaborating teachers and librarian in the instructional design (各種老師的責任範圍) General Studies: Research skills (研究技能) IT: IT literacy skills (科技素養) e.g. Chinese keyboarding skills, Excel, PowerPoint School Librarian: Information literacy skills (資訊素養) e.g. search the Web & WiseNews Chinese: Reading and writing abilities (閱讀及寫作能 力) 19 Study 1: The inquiry project-based learning (IPjBL) model adopted for the general studies group projects Chu, S. (2009). Inquiry project-based learning with a partnership of three types of teachers and the school librarian. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(8): 1671-1686. 20 Study 1: Participants (參加者) All P4 students of a local primary school participated in the study Three kinds of participants: Type of participants Number of participants Students 學生 141 (M=9 year-olds, 4 classes, 30-40 each) Teachers 老師 11 (4 subjects) Parents 家長 27 (interviewed by phone) 21 Study 1: Data Collection (1) In inquiry learning, students are engaged in 5 kinds of learning: curriculum content, information literacy, learning processes, literacy competencies, and social abilities (課程內容,資訊素養,學習過程,讀寫能力和交 際能力) (Kuhlthau et al., 2007). Eight dimensions representing some of the competencies of the five kinds of learning were identified and served as the dependent variables in this study. (此研究的因變量為八個學習 範疇) 22 Study 1: Data Collection (2) 23 Study 1: Data Collection (3) Various perceptions related to the first IBL project were measured using a similar 5-point scale, with questions on project difficulty, helpfulness of project components, school support, and parental participation. (專題研習的難度,學校的支持,家長的參與) Gender and academic abilities (性別及學習能力) were considered variables that might affect the students’ learning. Interviews with the parents and teachers were conducted. (對家長 和老師進行面談) The General Studies teachers evaluated the group projects and the grades were compared with the project grades of the students who had followed the traditional approach the previous year. (學生的報 告分數和前一年(利用傳統教學法)的分數作比較) 24 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 1. Evaluation of Group Projects T-tests showed statistically significant differences (p<0.001), with the inquiry PjBL group obtaining higher grades than the traditional group. (探究式學習的同學比傳統學習模式的同 學在報告中取得更高的分數) 25 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 2. Eight Dimensions of Learning - 1 The 3 participant groups perceived the students’ learning dimensions to have improved (3個 參與者組別也覺得學生的不同學習範疇有進步), with the teachers generally rating the improvements higher than the students and the parents. No statistically significant differences were observed - improvements of the students in these 8 dimensions of learning were perceived to be similar by the teachers, parents, and the students themselves. 26 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 3. Students’ Enjoyment and Perceptions of Inquiry PjBL Projects The students reported positive enjoyment (3.77±1.02) (學 生表示他們享受探究式學習) The teachers and the parents even reported higher levels of perceived student enjoyment of the projects (teachers: 3.9±.568; parents: 3.94±.813). the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Students’ reported enjoyment of the project appears to have a linear relationship with 5 of the 8 learning dimensions. Regression analysis showed that there are significant linear relations between level of enjoyment & information literacy, reading ability, writing ability, subject knowledge, and communication skills (all have p<0.001). These findings imply that learning may be facilitated by activities that the students enjoy. (此結果顯示如果學生享受學習的活動,他們的學 27 習會更有效) Study 1: Findings and Discussion 4. Perception of Difficulty and Support - 1 Both the parents and the students rated the tasks as relatively easy, while the teacher’ ratings were in the middle of the scale, signifying a neutral perception. (家長,老師和學 生認為探究式學習是容易的) no significant differences between the group ratings (p>0.05). 28 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 6. Implementation of the Collaborative Teaching Approach Enablers Commitment and leadership of the school admin. (學校行政者的支持和領導) Formal meetings for all stakeholders. (除了家長及學生外,包括所有參與者的正式會議) Formal meetings between the research author and each of the four kinds of teaching staff. (包括研究人員及各種參與老師的小組會議) Informal meetings among the teaching staff. (老師間的簡短會議) 29 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 6. Implementation of the Collaborative Teaching Approach Inhibitors Teachers’ lack of time (時間不足) “extra workload” (額外工作量) 30 Study 1: Findings and Discussion 6. Implementation of the Collaborative Teaching Approach Benefits for the teachers and the school administration. The teachers noted that the implementation of the new method provided more opportunities for them to communicate with each other. (為老師提供更多溝通機 會) The parents and teachers generally thought it was advisable to continue the implementation of inquiry PjBL in their school. (家長和老師也認為探究式學習應 於學校繼續推行) 31 Study 1: Conclusion and Implications The project grades of the students who took part in the intervention were significantly higher than the grades of the control students. (同學透過協作教學做的專題研習,比採取傳統學 習模式的同學在報告中取得更高的分數) The participant students had enjoyed doing the projects and found the tasks challenging. (學生十分享受學習過程,並覺得探究 式學習具挑戰性) Students made notable improvements in the eight dimensions of learning. (學生在八個學習範疇中有明顯進步) 32 Study 1: Conclusion and Implications Data gained from interviews indicated aspects beyond the dimensions of learning that were reported to have improved as well, such as independence and selfconfidence. (研究發現學生的自主學習及自信心有進步) The perceived improvement in the dimensions of learning was not affected by the students’ gender. (性 別對進步沒影響) Students with different academic abilities were all able to benefit from inquiry PjBL (探究式學習能為不同的學 術能力帶來正面影響) 33 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探究式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式教學) Study 1 Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0科技) Study 2 (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) GS group project English co-writing Study 3 34 Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development - Use of Web 2.0 technologies Integrating Web 2.0 technologies (e.g., blogs, wikis) into education has been seen as beneficial in facilitating teaching and learning (Chu, Chan & Tiwari, 2012; Chu & Kennedy, 2011; Richardson, 2006) (Web 2.0科技對教學有所幫助) Wiki is often described as “a collaborative web space (網上協作 平台) where anyone can add content and anyone can edit content that has already been published” (任何人都可新增及修改協作平 台上的內容) (Richardson, 2006, p. 8) Pifarre and Starrman (2011) point out that wiki opens up shared dialogic spaces for students to discuss ideas and accomplish tasks together using such ideas, thus scaffolding their critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Woo et al., 2011). 35 Study 2: Instructional Design Three main stages: 1. Implementation of P4 collaborative inquiry PjBL (with a project in Chinese) 2. Implementation of P5 collaborative inquiry PjBL with social media (with a project in Chinese) 3. Implementation of P5 collaborative inquiry PjBL with social media (with a project in English) 36 Study 2: New teaching model 12 dimensions in students improvement 37 Study 2: Participants (參與者) P4 (n=385) and P5 (n=420) students in four primary schools (小學) in Hong Kong The academic performance of the participating schools is average/above average (參與學校的學術表現為中等或 中等以上) 38 Study 2: Data Collection (數據收集) (1) An online survey (網上調查) Administered to 420 P5 students who participated in the GS group project 20 questions adapted from the Hazari’s scale (Hazari, North & Moreland, 2009) Examined four factors regarding the use of wiki in supporting inquiry PjBL Learning/pedagogy 學習/教學 Motivation 學習動機 Group interaction 小組互動 Technology 科技 Anchored on a 5-point Likert-type scale (with 1 being “strongly disagree”, 5 being “strongly agree”) (2) Focus group interviews (焦點小組訪談) With a total of 42 students who took part in English collaborative writing (英文協同 寫作) Students’ insights on the use of wiki in collaborative writing were explored (探討學 生使用維基進行協作寫作的看法) 39 Study 2: Sample of students’ GS project on wiki (學生在維基上的常識科報告的例子) • Sample of students’ GS project work on Google Sites (with annotations in red) 40 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in inquiry GS group projects – Finding (1) Learning/ Pedagogy (學習/教學) Statements regarding wiki’s influence on students’ learning A1. A2. A3. A4. A5. Use of the wiki enhanced my interest in the course I would like to see wikis used in other courses I will retain more material as a result of using the wiki I participated in the assignment more because of using the wiki Use of the wiki aided me in achieving course objectives Mean (SD) Sample Size 3.73 (±1.16) 3.81 (±1.20) 3.77 (±1.10) 3.65 (±1.10) 3.87 (±1.06) 385 384 384 384 385 A student reported that he had “little interest [in the beginning] but after doing this project, [he] want[s] to learn more.” 一位學生說:「開始時興趣不大,但在做完這個研習後,我想學習 更多」 41 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in inquiry GS group projects – Finding (2) Motivation 學習動機 Statements regarding wiki’s influence on students’ learning B1. Benefit of using the wiki is worth the extra effort and time required to learn it B2. I would recommend classes that use wikis to other students B3. I would prefer projects that use wikis over other projects that do not use wikis B4. I will continue to explore use of wikis for project-works B5. I stayed on the task more because of using the wiki Mean (SD) Sample Size 3.58 (±1.12) 3.71 (±1.15) 3.71 (±1.19) 3.75 (±1.15) 3.73 (±1.09) 383 380 384 384 383 A student commented that when compared to the traditional penand-paper approach, working on wiki had given him “the motivation to accomplish tasks”. 一位學生表示維基讓他「更有動機完成任務」。 42 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in inquiry GS group projects – Finding (3) Group Interaction 小組互動 Statements regarding wiki’s influence on students’ learning C1. I liked seeing other students’ interaction with material I posted in the wiki C2. Use of the wiki for the assignment helped me interact more with students C3. Because of using the wiki, my group was able to come to a consensus faster C4. I learned more because of information posted by other students’ in the wiki C5. Use of the wiki promoted collaborative learning Mean (SD) Sample Size 3.56 (±1.10) 3.64 (±1.11) 3.61 (±1.10) 3.63 (±1.11) 3.73 (±1.09) 385 381 385 381 383 Student A: “it is easier to communicate [via wiki] with each another” 一位學生表示:「維基使同學間的溝通更方便」 43 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in inquiry GS group projects – Finding (4) Technology 科技 Statements regarding wiki’s influence on students’ learning D1. The wiki interface and features were overall easy to understand D2. Benefits of using the wiki outweighed any technical challenges of its use D3. Browsing/editing information in the wiki was easy D4. Compared to other online discussion board, the wiki was easier to D5. Technical features in the wiki helped enhance my learning Mean (SD) Sample Size 3.93 (±0.98) 3.52 (±1.17) 3.84 (±1.09) 3.59 (±1.21) 3.76 (±1.07) 386 384 386 384 385 Students found that the online working platform allowed them to work on their projects “anytime and anywhere” in a simultaneous manner. 學生表示網上平台可讓他們「隨時隨地」一起工作。 44 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in English co-writing A total of 42 students also took part in English collaborative writing. (42 名學生 參加了英語共同寫作活動) Students’ insights on the use of wiki in collaborative writing were explored. (了 解同學對於在寫作過程中運用維基的看法) 45 Sample of students’ English collaborative writing on wiki • Comments made on grammar by various students and the corresponding revisions made by the group on their writing (indicated with words in red and green) (有幾 位同學提供了關於英語文法上的意見,然後一位同學在維基中對內容作出修 改,紅色和綠色字顯示了修改位置) 46 Web 2.0 (wiki) technologies in English Collaborative Writing – Finding Peer Learning (同儕學習) “If we use Google Sites as the collaborative platform, we get to read the pieces of writing from other classes, exchange views and comment on our classmates’ work. If we write on paper, we can only read a few pieces.” (Google Sites讓我 們讀到更多同學的作品) After reading his classmate’s work, a student wrote “Your writing is good but I do not [understand] the meaning of truthful”. The writer responded, “truthful means honest.” 47 Implementing the strategies - The Integrated Teaching Timetable at P4 level 48 Implementing the strategies - Roles of different subject teachers and the school librarian at P4 level 各老師/圖書館員的角色 • 常識科老師 • 主要幫助同學掌握研究題目的知識,發展其研究、社交及口頭報告各方 面的能力 • 圖書科老師 • 負責訓練學生的資訊素養 • 提供各樣有關的資訊來源 • 透過中央圖書館的團體借閱服務租借出200本圖書方便學生在進行專題 研習時使用 • 中文科老師 • 改善學生的讀寫能力(如找出文章重點、寫作摘要以及運用恰當詞彙) • 電腦科老師 • 教導學生使用中文輸入法、PowerPoint簡報及利用Excel繪製圖表,以提 高他們口頭報告和使用資訊科技的能力 49 Implementing the strategies (實施策略) - The Integrated Teaching Timetable at P5 level (五年級的綜 合教學時間表) The Integrated Teaching Timetable for P5 (1st term) The Integrated Teaching Timetable for P5 (2nd term) 50 Implementing the strategies - Roles of different subject teachers and the school librarian at P5 level (不同學科教師和學校圖書館員的角色) GS Teachers Language Teachers (Chinese: [C]; English: [E]) Computer Studies Teachers The School Librarian Guide students in mastering their subject knowledge Equip students with IT skills Facilitate students’ development of research, social and communication, and presentation skills Provide training on Chinese input methods, Excel, PowerPoint and wiki Facilitate students’ development of information literacy skills (e.g., the ability to evaluate the usefulness of a piece of information) Enhance students’ presentation skills through the effective use of presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint and Excel) Provide students with access to a variety of information sources such as a block loan of books from public libraries, news clips and web resources, depending on their needs Equip students with the knowledge of citing different types of sources appropriately Monitor students and give constructive feedback on questioning skills, credibility of information sources and appropriateness of presentation materials via assessment of their presentation using PowerPoint or wiki Reinforce students’ ability to reflect by requiring them to do a reflection on wiki upon project completion Foster students’ critical thinking skill via implementation of peer evaluations Facilitate the development of students’ reading comprehension and writing skills [C+E] Give students constructive feedback on their writing via assessment of various written tasks [C+E] Provide students with passages related to the GS topics to reinforce their learning [E] Encourage students to practice collaborative writing through group work [C+E] 51 Presentation outline What are 21st century skills Why are 21st century skills important? Teaching strategies that foster students’ 21st century skills development Inquiry project based learning (探索式學習) Collaborative teaching approach (協作式學習) Study 1 Use of Web 2.0 (social media) technologies (Web 2.0 投術) Study 2 (with practical guides for implementing the strategies) GS group project English co-writing Study 3 52 Study 3: Using Google Sites to support inquiry project-based learning in secondary schools This research project is being carried out at a local secondary school, with F.1 and F.2 students. (中一及中二學生參與這研究) The aim is to assess whether the use of wiki will facilitate students’ co-construction of their Liberal Studies group project works. (研究目的: 評估運用維基能否協助學生共同完成通識科作 業) 53 Study 3: Wiki used in this research 54 Google Sites - an online wiki learning platform (網上維基學習平台) Study 3: Google Sites What is Google sites (Google 協作平台)? Google Sites is a structured wiki (具結構的維基版面) and web page creation tool (網頁設計工具)offered by Google as part of the Google Apps Productivity suite. A video about Google site. 55 55 55 Study 3: Google Sites example 56 Study 3: Research setting (研究設置) Target: F.1 and F.2 students Number of sample: 238 Form 1 students: 95 Form 2 students: 143 Format: survey (問卷) 57 Study 3: A survey on Google Sites 58 With Form 1 and 2 students Study 3: A survey on Google Sites Five areas Area 1: Learning/Pedagogy (學習/教學) Area 2: Motivation (動力) Area 3: Group Interaction (互動) Area 4: Technology (科技) Area 5: Knowledge management (知識管理) Study 3: Area 1: Learning/Pedagogy (學習/教學) Note: The bar charts reflect the average number of students responding the questions regarding the respective areas. The scores “1.00”, “2.00”, “3.00”, “4.00” and “5.00” refer to “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree” and “Strongly agree” respectively. Study 3: Area 2: Motivation (動力) Note: The bar charts reflect the average number of students responding the questions regarding the respective areas. The scores “1.00”, “2.00”, “3.00”, “4.00” and “5.00” refer to “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree” and “Strongly agree” respectively. Study 3: Area 3: Group Interaction (互動) Note: The bar charts reflect the average number of students responding the questions regarding the respective areas. The scores “1.00”, “2.00”, “3.00”, “4.00” and “5.00” refer to “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree” and “Strongly agree” respectively. Study 3: Area 4: Technology (科技) Note: The bar charts reflect the average number of students responding the questions regarding the respective areas. The scores “1.00”, “2.00”, “3.00”, “4.00” and “5.00” refer to “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree” and “Strongly agree” respectively. Study 3: Area 5: Knowledge management (知識管 理) Note: The bar charts reflect the average number of students responding the questions regarding the respective areas. The scores “1.00”, “2.00”, “3.00”, “4.00” and “5.00” refer to “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree” and “Strongly agree” respectively. Study 3: Students interviews (學生訪談) Google sites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 65 Do you find Google sites helpful for your group to co-construct the group project work online? Why or why not? (Google 協作平台對你 在網上共同完成作業有用嗎?)(Video 1A – Google_S.mp4) Do you find Google sites better/worse than what you usually used in the past (e.g., a word processor such as MSWord) to co-construct the group project work? (Google 協作平台比其他網上工具好用嗎? ) Why or why not? (Video 2A-Google_S v MS Word.mp4) Suppose you are the teacher, will you ask your students to use Google sites to co-construct the group project work next year? (假 設你是老師,你會建議學生使用google 協作平台嗎?)Why or why not? (Video 2A-teacher_use Google_S.mp4) Have you encountered any problems when using Google sites? What are these problems?(使用 Google 協作平台時有遇過問題嗎? ) (Video 1D - Google_S Del problems.mp4) What don’t you like about the use of Google sites? (對 Google 協作 平台有什麼不滿嗎?) Plagiarism in a HK secondary school (一間香港中學的抄襲問題) The project aimed to understand the degree of plagiarism among junior secondary school students (研究目的:瞭解初中生抄襲的情況) Methodology (研究方法) Conduct plagiarism check (抄襲評估) Evaluate the plagiarism levels of 15 Form 1 student group projects by an online free plagiarism checker, Small SEO Tools ( Interview a teacher and 30 students 66 Plagiarism in a HK secondary school (一間香港中學的抄襲問題) Research Questions (研究問題) To what extent do the secondary school students understand the behavior of plagiarism (在什麼程度上學生認識抄襲行為?) Why do the students do poorly in avoiding plagiarism? What are the secondary school students’ perspectives on plagiarism? What have the teachers done in supporting their students to avoid plagiarism? 67 Plagiarism Assessment Scale (抄襲評估量表) Level Label Level 1 None (沒 犯) Description No plagiarism • Copy a block of text from the student’s previous work Level 2 Minor (輕犯) or • Copy a block of text of less 40 words from others’ sources without any citation • Copy a block of text of over 40 words from others’ sources without any citation, but Level 3 Moderate (中犯) • Give references at the end of the work or • Give references in form of an attachment Level 4 Serious (重犯) • Copy a block of text of over 40 words from others’ sources without any citation Remark: APA Publication Manual suggest to give a quotation for copying a block of text of 40 or more words. (APA, 2009: p.171). 68 Online Plagiarism Check (沒犯) (重犯) (輕犯) (中犯) 69 Causes of Plagiarism (抄襲的成因): Students’ Perspective (學生的看法) Why do the students do poorly in avoiding plagiarism? (學生為何不懂得避免抄襲?) Most students have insufficient knowledge to identify which situation is plagiarism (對抄襲的知識 貧乏) They have not received any training regarding citation in their Primary School (在小學時沒有接受過 引用資料的方法) They did not know (學生不懂): how to do the citation in a proper way (如何正確引 用資料) how to do paraphrasing (如何意譯資料) 70 Causes of Plagiarism:(抄襲的成因): Teacher’s Perspective (教師的看法) Why do the students do poorly in avoiding plagiarism? (學生為何不懂得避免抄襲?) Local public school students have less concern on plagiarism than students in the local international schools (本地公立學校的學生相對國際學校的學生較不重 視抄襲的嚴重性) Most students have not received any education regarding “Plagiarism” in Primary School (大多數學生沒 有在小學時接受有關避免抄襲的教育) “Avoiding plagiarism” is not clearly stated in the project guideline students paid less attention ( “避免抄襲”並沒有明確列在作業指引中 學生沒 留意) 71 Guideline Published by Canadian International School of Hong Kong (香港加拿大國際學校出版的指引) Source: Canadian International School of Hong Kong (2011). Parents’ Information Handbook (2011~2012). 72 Developing students’ information literacy with information literacy exercise – 1 (培養學生的資訊素養 – 資訊素養練習) 73 Developing students’ information literacy with information literacy exercise – 2 (培養學生的資訊素養 – 資訊素養練習) 74 Developing students’ information literacy with information literacy exercise – 3 (培養學生的資訊素養 – 資訊素養練習) 75 My book on 21st century skills education 我的著作: 21世紀技能教育 For the e-version, please visit: php?staffId=samchu 76