How To Develop Christian Character in Children Jesus Loves Me


How To Develop Christian

Character in Children

Jesus Loves Me(English)

Jesus loves me, this I know; for the Bible tells me so

Little ones to Him belong; they are weak but He is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me

Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so.

Jesus Loves Me(Japanese)

Shu wa-re wo a-i-su Shu wa tsu-yo-ke-re-ba

Wa-re yo-wa-ku-tomo O-so-re wa ara-ji

Waga Shu Iesu , Waga Shu Iesu , Waga Shu Iesu

Wa-re wo a-i-su

Waga tsu-mi no ta-me Sa-ka-e wo su-te-te

Ame yo-ri ku-da-ri Ju-ji-ka ni tsu-ke-ri


Iesu-sama Ga Ichiban (Jesus is No.1!)

Don-na-ni sa-bi-shi-i to-ki-ni-mo

Don-na-ni ka-na-shi-I I to-ki-ni-mo

Iesu-sama ga Ichiban, Iesu-sama ga Ichiban

Ta-to-e so-re-ga don-na-ba-ai-de-mo

Iesu-sama ga Ichiban, Iesu-sama ga Ichiban


Dat-te Iesu-sama wa Kami-sama da-mo-no

Dat-te Iesu-sama wa Kami-sama da-mo-no

Jesus is No.1!(meaning)

Whenever you are sad and lonely,

(Remember that ) Jesus is your No.1.

No matter what your problem is,

( Remember that ) Jesus is your No.1 all the time.


Because Jesus is God ; Because Jesus is God!

Exploring the world…

Active & Fun-Loving…

Growing strong…

Together with friends…

Yes! Jesus Loves Children!

“Let the little children Come to Me.”

(Mark 10:13)

Class One 9:30-12:00

The Theme of the Class One:

What are some of the

Christian Character this age group should manifest?

Class One 9:30-12:00 (modified schedule)

9:30-10:30 Introduction to the Course

Bible Reading & Presentation

10:30-10:45 Learn a children’s song in Japanese


On Development (Piaget & Erikson)

11:45-12:00 Q & A with sharings


Biblical References

Mark 10:13 (let children come to me)

Psalm 8:1~2 (praises on the lips of children & infants)

Matthew 18:3 (unless you become like little children)

Luke 2:11~12 (Savior born as a baby in the manger)

Christian Character Formation as the result of Spiritual Growth







( Heart)






How a child grows: Dependence on Mother


An infant: Start having his/her own world





Separating to be independent

(younger child~older child)


(Care taker)


Becoming independent (adult)





♪ Umi To Sora Tsukurareta Shu

(Sing to the tune of It’s A Small World)

U-mi to so-ra tsu-ku-ra-re-ta Shu wa

Wa-ta-shi-no Shu a-na-ta-no Kami

Tsumi wo yu-ru-shi su-ku-i-ta-mo-oh

Min-na-no Shu

Iesu wa Shu Ha-re-ru-ya (Hallelujah)

Iesu wa Shu Ha-re-ru-ya (Hallelujah)

Iesu wa Shu Ha-re-ru-ya (Hallelujah)

Min-na no Shu

Piaget’s Cognitive Development


Sensorinmotor Stage

Preoperational Stage

Concrete Operational Stage

Formal Operational



0-2 years old

During this stage…

Learn thru movements & sensations

2-7 yrs

7-11 yrs

11 yrs +

(Children age 10-12)

Aquire language & use symbols (words or pix) to represent objects

Able to see things from different pots of view, to imagine events occuring outside their own lives

Able to reason in abstract ways; greater focus on possibilities & ideological issues

Stages of Development By Erik Erikson









Stage Age

0-1 years

2-3 yrs

4-6 yrs

7-12 yrs

(11~12 yrs


13-19 yrs

20-34 yrs

35-65 yrs

65 +

Crisis Virtues to be attained

HOPE Trust VS Mistrust

Autonomy VS Shame & Doubt WILL

Initiation VS Guilt

Industry VS Inferiority



Identity VS Role Confusion FIDELITY

Intimacy VS Isolation LOVE

Generativity VS Stagnation

Integrity VS Despair



Class Two 13:00-14:30

The Theme of the Class Two:

How To Build such Christian Character in their Lives?

Children in the Bible

Samuel (I Kings 3:10)

Young David fighting with Goliath

(I Kings 17:45)

 Young servant girl of Naaman’s wife

 (II Kings 5:3)

12 -year-old girl who was restored to life by


(Mark 4:35-43)

Class Two 13:00-14:30

13:00-14:00 Bible Reading & Presentation

14:00-14:15 Q & A

14:15-14:30 Assignments- Act the Bible Stories

(in 4-5 groups)


God As the Master Builder

God As the Master Builder

“I planted, Apollo watered, but God gave the growth.

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.

The one who plants and the one waters have a common purpose, and will receive wages according to the labor of each.

For we are God’s servants, working together;

You are God’s field, God’s building.

(NRSV, 1 Corinthians 3:6-9)

Ages 10-12: Preadolescents

Period of rapid physical growth

Body changes with sexuality developing

Becoming rational, logical, reasonable

”Peer Group” becomes powerful influence

Enjoy group activities to create their own projects

Becoming critical of adults

Having heros/heroines from sports & entertainment fields

Sense of responsibility grows (church membership & stewardship)

Able to seek God’s guidance in their lives

Content Areas for

Teaching Older Children

Objective 1 : Christian Conversion

Objective 2 : Christian Membership

Objective 3 : Christian Worship

Objective 4 : Christian Knowledge &


Objective 5 : Christian Attitudes & Convictions

Objective 6 : Christian Living

Objective 7 : Christian Service

Objective 1: Christian Conversion

Christian Conversion

1) To understand that all people do wrong and that

2) wrongdoing displeases God.

To face the fact that the wrong things they do are sins against God.

3) To realize that Christ’s death for our sins makes possible forgiveness and new life for every person who repents of sin and trust Jesus Christ.

Older Children Need…

4) To understand that a person becomes a Christian by trusting Jesus as Savior- not by being baptized and joining the church or simply trying to be good.

5) To realize that they need God’s forgiveness for their own sins.

6) To turn from sin to simply trust in Christ as their personal Savior and Lord when the Holy Spirit has made them ready for such response and commiment.

Objective 2: Church Membership

Church Membership

1)To form the habit of regular church attendance and of participating with understanding and joy in church services and activities.

2) To understand that a New Testament church is composed of people who have already become

Christians and who have been baptized in obedience to Christ.

Older Children Need…

3) To understand that a person joins the church only after trusting Jesus as Savior, with a conviction that he/she is a Christian and should be baptized in obedience to Christ.

Objective 3: Christian Worship

Christian Worship

1) To understand that worship is an experience of reverent communion with God and that people may engage in worship alone, with their families, with friends,

2) and with groups at church.

To cultivate the practice of regular private worship, including daily Bible reading and prayer .

(private daily worship= “devotions”)

Older Children Need…

3) To do their part to maintain and to participate in family worship.

4) To attend regularly the worship service of their own church and to participate meaningfully and reverently in praying, singing, Bible reading, and listening.

Objecitive 4:Christian Knowledge & Understand ing

To help each child gain such knowledge of the Bible and Christian faith as can be related to his/her daily experiences.

Objective 5: Christian Attitudes & Convictions

To guide each child in the continuing development of attitudes and appreciations that will encourage persoanl growth.

Objective 6: Christian Living

To guide each child to develop and use in every day life, habits, and skills that will help him/her grow spiritually.

Objective 7: Christian Service

To guide each child to use his/her talent and skills in ways that will help others and serve God’s purpose.

The Greatest Commandment

“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”

He ( Jesus ) said to him (a Phariee lawyer),

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

This is the greatest and first commandment.

And a second is like itself; You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:36-40)

Love God, Love your neighbors as you love yourself (Matthew 22:36-40)

Lord your God




Class Three 15:00-16:30

The Theme of the Class Three:

What should we, as the church, do to minister to them?

Class Three 15:00-16:30

15:00-15:45 “Act It Out!”

15:45- 16:15 Presentation

16:15 -16:30 Q & A

Act It Out!

 *Let each group give a 5-minute presentation of the Bible story given to them.

 *Do not speak! Just act it out.

 *The remaining class will see the act and have a guess of what the story is about.


Galatians 4:19 (Christ being formed in the believer)

Colossians 3:16~17 (let the word of Christ dwell in you richly)

Ephesians 4:11~17 (growing in love as unity in the Body of Christ)

For Christian Character Development…



& Spiritual






Older Children Need…




To recognize that the Bilbe is an inspired message from God and that its teachings are to be accepted and followed in all that we believe and do.

To develop an increasing understanding of the origin, structure, and transmission of the Bible.

To learn about the customs and geography of the

Bible lands in order to understand better many of the teachings of the Bible.

Older Children Need…

4) To develop a growing knowledge of basic stories

& truths increasing guidance and motivation for daily living.

5) To grow in skill in using the Bible.

6) To memorize appropriate Bible passages.

Teaching Children the Bible (outcomes)

1) Become aware of and remember Bible stories & facts.

2) Gain insights into Bible truths.

3) Be able to repeat selected Bible verses & passages.

4) Develop & express attitudes and feelings about

Bible material.

5) Make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as his/her own personal Savior.

6) Make application of Bible truths in daily living.

7) Grow as a witness and servant of Jesus Christ.

Methods for Teaching Older Children

* Storytelling ~ Bible stories, stories of God-motivated heroes/heroines

* Dramatics ~ story playing, drama, skits, role play, etc.

* Questions ~ to stimulate interest, test knowledge, help them express their thoughts, etc.

* Discussions or guided conversations

* Projects ~ to “do” something related to their learning

* Creative Activities ~ writing, music activities, arts & crafts, mosaics, etc.

“The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40)

“ And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor.”

(Luke 2:52)

Growing to be a witness of the Lord


Charles A. Tidwell, The Educational Ministry of

A Church: A Comprehensive Model for Students

and Ministers, Revised & Expanded, 1996.

Bruce P. Powers, ed., Christian Education Handbook:

A Revised & Completely Updated Edition, 1996.

Daryl Eldridge, ed., The Teaching Ministry of the

Church:Integrating Biblical Truth with

Contemporary Application, 1995.

*Above 3 books are all from Broadman & Holman Publishers, USA.
