Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup Holly Fritz

Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup
Holly Fritz
Week Nine Lesson Plans
(no class on Friday because of project
partner site visit day with advisories)
Monday 11/1/10
Learning Goal: SWBAT
1. Summarize the qualities of level one, level two, level three questions and pose these different
types of questions about the last two chapters of the book.
Do Now: On page 40
Respond to the following quote and
questions in complete sentences.
Refer to your book.
On page 268, Ram says, “… Real life is
very different from reel life. Love
doesn’t happen in an instant. It creeps
up on you and then it turns your life
upside down.”
What is happening for Ram at this point
in the story?
What does he mean by “Real life” is
different from “reel life”?
What does he realize about love?
Do you agree/disagree or relate to what
Ram says here about love? Explain/.
1. Do Now and HW check
2. Preview of the week
3. Leveled question cards
4. Partner work
5. Partner share out
HW: organize your interactive
notebook! There will be a
notebook quiz soon!
Tuesday 11/2/10
Learning Goals: SWBAT
1. Demonstrate their comprehension of the plot of the end of the novel by answering
a series of level one questions.
2. Prepare for a fishbowl discussion on the end of the novel by responding to level two
and level three questions and supporting those answers with evidence from the text.
Do Now: On page 42
In the Epilogue Ram says,
“I realized a long time ago that
dreams have power only over
your own mind; but with money
you can have power over the
minds of others” (p. 316).
• What does he mean?
• Why does he say this?
• Do you agree with him? Why or
why not?
1. Do Now
2. Level one quiz
3. Fishbowl preparation
1. Finish fishbowl prep for
2. Letter to Ram
Q & A by Vikas Swarup
Fishbowl Preparation Chart
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Prepare for a fishbowl discussion on the end of the novel
by responding to level two and level three questions and
supporting those answers with evidence from the text.
Directions: Tomorrow we will be having a fishbowl discussion about the last two chapters and the
Epilogue of Q & A. We will use the level two and three questions that you wrote on Monday as
the foundation for this discussion. Complete the following chart in preparation for this discussion.
Level 2 & 3 Questions
How does Ram’s understanding of
love change in ‘A Love Story”?
(level two question)
2. Why did Ram give Mr. Chatterjee the
four lakh ruppees? What does this
decision reveal about Ram? (level two)
3. Why does Ram feel so responsible
for Nita? (level two)
4. Why does love take time to develop?
(level three)
Your Answer
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Q & A by Vikas Swarup
Fishbowl Preparation Chart Prepare for a fishbowl discussion on the end of the novel by
responding to level two and level three questions and
supporting those answers with evidence from the text.
1. Why couldn’t Ram shoot
Prem Kumar? (level two)
2. What did Neelima and Nita
mean for Ram? Why did he
care so much about them?
4. Is revenge ever justified?
(level three)
Your Answer
Homework for Tuesday night: due Wednesday 11/3/10
Directions: For this homework assignment you are required to write a one page letter to Ram.
Your letter needs to include a salutation and needs to be addressed to Ram . You will hand
this work in and it will count as two homework assignments.
Paragraph One:
• Introduce yourself.
• Tell Ram what you thought of his story.
• What do you and Ram have in common? What text-to-self connections were you able to
make while reading his story?
Paragraph Two:
• Tell Ram about an action or decision that he made that you agreed with, or approved of and
explain why you feel this way.
• Include a quote from the part of the story where he made this decision or action.
• Explain why you think he acted this way or made this decision.
Paragraph Three:
• Tell Ram about an action or decision that he made that you disagreed with and explain why
you feel this way.
• Include a quote from the part of the story where he made this decision or action.
• Explain why you think he acted this way or made this decision.
Paragraph Four:
• Tell Ram about what you hope his life is like when he is older (in his 30’s)– what are your
hopes for him and for the other characters in the story (Nita, Salim, Gudiya, etc.)?
Wednesday 11/3/10 (double block)
Learning Goals: SWBAT
1. Reflect on the end of the novel by exchanging letters to Ram with a partner and responding in
Ram’s voice.
2. Respond to and construct level two and three questions about the end of the novel by
participating in a fishbowl discussion.
3. Describe and illustrate the word motif.
Do Now: on page 42
Answer the following
questions in complete
• What patterns did you notice
when you were reading Q &
In other words, what kinds of
events, or images repeated,
or happened over and over
• Why do you think this might
be important?
Do Now (HW check/collect:
fishbowl prep and letter to Ram)
Pair Share: letter to Ram
Fishbowl guidelines
Fishbowl discussion
Reflection/debrief on fishbowl
Mini-lesson on Motif (go over
Do Now and vocab. graphic
Homework: Complete the chart on
motif in Q & A.
Pair Share: Letter to Ram
Learning Goals: SWBAT
Reflect on the end of the novel by sharing
letters to Ram with a partner and responding
in Ram’s voice.
Directions: Exchange letters with a partner. Then, on the back of the letter
(or a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper if there is no room), respond to
the letter as Ram.
Your letter must be at least one paragraph long.
Your letter needs to specifically address the letter your partner wrote.
Your letter needs to be specific.
Your letter needs to be written in Ram’s voice.
• When you are finished, return the original letter and your letter to your
• Both letters will be turned in to me and graded.
• Then, under your Do Now, did writing your letter to Ram, or responding
to someone else’s letter as Ram, make your realize anything new about
this character, or about the book? Explain.
Fishbowl Guidelines
Learning Goals: SWBAT
Respond to and construct level two and three questions
about the end of the novel by participating in a fishbowl
Inner Circle:
• Members sit in a circle (with desks) with their fishbowl prep charts and their
books in front of them.
• Members ask and respond to level two and three questions about the end
of the book.
• Members speak respectfully and kindly to one another, even when
disagreeing (no put downs, or insults– even if you are joking).
Outer Circle:
• Observes the inner circle according to instructions on the outer circle card.
• Does not participate in discussion (silent observers)
• Takes notes in INB under the Do Now for today.
• Shares observations with inner circle before the circles switch places.
Fishbowl Reflection
Learning Goals: SWBAT
Respond to and construct level two and three questions
about the end of the novel by participating in a fishbowl
Directions: Answer the following questions on loose-leaf
paper. I will collect this work from you.
1. Are you more comfortable on the inner circle or the outer
circle? Why?
2. Did you realize anything new about the book from
observing and participating in today’s fishbowl discussion?
3. How did you contribute to the inner circle discussion?
Were your contributions positive? Explain.
4. What can you and others do to make the next fishbowl
discussion even better and more productive/focused?
Term: Motif
My Understanding:
Describe: _________________________________
Further Understanding:
How does this word relate to the novel? To the other
unit two vocab. words (transgress and/or agency)?
What can you add to your description to help you
understand the meaning of this word?
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate the word motif.
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate the word motif.
• A motif is a pattern.
• A motif is a theme or idea that repeats
throughout a work of literature (story, novel).
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc95ndkl
Tracking Motifs in
Q & A by Vikas Swarup
Motifs in the novel
Homework for Wednesday 11/3/10,
due Thursday 11/4/10
The significance of each identified
motif– why is each motif important?
What does it mean? What does it
reveal about the characters/themes of
the book? What is the author trying to
communicate through use of this
Quote: Find a quote that
illustrates/exemplifies each of the two
motifs you identified.
Thursday 11/4/10
Learning Goals: SWBAT
1. Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism and make connections
between these two concepts/terms and the themes/motifs in Q & A.
Do Now: On page 44
• Answer the following
question in at least 3
complete sentences!
• How is transgression a motif
in Q & A?
Do Now and HW check (chart on
motifs in Q & A).
Review: Motif and go over/share
motifs in the novel, Do Now
Lesson on colonialism and postcolonialism.
Unit Two test topics for study.
Homework: Complete the
Vocabulary Venn Diagram.
Review the main events from
the whole book in preparation
for next Wednesday’s unit test!
Term: Colonialism
My Understanding: 1
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism and make connections between these two
concepts/terms and the themes/motifs in Q & A.
Further Understanding: What is the
connection between colonialism and
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism and make
connections between these two concepts/terms and the
themes/motifs in Q & A.
• Colonialism refers to a period of history from the late 15th to the 20th
century when European countries established colonies on other
continents (Asia, South America, Africa). These European nations were
motivated by profit from trade and the expansion of their power. In
addition, they often believed their European culture and religions
(Christianity) were superior to the culture and religions practiced by the
people of these other countries/continents and believed they had the
right to spread their own culture and religion.
Colonialism in India
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism
and make connections between these two concepts/terms
and the themes/motifs in Q & A.
The British rule over India changed the course of history in India. The British came to India at the start of
the seventeenth century. This was the time when the British East India Company was established in India
to break the Dutch monopoly over spice trade. The policies of the British East India Company were disliked
by Indians and together they revolted against the company. This led to the downfall of the company and
rule of India went directly under the Queen.
The British claimed India as it’s own and formed laws and policies of their own. Slowly but rapidly, the
entire Indian sub continent came under the British rule. By mid nineteenth century, the British introduced
the railways, telegraph and postal service in India. This was a move to establish their rule permanently in
The British passed many acts that were met with dissatisfaction and resentment by the Indians. As a result
,the Indians formed large groups and revolted against the British. Each movement was brutally crushed by
the British forces. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lala Rajpat Rai, Subhash Chandra
Bose, etc. arose and openly condemned the British. They were people's leaders who inspired the masses
not to be afraid of the forces.
Finally after 200 years of British rule, India gained independence from them on 15th August, 1947. Many
innocent lives were sacrificed for this achievement and India was also separated from Pakistan. The
partition of India and Pakistan spread incidents of brutality and horror in both the countries. But due to
the effort of the leaders and the ever sacrificing masses, India was able to gain freedom from the British
and progress till the present times.
Term: Post-Colonialism
My Understanding: 1
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism and make connections between these two
concepts/terms and the themes/motifs in Q & A.
Further Understanding: What is the
connection between colonialism and
post-colonialism in India?
Learning Goal: SWBAT
Describe and illustrate colonialism and post-colonialism and make
connections between these two concepts/terms and the
themes/motifs in Q & A.
• Postcolonialism refers to reactions to, and analysis of, the lasting effects of
colonialism on the people who were formerly colonized.
• The goal of post-colonialism is combating and exposing the negative
effects of colonialism on cultures.
• Post-colonialist thinkers recognize that many of the assumptions which
underlay the "logic" of colonialism are still active forces today. Exposing
the racist nature of these assumptions will remove their power.
• A key goal of post-colonial theorists/writers is clearing space for multiple
voices. This is especially true of those voices that have been previously
silenced (called subalterns) by oppressive colonial/European forces.
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stzpu-cS4_4
Homework for Thursday 11/4
Due Monday 11/8/10
Directions: Complete the Venn Diagram by referring to your class notes/vocabulary graphic organizers on colonialism, postcolonialism, the
subaltern voice. You should replicate this Venn Diagram on page ____ of your Interactive notebook. In each circle, describe what each
term means. In the space that overlaps, describe the relationship between each of these three terms. Then, next to each of the three
lines on the outside, write words, names, phrases the remind you of these three concepts (either from history class, or from the novel,
or from your knowledge of the world).
Colonialism: What
does it mean?
How does it relate
to India?
What is it?
How does it
relate to India?
What is it?
How does it
relate to India?