Touch There MY PROFILE NEXT DAPTAR ISI FAKULTAS : TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI,TEKNIK,ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK Jl.KH.Amin jasuta No. 15 C Kaloran Serang-Banten Telp./Fax.: (0254) 208266, 221101,208208. KATA PENGANTAR PENDAHULUAN TENSES PASSIVE VOICE CLAUSES READING AND TENSE OF TEKS TASK DAFTAR PUSTAKA FINISIHING KE TAMPILAN AWAL Some linguists doubt the importance of contrastive analysis for the teaching of a foreign language because not all problems which have been predicted before are difficult for the students to overcome. Sometimes English Noun Phrases (NPs) are not found in Indonesian, and is therefore predicted to be difficult for the students to contrast it. Contrastive analysis which makes a comparison between the systems of English and Indonesian noun phrases intends to find out the different and similar elements of such noun phrases. There is assumption that different elements cause learning problems, whereas similar do not. The English teaching curriculum includes skills such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. Reading skill is emphasized although four of these skills should be taught in on integrated manner. It can be seen from the fact that one of the goals of English teaching in the institute where the writer constitutes as a student of it is to give the students an ability to read English texts. It is very important because there are many books written in English now. Since English is not our own language, mastering English cannot be achieved in a short time. it is not also our second language but it is only the first foreign language in Indonesia. It has different systems of rule form Indonesian language. Many students find difficulties to interpret even very simple English noun phrases (NPs), such as ‘stone building’ and ‘building stone’. It indicates how important the problem is. BACK TO CONTENT Nama : Azi Malela Ttl : 16/11/1994 Kelas : a six (6) Smester : 1 (satu) Hobi : Solat Cita-Cita :Nguras Laut Moto : Solat lah sebelum di solatkan BACK Puja dan Puji Syukur hanya milik Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan kasih sayang-Nya dan meluangkan waktu kepada penulis untuk menyelesaikan makalah bahasa inggris berjudul "bahasa inggris". Penulis juga ucapkan terima kasih kepada beberapa pihak yang telah membantu dalam penyelesaian makalah ini. Makalah tentang bahasa inggris ini diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas akhir mata kuliah bahasa inggris. Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi lebih jauh tentang bahasa inggris. Penulis sangat menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran baik secara tertulis ataupun secara lisan, khususnya kepada Dosen pengampu mata kuliah bahasa inggris.miss Arifatul Hasanah agar penulis bisa mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuannya, khususnya ilmu Berbahasa Inggris Serang 28 januari 2013 Azi malela BACK TO CONTENT TENSES KELOMPOK PRESENT (WAKTU SEKARANG) 1. Simple Present Tense (waktu sekarang) She writes some letters now (active) Dia menulis beberapa surat sekarang [S + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters are written by her now (passive) Beberapa surat ditulis oleh dia sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + Verb3 + O] 2. Present Continuous Tense (sedang berlangsung) She is writing some letters now (active) Dia sedang menulis beberapa surat sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters are being written by her now (passive) Beberapa surat sedang ditulis oleh dia sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + being + Verb3 + O] 3. Present Perfect Tense (telah dikerjakan) She has written some letters (active) Dia telah menulis beberapa surat [S + have,has + Verb3 + O/C] 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (telah sedang dikerjakan) She has been writing some letters for two hours (active) Dia telah sedang menulis beberapa surat selama 2 jam [S + have,has + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters have been being written by her for two hours (passive) Beberapa surat telah sedang ditulis oleh dia selama 2 jam [S + have,has + been + being + Verb3 + O] KELOMPOK FUTURE (YANG AKAN DATANG) 1. Simple Future Tense She will write some letters tomorrow (active) Dia akan menulis beberapa surat besok [S + shall/will + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters will be written by her tomorrow (passive) Beberapa surat akan ditulis oleh dia besok [S + shall/will + be + Verb3 + O] 2. Future Continuous Tense She will be writing some letters tomorrow (active) Some letters have been written by her (passive) Beberapa surat telah ditulis oleh dia [S + have,has + been + Verb3+ O] NEXT Dia akan sedang menulis beberapa surat besok [S + shall/will + be + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters will be being written by her tomorrow (passive) Beberapa surat akan sedang ditulis oleh dia besok [S + shall/will + be + being + Verb3 + O] 3. Future Perfect Tense She will have written some letters (active) Dia akan telah menulis beberapa surat [S + shall/will + have + Verb3 + O/C] Some letters will have been written by her (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah ditulis oleh dia [S + shall/will + have + been + Verb3 + O] 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense She will have been writing some letters (active) Dia akan telah sedang menulis beberapa surat [s + shall/will + have + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters will have been being written by her (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia [S + shall/will + have + been + being + Verb3 + O] KELOMPOK PAST FUTURE (YANG AKAN DATANG DI MASA LAMPAU) 1. Past Future Tense She would write some letters when you came (active) Dia akan menulis beberapa surat ketika kamu datang [S + should,would + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters would be written by her when you came (passive) Beberapa surat akan ditulis oleh dia ketika kamu datang [S + should,would + be + Verb3 + O] 2. Past Future Continuous Tense She would be writing some letters on Monday last week (active) Dia akan sedang menulis beberapa surat pada hari Senin minggu lalu [S + should,would + be +(Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters would be being written by her on Monday last week (passive) Beberapa surat akan sedang ditulis oleh dia pada hari Senin minggu lalu [S + shoul,would + be + being + Verb3 + O] 3. Past Future Perfect Tense She would have written some letters if you hadn’t come here (active) Dia akan telah menulis beberapa surat jika kamu belum datang kesini [S + should,would + have + Verb3 + O/C] Some letters would have been written by her if you hadn’t come here (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia jika kamu belum datang kesini [S + should,would + have + been + Verb3 + O] 4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense She would have been writing some letters by March this year (active) Dia akan telah sedang menulis beberapa surat menjelang Maret tahun ini [S + should,would + have + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters would have been being written by her by March this year (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia menjelang Maret tahun ini [S + should,would + have + been + being + Verb3 + O] BACK TO CONTENT PASSIVE VOICE Tobe + verb 3 Tobe ! Preant (verb 1) am,are,is Past (verb 2) was, were Continous be+being Perfect (verb 3) been EXAMPLE ! Am i, are, they,we,you,is ,she,he,it -was i,she,he,it -were they,e,you Present tense be past tense -Have : i,you,we,they -Has : she,he,it -Had : i,you,we,they,he,she,it EXAMPLE ! a)Active : tia eat apple S V1 O b)Passive : Apple is eatn by tia o tobe v3 S EXAMPLE ! By useing pronoun (i,you,we,they,he,she,it) 1 Active i eat apple S V1 O Passive Apple is eatn by me O tobe V2 S We can eliminated “by me” Because “Subject” of active Uses pronoun “ I ” Nate If in “active” “uses” “Name” “tia” Please write down complettely EXAMPLE ! Active iam happy Passive (no answer because uses pronoun “ i “) Change Active Voice into possive voice if it is Possible ! EXAMPLE ! Active she is studying english Passive english being studid by her Active she is studying in england Passive (no answer because “uses is object”) Active Jamil bought book Passive Book’s were by jamil Active Roni has playd BB Passive BB has been played by Roni Active Helen Was playing dools Passive dools were being played by helen BACK TO CONTENT Adjectiv clause (noun and pronoun) Relative pronoun Who -> prson as subject Whom -> person as object Whose -> person for possessive Whice -> thing as subject or object Where -> place When -> time Why -> season That -> person and ting Subject They We I You She He It Object Them Us Me You Her Him It Possessive + noun Their Our My You Her His its Example Ac = that is the man who told me about a good nous. That is the man He told me about a good nous. Subject Someone who call you is my father Someone is my father He calls you The girl wham gave a special reaward. 2b) the girl is a bright Student whom I gave a special reaward 3b) this is the girl whose picture you saw This is the girl Her picture you saw You saw heR picture S V O 4b) the boy whose radio Was stolen is a student The boy is a student His radio was student 4b) hani which is very falthful is my cat Hani is my cat It is very faith my cat 4b) - hani and hana which are twin are my cat They are twin BACK TO CONTENT BACK TO CONTENT Visi UNSERA Menjadi universitas terbaik dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang handal, bermartabat dan berwawasan global. Misi UNSERA Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pengajaran akademik yang profesional. Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk menunjang pengembangan pendidikan. Melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Mendidik generasi yang siap menghadapi perubahan global dengan menguasai keahlian ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berlandaskan keimanan dan ketaqwaan. Back Diferent kind Of Job Aunt yuni work as a scretary of the goverment. In high school she studied how to be scretary she took sources intyping and busines law. The job is very intresting fot her. At the moment she is saving money to go to will take two year to save up enough money. Uncle Hadi is an enginer he woks for pt.Dirgantara Indonesia in Bandung. He goes to the office everyday except Saturday an Sunday.His job is to draw the design of the arreraft.He enjoys working at thrs company. Last years,he had a change to visit an arreraft industry in spain.He throughly enjoyed his visit. Uncle Hadi’s nerghbous is M.r Joni. He is a bus driver he works past time for a large company in the city. He driver a bus only on weekend an holidays. During the week, M.r Joni is an auto mechanic he work past time to earn extra money. He and his wife want to buy a house BACK TO CONTENT A.Present (v1) am,are,is B.Past (v2) was ,were C.Past (V3) am,are,is S+VERB1+O+C S+TOBE+VERB1+ing+O S+TOBE+VERB2+O+C BACK TO CONTENT TRAYAGIN NEXT Back to conten OUT