Full presentation - The Derbyshire Network

Sub-Contractor Meeting
The Derbyshire Network
10 July 2013
Welcome & Outline of the day
• Welcome & Introductions – Steve Moore
• Quality Update – Norman Mason
• Events and Website – Andrea Cross
• Survey Update – Tina Howe
• 24+ Advanced Learning Loan- Terry Mahoney
• Contract review and future planning – Steve
Quality News
Norman Mason
Quality Team
Events and Website Update
Andrea Cross
Membership Manager
Points to cover
• How promoted
• Booking process
• Future dates
• What else?
Special Interest Groups
Membership Fees 2013/14
Website updates – TDN
Survey Update
Tina Howe
Employer and Learner Voice Manager
Surveys have been developed using Survey Monkey for Learners and
Employers for each stage of the learning programme.
8-10 Weeks after starting
Initial Leaner and Employer Questionnaire links sent out.
• 6-8 months into the programme
Interim Learner and Employer Questionnaire links sent out.
• 2 Months prior to completion
Final Learner and Employer Questionnaire links sent out.
As appropriate for all of the above, questionnaires will be completed over the
phone and face to face.
Additional questionnaires may be targeted where we identify areas for
concern from Learners or Employers.
Issues will be reported to Steve Meadows and Steve Moore so that
appropriate actions can be identified and taken to resolve them. Areas
of good practice will be feed back and we will look to share this good
practice with other Sub-Contractors.
Surveys continued….
So that surveys can be sent out to as many Learners and Employers as
possible to obtain their views we need :
1. The ILR to be completed as fully as possible, with the Learners
email address and telephone number included.
2. The new Learner Start form, for Apprenticeship and NonApprenticeship, to be used and fully completed. It contains a few
updates, including an additional box for the employers email
It is essential that we can contact the learners and employers, by email
or phone, to be able to complete our survey process, but also ready for
any SFA surveys that are required from time to time.
Inductions and IAG (Conference feedback)
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
Terry Mahoney and Amanda Ashall
Preparing for the 2013/2014 Funded Contracts
Facilitator name: Steve Moore
Date: 10th July 2013
Preparing for the 2013/14
Contracts Year
To ensure a full understanding within the TDN subcontractor provision of
the 2013/14 Adult Skills and 16-18 Apprenticeship Funded Contracts
with regard to programme choice, learner eligibility, funding
requirements and rules, documentation and operational requirements.
To allow Providers to raise queries and development requirements as
they entre into the 2013/14 delivery process.
To review performance of the 2012/2013 contract and any issues from
its delivery.
What I will cover
2012/2013 Contract Performance :
Contract values and areas for funding 13/14 :
2013/2014 Funding Rules :
Funding Simplification :
Funding payment system 2013/2014 :
Growth Opportunities 2013/2014 :
Achievement Requirements for 2013/2014 :
Traineeships – Funding Rules :
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Steve Moore
Preparing for the 2013/14
Contracts Year
Performance of the 2012/13 Contract
Final 2012/13 Contract Value:
Adult Skills Budget: £2,469,855.00
16-18 Apprenticeship: £234,456.00
(11/12: £2,456.889.00)
(11/12: £105,051.00)
Discretionary Learner Support: £10,808.00
2013/2014 Contracts
Contract Values 2013/14
Adult Skills Budget: £2,051,435.00
Of which minimum Adult Apprenticeships: £1,339,588
August 2013 to March 2014 : £1,343,881.00
April 2014 to July 2014: £707,554.00
24+ Advanced Learning Loans Facility: £371,434.00
August 2013 to March 2014 : £205,338.00
April 2014 to July 2014: £166,096.00
16-18 Apprenticeships: £258,456.00
August 2013 to March 2014 : £166,290.00
April 2014 to July 2014: £92,166.00
Traineeships: £12,000.00 ?
2013/2014 Contracts
Contract Values 2013/14
Adult Skills Budget Support Funds
Discretionary Learner Support = £10,711
24+ Advanced Learning Loans Bursary = £19,024.00
Total Funds Available in 2013/2014 = £2,723,060.00
2013/2014 Funding Pots
Access To
24+ Advanced
Learning Loans
(Level 2 only)
Employed Learner
(Eligibility Rules Apply)
(Eligibility Rules Apply)
Our Criteria for renewing 2013/2014
Contracts and Contract Values
Success and Timeliness rates for 2012/2013
Level of learning aims passed their planned end dates
Quality audit reports feedback
Current financial assessment
Attendance on mandatory and other support workshops
Timeliness of information and data requests
Learner withdrawal levels
Timeliness of learner withdrawal and change of circumstances notification
Completeness and accuracy of learner and programme information supplied.
Accuracy of Learner Journey Report information
Performance against 2012/2013 Contract values.
Programme SSA delivered.
Return of 2013/2014 Planning Sheets
Essentially your Contract Level for 13/14 will be determined via an assessment of your
commitment to and performance in your 12/13 contract.
2013/2014 Contracts
National Contract Values 2013/14
Adult Skills Budget
Employer Ownership
24+ Loans
Community Learning
Learner Support / NCS
Total Teaching and Learning
Grand Total
Present Carry-In to 2013/14 Contract
As at 24/06/2013
Adult Skills Budget
Total AugMar
Total AugMar
Diff. £
Diff. £
Total AprJul
Total AprJul
Diff. £
Diff. £
Diff. %
Diff. %
Full Total
Diff. £
Diff %
Diff. £
Diff %
Full Total
Diff. £
Diff. %
Full Total
16-18 Apprenticeship
Total AugMar
Diff. £
Diff. £
Diff %
Performance of the 2012/13 Contract
Learners On-Programme
Aims On-Programme
Single Qualifications - Employed
Single Qualifications
Single Qualifications - Employed
In Learning (June 13)
Overdue Learners (end of May 13)
Withdrawals (YTD @ 24/06/2012)
2012/13 Contract Success Rates
Success Rates (Workplace) MLP = 68%
Provider: The Derbyshire Network
Overall Performance Total
Expected Leavers
Success Rate
Overall Success
2011/12 2012/13
Timely Success
2011/12 2012/13
Success Rates (Learner Responsive and Classroom)
Provider: The Derbyshire Network
Overall Performance Total
2010/11 2011/12 2012/13
92.11% 77.46%
LR Expected achievers
LR Achievers
LR Success Rate
Overall and Timely Success Rates (WBL) MLP = 53%
Provider: The Derbyshire Network
Overall Performance Total
Overall Success
FMWK Learners in Cohort
FMWK only Achievements
FMWK only Success Rate
FMWK or NVQ Achievements
FMWK or NVQ Success Rate
Timely Success
Principles of Funding 2013/2014
• A new simplified funding system is being put into place
• You must only claim funding for learners assessed as eligible for funding as shown in
these rules. The detailed eligibility criteria are set out in Annex 1.
• To be eligible to be funded, on the first day of learning a learner must be:
aged 19 or older on 31 August within the funding year in question (if the
learning aim is not an Apprenticeship),
• aged 15 or older and have left compulsory education (if the learner is an
apprentice or following an Access to Apprenticeship pathway). (the Apprenticeship
cannot start until after the last Friday in June in the academic year that they have their 16th birthday)
• You must check the eligibility of the learner at the start of each learning aim or
• You must make sure that all learners who are funded or funded through a Loan
have a Learning Agreement (see Annex 1).
• You must make sure that accurate unique learner number (ULN) information is
provided to awarding organisations and that all information used to register
learners for qualifications is correct. http://www.learningrecordsservice.org.uk/datamanagement/providersworking-with-AOs.htm
Principles of Funding 2013/2014
• When starting learners on a qualification, you must make sure that the qualification
for funding appears and is approved for funding on the Learning Aim Reference
Application (LARA).
• In the case of Apprenticeships, only deliver and claim for funding for an apprentice
on a framework that has been issued in a published Apprenticeship framework
document and is available for public funding on LARA on the date that the
apprentice starts
• Eligibility for funding is based on the idea that any learner, of any age, must be able
to achieve the learning aim or programme of study within the time that they have
available. For example, if you know a learner is planning to leave England in three months and the
learning aim is planned to take 12 months to achieve, funding cannot be provided.
• The SFA is an ESF Co-financing Organisation.
As well as the Learning Agreement we will require evidence of the following.
You must give us an individualised learner record (ILR) field delivery location postcode and this
must be in England.
Principles of Evidence
The main principles of providing evidence
You must hold evidence:
that the learner exists
that the learner is eligible for funding, and the rate for funding
that the education and training being delivered is eligible for funding
that the learning activity is taking place or has taken place
that the achievement of learning aims is certified, and
of other funding, as necessary, such as job outcomes, learning and learner support.
• You must provide evidence within the following timescales:
 Evidence that the learner exists and is eligible – by the threshold date for funding
 Evidence of achievement – within three months of the reported date of achievement.
The evidence of activity must be based on your own documentation. If a learner withdraws
from learning without achieving their learning aim, any claim for funding must only be up
to the last point where you can provide evidence that the learner was still in learning.
Principles of Evidence
Learning Agreement
Nearly all evidence will be in the learner’s Learning Agreement. This is fully described
the contents of the Learning Agreement in Annex 1.
Confirmation and signatures
You must record the learner’s and employer’s confirmation.
Learning activity
You must provide evidence of learning reported in the Individualised Learner
Record (ILR) and recorded in the learner’s Learning Agreement. You can do this through
naturally occurring evidence, such as registers, attendance records, reports, records of
contact and reviews.
If you do not have any evidence of learning taking place and you have claimed funding,
we have the right to make you repay that funding.
Electronic Evidence and Signatures
See Funding Guidance Page 11
Principles of Evidence
Retention and achievement
If a learner is still in learning or has left and not achieved their learning aim, you must have
evidence that learning activity is taking or has taken place.
The evidence must be in the Learning Agreement. Other evidence should include Progress
Reviews. Learner Tracking, Contact Logs, Registers etc.
If the learner achieves their learning aim, you will not need you to keep evidence of the activity
that has taken place.
Individualised Learner Record (ILR)
The actual ILR data reported to us is not evidence in its own right. However, as it drives funding it
is important that it matches the information contained in the Learning Agreement.
Self-certification by learners
Any self-certification by the learner must confirm both the learner’s details and the details that
the learner is confirming.
Principles of Evidence
Poor data that does not reflect underlying records is one of the main causes of a
qualified review by Provider Financial Assurance.
You can find Provider Financial Assurance’s standard working papers, including
detailed testing schedules, on the SFA website.
Principles of Evidence
Evidence required
As well as the Learning Agreement we will require evidence of the following.
In terms of an Apprenticeship framework (including those funded through a Loan), the last date of
actual learning where the apprentice withdraws without achieving the Apprenticeship framework
is the date on which the apprentice was taking part in any learning aim that is part of the
You can only claim funding if the apprentice has started that learning aim. In other words, you
cannot claim funding if the apprentice has not yet started a learning aim that is part of the
The date that a learner has started a learning aim is the date on which the activity directly related
to the learning aim has begun. Induction, prior assessment, diagnostic testing or similar activity is
not part of the learning aim and is not treated as the start of learning.
Principles of Evidence
The learner will confirm any benefit and unemployment status in a self declaration.
They will also have to declare any job they get.
We do not expect confirmation of benefit or unemployment from the Department for Work and
Pensions or from a Jobcentre Plus office. Similarly, we do not need an employer to confirm when
the learner gets a job. If the benefit was related to the learner’s unemployment status, the
learner must confirm that they are not claiming this benefit when they get a job.
The learner can still claim benefits not relating to unemployment.
Job outcome payments do not apply to the learning aims of learners funded through a Loan.
Evidence of achievement must be:
• a certificate issued by the awarding organisation, or
• an Apprenticeship completion certificate issued by the relevant Issuing Authority.
Financial Contributions (Fees)
You must make all learners, including learners funded through a Loan, aware of your policy on
fees and charging.
You can decide whether to charge fees to learners who are co-funded, and what to charge the
fees for. In exceptional circumstances you can use the hardship element of our Discretionary
Learner Support (DLS) allocation to cover fees for disadvantaged learners.
If a learner is fully funded you cannot make an additional charge related to the learning and
direct costs of that learner. (Any charges to an apprentice’s employer is up to you)
You can pass on subscription charges, made by professional bodies to become a member of
that organisation, where the learner is 19+
You can charge fully funded learners or learners funded by Loans if they want to keep materials
used in a learning activity outside of the learning environment (for example, artwork, models
and food).
Evidence required
As well as the Learning Agreement we will require evidence of the following.
The learner must confirm that they are aware of your fees and charging policy.
Adult Skills Budget
You must report all Adult Skills Budget provision by using code 35 in the funding model field in
the ILR.
All workplace learning must be reported as workplace learning in the learning delivery funding
and monitoring fields of the ILR by using code WPL1.
Some units of qualifications are eligible for funding. These units can be delivered as part of the
offer for those who are unemployed and entitled to full funding.
The SFA also fund units that are within the QCF English and maths qualifications approved for
funding through the Adult Skills Budget. These are funded for all eligible learners.
However: You must not deliver units instead of qualifications in order to gain a funding
Adult Skills Budget
The Innovation Code
The innovation code (the Code) allows training organisations to respond quickly to local employers’
needs and gaps where skills are needed.
It does this by allowing you to enrol individuals on a course that does not lead to a QCF
The Code itself has several learning-aim references, which training organisations can use on their
ILR returns to claim funding so they can deliver provision.
There is no formal application process to use the Code,
For more information:
Any provision you deliver through the Code must be designed to respond to local employer or
business and learner needs, or to respond to identified employment opportunities.
If a subcontractor wants to use the Code, they must get permission in writing from the lead
provider, and the lead provider should monitor delivery.
Adult Skills Budget
Other Potentially Funded Provision
• English and Maths
• English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
• Offenders – public prisons
• Offenders – private prisons
Adult Skills Budget
Job Outcome Payments
• 50% of the achievement funding if learner leaves without achieving their
• For purpose of a job outcome the learner must be in a job of at least 16
hours per week and for a minimum of 4 consecutive weeks.
• Job outcome also paid if learner get a job but continues their learning.
Remaining 50% achievement paid when qualification achieved.
• If learner is on the Work Programme as well as being funded by ASB,
claiming a Job outcome is not affected by the Work Programme.
• Job outcome payments do not apply to learners funded through a Loan.
Adult Skills Budget
Job Outcome Payments
• To claim a job outcome a self declaration from the learner is required that
they have stopped claiming benefits related to unemployment.
• Claim job outcome funding by reporting employment outcome in
employment outcome field on the ILR. This must be reported within the
ILR for the current year in which the learner leaves learning.
To generate a job outcome payment:
• The learner must have been unemployed
• The learning aim must not be classified as ‘in workplace learning’ on the
• The ILR filed benefits status indicator must be filled in.
• The employment outcome field of the ILR must report that an eligible
job has been gained.
Adult Skills Budget
Breaks in Learning
Available in instances where learner cannot carry on at this time. Reason needs to be
Learner must inform you that they intend to return.
During the break, funding is stopped and the learner or apprentice is not included in
success rates.
To show a break, the ILR must show that they have left learning via a Code 6 – break
in learning status field in the ILR.
On return you must fill in the original learning start date field in the ILR. Important for
Apprentices as they will have to meet the minimum length rule re total training time
for their apprenticeship.
You must use the funding adjustment for prior learning filed in the ILR to amend the
funding you will claim on the learner’s return.
If the learning aim for the learner is no longer valid when they return, you cannot
class this as a break in learning. This limits the length of time that a learner can be on
a break in learning.
Further information on: http://www.theia.org.uk/ilr/ilrdocuments/
Principles of Apprenticeship Funding
To receive funding you must:
Be content that all apprentices you claim funding for are carrying out a new job role or if an
existing job role that significant new knowledge and skills are required and that an
Apprenticeship is the best programme for them.
That the job allows the Apprentice to gain wider employment experience.
All new Apprenticeship vacancies must be advertised on Apprenticeship Vacancies (AV)
Only the aims identified in the framework as ‘mandatory’ are funded.
Individuals who already have a Level 4 qualification are only eligible for funding at a Higher
Apprenticeship at Level 5 or above. If over 24 then the loan system is applicable.
Access to Apprenticeship
Must have left education and be aged between 15 to 24.
Must have been assessed as being able to fully take part in an intermediate or
advanced level apprenticeship.
Must be defined as either ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET)
immediately before start date and be eligible for learning support.
All apprenticeship activity must take place within agreed hours as shown in the
Learning Agreement.
Learner must be moved into a full apprenticeship within 6-months
Must of the time on the A2A programme should be in a work placement with the
employer who will take them into the full apprenticeship programme.
When the learner becomes employed, this must be reported on the ILR.
Cannot recruit more than 10% of Apprenticeship starts through A2A pathway.
A2A and full Apprenticeship must be delivered in one continuous programme.
A learner can start any or all of the elements of an apprenticeship framework during
their A2A time.
Apprenticeship Agreement
Must state that the Apprentice will be carrying out an Apprenticeship in a
particular skill, trade or occupation under a qualifying framework.
The Apprenticeship Agreement can be in the form of a written statement of
particulars under the Employment Rights Act 1996 or, a contract of employment
or, a letter of engagement.
Existing and new contracts of employment between the Apprentice and the
employer that meet the 1996 act will also meet the requirements of the
Apprenticeship Agreement.
Wages must be paid by the employer, not by the provider.
Employers must pay at least the relevant National Minimum Wage.
See: https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates
Provider must not directly employ apprentices purely for the purpose of
delivering an Apprenticeship.
Employment Hours
As well as National Minimum Wage, the Apprentice must be:
Must be employed for at least 30 hours per week. (16 to 30 only under special circumstances).
Not allowed to work less than 16 hours per week.
Must agree average hours the apprentice will be ‘at work’ . Usually defined using a contracted number
of hours, every week. Must be recorded in the Learning Agreement.
If Apprentice is on a agreed working week of between 16 to 30 hours then a record of the circumstances
which have led to the reduction in hours needs to be made and be appropriate.
Zero hour contracts which do not specify a set number of hours, will be accepted for Apprenticeships
only if there is a contract of employment in place between the apprentice and employer but where the
working hours are not fixed.
Apprentices with an irregular working pattern must use a 4-week rolling average to make sure they keep
to the employment hours funding rules.
You must make sure that the apprentice can complete all elements of their framework within their
contracted hours.
Must keep to the SASE requirements that state the apprentice must receive a minimum of at least 280
guided learning hours each year.
Recognition of Prior Learning
• Learning aims where only assessment is required will NOT be funded.
• A significant amount of new learning and workplace practice must be
• For apprentices funded through a loan the fee set should reflect the skills
provision required.
• Any Prior Learning must be recorded on the Learning Agreement.
• The funding adjustment for prior learning field in the ILR must be
completed for all elements of the framework not being carried out. This
applies to RPL and also exemption on the basis of previously certificated
Minimum Apprenticeship Duration
• All Apprenticeships must last a minimum period of time reflected by the SASE
Apprenticeship Framework.
• You must not assume a 12 month minimum..
The Apprenticeship should include:
• Guided Learning
• Assessment
• Training
• Monitored Workplace Practice
Planned and agreed between the apprentice, their employer and yourself.
Record of Prior Learning in 19+ Apprenticeships
• You must record the RPL or previously certificated achievement in the initial
learning assessment of the apprentice.
• This must show that you have adequately assessed apprentice’s prior learning,
achievement and future needs.
• You must determine that the Apprenticeship is still the most appropriate
programme for the learner.
• Prior learning can never reduce the programme to less than 6-months
• You must record RPL in the Learning Agreement (ILP), including noting how this
affects the planned length of the Apprenticeship.
• You must record in the Learning Agreement (ILP) how you have adjusted funding
or, where funded through a loan, adjusted the fee charged.
• Except through a loan you must use the funding adjustment field in the ILR.
Minimum Length of 16-18 Apprenticeships
12 months or more
Must follow SASE Framework requirements
For achievement minimum planned delivery must be 12 months + 1 day
Must ensure that the apprentice is involved in active learning or monitored
workplace practice through their apprenticeship.
Minimum Length of 19+ Apprenticeships
12 months or more where RPL does not apply.
Must have a recorded minimum planned delivery
Must follow SASE Framework requirements
For achievement minimum planned delivery must be 12 months + 1 day
where RPL is not applied for.
• Must not claim funding or loans where RPL or exemption on the basis of
previous qualifications applies.
English and Maths
• For all apprentices, you must offer level-2 Functional Skills or GCSE qualifications in
both English and Maths to all apprentices who have not yet achieved a level 2 in both
English or Maths, whether or not it is included in a framework.
• If the apprentice has previously achieved level 1 qualifications in either or both
English and Maths, you need to keep a record of the offer of level-2 study as part of
the Learning Agreement.
• If the apprentice takes and achieves a level 1 Functional skills qualification during
their apprenticeship and could achieve Functional skills at level 2, you must offer the
opportunity to progress.
• You must report these additional Level 2’s in English and Maths as delivered within
the Apprenticeship framework. They will be funded as an Apprenticeship aim. The
framework achievement will not be dependent on achieving these additional aims
and they will not be used when calculating your success rate.
Second Apprenticeships at the same or lower level
• Apprentices who have successfully completed an Apprenticeship are not
expected to start a second apprenticeship at the same or lower level.
• There are exceptions, e.g. where it might be appropriate for the apprentice to be
multi-skilled at the same level..
• For Apprenticeships funded by Loans, their first Loan application does not refer
to prior learning. Subsequent Loan applications cannot be for study at the same
type and level of qualification or Apprenticeship framework.
In these instances you must record that the repeat or lower-level Apprenticeship is
supporting the apprentice in a new job role.
Small and medium-sized enterprises
• SME’s with fewer than 10 employees (not including apprentices) may add up to 2
extra funded units to their Apprenticeship. Eligible units for funding can be found on:
• Normal funding rates and rules apply. If an employer contribution applies to the
rest of the framework, it will also apply to the additional units.
• Extra funded units do out apply to provision funded by loans.
Funding for Apprentices aged 19 to 24 who have learning difficulties or disabilities
• Funding will be available for 19-24 apprentices with a Learning Difficulty
Assessment as set out in the ASCL Act.
Enhanced funding for apprentices aged 19 to 23
• Eligible for individuals who have not been available to entre learning before
their 19th birthday due to reasons beyond their control and will be funded at the
fully-funded 19 to 23 rate as long as they start an Apprenticeship before their
24th birthday.
Examples of reasons are:
• Disability
• Ill Health
• Pregnancy
• A custodial sentence
• Remanded in Custody
Being a carer
Significant language difficulties (not ESOL)
The result of a care order
Being detained under the Mental Health Act.
Discretionary Learner Support
Aimed at supporting learners with a specific financial hardship that prevents
them from taking part in learning.
There are 3 DLS Funds:
• 19 or over and in financial hardship
• 20 or over with childcare issues
• 19 or over Residential Access Fund
1. Learners who are eligible for support are not automatically entitled to it.
2. Learners funded through Loans can get access to DLS through the dedicated
Loans Bursary Fund.
3. 19+ Hardship: provided to support vulnerable and disadvantaged learners
and to remove barriers to education or training
4. 20+ Childcare: provides targeted childcare support for learners who are at
risk of not starting learning, or not continuing learning, as a result of difficulty
getting childcare.
There is a TDN application form for DLS funding. (please note point 1)
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
Qualifications Funded Through Loans:
Programme of A-levels (including AS, A2 and full A-levels)
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Access to HE Diplomas
QCF Certificates at levels 3 and 4
QCF Diplomas at levels 3 and 4
Advanced-level Apprenticeship frameworks
Higher Apprenticeship frameworks
Loans cannot be used to fund units of qualifications and awards at level 3 or above, or
learning delivered through the innovation code
Learners are entitled to up to 4 Loans, for 4 learning aims or Apprenticeship frameworks,
where each loan is for a different category of provision.
Learners will take out a loan for a single learning aim or Apprenticeship framework.
A learner is only eligible for one loan at a time.
Every learner who has previously withdrawn from a learning aim will be given one more
chance to access a repeat Loan, taking the potential maximum number of loans to five..
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
The loan can cover all costs and charges for items which a learner cannot complete their
course without.
Learners are entitled to up to 4 Loans, for 4 learning aims or Apprenticeship frameworks,
where each loan is for a different category of provision.
A learner will be entitled to receive a loan that is equal to, or less than:
• The funding rate shown in LARA (for apprenticeships the Loan available is up to 50% of
the rate shown in LARA to reflect employer contribution)
Your fee as shown in your ‘learning and funding information letter’.
The minimum value for a loan is £300
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
Information Needed
You must supply the learner with a ‘learning and funding information letter’ which they
will require when applying for the Loan.
The letter must include:
• The UK Provider Reference number (TDN UKPRN)
• The learning aim reference number
• The title of the learning aim
• The name and code of the Apprenticeship framework level and pathway
• The learning aim or Apprenticeship framework start date and planned end date
• The fee charged to the learner
• The maximum amount of Loan available for the learning aim or Apprentriceship
framework as published on LARA.
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
We will be able to see the status of the Loan Application on the Learning Provider Portal
Once the Loan application has been approved and the learner has commenced, this must be
informed to the SLC via the Portal. Should be done 2-weeks after the start.
You must confirm the learner’s ULN number before attendance can be confirmed
An ILR must be completed for the learner. This must match the information filled in on the loans
Confirmation of continued learner attendance must be made to the SLC every 3-months
If a learner withdraws between the 3-month notification period TDN must be informed
immediately so that we can complete a change of circumstances in the learning provider portal.
You must also inform us within 2-weeks of the start date if the learner does not commence.
Loan funded success rates are calculated in the same way as SFA funded provision
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
• Payments will be at a flat rate based on the programme duration.
• Loan payments are made over a maximum duration as follows:
QAA Access to HE Diploma
QCF Level 3 Certificate
QCF Level 3 Diploma
QCF Level 4 Certificate
QCF Level 4 Diploma
Advanced Apprenticeship
Higher Apprenticeship
up to 2 years for each separate A-Level
up to 2 years
up to 2 years
up to 3 years
up to 2 years
up to 3 years
up to 3 years
up to 3 years
• Payments are made on a set date each month.
• If a learner achieves early then a balancing payment will be made
• If a learner withdraws early, then the learner will be responsible for the period in
which they were in attendance only. Future payments will stop.
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
Additional Information
• Detailed information and guidance for the provider is available on:
• Learners can get information and guidance from:
24+ Advanced Learning Loans
Change in Learner Details
The following reasons may result in a learner’s details or circumstances changing from the
information supplied in their initial application:
A change in personal details
A change in provider
A change of learning aim or Apprenticeship framework details
A change of Loan amount or the fee you charge
Cancellation of an application
Withdrawal from the learning aim or Apprenticeship framework
Taking a break from learning or suspended or resuming learning
In these circumstances the learner must inform the SLC and the Provider must inform TDN.
If the details or fees of the learning aim or Apprenticeship framework changes, then a new Learning and
Funding Information Letter must be produced and issued to the learner.
If a learner changes provider during their programme, they must inform the SLC and be marked as a
withdrawal by the provider. The learner will then need to reapply to the SLC for a Loan to continue via the
new Provider.
• All subcontractors must hold a valid UKPRN number
• All subcontractors with total funded contracts in excess of £100,000 must
successfully pass the Due Diligence Assurance Gateway
• You must successfully complete the Due Diligence Assurance Gateway every year.
• If you fail one more opportunity will be given. If you fail on the 2nd attempt you will
be removed from the register.
• In an existing subcontractor fails the register they cannot be part of any growth bid
until they have re-applied and are successful.
If any of the following circumstances apply we will not be able to enter into any new
subcontracting arrangements or extend existing arrangements…………………….
 If Ofsted rate our Leadership and Management as inadequate
 If we or you do not meet Minimum Standards (see:
 If the outcome of our and your Annual Health Assessment is inadequate.
 TDN remain responsible for all provision that we have subcontracted.
 TDN and our subcontractors must ensure that all learners and employers supported
through our subcontracted arrangements know about TDN and our subcontractor’s
roles and responsibilities in providing the learning.
The Essential Rules for Subcontractors
 Subcontractors must keep to the Funding Rules
 Subcontractors must provide accurate ILR data
 Subcontractors must give TDN access to their premises and all documents relating to providing
education and training funded by us.
 Subcontractors must give TDN sufficient evidence to allow us to:
 Assess their performance against Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework
 Incorporate the evidence they provide into a Self-Assessment report
 Guide the judgements and grades within our self-assessment report
 Subcontractors must always have suitably qualified staff available to provide education and
 Subcontractors must co-operate to make sure that there is continuity of learning if the
subcontract ends for any reason.
The Essential Rules for Subcontractors
 Subcontractors must tell TDN if evidence of any irregular financial or delivery activity arises.
This can include, but is not limited to:
 Non-delivery when funds have been paid
 Sanctions imposed on the subcontractor by an awarding organisation
 An inadequate Ofsted grade
 Complaints or allegations by learners, employers, people working for the subcontractor or
other relevant parties
 Allegations of fraud
 Not carry out second level subcontracting unless previously agreed. This will only be allowed
in exceptional circumstances.
TDN needs to complete a ‘Subcontractor Declaration Form to the SFA at least twice during 2013/14
Eligibility for Funding
See Funding Eligibility Criteria and
Levels in Hand-out issued
Funding Simplification
Funding Formula Rates
Funding Band
Programme weighting (PW)
(unweighted rate)
(see the note
Certificate (13 to 24 Credits)
Certificate (25 to 36 Credits)
Diploma (37 to 48 Credits)
Diploma (49 to 72 Credits)
Diploma (73 to 132 Credits)
Diploma (133 Credits or more)
Note: Some specialist provision delivered by certain providers using specialist facilities attracts a higher programme weighting
Funding Formula Rates
Smaller Qualifications
Smaller qualifications will be funded at £50 per credit before programme weighting.
Qualifications will be funded at 3, 6, 9 and 12 credit levels only from Jan 2014.
To end of December 2013 funding against credit values will be:
• 4 or 5 at the same rate as a credit rate of 3
• 7 or 8 at the same rate as a credit rate of 6
• 10 or 11 at the same rate as a credit rate of 9
Transitional Arrangements
Learners who started before 2013/2014 will be funded to completion at 2012/2013 rates
Their will be a transitional limit of 3% in 2013/2014 and 6% in 2014/2015
Funding Formula Rates
For new Apprenticeship Frameworks an Apprenticeship element will be added to the framework’s
Apprenticeship Component
Programme weighting (PW)
(unweighted rate)
Apprenticeship Element
(see the note below)
An example of a fully funded rate based on a new apprenticeship framework …….
Apprenticeship Component
Construction Building – Advanced Level
Apprenticeship – Trowel Occupations
Competency learning aim
NVQ Diploma in Trowel Occupations (Construction) (QCF)
Knowledge learning aim
Diploma in Bricklaying (QCF)
Common component
Functional Skills English
Common component
Functional Skills Maths
Apprenticeship element
All 19+ Apprentices will continue to be co-funded
Funding Formula Rates
Award-sized Qualifications
Funding Band
Programme weighting (PW)
(unweighted rate)
(see the note
Awards (3 Credits)
Awards (6 Credits)
Awards (9 Credits)
Awards (12 Credits)
Funding Formula Rates
 N + 1 rule still applies
 For Apprentices a 20% achievement factor will be applied to all funded elements
of the framework
 The achievement element of 20% will be earned when the learning aim is
achieved or, for competence and knowledge components of Apprenticeships,
when the framework is achieved.
 The above will apply to all new learner starts in 2013/2014 and for the remaining
funding for 2012/2013 starts.
 All non-apprentice learners will have a funding cap applied of £4,400 per year
Qualifying Days
for Funding
Planned number of days in learning
Qualifying number of days
Fewer than 14 days
Between 14 and 167 days
168 days and greater
The National Course Directory
• It is a contractual requirement that we place all our course information onto the
• Especially important for programmes delivered for 24+ Learning Loans
For Provider Portal see:
For learner pages see:
The National Course Directory
Preparing for 2013/2014
Any Questions Please
Although it is probably about 6.30 p.m. by now!