Tackling Poverty Learning Where You Live Trechu Tlodi Dysgu Lle'r Ydych yn Byw #morethanhousing Welcome Croeso Duncan Forbes Bron Afon Community Housing Tai Cymunedol Bron Afon Ymunwch â’r drafodaeth ar Twitter #morethanhousing Join in the conversation on Twitter #morethanhousing Bridging the gap – the role of adult learning Pontio'r bwlch - rôl addysg oedolion David Hughes, NIACE Maggi Dawson, WEA Cymru #morethanhousing Learning where you live The role of Adult Learning as a tool for the development of the individual and the community Maggi Dawson Vice Chair of NIACE Cymru and CEO of WEA Cymru The scope of adult community learning • For adults of all ages, delivered in a variety of settings • A second chance to learn. (Tenants or staff) • At times and venues to suit, at a pace and level that is appropriate to their needs • It empowers, fulfils untapped potential and brings enjoyment and enrichment • Can be for creative and leisure reasons - academic or vocational - increased active citizenship and increased control over one’s life • Brings about change in the lives of the family, the group, the community and wider society One approach : the WEA offer • WEA formed 1903 and is a democratic voluntary adult education movement • Learning is Contextualised, Negotiated, In partnership • Accredited and non accredited, using tutors and e-learning • Learning programme developed in consultation with HAs • Housing, Tenancy and Independent Living Skills • Community participation skills • Work related skills • Preparation for work • Welsh history and culture Addressing Essential Skills Needs • Course content which assists with literacy and numeracy • Everyday money management and coping with cuts in benefit and rising cost of living eg : • Simple budgeting techniques – having money left over for things that really matter • Supermarket shopping – what is best value for money? • Save or borrow? What is the actual cost of credit? • Get better with numbers – basic techniques for making calculations easier to understand • Using the internet to find a bargain Is this what Housing Associations want? • • • • • • • Here to listen and learn and develop a fresh approach Build on existing case studies and what works Use a variety of funding streams/co-investment Need to be flexible and responsive Chance to access ESF through partnership working Chance to measure impact and show value Chance to influence political parties and their manifestos WEA Cymru David.Ashman@weacymru.org.uk : Regional Manager Amanda.Bennett@weacymru.org.uk : Accreditation Team Lynda.Jones@weacymru.org.uk : Director of Curriculum and Welsh Language Maggi.Dawson@weacymru.org.uk : CEO www.weacymru.org.uk Skills for communities Sgiliau ar gyfer cymunedau Lesley Griffiths AM Minister for Communities & Tackling Poverty Gweinidog Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi #morethanhousing Roundtable discussions Trafodaethau bwrdd crwn #morethanhousing Discussion Themes 1.What are the barriers to learning that tenants and their families face? 2.How can we overcome them? 3.How do we identify the learning and skills needs of tenants? Feedback & Questions Adborth a Chwestiynau #morethanhousing Lunch & Networking Cinio a Rhwydweithio #morethanhousing Issues & Interventions Materion ac Ymyriadau Farida Aslam, Monmouthshire Housing Association #morethanhousing Tackling Poverty Learning Where You Live Tackling Poverty Learning Where You Live Exploring the learning & skills needs of individuals within social or supported housing and how they can be met. The MHA approach Farida Aslam Inclusion Coordinator MHA What I hope to cover! • MHA context • Interventions, addressing poverty and the learning and skills agenda holistically • Issues • Partnerships • Outcomes • Keeping an eye on Business Benefits What I hope to cover cont...... • What's emerging..... In work poverty • Exploiting supply chains - using social clauses to fund our work • Action research going forward • Points to consider.... MHA Context MHA context • MHA has 3600 properties • Based on our profiling data (80% complete in 2012) • 59% of tenants we house are working age • 21% of these tenants are working full time • Average income of our working tenants are £15,060.00 MHA context • The average income of our working age tenants across the board is £13,597.00 • According Child Poverty Action group 2/3 of children experiencing poverty belong to working families. This is a key theme we are coming across. MHA context Snapshot of work profile: • 15% of those working age are working in health and social care positions • 16% in sales and marketing • 9% in cleaning jobs • 8% in transport • ¼ of tenants affected by the B Tax are also those that are furthest away from the labour market. MHA context Basic Skills Issues, • Via profiling 735 tenants have self identified as having learning, reading and writing issues. • 20% of those that we are working with have basic skills issues. Interventions How are we addressing poverty and promoting the learning agenda, Holistically? Via a 3 pronged approach: 1. Addressing the immediate financial issues via our Money Wise services 2. Addressing the long term issues via our Work and Skills Wise service 3. Addressing Digital and some aspect of social inclusion via Web Wise MHA’s Work & Skills Wise service.... Aim: •Promoting Education •Building Confidence •Raising Aspirations Work & Skills Wise Service Life long learning & training Bursary Scheme Job Seeking Skills Programme Computers in the Community Scheme Volunteering Job Seeking Skills Programme •6 weeks innovative job seeking skills programme Small groups of 6 no more than 8 • Considers how to approach the job market, where to look, the hidden job market, internet and other informal contact • How to complete application forms, type of applications, preparation, and confidence • CV development tips, good and bad CV’s what to include what not to • Interview techniques, good and bad interviews learning from the past •Where next ... Participants leaves with the skills needed to finding work... Bursary Scheme • Helps service users improve skills and personal development • Bursary can be for anything related to education, training and self development that can demonstrate progress of help towards employment • Paying course fees; • Buying course materials • Role involves finding suitable courses & putting learners in touch with course providers or other financial schemes Computers in the Community •A computer loan scheme that allows MHA tenants to borrow laptop computers from MHA for a certain period of time. •The laptops are provided in order to help you complete educational courses and learn computer related skills. •Tenants sign a the user agreement • Only one laptop can be issued per household • Must have completed two courses already, adding up to a total of 12 weeks. • Must be willing to enroll on further courses. Volunteering • It aim is to help them gain valuable experience in the workplace • MHA have opened all department up to volunteering • Managers and staff members have received training about their roles. • Volunteering is offered on a needs led basis match • Work placements are brokered not only internally but externally too. Volunteering • Volunteering pack – introducing Volunteering at MHA • Induction pack for Manager (Roles/Responsibilities) • Application form/verbal request to volunteer • Induction pack for volunteers includes: Volunteering log Confidentially statement Confidentially agreement Personal development record Exit questionnaire Training course attended whilst vol.. • Reference provided How the service works ..... Referrals from NO to Money Wise or directly to W&SW Name: Date: Address Contact number Email address Date of birth Benefits received Education/Training Work Experience/ employment Voluntary Full-time Part-time Not worked Recent area of work Do you want To return to that area? Y e s N o Long term goal Do you have any criminal convictions? Personal Circumstances Childcare, language - mobility needs, other access to internet & transport Referral by Yes No Self referrals Individual action plan Consent form NAME: Address: Contact details: Start date: Expected end date: Actual end date: WORK AND SKILLS WISE Long Term Aims and Goals: CASE STUDY, CLIENT CONSENT FORM Steps Needed to Achieve This: DATE Objective I, _________________________________________ Tasks to complete. Review date Give my consent for Monmouthshire Housing Association, as part of my involvement with Work and Skills Wise service, to use me as a case study. The information I provide to the Work and Skills Wise team may be used for the purpose of promoting the Work and Skills Wise Service to other potential users, be it online publicity or for news articles. Signed _______________________________________ Date ___________________ MHA: Promoting Education, Developing Experience, Raising Aspiration Work in practice delivering to need •Lead officers receives referral •Complete assessment & (Basic skills & digital) •Develops individual needs led personal action plan • Provide one to one support •Deliver JSSP, Brokers Vol Placements, administers Bursary scheme & arrange course •Responsible for recording outcomes and all programme support. Outcomes Outcomes • Work and Skills Wise service has supported 302 tenants • Helped 128 tenants complete courses - 36 are currently engaged in learning this year. • Assisted 24 tenants into employment Outcomes • Assisted 22 young NEETS into employment Went on to win the Wales youth excellence awards in Employment and Training 2014 Outcomes • Helped placed 90 volunteer into volunteering placements – internally & externally. • We have also provided tenants with over £4,000 in bursaries to help towards employment and skills development since its launch in 2012. Outcomes Kate a beneficiary of Work & Skills Wise service involved in active learning, Bursary scheme and volunteering now a manager in a local public house. Passport to beauty with Charter Housing Employment & Skills Fair •337 attended •78% found the fair useful •50 job application from were received by one company alone.. •CV and application form desk 50 people supported with CV advice •Time consuming but! •We will do it again next year Funded by NIACE Issues Issues • Duplication lots of it - lack of communication with agencies or meaningful joined up working • Being passed from pillar to post – lots of agencies involved, lack of focus. • No one agency taking the lead? • Gap in Mental health employment provision • Gap in post 45 – 55 employment provision Issues • Lack of childcare, free courses, but no transport, • MHA covering Transport cost/very costly in rural area • Lack of confidence/aspiration • Where there is confidence, its hard to navigate the leaning landscape • Need carrots to entice learning, (CTIC-Bursary) Issues • Continued ongoing support is key • Needs led support is very time consuming, but it works! • Balancing cost of service with actual outcomes and impact on arrears • Training for staff, what route do they take? • Outcomes, what outcomes should we be capturing? Partnerships Our learning landscapes Partnership working strategically • • • • • Chair Employment and skills partnership (BESTP) Get Monmouthshire online Post 16 education partnership Chair Monmouthshire NIACE Learning festival Participants of Collage Gwent Community learning partnership • Financial Inclusion partnership Partnerships We can’t do it alone & need to work in partnership • Involved in a number of partnerships some effective some not so effective. • We have in place a number of individual partnership arrangements that work for us e.g. Job Centre Plus • JCP paying for courses - limiting pressure on MHA bursary scheme • We are being written into Claimant Commitment • Using MHA addresses and operating a new flagging system to advise tenants of our support • Drop in at JCP for our tenants MACE • Promote our service to tenants • Won’t charge our tenants for course, have informal arrangement in invoice us • Will hold info sessions for our tenants • Will hold joint informal meetings to introduce tenants to a learning environment Business Benefits Basic skills Continuum…. Our work shows evidence of cases where where Promoting Basic Skills can change lives at an • Individual level • lead to organisational change and • community benefits Outcomes Albert Its never to later to learn Outcomes Stuart Give a young person a chance and see how much they can achieve. What's emerging in work poverty. How do we deal with that - Creating a culture of learning? •Promoting life long learning •Offering out of hours appointments Exploiting supply chains Using social clauses to fund our work Exploiting supply chains • Getting voluntary work experience placements within our chain • Asking managers within the chain to be inspirational speakers in our Job Seeking Skills programmes • Providing taster days Using social clauses to fund work Seeking contributions to help fund: • Bursary scheme • Computers in the community schemes • Expense for travel for work experience placements Action research going forward Action research going forward • Action research is an opportunity for us to learn if we are really having an impact • Sector is really well placed to do this now • Interested in independent academics conducting longitudinal studies on the impact • We will look at this next year, this is worth collaborating on as a sector. Thank you for listening Just some final Points to Consider.... Points to consider How or why Tenants needs Tenants Profiling Gaps in provision in local area Role we want to play Developing your focus What role we can play/afford Capacity & skills Collaboration? Leader? Housing consortium? Exploiting chains/clauses Training/Support Business & Social Benefits Impact /Results /Tools. Project/Pilots v Services Roundtable discussions Trafodaethau bwrdd crwn #morethanhousing Discussion Themes 1. How might the skills and learning needs of tenants and their families be addressed? 2. What are the gaps in provision? 3. What are the challenges in meeting these needs? What are the solutions? 4. How can we work more closely together as sectors to fill the gaps to meet needs? Feedback & Questions Adborth a Chwestiynau #morethanhousing Summary / Next Steps Crynodeb / Camau Nesaf #morethanhousing