Policy-Making and Implementation_final

Policy-Making and Implementation:
English Language Proficiency Assessment
for the 21st Century
National Conference on Student Assessment
June 25, 2014
English Language Proficiency Reexamined
ELPA21 Over view
Evolution of Standards & Assessments for ELLs
State of the Lead State: Oregon
State and Federal Policy: Implications for Implementation
ELPA21 Overview
Margaret Ho (WA), English Language Proficiency
Assessment Coordinator and Former ELPA21 Chairperson
Project Overview
 Awarded $6.3 million four-year Enhanced Assessment Grant, September 2012
 11 participating states
 Fiscal Agent: Oregon Department of Education
 Project Management Partner:
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
 Collaborative Partners:
•Understanding Language Initiative (Stanford University)
•National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
(CRESST) of the University of California, Los Angeles
•National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) of the University of
ELPA21 Consortium States
Assessment System Features
•Comprehensive online delivery
•Innovative Technology Enhanced Items (See our session on
Innovative Items on Thursday 9-10 a.m.)
•Cohesive system to integrate with existing district policies and
enhance the student’s experience through strong engagement, and
minimal testing time
•High-quality communications for the states’ adaptation for
constituents and high quality resources for professional development
•Sustainability to respond to states’ need for valid and reliable
assessment, maximize information, and minimize cost
System Timeline
• Item bank development (ongoing)
• Contrasting Groups Study, Jan. 2015
• User Acceptability Testing, Jan. 2015
• Field Test, Feb./Mar. 2015
• Operational Summative Test, SY 2015-2016
• Screener, SY 2016-2017
Evolution of Standards &
Assessments for ELLs
Kenji Hakuta, Director of the Understanding Language
Initiative at Stanford University & Principal Investigator
for ELPA21
The Cyclops Problem
New Paradigm
Text (complex text)
Typical structure of text
Sentence structures
Vocabulary practices
ELP Standards: When ELLs use language effectively as they
progress toward independent participation in grade-appropriate
activities to attain college and career readiness, they can….
construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening,
reading, and viewing
participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer,
audience, or reader comments and questions
3 speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics
4 construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence
5 conduct research and evaluate and communicate findings to answer questions or solve problems
6 analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing
7 adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing
8 determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text
9 create clear and coherent grade-appropriate speech and text
10 make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing
State of the Lead State: Oregon
David Bautista, Assistant Superintendent
Education Equity Unit
New ELP Standards &
ELP Assessment
• States are benefiting from the research, expertise, and
education theories of our partners while our partners are
learning from practitioners and on-the-ground implementation
• ELPA21 Consortium Approach Leads to a Common ELP
Assessment and ELP Standards as well as Shared Learning,
Ownership, and Resources
• Professional development
• Online Curriculum Resources
• Including Massive Open Online Course(s) (MOOC)
• Item Development
But, How Will ODE Support?
•House Bill 3232 - Strategic Investment Funding
• ELP Standards Professional Learning Grant
• ELP Standards Work Group
• MOOC Karen Thompson (Oregon State University) &
Kenji Hakuta (Stanford University, Understanding Language)
•Additional ODE Supports
• Technical assistance visits, web meetings
• Communicate WestEd/CCSSO web-based supports
• Connect to practice through E-Newsletter
ELP Standards
Professional Learning Grant
•Grant Eligibility
•Non-Competitive grant awarded to districts that meet the
following criteria based on 2012-2013 LEP Collection data:
• The ELL population of the district exceeds 500 total.
• The student population is comprised of 15% or more ELLs.
•34 districts meet these criteria
•PD Grant funding distributes $8.50 p/ELL
•48,000 total students
ELP Standards Professional Learning
Grant Recipients by district
Project Timeline
•School-based PLCs
PLT 3 – October, 2014
•Unit plan design
•Finalize professional learning plans
PLT 4 – February, 2015
•Finalize ELP-aligned Unit
PLT 5 – April, 2015
•Share for feedback
•Reflect and revise
PLT 6 – June, 2015
•Present & post
•Share achievements in professional learning
MOOC – October, 2014
•Planning for ’14-’15 district-specific professional learning
Reflect &
PLT 2 – June, 2014
•Focus on shifts
•Deepen understanding of new ELP Standards
Professional Learning
PLT 1 – April, 2014
Massive Open Online Course
Team (PLT)
on Network
Open Online
Work Group
•In addition to the PLT
Conferences and the ELP
Standards Work Group, ODE is
working with Kenji Hakuta of
Stanford’s Understanding
Language and Karen Thompson
from Oregon State University to
design a MOOC to further our
collective understanding and
experience with the ELP
The View from Here (Oregon) - State and
Federal Policy: Implications for Implementation
Doug Kosty, Assistant Superintendent
Policy Implications for using new
generation ELP assessments
support, and
resources for
educators to
teach to the new
State policies
differ in the
criteria used to
to screen and
growth and
Recognize the
impact on
current and
former ELLs who
have been
instructed and
growth based
on previous ELP
The impact of
college and
career ready ELP
standards on
Ongoing growth
sustainability of
ELPA21 Governance Overview
•Consortium Council
• Membership: One representative from each member state appointed by the state’s
education chief
• Duties: Determines the broad picture and general scope of the ELPA21 system,
makes policy recommendations, initial contact for expenditure of funds.
•Executive Board
• Membership: One representative from Oregon, plus five at-large representatives from
member states elected by the Consortium Council
• Duties: Final voice and decision-making entity on all issues and recommendations
from the Consortium Council, coordinates policy formulation, and signs off on all
major deliverables.
•Task Management Teams
ELPA21 Decision-Making
Communications with USED
•Monthly Meetings
•Includes subset of Executive Board and as necessary
reps from CCSSO, CRESST, & Understanding
•Focus on Terms, Conditions, and Timeline
David Bautista, Assistant Superintendent
Education Equity Unit
Oregon Department of Education
Kenji Hakuta, Lee L. Jacks Professor of Education
Stanford University
Principal Investigator for ELPA21
Margaret Ho, WELPA Coordinator
Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
ELPA 21 Former Executive Board Chair
Doug Kosty, Assistant Superintendent
Instruction, Standards, Assessment and Accountability Unit
Oregon Department of Education
Visit ELPA21.org for more
The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent
the policy of the U.S. Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal government.