Société Belge de Transplantation Belgische Transplantatie Vereniging Belgian Transplantation Society Programme ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, March 27th, 2014 (accreditation is applied for) 08h30 REGISTRATION Scientific Meeting Two Parallel Sessions 09h00 Free Communication (Session 1) Room Atlanta [Chairmen: M. Antoine, P. Evrard] (7 x 12 min) Thoracic . Vandermeulen E, Ricciardi M, Verleden SE, Ruttens D, Van Raemdonck DE, Vos R, Verleden GM, Vanaudenaerde BM. An immunohistological study to evaluate the role of eosinophils in chronic lung allograft dysfunction. . Van Raemdonck D, Neyrinck A, Monbaliu D, Vos R, Van Veer H, De Leyn P, Nevens F, Pirenne J, Verleden GM. Combined liver & double-lung transplantation with > 11 hours of normothermic lung preservation. . Somers J, Ruttens D, Verleden SE, Vandermeulen E, Wauters E, Lambrechts D, Vos R, Verleden GM, Nawrot TS, Vanaudenaerde BM, Van Raemdonck DE. A genetic polymorphism in IL-23 receptor is protective for primary graft dysfunction. . Thilmany S, Jamart J, Evrard P, Donckier JE. New-onset diabetes mellitus in adult lung transplant recipients. . Ruttens D, Wauters E, Kiciński M, Verleden SE, Vandermeulen E, Vos R, Van Raemdonck DE, Nawrot TS, Lambrechts D, Verleden GM, Vanaudenaerde BM. Genetic variation in IL-17RA is functionally associated with chronic rejection after lung transplantation. . Voros G, Van Cleemput J, Droogne W, Vanhaecke J, Ciarka A. Correlation of diastolic filling pressures and echocardiographic parameters of diastolic function after heart transplantation. . Ciarka A, Van Cleemput J, Droogne W, Voros G, Janssens S, Vanhaecke J. Heart rate after heart transplantation – an independent predictor of long term survival. Impact of beta blockade on mortality after heart transplantation. 1 09h00 Free Communication (Session 2) [Chairmen: H. Van Vlierberghe, J-P. Squifflet] Room Antwerp (7 x 12 min) Liver-Intestine / Kidney-Pancreas / Immuno . Ceulemans LJ, Monbaliu D, Lenaerts K, Hundscheid I, OldeDamink S, De Hertogh G, Vermeire S, Pirenne J. NOD2 and intestinal transplantation. . Milicevic M, Weekers L, Grosch S, Bonvoisin C, Bovy C, Meurisse M, Krzesinski JM. What can be learned from surveillance biopsy in kidney transplantation? . De Vusser K, Pieters N, Janssen B, Lerut E, Nawroth T, Kuypers D, Naesens M. Intrarenal telomere length and intrarenal arteriosclerosis in pretransplant kidney biopsies. . Ceulemans LJ, Strypstein S, Verleden S, Ruttens D, Monbaliu D, Vanhaecke J, Meyns B, Verleden G, Van Raemdonck D, Nevens F, Pirenne J. Combined liver/thoracic transplantation: singlecenter experience. . De Vusser K, Posen A, Kuypers D, Evenepoel P, Claes K, Bammens B, Sprangers B, Meijers B, Naesens M. The clinical features of thrombotic microangiopathy after kidney transplantation. . Spilleboudt C, De Wilde V, Vokaer B, Maury S, Hougardy J-M, Rossi M, Flamand V, Le Moine A. Critical role of heme oxygenase-1 in the control of graft-versus-host disease. . De Vusser K, Pieters N, Janssen B, Lerut E, Nawroth T, Kuypers D, Naesens M. The discrepancy between the effect of biological aging on baseline and post-transplant histology. 10h30 COFFEE BREAK 11h00 State of the Art Lectures Room Antwerp [Chairman: D. Van Raemdonck, R. Lombaerts] Grinyó JM (Barcelona, Spain). Current immunosuppressive treatments and the perspectives for the future. 11h40 PhD Thesis Session Room Antwerp [Chairman: D. Van Raemdonck, R. Lombaerts] (2 X 15 min) . Debbaut C. Multilevel modelling of hepatic perfusion in support of liver transplantation strategies. . Verleden S. Risk factors and phenotypes of chronic rejection after lung transplantation. 2 12h10 [Chairman: D. Van Raemdonck, R. Lombaerts] Room Antwerp Guidelines related to transplantation Nagler E. (Methods Support Team, European Renal Best Practice; Renal Division, Department Internal Medicine, Ghent University Hospital) ERBP transplant guidelines and the challenge of uniting European Nephrologists 12h30 LUNCH 13h30 BTS-section Transplant Coordinators Room Antwerp [Chairman: D. Van Deynse, P. Evrard] Desschans B. Donor and Transplant Reports 2013. BTS award for organ donation 14h00 Free Communications (Session 3) Room Antwerp [Chairmen: J.L. Bosmans, V. Donckier] (10 x 12 min) . Rossi M, Delbauve S, Thierry A, Spilleboudt C, Leo O, Flamand V, Le Moine A, Hougardy JM. lo HO-1-dependent CD11b*F4/80 renal cells confer resistance against renal I/R. . Meurisse N, Fieuws S, Jochmans I, Laleman W, Aerts R, Nevens F, van der Merwe S, Verslype C, Cassiman D, Van Steenbergen W, Pirenne J, Monbaliu D. Risk factors to develop biliary nonanastomotic strictures, a single center experience. . Peeters P, Bosmans J-L, Weekers L, Sennesael J, Kuypers D, Broeders N, Van Laecke S, Wissing M, Vanhoutte K, Abramowicz D. A prospective, randomized, long-term study on graft function comparing a steroid-free to a calcineurin-inhibitor-free imunosuppressive treatment after de novo kidney transplantation. . Cappelle M, Masschlein E, Van Remoortel H, Smets S, Goetschalckx K, Hespel P, Gosselink R, Jochmans I, Pirenne J, Monbaliu D. Intensive physical exercise after organ transplantation: a retrospective study in selected patients. . Meurisse N, Fieuws S, Jochmans I, Laleman W, Aerts R, Nevens F, van der Merwe S, Verslype C, Cassiman D, Van Steenbergen W, Pirenne J, Monbaliu D. Early allograft dysfunction decreases patient survival after liver transplantation. . Ceulemans LJ, Marquez M, Grant D, Pirenne J. Global trends in intestinal transplantation: the 2013 international intestinal transplant registry report. . Van Remoortel H, Masschelein E, Troosters T, Hespel P, Gosselink R, Jochmans I, Pirenne J, Monbaliu D. Effect of an intenstive exercise program on daily physical activity in solid organ transplant recipients. 3 . Hellemans R, Hazzan M, Durand D, Mourad G, Lang Ph, Kessler M, Charpentier B, Touchard G, Berthoux F, Merville P, Ouali N, Squifflet J-P, Bayle F, Wissing KM, Noël C, Abramowicz D. Daclizumab versus antithymocyte globulin in high-immunological-risk renal transplant recipients: 5-year follow-up of a prospective, randomized study. . Derthoo D, Van Caenegem O, De Pauw M, Nellessen E, Duerinckx N, Ciarka A, Droogné W, Van Cleemput J, Belmans A, Meyns B, Vanhaecke J. A randomized trial of everolimus initiation and calcineurin inhibitor elimination in stable heart transplant recipients with impaired renal function. . Dupriez F, De Pauw L, Van Deynse D, Mourad M, Darius T, Verschuren F. Fourteen years of experience in uncontrolled organ donation after cardio-circulatory death. 16h00 COFFEE BREAK 16h30 [Chairman: J. Pirenne, J.L. Bosmans] Room Antwerp Belgian Update Donation after circulatory death national protocol Evrard P. An anesthetist preconditioning Belgian study: the rationale Joris J. General Assembly 17h15 Room Antwerp Reports of the President, Treasurer and Secretary Information ESOT Brussels 2015 Election of new members Election new board members (October 2014 – September 2019) Vote on Statute modification Miscellaneous 18h00 CLOSURE Location: Courtyard Marriott Brussels Avenue des Olympiades 6 – 1140 Brussels 4