
Preliminary Findings of USAID
Aid Transparency Study
October 15, 2014
Overview of the Country Pilots
• Basic data: Country visits to Zambia (12-16 May), Ghana (2327 June) and Bangladesh (23-30 September); 1 representative
USAID, 3 consultants
• Methodology: Desk study, semi-structured interviews (Zambia
27, Ghana 36, Bangladesh 27) and round-table and feedback
discussions (Zambia and Ghana)
• Government stakeholders: ministry of finance, line ministries,
anti-corruption commissions, accountant general's office and
• Other stakeholders: CSOs, print media, radio stations, online
media, open data activists, private sector and academia
Current collection of aid data by partner country
• Process: Largely a manual collection of aid data by MoF, AIMS
beta in Bangladesh
• Challenges: Cumbersome process, error prone,
• Donor-Gov mechanisms are in place, but not always
functional, focus on planning and results
• Unmet data needs: off-budget data, forward looking
expenditure, sub national data
• Data sharing within government: not always effective
• Donor communications with the public: press releases,
events and informal sharing, local public is perceived to be
uninterested, key target are taxpayers back home
Interest in aid information outside national
• Stakeholder outside of government are interested in aid
• Current access to aid information through media, MoF
publications & informal contacts.
• Access to information on aid information often difficult and
• Data exchange among donors: existing processes informal
• NGO advocacy work on aid transparency
Examples for current use of aid information
Media reports are often limited to project launches
Monitoring results of development activities at local level
Follow the trail of climate funding
Business and funding opportunities
Information priorities
Basic project data: Project name, implementer, time-line, budget
Sub-national geographic data
Financial details
Project documents: detailed budget, activities, objectives,
Results information
Contributions of individual donors to funds (e.g. climate fund)
Contact person to obtain more information if needed
Off-budget data including on aid provided by INGOs
Awareness of IATI and use of online tools (Foreign
Assistance Dashboard and D-portal)
• Very low awareness of IATI
• Hardly any use of online resources (IATI registry, FAD, DPortal)However, most data needs expressed were covered by
IATI standard
• Communication and promotion of IATI data is responsiblity of all
Making aid information more accessible
• Direct online access by citizens is not realistic in Ghana and
• Intermediaries exist, they are interested
• Intermediaries have access also in rural areas
• Communication channels for intermediaries: local radio
stations, CSO networks, government mechanisms