4 Prenatal Development


Prenatal Development

In which we examine the three stages of development from conception to birth, and the causes of congenital defects that can occur during that time.

Stages of Prenatal Development

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Zygotic (or Germinal) Stage

Embryonic Stage

Fetal Stage

0-2 weeks

2-8 weeks

9-40 weeks

Part 1: Zygotic Stage

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Zygotic Stage

Major tasks : Cell division and implantation

Rate of cell division :

36 hours

48 hours

2 cells

8 cells

72 hours

96 hours

32 cells

70 cells

After 4 th day, cells arranged in a hollow sphere, called the blastocyst .

Cells are undifferentiated (not yet specialized for function)

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Zygotic Stage, continued

Zygote develops from an area of blastocyst called the embryonic disk

At 2 weeks, the embryonic disk as 3 layers:

Entoderm : from which develops pharynx, tonsils, thyroid, trachea, lungs, digestive system, bladder, urethra

Mesoderm : from which develops muscles, bones, circulatory system, lymph system, kidneys, gonads

Ectoderm : from which develops skin, hair, nails, sense organs, nervous tissue

Zygotic Stage: Week 2

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Critical Periods

Critical Period : specific time when a given event, or its absence, has the greatest impact on development

Development = differentiation, then growth

Differentiation : the process in embryonic development during which unspecialized cells or tissues become specialized for particular functions. (Ex: pre-gonadal tissue differentiates into pre-ovarian or pre-testicular tissue)

Growth : Once the cells have differentiated, the structure grows

The critical period for prenatal defects is during differentiation

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Critical Periods of Various Embryonic Structures

Part 2: Embryonic Stage

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Embryonic Stage

Major Task: Differentiation of all body systems except cerebral cortex and sensory system.

Trends in differentiation of cells

Size and structure : from uniformity to diversity; from simplicity to complexity

Shape : from irregular to regular; from vagueness to definiteness

Adaptability : from plasticity to rigidity

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Embryonic Stage, continued

3 weeks : neural groove closes; thyroid differentiates; liver differentiates; urinary duct begins to form; primitive heart begins beating

4 weeks : limb buds appear; tongue bud appears; lung bud appears; esophagus, stomach and intestine are single tube; nerves begin to form; optic cup appears

5 weeks : nasal pits appear; jaws begin to form; premuscle masses appear; genital buds appear; pregonadal tissue present; intestine begins looping; circulatory system extends to head and limbs

Embryo: Week 4

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Embryo: Week 4

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Embryonic Stage, continued

6 weeks : external ear appears; limbs recognizable; lobes of lungs appear; bronchi dividing

7 weeks : back straightens; tail begins to disappear; larynx developing; muscles begin to differentiate

8 weeks : head elevating; digits formed; epidermis in

3 layers; taste buds appear; lymph system developing; testes and ovaries identifiable; skeletal systems begins to ossify; brain attains general structure, with lower brain more developed

Embryo: Week 8

Come to class to see slide!

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Embryo: Week 9

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Development of

Three Species

Early stages in the development of a guinea pig (left column), a monkey (middle column), and a human embryo

(right column).

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Part 3: Fetal Stage

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Fetal Stage

Major Tasks : Differentiation of neocortex, sensory systems, and overall growth

Neocortex and sensory systems

The old brain develops early in the embryonic stage.

Needed to control circulatory system.

The midbrain develops later in embryonic stage.

The neocortex doesn’t develop until fetal stage. All structures not present until after first year of life.

Sensory systems are intricately connected to neocortex and so develop at same time.

Brain Development

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Brain Development, continued

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Fetal Growth

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

1” long

3” long

9” long

12” long

14” long

16” long

18” long

20” long

1/13 ounce

1 ounce

6 ounces

14 ounces

20 ounces

3-4 pounds

5-6 pounds

7.5 pounds

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Part 5: Congenital Defects

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Teratogens & Congenital Defects

Teratogen : a chemical or physical agent which can lead to malformations in the fetus

Congenital Defect : a defect present at birth caused by a teratogen.

Categories of Teratogens

Metabolic (Diseases)



Alcohol, Heroin, Narcotics, Nicotine

Maternal malnutrition


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Metabolic Teratogens




Diabetes cardiovascular defects, deafness, blindness, slow growth of fetus deafness, mental retardation, skin & bone lesions, meningitis microcephaly, hydrocephaly, cerebral calcification, mental retardation cardiac and skeletal malformations, central nervous system anomalies; increased risk of stillbirth

Herpes Simplex skin lesions, encephalitis

Mumps spontaneous abortion

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Chemical Teratogens

Alcohol growth & mental retardation, microcephaly, facial and trunk malformations

Chemotherapy major anomalies throughout body

Diethylstilbestrol cervical and uterine abnormalities



Streptomycin hearing anomalies mental retardation, cerebral atrophy, spasticity, blindness hearing loss, auditory nerve damage


Thalidomine staining of tooth enamel and bones limb defects, cardiovascular anomalies

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Alcohol, Nicotine & Other Addictive Substances

The most common defect of addictive substances, including nicotine, is low birth weight

Infants born to addicted women will also be addicted.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Growth deficiencies

Skeletal and facial deformities

Organ deformities: heart defects; genital malformations; kidney and urinary defects.

Central nervous system handicaps: small brain; mental retardation learning disabilities; hyperactivity, poor coordination.

Child with FAS

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Malnutrition & Radiation

Most common effect of material malnutrition is low birth weight.

Radiation may prevent organs from developing and may cause mutations.
