EUR Update from the WMDA Cord Blood Banking in 2014 AMR EMR WPR SEAR AFR Cord blood Bone Marrow /PBSC Questions to start with… A plan is born to start a cord blood bank and help patients with blood cancer in your country What is the status of unrelated cord blood transplantation in your country? Are there already cord blood banks established in your country? Which country or cord blood bank is currently providing donor products for patients in your country? And the global status? 4,000 3,500 3,000 Top five countries in 2012: 2,500 2,000 France 206 5% No information provided 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 Germany 122 Units provided for children Year Units provided for adults 2012 7% 2011 288 2010 Spain 2009 500 2008 1,175 28% 2007 Japan 2006 1,000 2005 1,707 41% 2004 USA 1,500 1993 Number of HPC Cord shipped 2012: 4,150 HPC (Cord) to 46 different countries 4,500 3% Number of HPC, Cord shipped to each continent over time 1,800 Number of HPC, Cord In 2012 35% of the HPC (Cord) were imported from outside Europe 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 South America Africa Year Asia Australia Europe North America 2012 Where do the cord blood units for European patients come from? Seventy (70%) percent of the HPC (Cord) provided for unrelated European patients comes from France, Spain and North America. Region Asia Australia Percentage (%) 13 1 24 3 North America North Europe South Europe 280 47 412 31 5 46 UK/Ireland Germany Eastern Europe 46 52 24 5 6 3 TOTAL WMDA Annual Report 2012 No. CBU 898 1000 Shipments from European Cord Blood Banks over time 950 900 850 800 750 700 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 400 Shipments by some European countries over time 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 Germany 2009 Spain France 2010 Belgium 2011 Italy 2012 United Kingdom 2013 Business model of cord blood bank not investing anymore in inventory Cord Blood Shipments from one European Cord Blood Bank 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Conclusions: United States is providing over 40% of the HPC-Cord products for European patients. Investing in your inventory by storing new high quality units is important. What is next? Twenty-one years after the publication of the first WMDA paper WMDA Handbook for blood stem cell donation ‘This handbook is a MUST for anyone who is actively involved in one of the many activities necessary for a successful unrelated stem cell transplant!’ – Jon J. van Rood, WMDA President 1988-1999 Tessa (received a stem cell transplant in 2009) stands for over 300,000 patients worldwide who have received an unrelated blood stem cell transplant in the past 40 years. Frank (donated his blood stem cells in 2012) stands for over 23 million voluntary donors worldwide who have or are willing to donate a gift for life. WMDA handbook for blood stem cell donation Which factors contribute to the success of a registry and how can a registry remain successful in the future? These and many more questions are answered in the first handbook for blood stem cell donation, launched by the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA). Valuable information and guidance about setting up and running a registry An interesting read for both registry personnel and professionals involved in blood stem cell donation, as well as people interested in setting up a new registry. TOPICS COVERED General organisation of a registry WMDA handbook for blood stem cell donation Recruitment of volunteer donors Donor search request Collection and transportation Post-donation Cord blood banking Information technology and data management Finance and administration WMDA handbook for blood stem cell donation Go to the WMDA website and order this unique book! Acknowledgements WMDA Donor Registries Working Group: Thomas Bart WMDA Office: Machteld Oudshoorn, Monique Jöris and Dorien de Kruijf PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria Clinical Immunology, Bulgaria Pirogov, Canada, China CMDP, China Sunshine Donors, China Hong Kong, Croatia, Cyprus, Cyprus Paraskevaidio, Czech BMDR, Czech National, Denmark, Denmark BMDC, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India AIBMDR, India Bharat, India Datri, Iran ISCDP, Iran ISCDR, Ireland, Israel Ezer Mizion, Israel Hadassah, Italy, Japan, Korea Catholic Registry, Korea KMDP, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland DKMS, Poland ALF-MDR, Poland Poltransplant, Portugal, Romania, Russia Karelian, Russia Russian Registry, Russia HPC Registry, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey Ankara, Turkey Istanbul, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom Anthony Nolan, United Kingdom BBMR, United Kingdom Wales, Uruguay, USA Gift of Life, USA CRIR, USA NMDP. PARTICIPATING CORD BLOOD BANKS Argentine CPH Donors Registry, AusCord Australia, Austria, Marrow Donor Program Belgium, BrasilCord/REDOME Brazil, Hema-Quebec Public Cord Blood Bank Canada, Victoria Angel Registry of Hope Canada, Chile Cord Blood Bank, Sichuan Umbilical Cord Blood Bank China, Guangzhou China, Beijing Cord Blood Bank, Local CBB of HKBMDR Hong Kong, Croatian Cord Blood Bank, CYCORD Cyprus, Czech Stem Cells Registry, Finnish Cord Blood Bank, France Greffe de Moelle, ZKRD Zentrales Knochenmarkspender Register Germany, Jose Carreras Stammzellbank Germany, Hellenic Cord Blood Bank Greece, Thessaloniki Cord Blood Bank, Iran SCDR, Iran SCDP, Hadassah Unrelated Donor and Cord Blood Registry, Sheba Cord Blood Bank, Italian BMDR and Cord Blood Bank Network, Japanese Cord Blood Bank Network, KoreaCORD, Catholic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Korea, Mexican Cord Blood Bank and Registry BACECU, CordMX CNTS Mexico, Banco Central de Sangre La Raza Mexico, Europdonor Foundation Netherlands, Poltransplant Poland, Russia Moscov Cord Blood Bank, Russia Samara Cord Blodo Bank, Singapore Cord Blood Bank, Eurocord Slovakia, Slovene Cord Blood Bank ESPOK, REDMO Spanish Cord Blood Registry, Swedcord Swedish National Cord Blood Bank, Swiss Blood Stem Cells, Buddhist Tzu Chi Stem Cells Center Taiwan, Bionet Babybanks Corp. Taiwan, Healthbanks Biotech Co. Ltd. Taiwan, StemCyte Taiwan, Thai National Stem Cell Donor Registry, Ankara Cord Blood Registry Turkey, BBMR United Kingdom, Caitlin Raymond International Registry USA, Celgene Cord Blood Bank USA, NMDP Network CBBs USA, New York National Cord Blood Program USA, Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation USA, HOCHIMINH City Cord Blood Bank Vietnam. PROJECT SPONSOR: The future "We have a long, hard road ahead but I look to the day when no child dies like my son, waiting for a donor to save him" Shirley Nolan Celebration of the 40th anniversary of Anthony Nolan Registry: “Improving donor availability, acquisition and outcomes through global collaboration.” Visit: