NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH - Ohio Crime Prevention Association

Neighborhood Watch
Community Involvement
2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
202-261-4153 FAX 202-296-1356
Neighborhood Crime Prevention
• Neighborhood Watch
• Citizen Patrols
• Volunteers in Police Service
• Citizen Police Academies
Neighborhood Watch
• Establishes a Sense of Community,
Cohesiveness and Unity of Purpose.
• Establishes contact with Police Department
and neighborhood services.
• Good neighbor program, not just about crime.
Neighborhood Watch
• Started by the National Sheriff’s Association over
30 years ago.
• Aim was to prevent residential burglary, a major
crime problem at the time.
• One of the best ways for citizens and law
enforcement to work together to prevent crime.
• Today, is touted as a way for communities to
prevent all types of crime, including terrorism.
Neighborhood Watch Objectives
• Reduce levels of fear of crime in the community
• Improve or create neighborhood cohesiveness
• Improve reporting characteristics of citizens
• Increase natural surveillance in the community
• Prevent and reduce crime
• Support Homeland Security
The President’s Call
In 2002, President Bush called on communities
throughout America to double participation
in Neighborhood Watch to support
Homeland Security.
Neighborhood Watch - Types
• Static Watch - Observe and Report
• Active Watch - Walking Patrols
• Active Watch - Vehicle Patrols
Neighborhood Watch
What’s a Snitch?
a thief - an informer
Neighborhood Watch - Components
• Planning Committee
• Block or Road Captain Volunteers
• Training - observation skills & crime prevention
• Communications – telephone / email tree tree
• Community and home warning signs
• Law Enforcement support
Neighborhood Watch
• Get maps of target areas – identify accepted
neighborhood boundary lines
• Contact Community Development for a list of
existing civic associations - go to meetings
• Hold meetings in the neighborhood at churches,
schools, libraries - places easily accessible to the
Block Captains Duties
• Establish a meeting schedule and location
• Organize a Neighborhood Phone or Email Tree
• Disseminate crime prevention literature &
• Disseminate Crime Statistics/Information as needed
Block Meetings
• At least four per year
• First meeting - get acquainted, handouts,
statistics, etc.
• Within walking distance from home
• No more than one hour
• Set a date for the next meeting
Telephone or Email Tree
Neighborhood Communications
• For large groups - series of
phone trees or emails
• For individual blocks - one
• Test the phone or email tree
Telephone - Email Tree Information
Name, Address, phone number (s), email
Number, age and sex of people in house
Vehicle information
pet information
Neighborhood Patrols
• Groups may decide to walk or drive.
• Determine how long to patrol and how many
volunteers are likely to be recruited.
• Decide where and when the patrols will take
Neighborhood Patrols
• Should not carry any type of weapon.
• Should not take enforcement action.
• Should not engage in physical contact.
• Should not be considered a security or police
Orange Hat Patrols
 Groups of citizens, often in the company of
police officers, who walk the neighborhood for
about an hour.
 They pick up trash, note any missing signs or
burned out streetlights, and provide a visible
presence for concerned residents in the area.
Neighborhood Patrols
Police can offer training on:
• What to look for
• How to report crimes
• Personal Safety when patrolling
• Safety and Security Hazards
Neighborhood Watch
High Crime Areas
• Conduct a neighborhood analysis of target area
• Set up safety talks and crime specific prevention
• Encourage reporting through anonymous tip lines
• Assure names, etc will remain anonymous
Code of Virginia
Security of Neighborhood Watch records
Neighborhood Watch Records Security
1992 General Assembly - Virginia
• Amended Code of Va. 2.1-342 relating to
Freedom of Information .
• Records of Neighborhood Watch participants
when given to Police Departments under the
promise of confidentiality are EXLUDED from the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act
Neighborhood Watch Police Support
• Maintain contact with the Block Captains
• Update and provide crime data
• Newsletters - Crime Prevention Literature
• Recognize good job by watches
• Letter/certificate from Chief or Sheriff
• News media stories
Neighborhood Watch Police Support
• Perform security surveys and neighborhood
safety assessments
• Schedule other crime prevention training
Personal Safety
Operation Identification
Residential Security
Homeland Security
• Be aware and attuned to your surroundings home, work, leisure and travel
• Know the routines, it helps you spot the unusual eighborhood, community, work
• Take what you hear seriously - if it sounds serious
report it to law enforcement
Emergency Planning
• Make a list or important local telephone numbers.
• Know how to reach members of your family.
• Pay particular attention to children, seniors and
people with disabilities.
• Make your house easy to find.
• Organize an emergency preparedness kit.
• Take a First Aid and/or CPR course.
Neighborhood Watch Benefits
• Fosters Good Relations with Citizens
• Crime and Offender information
• Volunteer Base
• Phone numbers/ emails /names of people in
• Police can meet people in area/ beat
• Positive media coverage
Neighborhood Watch - Virginia
Neighborhood Watch in Virginia
Summer 2002 Survey
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Neighborhood Watch - Virginia 2002
5 Largest NW Programs
Fairfax County
Chesterfield County
Newport News
Albemarle County
Total in Virginia 2002
Total in Virginia 1984
Neighborhood Watch - Most Active
 21% Very Active
 20% More Active than Inactive
 39% Mixed (50-50 active and inactive)
 18% More Inactive than Active
2% Very Inactive
Neighborhood Watch - Activities
 57% conduct foot or car patrols
 57% participate in National Nite Out
 59% Operation Identification services
 78% home security surveys on a request
VA Neighborhood Watch Resources
VCPA - Neighborhood Watch coordinator links
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Neighborhood Watch Study
Neighborhood Watch Resources
National Association of Town Watch
PO Box 303
1 Wynnewood Road, Suite 102
Wynnewood, PA 19096
(610) 649-7055
Contact: Matt Peskin, Executive Director
National Night Out - first Tuesday in August
Neighborhood Watch Resources
National Sheriffs’ Association
1450 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 838-5330 FAX (703) 519-8567
Contact: Robbi Woodson,
Director of Crime Prevention & Neighborhood
Volunteers in Police Service - VIPS
 The VIPS Program provides support and resources
for agencies interested in developing or enhancing a
volunteer program and for citizens who wish to
volunteer their time and skills with a community
law enforcement agency.
 The program’s ultimate goal is to enhance the
capacity of state and local law enforcement to
utilize volunteers .
Citizen’s Police Academy
• The purpose of the Citizen Police Academy is to
foster better communication between citizens and
police through education.
• The Academy will create a nucleus of well-informed
citizens who possess greater insight into police
practices and services. Learn about the Division's
mission and Community Policing Philosophy