Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment A drag parameterization for extreme wind speeds that leads to improved hurricane simulations Gerrit Burgers Niels Zweers Vladimir Makin Hans de Vries EMS Annual meeting Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Zweers Burgers de Vries Makin Introduction The ability to forecast hurricane tracks has improved during years, while hurricane intensity is still underestimated Underestimation of hurricane intensity in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models is strongly related to the uncertainty in the computation of the surface fluxes of momentum and heat Observational evidence points to reduced drag at extreme wind speeds We show that using reduced drag at extreme wind speeds lead to improved hurricane forecasts 2 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Hurricanes and fluxes Emanuel (1995): tropical cyclones can only attain their energy if the ratio of exchange coefficients of heat (Ck) and momentum (CD) is sufficiently large: (Ck/CD) ~ 1 – 1.5 In most NWP models (Ck/CD) is much smaller for extreme wind speeds Two possible remedies - enhancement of surface heat fluxes (spray parameterizations) - stabilizing the magnitude of the wind drag for extreme winds This study: we examine hurricane intensity by focusing on the computation of the momentum flux 3 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Drag and roughness u* / a 2 Drag coefficient: CD (u* / U ( z))2 u* : friction velocity U(z) : horizontal wind speed U(z) = u*/κ log(z/zo) Most models use Charnock’s relation (1955) for the roughness length: 2 u* z0 z* g The roughness and the drag increase with wind speed Supported by observations for moderate and strong wind In models z* ~ [0.010, 0.035] 4 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Charnock vs. obs However, observations for hurricane wind speeds deviate from Charnock 5 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Makin (2005) Based on theoretical and observational evidence, Makin (2005) proposed a drag parameterization that accounts for the observed reduction in the drag coefficient Impact of spray on the stress through stratification reduced vertical mixing, reduced drag Later studies: in addition direct impact of spray spray force from rain of spray leads to reduced drag We examine the impact of the Makin (2005) drag parameterization in an NWP model on the prediction of the 10-meter wind speed, sea level pressure and hurricane track 6 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Formulation Makin for drag coefficient The parameterization by Makin (2005): z0 cl11/ c1z0/ u*2 / g U10 < Ucrit: Charnock relation cz0: Charnock parameter min[1, acrit / u* ] acrit: critical terminal fall velocity cl: constant U10 > Ucrit : reduced surface drag In this study, we choose z* = 0.025, because that is the default value of the Hirlam model we use in the Hurricane simulations. 7 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Charnock vs. Makin Drag coefficient 8 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 NWP model simulations We test the parameterization in the NWP model HIRLAM* (High Resolution Limited Area Model) Boundary conditions from ECMWF HIRLAM in the Gulf of Mexico, horizontal resolution 5km Two hurricanes: Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005) i. Forecasts, analyses every 6 hours (“analysis=previous forecast + data assimilation”) ii. Forecasts up to +96h * 9 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results Sea level pressure Katrina with 6-hours analysis cycle 932 hPa 916 hPa (Zweers et al., 2010) GRL 902 hPa 25/08/2005 10 29/08/2005 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results 10-meter wind speed 77 m/s Katrina 73 m/s with 6-hours analysis cycle 55 m/s (Zweers et al., 2010) GRL 25/08/2005 11 29/08/2005 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results Sea level pressure Ivan with 6-hours analysis cycle 11/09/2004 12 16/09/2004 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results 10-meter wind speed Ivan with 6-hours analysis cycle 11/09/2004 13 16/09/2004 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results 10-meter wind speed Ivan +96h forecast 13/09/2004 14 16/09/2004 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results Hurricane Track Ivan Observed 15 Katrina +48h, +72h, +96h forecasts Modeled: Charnock relation New parameterization Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results Ivan Observed 16 Hurricane Track Katrina forecasts with analyses Modeled: Charnock relation New parameterization Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Intermezzo What happens if cD decreases? If the drag coefficient decreases, then - stress decreases - wind speed increases; boundary layer height decreases; depression deepens - heat flux increases - storm surge decreases τ = cD U102 , but wind speed change partially cancels effect uncertainty drag on stress Typically: δU10/ U10 -0.25 δcD /cD δτ / τ 0.5 δcD /cD (Zweers et al., Natural Hazards, submitted) 17 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Effect on surge • Surge depends on stress • But through an integral over space and time no simple relation • Changes in drag result in substantial differences (up to 1m) Results from Delft-3D storm surge model simulations (Zweers et al., Natural Hazards, submitted) Ivan, 16 September 15h00 18 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Conclusion We simulated two tropical cyclones - Ivan and Katrina – with - Charnock’s relation, and - new (Makin) drag parameterization with reduced drag for extreme winds Charnock’s relation: - hurricane intensity is severely underestimated in forecasts New drag parameterization: - hurricanes are much stronger in forecasts in terms of wind and pressure - surge lower - hurricane track nearly unchanged - quite good agreement between model results and observed conditions 19 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 • Thank you for your attention Further reading • K.A. Emmanuel, Sensitivity of tropical cyclones to surface exchange coefficients …, J. Atm. Sci. (1995) • V.K. Makin, A note on the drag of the sea surface at hurricane winds, Bound. -Layer Met. (2005) • M.D. Powell et al., Reduced drag coefficient for high wind speeds in tropical cyclones, Nature (2003) • N. C. Zweers et al., A sea drag relation for hurricane wind speeds, GRL (2010) • N.C. Zweers et al., On the influence of changes in the drag relation on surface wind speeds and storm surge forecasts, submitted to Nat. Haz. • N.C. Zweers et al., Reduced drag coefficients for hurricane winds in atmospheric and storm surge simulations, in preparation 20 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Reduction from 32m/s Drag coefficient 21 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 With reduced Charnock coefficient Drag coefficient EGU 22 2011 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds Introduction – Theory – Aim – Methodology – Results - ConclusionBBOS 2010 Zweers - Zweers et al. EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results 10-meter wind speed Katrina with 6-hours analysis cycle 25/08/2005 23 29/08/2005 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011 Results 10-meter wind speed Katrina with 6-hours analysis cycle 25/08/2005 24 29/08/2005 Gerrit Burgers et al., A drag parameterization for extreme winds EMS Annual Meeting | Berlin, 12-16 September 2011