UNDP*s Role and Gender Perspectives in Early Recovery

Gender and Humanitarian Action Workshop for UN-WOMEN Staff
Ashok Malhotra and Cameron Noble
UNDP Pacific Centre, Suva, Fiji
March 14, 2012
1. UNDP’s Leadership in Early Recovery
2. What is Early Recovery
3. Early Recovery Cluster
4. Early Recovery Network
5. Early Recovery Framework
6. L-Shaped Model of Early Recovery Coordination
7. Early Recovery Process
8. Early Recovery Planning and Programming
9. Early Recovery Interventions
10. Time-frame for Interventions
11. Resource Mobilization
12. Early Recovery Interventions – Examples from the Pacific
13. Issues and Challenges
14. Resource Material
UNDP’s Leadership on Early
 IASC’s Cluster Working Group on
Early Recovery (CWGER);
 UNDP will act as a global hub of
knowledge management on
early recovery; and
 UNDP will advocate for
increased technical and financial
resources in this important area;
(as part of this, it provides
substantive backing for the
Country Office)
What is Early Recovery?
 Application of development principles in a humanitarian
 National ownership; capacity utilization and support; and
peoples’ participation
 A stage in which humanitarian and development partners
co-exist and interact
 Early initiation of recovery planning and key programming
to minimize the gap between relief and longer-term
Early Recovery Cluster
 Areas of Early Recovery that are not covered by the
other clusters such as livelihoods, reintegration, land
and property, infrastructure, governance, or rule of law
 UNDP in Lead; focus on Partnerships with Government,
NGOs and Civil Society Organizations working on these
 ER Cluster Coordinator ensures inclusion of these
issues in early recovery policy & programmes
Early Recovery Network
 UNDP coordinates the ER Network
 The ER Network makes ER a common concern and avoids
limiting it to the work of one cluster
 A Network of ER Focal Points from each of the other clusters to
work together on inclusion of early recovery.
 Resident Coordinator has the lead responsibility for
coordinating the ER efforts with each of the other IASC
 Systematically planning and implementing early recovery
interventions within the context of their own specific areas of
Early Recovery Framework
L-Shaped Model of ER Coordination
Early Recovery Process
1. ER Cluster / Network Activation
2. ER Needs Assessment
3. Identification of ER Strategies / Activities
• Activation of cluster
• Coordination
mechanism to draw
on all aspects of ER
across Clusters
• Identification of
priority areas
• Assess existing
capacities for ER
• For each Priority Area:
• Strategies and
activities developed
by Government and
across Clusters
4. Implementation
5. ER Framework &
6. Design of ER
• Cost estimates
• Responsible Agencies
• Time-Frame
• Submit to Cabinet and
• Use as the basis for
Resource Mobilisation
• ERF used as the basis
for ER implementation
Early Recovery Planning and
 Assessment of Early Recovery
National Policy Formulation
Capacity-building of Governments
Information Collection and
Resource Mobilization and Aid
Advocacy and Public Information
Early Recovery Interventions
 Restoration of social and community services
 Stabilization of Livelihoods
 Technical Assistance for Shelter
 Capacity-building support for the Government
 Disaster Risk Reduction
 Gender-specific Assistance (8 Point Agenda)
 Social Inclusion
 Monitoring & Evaluation
 Early Recovery Interventions
Time-frame for Interventions
 In a disaster situation, early recovery planning and
implementation activities need to be carried out as
quickly as possible
 In a drought situation, the time-frame may be longer
(assessment, identification of interventions, capacitybuilding of local-level institutions)
 In a conflict situation, early recovery situation may last for
Resource Mobilization
 BCPR’s Coordination
Including Early Recovery in
Flash Appeal
Re-allocation of Core
Development of Proposals for
Multi-donor Trust Funds
Linkages with other UNDP’s
Early Recovery Interventions in
the Pacific
Balancing demand and supply
 Samoa: ER cluster activated (first time)
 Fiji: Capacity assessment of Dept of Agri, Provision of seedlings
and weedicides, Socio-economic impact assessment, but no
cluster for ER
 Fiji: National Gender Training*
 Tonga: Cash for work, provision of equipments for fishing and
mat weaving
 Cook Islands: ER cluster not formally activated but with inputs
from UN and other agencies. Government formed its own
Issues and Challenges
Capacity-augmentation on an immediate basis
Early Recovery Programming
Raising Resources (TRAC Funding; Trust Funds)
Providing Technical Support
Sustaining the Support
Low government involvement sometimes lead to weak
operational linkage between cluster and government
 Cross-cutting nature makes it hard to identify one counterpart
agency within national and local authorities
 Need for recovery planning in addition to response planning at
country level
Gender in Early Recovery
• Why are gender issues in recovery
• How is gender considered in ER?
• What is the opportunity that ER
presents for greater gender equality?
Why is it important in ER?
• Recovery can’t be resilient without addressing gender
• Cuts recovery timelines and is a more efficient recovery
• Offers an opportunity to address wider societal issues
• Gender equality is a principle goal of the UN in terms of
the equal sharing in the distribution of power, resources,
opportunity and treatment of men and women.
• Crisis affects men and women differently
• Relations between men and women can be drastically
affected by the crisis (+ & -)
How is Gender Considered?
In ER assessments:
• Gender analysis is conducted and is incorporated in to overall ER
• Data disaggregated by sex and age
• Assess gender roles and capacities in the home and workplace predisaster assessed
• Assess the unique effects of disaster and needs of women, men, girls
and boys addressed and changes in relations
• Identify inequalities that need to be addressed (power, resources,
services etc.)
• Resources and services recommended are culturally and gender
appropriate but…don’t reinforce stereotypes and challenge inequality
• Assessment team has gender balance and women are available to
talk with target women if required
How is Gender Considered?
In planning:
• Views of all gender groups are taken in to perspective
• In community consultations, ensure the voice of women and
girls are heard through mixed and separate discussions (boys
and young men too)
• Consult women in the design of projects for housing, work
projects, transitional health care and education etc.
• Place women in leadership roles for planning
• Gender budgeting and
planning in government
processes for ER
• Include gender advisor
How is Gender Considered?
In project implementation:
Place women in leadership roles in community representation and/or
project management
Facilitate active engagement with and participation by women and girls
through local organizations
Support men and boys in new roles (e.g. in the home, non-violent
masculinities, supportive of women as main breadwinners)
Consider the needs of different gender roles (women as mothers,
homemakers, providers; Men as workers outside the home etc.) when
designing programmes
Continually listen to the voice of women throughout project and make
necessary adjustments
Address promptly but sensitively any objections to women’s full
Start process of institutional change
How is Gender Considered?
In project implementation:
Temporary employment programmes equally benefit men and
Deed new houses in both name and promote land rights for
Challenge rules or traditions that reinforce inequality
Have gender specific projects that contribute to the gender
equality that may empower women and girls in order to reduce
their vulnerability, build self-esteem and leadership, provide them
with financial resources, protect their rights and participate in
society equally or address
Introduce non-traditional gender roles in projects
Provide contraception to allow women to control births
How is Gender Considered?
In M&E:
• Baseline data is disaggregated by sex and age
• Ensure that indicators include gender specific data
(e.g. women’s livelihoods, safety)
• Support women’s organizations to monitor recovery
initiatives from a gender perspective
• Monitor possible negative effects of any changes in
power (domestic violence as a reaction to women’s
• Monitor satisfaction towards equality-promoting
projects by both sexes
How is Gender Considered?
UNDP’s Eight-Point Agenda for Women’s Empowerment and
Gender Equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery
1. Strengthen Women’s Security in Crisis.
2. Advance Gender Justice.
3. Expand Women’s Citizenship, Participation and Leadership.
4. Build Peace with and for Women.
5. Promote Gender Equality in Disaster Risk Reduction.
6. Ensure Gender-Responsive Recovery.
7. Transform Government to Deliver for Women.
8. Develop Capacities for Social Change.
How is Gender Considered?
UNDP’s Eight-Point Agenda for Women’s Empowerment and
Gender Equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery
1. Strengthen Women’s Security in Crisis.
Stop violence against women
3. Expand Women’s Citizenship, Participation and Leadership.
Advance women as decision makers
5. Promote Gender Equality in Disaster Risk Reduction.
Help women and men build back better
6. Ensure Gender-Responsive Recovery.
Promote women as leaders of recovery.
8. Develop Capacities for Social Change.
Work together to transform society
Resource Materials
 Eight Point Agenda: Practical, positive outcomes for girls and women in crisis,
Key Things to Know About Gender Equality as a “Cross-Cutting Issue” in Early
Recovery, UNDP/BCPR
Guide to Gender-Aware Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, CWGER
Gender Equality Policy, UNOCHA
IASC Gender Handbook
Resource Materials
 Guidance Note on Early Recovery, CWGER
Training of Trainers Manual on Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Risk
Management, UNDP India
Gender Sensitive Disaster Management: A Toolkit for Practitioners
Gender Awareness and Development Manual - Resource Material for Gender
Mainstreaming Gender in Emergency Management: Selected Training Resources
Resource Materials
 Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Reduction, UNISDR
Women, Gender and the Hyogo Platform for Action, Gender and Disaster
Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis for Emergency and Rehabilitation
Programmes. SEAGA
The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Through Women’s Eyes. Enarson, Elaine
Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction.
Dimitríjevics, Anna
Resource Materials
 Gender Manual. A practical guide for development policy makers and
practitioners. Derbyshire, Helen
 Gender Tool Kit - instruments for gender mainstreaming. Swiss Agency
for Development and Cooperation
 Gender and Post-Crisis Reconstruction. A Practitioner’s Handbook.
 Gender mainstreaming in practice. A handbook. UNDP
Thank you
Questions, Comments & Discussion