Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC) DEC 101 – An Overview For the RRT3 May 16, 2012 Ronald (Ron) Zuber, REC, FEMA, Region III Disaster Emergency Communications Division DEC Strategic Goal • Goal: Build an effective disaster emergency communications program to improve tactical communications and interoperability capabilities during disaster response. • Intent: Promote interoperable communications at the Federal, State, local, and Tribal levels that can support and provide resilient communications capabilities for response efforts. Emergency communications will incorporate voice, video and data capabilities. Disaster Emergency Communications Division 1 DEC Strategic Objectives • Support effective tactical interoperable voice, video and data communications for emergency response teams • Identify mission-critical disaster emergency communications capabilities, requirements, solution and mitigation strategies • Develop an effective command and control communications framework for the Regional Administrator • Promote communications interoperability with State and local response organizations through Regional Emergency Communications Coordinating Working Groups (RECCWGs) Disaster Emergency Communications Division 2 DEC Coordination with the Regions, States and Localities DEC integrates with State and local agencies through the Region to provide emergency communications assistance throughout all phases of an incident • • • • FEMA Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) provide mobile and tactical communications capabilities to support State and local agencies requesting emergency communications support FEMA Regional Emergency Communications (REC) Coordinators report to the RA on emergency communications issues in the Region, establish relationships with State and local emergency responders, and coordinate disaster emergency communications capabilities and requirements during a response RECCWGs serve as a coordination point for Federal, State, local, and Tribal agencies at the regional level on emergency communications-related matters FEMA State Emergency Communications Plans describe the primary and backup communications systems used by Federal, State, local, and Tribal entities and identify resources that States may request during a catastrophic event Disaster Emergency Communications Division 3 FEMA MERS Overview MERS provides operations, communications, and logistics assets in response to Presidentially declared emergencies and disasters, as well as planned National Special Security Events • • • • Deploys, installs, and operates communications equipment in support of Federal, State, and local agencies Provides tactical communications equipment to enable incident command and control and ensure safe and effective response and recovery operations and situational awareness Serves as a national asset and deploys response teams and equipment from six geographically dispersed Detachments throughout the country (Bothell, WA; Denton, TX; Denver, CO; Frederick, MD; Maynard, MA; and Thomasville, GA) Participates in various FEMA Regions activities including— – – – RECCWG meetings State emergency communications planning efforts Regional communications exercises Disaster Emergency Communications Division 4 FEMA MERS Services and Support • MERS detachments provide a wide range of support that include the following capabilities: – – – – – – – – • Land Mobile Radio (LMR) support (VHF, UHF, 800 MHz) Portable radios and repeaters Satellite communications Line of sight (LOS) microwave units Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Radio over IP (RoIP) Secure communications equipment, fax, and video teleconference Power, water, fuel, and life support Communications technicians to maintain and operate the equipment Services include: – – – – – Temporary communications infrastructure support Backup Emergency Operations Center and dispatching capabilities Public alert and warning Backhaul connectivity Sheltering and facility communications Disaster Emergency Communications Division 5 BOTHELL, WA DENVER, CO MAYNARD, MA DENTON, TX THOMASVILLE, GA FREDERICK, MD Disaster Emergency Communications Division MERS – Incident Response Vehicle (IRV) • On-Call (Ku-band) satellite • Phone /data /video support • HF/ VHF/ MSAT • VHF radio repeater • Telescoping radio and TV mast and antennas. Disaster Emergency Communications Division IRV in Forward Area Operations The IRV as a stand-alone operations support or remote monitoring below. A portable tower and repeater supports LMR (UHF/VHF) operations above. Disaster Emergency Communications Division MERS Emergency Operations Vehicle (MEOV) MEOV as forward area operations support platform Disaster Emergency Communications Division MRV - Multi-Radio Van Ku-band satellite LOS Microwave HF/ VHF/ UHF/ AMSAT Landline connections Repeater and Cross Patch Disaster Emergency Communications Division Mil Air Transport of MRV and IRV Disaster Emergency Communications Division Regional Emergency Communications (REC) Coordinator – Roles • Support the coordination of resources, expertise and staffing for activities and roles in the Region/RECCWGs • Lead State and Regional emergency communications plans development and provide technical expertise on existing and emerging emergency communications technologies • Serves as primary advisor to the RA on emergency communications • Supports the administration of the RECCWGs building key relationships between Federal, State, local, Tribal, and private sector partners • Coordinates/participates in National, regional, cross-regional, State, and local conferences and communications exercises • Supports IMATs and ESF #2 during response, leveraging RECCWG and stakeholder relationships • During response, provides staffing to the RRCC and coordinates with/leads resources within the DEC Branch Disaster Emergency Communications Division 12 RECCWG Overview The Department of the Homeland Security Act of 2007, Title XVIII Section 1805 (Pub.L. 109-295) established the RECCWGs RECCWGs are planning and coordinating bodies responsible for providing a forum to assess and address the survivability, sustainability, operability, and interoperability of emergency communications at all levels RECCWGs serve as a single coordination point for emergency communications at the regional level RECCWGs are regionally focused and are expected to have unique membership dependent on regional government structure and processes Membership includes Federal, State, local, and Tribal representatives from emergency response organizations FEMA has principle responsibility to help establish and support the RECCWGs, but the focus and direction of the RECCWGs is determined by the RECCWG members Disaster Emergency Communications Division RECCWG Statutory Duties Each RECCWG must report to the RA and coordinate their activities with the relevant Regional Advisory Council Assess the survivability, sustainability, and interoperability of local emergency communications systems to meet the goals of the NECP Ensure a process for the coordination of effective multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency emergency communications networks for use during natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters through the expanded use of emergency management and public safety communications mutual aid agreements Coordinate the establishment of Federal, State, local, and Tribal support services and networks designed to address the immediate and critical human needs in responding to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters Report annually to the relevant RA, the Office of Emergency Communications (OEC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on the status of its region in building robust and sustainable interoperable voice and data emergency communications networks Disaster Emergency Communications Division RECCWG Membership and Partnership Membership (1) NON-FEDERAL.—Organizations representing the interests of the following: (A) State officials (B) Local government officials, including sheriffs (C) State police departments (D) Local police departments (E) Local fire departments (F) Public safety answering points (9–1–1 services) (G) State emergency managers, homeland security directors, or representatives of State Administrative Agencies (H) Local emergency managers or homeland security directors. (I) Other emergency response providers as appropriate (2) FEDERAL.— Representatives from the Department, the FCC, and other Federal departments and agencies with responsibility for coordinating interoperable emergency communications with or providing emergency support services to State, local, and tribal governments Partnerships - Communications equipment manufacturers and vendors (including broadband data service providers) Local exchange carriers Local broadcast media Wireless carriers Satellite communications services Cable operators Hospitals - Public utility services Emergency evacuation transit services Ambulance services HAM and amateur radio operators Representatives from other private sector entities and nongovernmental organizations as the Regional Administrator determines appropriate Disaster Emergency Communications Division 15 RECCWG Benefits Key Coordination Venue - Serves as a key venue for coordination among Federal, State, local and Tribal emergency response organizations across each FEMA Region - Encourages collaboration among State, local, and Tribal emergency response organizations to share lessons learned and best practices and to conduct planning across State boundaries Inter-State and Regional Planning - Promotes consistent and collaborative efforts for regional and inter-state communications planning and technical solutions - Provides a vision into regional preparedness efforts by serving as a mechanism for State, local, and Tribal agencies to help FEMA and other Federal agencies define and integrate emergency communications support during an incident Ability to Influence National and Regional Activities - Supports the ability for State, local, and Tribal entities to influence and provide input to National (e.g., grant processes, ECPC) and regional emergency communications-related activities Disaster Emergency Communications Division 16 State Emergency Communications Plans • • Disaster Emergency Communications Division Sustainability Interoperability • Operability • An integrated Federal, State, local, Command and Control and Tribal approach to ensuring Evacuation effective communications coordination prior to and immediately Sheltering following an incident Search and Rescue Identifies key Federal, State and local emergency response agencies, Commodities and technical capabilities and resources Medical Establishes relationships with key Communications Debris Removal response organizations at all levels Considerations of government Provides a comprehensive view of communications requirements and mitigation strategies for seven mission areas Supplements and leverages existing State and local communications plans (e.g., SCIP, TICP) Critical Missions • 17 State ECP Benefits • Enables rapid coordination and deployment of Federal resources to support State and local needs during an event • Establishes relationships with Federal, State, local, and Tribal response organizations • Provides a comprehensive view of State and local requirements and response capabilities • Identifies mitigation strategies and pre-scripted mission assignments for support from Federal agencies • Produces results that serve as input to RECCWG efforts Disaster Emergency Communications Division 18 Improvements Made Since PKEMRA Enhancements to Tactical Communications Development and implementation of the FEMA National Response Network (NRN) to facilitate tactical communications within FEMA and across Federal, State, local, and Tribal responders Improvements in communications capabilities such as the Mini Emergency Operations Vehicle (MEOV) and portable radio tower trailers to increase tactical support capabilities for emergency responders Establishment of additional portable radio caches for communications interoperability with emergency responders at all levels of government Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships Establishment of REC Coordinators in each of the 10 Regions to serve as an advisor to the RA on emergency communications, facilitate emergency communications planning, and support RECCWGs Establishment of the 10 RECCWGs in the Regions to serve as a focal point for stakeholder coordination at all levels of government for emergency communications issues in the Regions Understanding of Communications Requirements Development of 43 State and Territory Emergency Communications Plans focused on communications requirements at the State, local, and Tribal levels, with additional plans under development Development of a Technology Roadmap to define a path forward for identifying new and emerging technologies to support future tactical communication needs Disaster Emergency Communications Division 19 Questions? Disaster Emergency Communications Division 20 Contact Ronald (Ron) Zuber 215-931-2892 Desk ronald.zuber@fema.dhs.gov Disaster Emergency Communications Division 21