usnorthcom - SSARCC.COM



Inland SAR


Committed to provide or arrange for SAR services for persons in potential or actual distress at your request, no matter what the magnitude of the event



June 2014




With our trusted partners, we will defend North America by outpacing all threats, maintaining faith with our people and supporting them in their times of greatest need .


The NORAD Mission: The North American Aerospace Defense Command conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning in the defense of

North America.

The USNORTHCOM Mission: The United States Northern Command partners to conduct homeland defense, civil support , and security cooperation to defend and secure the United States and its interests.


Commander’s Priorities

• Expand and strengthen our trusted partnerships

Advance and sustain the binational military command

Gain and maintain all-domain situational awareness

• Advocate and develop capabilities in our core mission areas to outpace all threats

Take care of our people; they are our foundation





SAR Services covered by the NSP

• Maritime (involving rescue from a water environment)

• Aeronautical (including civil SAR assistance in the vicinity of airports)

• Land (including civil SAR operations in environments such as remote areas, swift water, caves, mountains, etc.)

• Urban Search and Rescue (US&R)

• Provision of initial assistance at or near the scene of a distress situation

(e.g., initial medical assistance or advice, medical evacuations , provision of needed food or clothing to survivors etc.)

• Delivery of survivors to a place of safety where further assistance can be provided, or further transportation arranged if necessary.

• Saving of property when it can be done in conjunction with or for the saving of lives

• Mass Rescue Operations (MROs) and;

• SAR services associated with Incidents of National Significance covered by the National Response Framework

DoD can be called upon to provide any of the SAR services covered




Ways to get Federal/DoD SAR support

• Civil Authority - direct to a DoD Official

• May respond under Immediate Response Authority IAW DoDD 3025.18

Civil Authority - to Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)

• RCC will coordinate SAR services IAW SAR Coordinator responsibilities IAW

National SAR Plan and National SAR Supplement

• DoD policy to respond IAW DoDI 3003.01

• “DoD shall support domestic civil authorities providing civil SAR services to the fullest extent practicable on a non-interference basis with primary military duties… “

– Each Participant will fund its own activities….unless otherwise provided for by law or arranged by the Participants in advance, and will not allow cost reimbursement to delay response to any person in danger or distress.

• Civil Authority - submit written request with commitment to reimburse IAW

DoDD 3025.18

• Normally after ESF#9 activated

• CDRUSNORTHCOM serve as DoD lead in the USNORTHCOM AOR for matters pertaining to planning and operation of ESF#9 (IAW DoDI 3003.01 pg 9 Sept 26 2011)

• Normally associated with a Mission Assignment post Declaration (Stafford Act)



T10 SAR Response – How fast we bring it…




*Inland SAR



Assigned /


<24hr Deploy



24hr Source


Internal Use

24hr Source

DSCA EXORD Forces Timeline

On Status

24hr PTDO

Ready to Deploy


Deploy to AO

24hr PTDO Deploy to AO


RFF needed

Large Scale


Source + 96 hr PTDO

*Under Service C2


Ready to Deploy Execute

Deploy to AO



1 2 3 4 5



Speed of execution is directly linked to timely receipt of MAs from Primary Agency

CJCS DSCA EXORD Capabilities Jun 13

CAT 1 Assigned and Allocated Forces CAT 2 Pre-Identified Resources (24hr source + 24 hr PTDO)

• CCDR can coordinate directly w/force providers to identify, place on 24-hr PTDO •CCDR can place on PTDO ; deploy after notifying CJCS & SECDEF; can employ upon receipt CCDR validated & approved PA RFA & after notifying CJCS & SECDEF after notifying CJCS & SECDEF; req force providers deploy forces to AOR/JOA after notifying CJCS & SECDEF (reasonable expectation of a PA RFA); employ upon receipt of CCDR validated & approved PA RFA & after notifying CJCS & SECDEF

• Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO)/Defense Coordinating Element

• NORTHCOM Joint Enabling Capability (JEC)

• All assigned and allocated Forces (Including CBRN)

• Joint Personnel Recovery Center (JPRC)

CAT 3 Resources for Internal Use (24hr source + 24hr PTDO)

• CCDR can coordinate directly w/force providers to source; place on 24-hr PTDO after notifying CJCS & SECDEF; req force providers deploy forces to AOR/JOA after notifying CJCS & SECDEF; employ after notifying CJCS & SECDEF. Forces may be deployed/employed w/or w/o PA RFA. Forces w/o RFA limited to supporting DOD internal reqmts.

• One Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

• One Joint Public Affairs support element or team (2 AF, 2 USN/USMC)

• 4 Combat Camera teams each w/5 members. 1 team MAFFS qualified

• DOD NDMS bed status reporting capability

• MED Force Pkg: Med Log; Preventive Medicine;

• 3 Civil Authority Info Support Element (CAISE) LNOs

• One Director of Mobility Forces – Air

• Base Support Installations

• 2 Religious support team (Deploy with EMEDS)

• Maritime Command Element

• Theater Opening Force Pkg: Cbt Sustainment Spt Btl; Human Resources Element

(JRSOI), Cargo Transfer

• Contracting support element and DLA initial response Team

CAT 4 Large Scale Response Resources (Sec Def RFF approval; 24 hrs to source, 96 hrs PTDO) CCDR submits RFF w/cost estimate (RFF can be submitted w/o PA RFA); requires SECDEF approval to place on PTDO, deploy & employ

SAR Package

12 SAR capable Helos

2 fixed wing

2 Portable ATC towers

1 Air Ground Coord cell

1 Airborne C2 Platform

• Medical Package

• Communications Force Pkg

• Theater Opening Force Pkg

• Wildland Firefighting

Force Package

• IAA Force Package

• Maritime Force Package

• DOD installations as Base Support Installations

• 8 MAFFS-capable C-130 aircraft w/crews & appropriate C2/support ISO NIFC ops

• DOD civilian NIFC-qualified firefighters (volunteers)


• 4 utility med/hvy lift helicopters or tilt-rotor AC w/ C2, spt pers/equip

• 14 utility light/med lift helos or tilt-rotor AC (SAR w/hoist) w/ C2, spt pers/equip

• Aerial SAR Package; 3 SAR dedicated helos or tilt-rotor assets capable of helo airto-air refueling (HAAR)/tilt-rotor air-to-air (TAAR) refueling, night vision goggles

(NVG), rescue hoist equipped and capable of inserting and recovering pararescue teams , and forward looking infrared (FLIR), 2 fixed wing aircraft for HAAR/TAAR,

NVG Ops and FLIR, equipped and capable of inserting and recovering pararescue teams, and FLIR; 2 para rescue teams (2X 7 PRM UTC) capable of fixed-wing and rotary wing airland or airdrop insertion of SAR team insertion and equipment; appropriate C2 for sustained operations; (up to 10 days)

• C2 Comms support pkgs (C4 planning spt team, Initial/early entry pkg)

• One IAA aircraft (w/Line of sight data link/FMV downlink)

• USTRANSCOM initial NDMS patient movement capability and enabling assets

• DOD NDMS Federal Coordinating Centers (FCC)

• Deployable medical platform (EMEDS or early entry team)

• USTRANSCOM personnel to staff a Deployment Distribution Operations Center


• 1 Joint Task Force – Port Opening

• 8 planners to provide SME

• 1 Deployable Global Broadcasting System (GBS) and team

• 3 Rover video receive systems w/ retrans capability of FMV to NC

• 3 satellite comm sys and teams to integrate w/Rover systems

• email. Also must be off-road vehicle capable.

• Modular aerial spray system (MASS) capable C-130 aircraft, crews, w/ C2, spt pers/equip

• Strat Transportation-Trans for personnel, equipment and supplies

• 10 WC-130 Hurricane Hunter A/C & crews w/C2, supt pers/equip iSO NOAA


Keys to Success

• SAR is a time critical (72 hrs) lifesaving mission area

• To be successful, SAR capability must be called early

• Integrated Planning by all agencies is critical

• No one agency can handle every contingency themselves

• Thresholds and gaps pre identified

• Local/State Lead (Incident Management)

• But multi Agency Coordination/support

• Supporting relationships (not C2) is proven successful

• Air Coordination Plan is a best practice Including:

• Mission altitude Stratification

• Mission prioritizations

• Compatible Comms

• Use of CISAR addendum/NIMS/ICS



What can DoD help you with?

DoD is not interested in taking over, but DoD can multiply the force, in support of the effort and can bring:

• Unique capability:

– SAR Coordination via RCC and Air Coordination ability

– Specialized Personnel for Planning and Ops

– Access to specialized assets

• Timely response:

– Immediate response from installations in the vicinity

• Surge resources:

– More of what is needed to get over the hump




• DoD section of NSS

– More user friendly

– Adding planning section with examples

– Looking for your feedback

• Hurricane/Catastrophic planning

– Planned/exercised with AK, tried to use MV 22s

– Working detailed hurricane plans

• CDRUSNORTHCOM become Federal SAR

Coordinator for AK

• Working with Mexico

– Cross border SAR agreements

– Future exercises



How can USNORTHCOM SAR help?

• Issues

• Assistance requested

• Future engagements

• Other

Your feedback is valuable and will help make us all more successful



Tailored SAR Support

• SAR Planner/SME Support

– NSARC Working Groups

– State SAR Plans

– CISAR/Integrated SAR Planning

– SAR Orientation Training

– Exercise Development

• Dual Status Commander (DSC)

– Joint Enabling Capability (JEC)

Points of Contact

Mr. Joseph “Tractor” Sokol


719-554-3867 DSN: 692-3867

Lt Col Ian Kemp AFRCC/CC

850-283-5084 DSN: 523-5084

Mr Anthony Cornett


850-283-5083 DSN: 523-5083



We’re committed to your success



USNORTHCOM SAR Responsibilities

• SECDEF designated CDR USNORTHCOM as the Inland SAR

Coordinator for the contiguous 48 states (Langley Search and Rescue Region (SRR)) (4 Nov 2009)

• CDRUSNORTHCOM serve as DoD lead in the USNORTHCOM

AOR for matters pertaining to planning and operation of

ESF#9 (DoDI 3003.01 Sept 26, 2011)

USNORTHCOM has additional Civil Support

SAR responsibility/authorities

SAR may be requested outside of normal

DSCA channels


SAR Responsibilities

The SAR Coordinator is the federal person or agency with overall responsibility for

establishing and providing civil SAR services for a specific U.S. SRR .

• Develop SAR policy

• Establish, staff, equip & manage the SAR system

• Provide appropriate legal and funding support

• Establish RCCs and RSCs

• Provide or arrange for SAR facilities and SAR resources

• Coordinate SAR training and exercises

• SAR case suspension authority or delegation of authority

(Vol II, IAMSAR Manual)


Federal SAR Responsibilities ESF #9


•May 2013


Mission Statement

• USNORTHCOM establishes and maintains the Search and Rescue

System to coordinate and provide timely and effective response throughout the full spectrum of Civil Search and Rescue, honor international commitments, meet U.S. domestic needs, and assume

DoD role as a Primary Agency for Emergency Support Function #9 planning and operations within the 48 contiguous United States.

Summary: Provide or arrange for SAR services for persons in potential or actual distress





CDR USNORTHCOM – SAR Coordinator (Inland)

Peterson AFB, CO

• Strategic Responsibilities

• Policy, Guidance, Interagency Coord

Federal ESF#9

CDR AFNORTH/JFACC – SAR Operations Coordinator

Tyndall AFB, FL

Operational Responsibilities

Coordinates Resources

Two operational organizations co-located and in mutual support

AFRCC (Air Force Rescue Coordination Center)




NC JPRC (Joint Personnel Recovery Center)


Routine Civil SAR for Inland SRR (Langley)

Key in State Coordination and Training

• Initiate Catastrophic Incident SAR (CISAR)

Joint, Deployable

• Operational & Tactical PR-SAR Planners

Fill ESF#9/CISAR nodes as required




Federal SAR Coordination Group (FSARCG)

• Plan and coordinate federal SAR response in support of the

RRCC/IMAT/IST and affected State/local authority having jurisdiction

• Comprised of ESF #9 Primary Agency Reps (FEMA, USCG, NPS, DoD)

• ESF#9 Support Agencies as incident dictates (FAA, USFWS, or other federal agencies (NGB) reps to the FSARCG)

• Benefits

• Improved federal SAR communications & coordination

– The right resource at the right place at the right time

• More accurate and timely capability gap analysis

• Improved resource identification and agency sourcing

• Enhanced ability to assist RRCC/IMAT/IST and States with integrated planning as requested

• Bottom Line: Not a C2 entity--Primary and Support agency coordination enables more efficient interoperable execution

Improves efficiency and effectiveness of Federal SAR Resources



Catastrophic Incident SAR (CISAR) Addendum

CISAR Addendum

• Direct lesson from Katrina where there was no interagency plan

• National Guidance &


• Simplify the integration and operation of non-local organization resources to enable efficient & effective

SAR operations in support of state and local governments in the event of a catastrophic event

Why CISAR Addendum?

• Lessons Learned

• Diverse SAR cultures

• Sets baseline expectations

• ** There was/is NO other guidance….




Military Support to US&R

• FEMA identified need – augments existing 28 Urban Search and Rescue

(US&R) Task Forces in the event of a large scale, collapse structure SAR event

• Driven by SAR search objectives(s) - Through Primary Search in 72 hours

• Military support can increase capability up to 4x

• Sourced by combination of skilled response by National Guard CERFP/HRF Search and Extraction (S/E) Elements and General Purpose troop support

• CONOPS presented to FEMA in Aug ’11 (in refinement)

• Incorporated into National Level Exercises (NLE-11) (not successful)

• Part of Complex Catastrophe initiative – Mass Search and Rescue



Military Support to US&R

Response timeline begins with notification/request

• N+0: ESF #9 Teleconference

• FEMA initiates military support RFA

• USNORTHCOM coordinates response

• Required Airlift identified

• N+6: FEMA US&R TFs and NG S/E Elements prepare to deploy

• Travel by ground < 400 miles

• Travel by air > 400 miles

• Phased response

• N+24: Initial Military augmenting forces on-scene, trained and ready to commence operations

• N+72: Primary Searches complete

• SAR operations normally not effective after incident +72 hours

• Begin transition to Recovery Operations



Coordination with NG

• USNORTHCOM J35 SAR/PR works closely with NGB J35, ANG and ARNG AVS

– Open lines of communication during an event

• USNORTHCOM JPRC and J36 have SAR Operations Specialists that participate in Joint

Force Orientations and are part of Joint Enabling Capability

– Assist with state planning

– Understand when and where Federal assistance may be required

– Part of a JTF under a Dual Status Commander

• Goal is for all participants/stakeholders clearly understand

– Process to get resources

– Incident Management

– Organizational C2

• Shared understanding of roles, responsibilities and expectations ensures a properly sequenced, synchronized, and integrated response in time to save every life possible




Stumbling blocks:

Process and funding to get SAR resources

– Is MA with funding stream required to get SAR Services?

Incident Management

– Who is in Charge?

Organizational Command & Control--OPCON/TACON

– Services or SAR Ops Coordinator

– How about DSC?

– Relationship to DCO?



Hurricane Observations

• ESF#9 partnership continuing to improve

• Sustain/refine successes of FSARCG

• Clarify/Promulgate Roles and Responsibilities

• Although proactive deploying people, could benefit from being earlier

• Must be in place and FOC by H-48

• Top down Mission Assignments worked well for SAR

• Federal SAR Coordination Group

• Identify, move and Stage SAR capability

• Provide medium lift, rotary wing aircraft to conduct SAR

• Utilized National Guard prepositioned forces (TF Guardian)

• MA didn’t include Pay and allowances

• Operational requirements must be pushed earlier to NC to source

• C2 still not resolved – Much discussion of command relations and some recommendations do not match responsibilities or JP-1




MOAs for Routine SAR- no change, CDR USNORTHCOM has delegated that authority to CDR AFNORTH

USNORTHCOM highly encourages and recommends collaborative preplanning and coordination for Catastrophic Incident SAR

– USNORTHCOM encourages agreements that address CISAR

– Separate MOA may be most appropriate

– CDR USNORTHCOM will be involved in CI SAR

– Playbook development

Shared understanding of roles, responsibilities and expectations will ensure a properly sequenced, synchronized, and integrated response in time to save every life possible



Key Take-aways

• SAR is a time critical mission

– 72 hour window

– Top down MAs are good

• SAR is not routine DSCA

– SAR will be responding as JTF is standing up

• CDRUSNORTHCOM has additional SAR Responsibilities and


– Will deploy to be ready to employ when DSC/AHJ needs SAR

• MORE- SOONER- CLOSER is better

