Specific duties - Involve Yorkshire & Humber

Equality Act 2010
The Public Sector Equality Duty
- how will it affect the third
Neil Martin
Key provisions
October 2010:
Services & Public Functions
April 6th 2011: Public Sector Equality Duty
Protected Characteristics
services, public functions, employment
Gender reassignment
Pregnancy & maternity
Religion / belief
Sexual orientation
Marriage & civil partnership – employment &
vocational training
Age – from 2012
Prohibited Conduct
1. Direct discrimination, including by association
and perception
2. Indirect discrimination
3. Harassment
4. Third party harassment
5. Discrimination arising from disability
6. Duty to make reasonable adjustments
Purpose of the equality duty
Help public authorities to:
• Integrate equality & good relations into core business
(design of policies/delivery of services).
• Develop services more appropriate to users & more
• Increase productivity by building a more supportive
working environment
• Draw on a wider range of talent & be more
• Better informed decision-making & policy
development (improving policy outcomes &
satisfaction with services)
Protected characteristics
-Public Sector Equality Duty
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil
partnerships (but only for
eliminating discrimination)
Key elements of the duty
Equality information
Equality analysis
Equality objectives
Key dates for the duty in England
• 6 April 2011: general & specific duties come into force
• 31 July 2011: specific duties require listed bodies
(except schools) to publish equality information
• 31 December 2011: schools to publish equality
• 6 April 2012: specific duties require listed bodies
(including schools) to publish equality objectives
General equality duty
In the exercise of their functions, public authorities must
have due regard to the need to:
• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and
• Advance equality of opportunity
• Foster good relations
What this means
Advancing equality:
• Remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by people
with protected characteristics
• Take steps to meet the needs of people from protected
groups (including taking account of a disability)
• Encourage protected groups to participate in public life.
Fostering good relations:
• Tackle prejudice
• Promote understanding
Who the general duty applies to
• Public authorities listed in Schedule 19 of Act
– e.g. local authorities, schools, health bodies, police
& government departments).
• Organisations who exercise public functions
– e.g. private/voluntary organisations carrying out
public functions on behalf of a public authority.
Commissioning and procurement
• General duty will apply to procurement &
commissioning by public authorities regardless of the
value of the contract.
• No specific duty relating to procurement.
• Commission planning to publish a guide to equality and
procurement – spring / summer 2011.
Specific duties
• Purpose is to help public authorities to comply with
the general equality duty
• Complying with the specific duties is part of
complying with the general equality duty, but is not
sufficient in itself
Who the specific duties apply to
• The specific duties apply to all public authorities
listed in Schedule 1 of the specific duties
• This covers most (but not all) of the public
authorities listed in Schedule 19 of the Equality Act.
Equality information
• Under specific duties, publish sufficient information to
demonstrate their compliance with the general equality
duty (at least annually)
• Public authorities with under 150 employees:
– not required to publish workforce information
– need to collect workforce information for developing
objectives & equality analysis of workforce policies.
Sensitive equality information
• Where employees & service users are not ready to be
asked about sexual orientation, gender reassignment or
religion, develop a culture of trust to enable this to be
collected in the future.
• Explain why information is being collected, what it will
be used for, and how privacy will be protected.
• Analysing national or local research and engagement
are useful for identifying key issues if monitoring is not
• General duty requires public authorities to have a good
evidence base for decision-making, and engagement is
a key part of that information.
• Specific duties require information about engagement
undertaken to be published, including when developing
equality objectives.
• Specific duties don’t set out how or when engagement
should be undertaken.
Equality Analysis
• A key part of complying with general duty.
• Specific duties require publication of evidence of equality
analysis undertaken and details of the information
• Case law on the old duties still has relevance.
– e.g. equality analysis needs to be undertaken before
decision-making and written records are needed.
• Current duties still apply until 6th April
Equality objectives
Authorities covered by the specific duties:
• Prepare and publish equality objectives.
• Publish objectives at least every 4 years (either
individually or as part of another document).
• Consider the equality information that was published,
before preparing equality objectives.
• Objectives must be specific and measureable
• Publish details of engagement undertaken when
developing equality objectives.
• Set out how progress on objectives will be measured.
Specific duties
1) Publish equality information:
• Publish sufficient information to demonstrate
compliance with the general equality duty by 31 July
2011 (31 December 2011 for schools), then annually.
• Publish this in an accessible manner
This shall include:
• The effect of policies on protected groups
• Evidence of equality analysis
• Details of information considered in equality analysis.
• Details of engagement undertaken
Specific duties
2) Prepare and publish equality objectives
• Prepare & publish objectives to meet one or more
aims of general duty by April 2012
• Publish new objectives at least every four years
• Consider the published equality information before
preparing objectives.
• Publish details of engagement undertaken when
developing objectives
• Ensure the objectives are specific and measureable
• Set out how progress on objectives will be measured.
Monitoring and enforcement
• Commission responsible for monitoring and enforcing the
equality duty
• Range of tools set out for the Commission under the
Equality Act 2006 still apply
• Enforcement tools include:
– compliance notices
– judicial review
– section 31 assessments
– section 23 agreements
– legal interventions.
Codes of Practice
• Employment
• Services, Public Functions and Associations
• Equal Pay
• Public Sector Equality Duties
Non-Statutory Guidance
• For employers and workers
• For service providers and for service users
• Public Sector Equality Duties
Equality Act starter kit
PSED Guidance
Available now:
• The essential guide to the public sector equality duty
• Equality analysis and the equality duty
• Engagement and the equality duty
• Equality objectives and the equality duty
• Equality information and the equality duty
To be produced:
• VCS specific guidance - Equality & Diversity Forum
• Code of Practice
Advice & Guidance
• Website: www.equalityhumanrights.com
• EHRC Helpline:
– Tel: 0845 6046610
– Email: englandhelpline@equalityhumanrights.com
• Government Equalities Office: www.equalities.gov.uk