Managing Diversity


chapter 12 Learning Outcomes

• Understand the pervasive demographic changes occurring in the domestic and global marketplace and how corporations are responding.

• Understand how the definition of diversity has grown to recognize a broad spectrum of differences among employees, and appreciate the dividends of a diverse workforce.

• Recognize the complex attitudes, opinions, and issues that employees bring to the workplace, including prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism.

• Recognize the factors that affect women’s opportunities , including the glass ceiling, the opt-out trend, and the female advantage.

• Explain the five steps in developing cultural competence in the workplace.

• Describe how diversity initiatives and training programs help create a climate that values diversity.

• Understand how multicultural teams and employee network groups help organizations respond to the rapidly changing and complex workplace.


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chapter 12

Do You Know Your Biases?

 As a manager, your day-to-day behavior will send signals about your biases and values

 Some of our biases are active while others are unknown

 Today’s workplace is a mosaic of diverse people

 To capitalize on a diverse consumer base, workplaces need to be diverse

 Diversity is no longer just “the right thing to do”. It is a business imperative


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chapter 12

The Changing Workplace

• Diversity in the United States

– Aging Workforce

– Growth in Hispanic and Asian Workers

– Minority Purchasing Power

– Growth in Foreign-born Population

• Global Diversity

– The aging population is a global phenomenon

– Social and cultural differences are creating challenges

– The meaning of diversity differs around the world

– National cultures are intangible, pervasive, and difficult to comprehend

– Global businesses have global customers, employees, suppliers, and stockholders


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chapter 12

Leaders in Corporate


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chapter 12

Growth in Employment from

2006 to 2016 by Group

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chapter 12

Managing Diversity

• Diversity is all of the ways in which people are different

• Companies are embracing a more inclusive definition of diversity

– Spectrum of differences: how employees approach work, interact, approach work, derive satisfaction and define who they are…


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chapter 12

Traditional vs. Inclusive

Models of Diversity

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chapter 12

Dividends of Workplace


 Better use of employee talent

 Increased understanding of the marketplace

 Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions

 Increased quality of team problem solving

 Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits


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chapter 12

Factors Shaping

Personal Bias

• Stereotypes are often based on folklore, media portrayals, and other unreliable sources of information

• Stereotypes contain negative connotations

• Stereotypes assume that all members of a group have the same characteristics


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chapter 12

Difference Between Stereotyping and Valuing Cultural Differences

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chapter 12

Federal and State Laws

Regarding Diversity

• Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

• The Equal Pay Act of 1963

• The American with Disabilities Act

• The Age Discrimination in Employment Act


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chapter 12


• The belief that one’s own group or subculture is inherently superior

• Barrier to embracing diversity

• Ethnocentric views produce a monoculture

– A culture that accepts one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs

• The goal of cultural diversity is pluralism

– Organization accommodates several subcultures


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chapter 12

Factors Affecting Women’s


• Glass Ceiling.

An invisible barrier that separates women from top management positions.

• Opt-Out Trend.

Many women are deciding to get off the fast track to top management before hitting the glass ceiling.

• The Female Advantage.

The idea that women are better managers because of their more collaborative, less hierarchical relationship-oriented approach.


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chapter 12

The Wage Gap

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chapter 12

Cultural Competence

• Successful diversity plans leads to a workforce that demonstrates cultural competence

• A culture that values and nurtures its diverse employees

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chapter 12

Diversity Initiatives and


 Changing Structures and Policies

 Expanding Recruitment Efforts

 Establishing Mentor Relationships

 Accommodating Special Needs

 Providing Diversity Skills Training


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chapter 12

Increasing Awareness of

Sexual Harassment

• Sexual harassment creates an unhealthy and unproductive work environment

• Sexual Harassment is illegal, violation of Civil Rights Act

• 150% increase in sexual harassment filings in US

• Companies are creating awareness programs

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chapter 12

New Diversity Initiatives

• Multicultural Teams

– Teams of diverse national, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds

– Greater potential for enhanced creativity and innovation

– Strategic in global marketplace

– More difficult to manage

• Employee Network Groups

– Based on social identity: gender, race

– Organized by employees

– Focus on concerns of employee group

– Reduce social isolation through networking, training and professional development

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