What Does it Mean to Govern Data and Information

What Does It Mean to

“Govern” Data and Information?

Webcast in Cooperation with the

Data Governance and Information Quality Conference 2011

San Diego, California

Webcast Presented Thursday April 28, 2011

Robert S. Seiner

KIK Consulting & Educational Services

– KIKconsulting.com

The Data Administration Newsletter

– TDAN.com

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?


• Robert S. Seiner

– KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC (“Knowledge is King”)

– Clients include:

• Walt Disney, Nike, Yell, PepsiCo, …

• State Farm, Nationwide, BCBS, …

• the CIA, the FAA, the US Air Force, …

• Universities of Minnesota, North Carolina, Michigan State

• Orange Dominicana (subsidiary of France Telecom)

• Southern California Edison, PepCo Holdings, …

• Department of Education in Florida, Iowa, …

• American Century, Vanguard Group, PNC, …

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?


• Robert S. Seiner

– Speaker, Specialist, Author on Data Governance & Meta-Data

– Publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter – TDAN.com

– Recognized for the

“Non-Invasive Data Governance”


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?


• Abstract for this Session:

– 50 Minutes to Answer 4 Questions

What does it really mean to

“Govern” Data?

What are the faces of

“Governed” Data?

– Why the timing is right to “Govern” Data”?

– How do organizations “Govern” Data?

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?


• Data Governance

– Data Governance is the Execution and Enforcement of Authority

Over the Management of Data and Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

• Data Stewardship

– Data Stewardship is the Formalization of Accountability

Over the Management of Data and Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

Recent Client Definitions

Formalizing behavior around the definition, production and usage of data to manage risk and improve quality and usability of selected data.

Formalizing and guiding the behavior over the definition, production and use of information and information related assets.

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?


• “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™

The practice of applying:

• formal accountability through roles & responsibilities

• to existing operational & analytical processes

• to assure that the definition, production & usage of data

• consistently provides quality, compliance, security & risk management

– Non-Invasive describes how governance is applied to assure non-threatening management of valuable assets.

– The goal of “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ is to be:

• Transparent




“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Many Faces of “Governed” Data

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Many Faces of “Governed” Data

• What Does “Governed” Data Look Like?

Looks Like All Other Data

• Databases

• Systems Data

Master Data

• Business Intelligence Data

• Meta-Data

ERP Data

Analytical Data

– All Data is Already Governed!

Formally or Informally

– Let’s Formalize It!

– Rules Typically Associated with the Data:



• Usage

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Many Faces of “Governed” Data

• What Does “Governed” Data Look Like?

If There Are Rules, They May Be:

• Formal or – Consequences / Implications ?

• Informal


Followed or

• Not Followed

– Consequences / Implications ?

If There Are NOT Rules, For Certain Data is:

Poor Quality

• Great Risk Concern

• Not Leveraged to it’s Fullest Value

There ARE Rules!

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Many Faces of “Governed” Data

• How Does “Governed” Data Impact People & Process?

This is a KEY question.

• To answer that question, consider these questions:

How much time was spent governing before?

How much time will be spent governing now?

– Are the activities new to the participants?

Do the participants need to be trained?

Do new activities need to be formally adopted?

– How will governance impact time-to-market?

• Anticipate the Impact. Learn by Doing!

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

True Definition of “Govern”

• [to] gov·ern

[data] v.

gov·erned, gov·ern·ing, gov·erns

To make and administer the public policy and affairs [of data]

– To exercise sovereign authority [in data]

To control the speed or magnitude [of data]

– To regulate [data]

– To control the actions or behavior [of data]

To keep under control [data] ; to restrain [data]

– To exercise a deciding or determining influence [on data]

To exercise political authority [over data]

– To have or exercise a determining influence [over data]

FreeDictionary.com [Bob Seiner]


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Meaningful to the Business

• Successful Data Governance Implementations

Financial Industries

– Insurance Company / Bank

Governing Data to Support an Established Enterprise Data Strategy

Focused on Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability

– Financial Institution / Bank

Governing Data to Support Increased Business Intelligence & Data

Integration Emphasis and to Assure Quality Data from Acquisition

Financial Institution / Bank

Governing Data for Master Data Management Initiative and to Improve

Credit Risk Management, Support Data Warehouse

Investment Management Company

Governing Data to Lower Risks Related to Audit, Compliance,

Information Security, Federal Regulations


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Meaningful to the Business

• Successful Data Governance Implementations

Non-Financial Industries

– International Manufacturing Company

Governing Data to Support Seven Year “Enterprise” Data Integration


Labeled as their “One SAP” Implementation

– U.S. Government Agency

Governing Data Across All Global Disciplines Where Structured &

Unstructured Data is Collected

– Health Care Institution

Governing Data to Related to Clinical Operations and to Lower Risks

Associated With Government Regulations

U.S. University

Governing Data to Enforce Data Classification Policy Including Secured

(Private) Data, Sensitive (Internal) and Public (Open) Da ta


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Messages for Management

• We are already governing data (but we are doing it informally).

We can formalize how we govern data by putting structure around what we are presently doing.

• We CAN Improve:

How We Manage Data Risk & Secure Data

– Data Quality & Provide Quality Assurance

Coordination & Cooperation Around Data

– Communications Around Data

• We DO NOT Have to Spend A Lot of Money.

In fact … Data Governance only costs the time we put into it.*

• We need structure. We should consider a Non-Invasive approach.


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Messages for Management

• Design Your Program to Demonstrate Success in:

Risk Management & Data Protection

– Data Compliance & Regulatory Control

Information Security & Data Classification

Meta-Data & Business Semantics Management

– Data Quality Improvement & Management

Business Intelligence & Data Integration

– Master Data Management

• How Do You Plan to “Govern” this Data?

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Messages for Management

• Concepts of “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ (1)

– Data Governance Programs are often perceived as being “invasive” and

“over-and-above” the existing work culture of an organization.

– Follow the necessary steps to eliminate that perception.

– Take a “practical” and “pragmatic” approach to implementing Data

Governance and Data Stewardship that follows several key concepts.

– Use the key concepts as a starting point and basis for the

“selling” and

“understanding” of your Data Governance and Data

Stewardship programs.

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Messages for Management

• Concepts of “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ (2)

– Employees Will Not be given new job titles and recognize that the majority of their present work will not change.

– Data Stewards are Not hired. Data Stewards Are identified & engaged according to their present responsibilities.

– A Data Steward is Not a position.

Becoming a Data Steward Is an accountability for the management of a subset of enterprise data.

– The Data Stewardship process will Not create new tasks or time commitments but instead will ensure that the appropriate Data Stewards are identified, engaged in each data related task.


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Messages for Management

• Concepts of “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ (3)

– Data Stewards Will Not be given additional work over and above their present responsibilities.

– Present responsibilities related to data management Will be formalized

& recorded to ensure consistent and complete involvement of the appropriate data stewards.

The time commitment of each Data Steward will depend on the number of projects and data issues which impact their area of expertise.

Data Stewards will be provided the knowledge, tools, forums and processes to become more effective and more efficient data managers.


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• What successful approaches have organizations used to identify data governance roles and formalize governance responsibility?

• Roles and Responsibility Approaches:

Non-Invasive Approach

• Identifying people into roles rather than assigning people to roles.

Leveraging existing responsibility

– Command and Control Approach

Assigning people into roles

• Giving people new responsibilities

– 2’ x 4’ Approach

• Data Governance is “Not Optional”

People will have to make time.


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• Data Governance Operating Model of Roles & Responsibilities

– Executive Level

• Steering Committee

– Strategic Level

Data Governance Council

– Tactical Level

Data Domain Stewards

• Data Steward Coordinators

– Operational Level

• Data Definers, Data Producers, Data Users

– Support Level

Data Governance Program Team

• Information Technology – Data and System SMEs

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ Operating Model of Roles & Responsibilities

Data Governance Program Team

Data Governance Team Manager


Responsible for Administering the Program, facilitating use of the Data Governance Council, communicating program components and value to the Organization.

Advisory assistance from other levels.



Executive Level

Data Steering Committee

Senior-most level knowledge of the program.

Leverage existing business structure as possible.

If no structure exists, utilize an IT Steering Committee or an executive founded board or council.

IT Subject Resource Experts

System/Data Resource Experts

IT Staff including Application

Development, Data Design,

Security, and other Data

Resource Management.


D at a

G o ve rn an ce

P ro g ra m



S u b je ct ea m







R es o u rc e

E xp er ts

Strategic -


Tactical Level - Cross Business Unit

Strategic Level

E sc ala tio n /

A pp ro va

Data Governance Council

Data Governance Sponsors Group

Tactical Level

Operational Level

C om m un ic l P ath ati on

LEVERAGE or Group of similar participation. One person, plus alternate, for each Business Unit represented & IT.

Consider financial services & human resources.

Data Domain Stewards

Per assigned Subject Areas

Data Steward Coordinators

One per Business Unit

Operational Data Stewards (existing)

Data Definers, Producers, Users


These people are presently defining, producing and using data as part of their jobs. Recording of the Operational Data

Stewards will be an important enabler of improved communications, coordination and cooperation among stewards.

Operational Level - Business Unit Specific


Copyright © 2009 - Robert S. Seiner - KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC - All Rights Reserved


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• Two Basic Models for Applying Data Governance

Build From the Outside In (Command & Control)

• Bring in External Governing Structure – Change Internal Structure

Assign / Slot People to Specific Governance & Stewardship Roles

Give Departmental Individuals Authority to Make Data Decisions

• Typical Levels Involved – Strategic & Operational

Industries that Follow Outside In (Designed & Implemented to Handle)

• Government – Periodic Infrastructure Changes


– Periodic Staffing / Culture Changes

• Public Services – Locked Down Responsibilities


– Regulatory, Compliance, Security, Classification Focus


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• Two Basic Models for Applying Data Governance

Build From Inside Out (Non-Threatening / Non-Invasive)

• Utilize a Proven Operating Model of Roles & Responsibilities

Apply Framework to Existing Roles, Organization, Authority, Culture

Identify & Formalize Existing Levels of Informal Governance

• Apply Best Practices to Pro-Active & Re-Active Processes

Typical Levels Involved

– Exec, Strategic, Tactical, Operations, Support

Enterprise Addressed in an Iterative & Incremental Fashion

Industries that Follow Inside Out (Address Opportunity to Improve)

• Financial – Risk Management & Sustainable People / Process

Manufacturing & Pharmaceuticals

– Research, Development, Delivery


– Regulatory, Compliance, Security, Classification Focus


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com

What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• Applying “Active” Data Governance

ProActive Governance

– Through Method / Process

– ReActive Governance – Through Issue Resolution

• System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Application Development Life Cycle (ADLC)

Planning (Roles, Time Commitments, Tasks)

– Requirements


– Design



– Implementation


– Enhancement

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Applying Governance

• Re-Active Data Governance Methodology (Issue Resolution)

Qualify & Prioritize Data Issues

– Identify Affected Data Domain

Identify Affected Data Stewards

Conduct Data Systems & Data Resource Discovery

– Conduct Root Cause Analysis

Conduct Cost-Benefit Analysis

– Analyze & Recommend Resolution

Gain Approval, Funding, Resources

– Resolve Data Issue

• Cross Reference DQ Methodology & Resources

– Who does What and When ?

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com


What Does It Mean to "Govern" Data?

Wrap Up & Discussion

• Webinar Summary

What does it really mean to

“Govern” Data?

– What are the faces of “Governed” Data?

– Why the timing is right to “Govern” Data”?

– How do organizations “Govern” Data?

• Questions & Answers

• Thank you for attending this webinar!

“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com




• Robert S. Seiner

KIK Consulting & Educational Services

– KIKconsulting.com

The Data Administration Newsletter – TDAN.com

Post Office Box 112571, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania 15241

412.220.9643, 412.220.9644 (Fax) rseiner@kikconsulting.com


“Non-Invasive Data Governance” ™ is a registered trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

Copyright © 2011 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / TDAN.com