The Church: Leading by Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The church must model out the racial, tribal and other unities needed by the nation. The Church must be the prophetic conscience of the nation The Church must be the evangelistic agency to the nation. The Church must be the main instrument of peace and reconciliation in the nation The Church must uphold Christian principles for personal public life The Church must care compassionately for the powerless, poor, marginalised, oppressed and needy, and embrace their causes before the powerful Source: Michael Cassidy Christian Leadership in a Country of Diversity Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 1 Biblical Principles of Leadership An Effective Christian Leader: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Has spiritual commitment & personal faith Is a listener to God- through daily scripture reading and prayer Is a humble person Has integrity and leads by example Has a servant spirit Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 2 Biblical Principles of Leadership An Effective Christian Leader: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Is a person of justice, fair play. Honours dignity, equality and all people. Is willing to pay the price Sees the big picture Knows the source of their strength Shares power Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 3 Leadership Myths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Leadership is a rare skill Leaders are born, not made Leaders are created by extraordinary circumstances Leadership exists only at the top of an organisation The leader controls, directs, prods, manipulates Leaders are charismatic It is immoral to seek power Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 4 The five levels of leadership - J. Maxwell Each leader needs to work through the following levels. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. POSITION PERMISSION PRODUCTION PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT PERSONHOOD Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 5 Level 1: Position The only influence you have is that which comes with a title. People who stay at this level get into Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow. A person may be in charge because he/she has been appointed and has the authority to be ‘THE PRIEST” Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow A real leader knows the difference between being the boss and being the leader. They have territorial rights, focus on protocol, tradition, and demand respect which they have not necessarily earned. Leaders on the Position Level often lead by intimidation. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 6 Level 2: Permission “Leadership is getting people to work for you when they are not obligated.” A person on the Permission Level leads by interrelationships. The agenda is not the pecking order, but personal relationships. On this level, time, energy, and focus are placed on the individual’s needs and desires. People who are unable to build solid, lasting relationships will soon discover that they are unable to sustain effective leadership To sustain a leadership based on permission uou need to spend time with them. You need to know their personal backgrounds. You need to create a way so that they feel free to communicate with you. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 7 Level 3: Production Leading by doing On the third level of leadership, things begin to happen - good things. Profit increases. Morale is high. Needs are being met. Goals are being realized. People follow production leaders because of what they accomplish. People are drawn to successful project. So the productive level is about being able to lead a team of people as no person can get everything done on their own People might be willing to work with a successful project leaders, but without a relationship they will jump out of the way if the project starts to fail. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 8 Level 4: People Development A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of the ability to empower others. Success without a successor is failure. Since every leader is different, the true leader can be recognized because somehow or other his/her people consistently demonstrate superior performance. “A worker’s main responsibility is doing the work himself. “ “A leader’s main responsibility is developing others to do the work.” Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 9 Level 5 :Personhood The fifth level of leadership, personhood, is the level that can be achieved only through extreme dedication, personal vision, and hard work. Only a lifetime of proven leadership will allow us to sit at level 5 and reap the rewards that are eternally satisfying. Personhood is a level reserved for those who have spent years growing people and organizations. The key characteristic of leaders who have achieved personhood is respect. People follow leaders here because of who they are and what they represent. They are admired and followed not because of their position, but because of their disposition. You cannot place yourself on the Personhood Level. Only others can do that. The best you can do is dedicate yourself to working your way up through the levels of leadership Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 10 People Development SUCCESSFUL LEADERS ARE PEOPLE DEVELOPERS. PEOPLE DEVELOPERS ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS ABOUT PEOPLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Am I building people or am I building my dream and using people to do it? Do I care enough to confront people when it will make a difference? Am I listening to people with more than my ears; am I hearing more than words? What are the major strengths of this individual? Have I placed a high priority on the job? Have I shown the value the person will receive from this relationship? Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 11 A successful people developer Realises that people are his or her most valuable asset. Places a priority on developing people Becomes a model for others to follow Pours leadership efforts into the top 20 percent of his or her people Exposes key leaders to growth opportunities Is able to attract other winners/producers of the same goal Surrounds himself or herself with an inner core that complements his or her leadership. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 12 Action Learning Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 13 My leadership Journey Using the Journey on the following pages as a guide reflect on and track your leadership journey in the church. At each stage or period highlight the key events and happenings and the role models that influenced your development. Use the following as guidelines. How your values were shaped Your experience of the institutional church Your experience of doctrine Your spiritual development Your own emerging theology The role model leaders who impacted on your life The contribution you made as a Christian leader The role you would like to play as a Christian Leader Draw your “journey” in the space below and then transfer it to a piece of newsprint. Use colours, symbols and metaphors to explain the various happenings in your life. Share your journey with a buddy Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 14 10 characteristics of a servant-leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Persuasion Conceptualisation Foresight Stewardship Commitment to the growth of people Building community Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 15 Visionary Leadership Vision is about possibility, not probability Vision attracts human energy Vision must be articulated clearly Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 16 INTEGRITY The dictionary defines integrity as: “the state of being complete, unified.” Integrity builds trust Integrity facilitates high standards Integrity results in a solid reputation, not just image Integrity means living it myself before leading others Integrity helps a leader be credible, not just clever Integrity is a hard-won achievement Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 17 HOMEWORK Reflect on your own integrity as a leader and your own leadership as a servant and visionary leader. Prepare something to share with the group about yourself as a leader tomorrow. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 18 Unbuntu – a new paradigm for leadership Ubuntu ngumuntu ngabantu Ubuntu is built upon the following principles Unity Collective work and responsibility Empowerment: Ubuntu encourages empowerment, discipline and purpose Purpose Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 19 The African tree – a model for leadership Leadership legitimacy -participation -responsibility -spiritual authority -transparency -accountability -legitimacy Communal enterprise -common vision -commitment to vision -common values Value sharing -respect and dignity -interconnectedness -continuous integrated development -collectivism and solidarity Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 20 Sources of conflict Resources Pyschological needs Values Divergent goals Incongruent role expectations and behavioural norms Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 21 Mapping the conflict Step 1: What’s the problem? Define the problem in broad terms e.g. where the issue is someone in the workplace who is not doing their fair share of the job, the problem can be stated as “workload division”. Don’t define the problem in terms proposing a yes/no, either/or choice. Keep the problem definition open-ended. Step 2: Who is involved? Identify the major parties involved. These could be individuals, groups or organisations. Step 3: What do they really want? For each major party, you then list the significant needs and fears that are relevant to the issue. In this way you clarify the real motivations behind the position that has been taken. Both needs and fears motivate: needs move people toward something, fears move them away from it. Sometimes it’s difficult for people to get off their solutions and go back to needs. Shift them by asking a question such as “Your answer to the problem is to do X. What needs will be met?” Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 22 Five styles of handling conflict WIN-LOOSE Competition I try to dominate you and control the relationship LOSE- WIN Giving in I let you dominate me and control the relationship LOSE-LOSE Avoidance I try to keep the conflict out of the relationship OR I act as though there is no relationship WIN A BIT- LOSE A BIT Compromise We see ourselves as being on different sides, with a problem to solve WIN-WIN Co-operation or partnership We see ourselves as being on the same side, with a problem to solve together Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 23 How to read your map look for new learning’s and insights look for common ground – similar needs or interests look for a common vision – build on the values and ideas that are upheld by all. look for the areas of difficulty that most need attention look for what it would take to make wins for all parties Now design win/win solutions, which meet as many of the needs and address as many of the fears of all parties as possible Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 24 Mapping the Co nflict Who: Who: Ne e ds Ne e ds Fe ars Fe ars Is s ue s Who: Who: Ne e ds Ne e ds Fe ars Fe ars Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 25 EI- Personal Competence These competencies determine how we manage ourselves. Self-Awareness - Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions Emotional Awareness: Recognising one’s emotions and their effects Accurate self-assessment : Knowing one’s strengths and limits Self-confidence: A strong sense of ones self worth and capabilities Self-Regulation - Managing one’s internal state Self-control: Keeping disruptive emotion and impulses in check Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for personal performance Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change Innovation: Being comfortable with novel ideas, approaches, and new information. Motivation -Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals Achievement drive: Striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence Commitment: Aligning with the goals of the group or organisation Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities Optimism: Persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 26 EI- Social Competence Empathy - Awareness of others’ feelings, needs, and concerns Understanding others: Sensing others’ feelings and perspectives, and taking an active interest in their concerns Developing others: Sensing others’ development needs & bolstering their abilities Service Orientation: Anticipating, recognising, and meeting customers’ needs Leveraging Diversity: Cultivating opportunities through different kinds of people Political awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents & power relationships Social Skills - Adeptness at including desirable responses in others Influence: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion Communication: Listening openly and sending convincing messages Conflict management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements Leadership: Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups Change catalyst: Initiating or managing change Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships Collaboration and cooperation: Working with others toward shared goals Team Capabilities: Creating group synergy in pursuing collective Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 27 Becoming an Emotional Intelligent leader Accept the EI and people connection Admit the need to change Use the spiritual transformational power of EI Expand your EI horizon Develop a change strategy Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 28 10 EI things we need from people & people need from us:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Communication Community Intimacy Laughter Love Passion Sharing Support Touch Trust Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 29 Leadership and Management Two sides of a coin The person in a leadership position cannot be an effective leader if he or she is an incompetent manager The managerial work of someone who co-ordinates day-to-day management functioning is undermined if there is no holistic view of the organisation’s long-term development. The functions of leadership and management are inseparable. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 30 Differences between Leadership and Management Leadership Management Guides Motivates Initiates Anticipates Builds vision Creates Moves forward Inspires Develops the team Breaks boundaries Co-ordinates Organizes Maintains Stabilises Realises Structures Establishes how to do and limits Handles problems Makes sure tasks completed Sets boundaries Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 31 Leadership Styles Autocratic “ I tell, you listen and I decide.” Consultative “I ask, you answer, I explain, and I decide.” Laissez-faire “You decide as you please-don’t worry me.” Democratic “I raise issues, we discuss and we decide.” Situational “Let’s look at the situation first before we tackle the problem.” Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 32 Autocratic Style Task centred style Spends less time on explanations and discussions and more on orders. Use it when the decision would not change with input from others Advantages: gets things done quickly. Disadvantages: can distance participants. It does not allow participants to thing for themselves. Often just and easy option. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 33 Democratic Style Leader involves team in decision making Advantage – everyone gets a say this motivates and develops participants Disadvantage – sometimes not appropriate to the situation Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 34 Laissez Faire Leave a group to make a decision Works best when people are capable and motivated and there is no requirement for a central co-ordinated. Sometimes not appropriate and they need to make decisions and followers are looking for stronger leadership Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 35 Situational Leadership Look at motivation and capability of the team The leaders' perception of the follower and the situation will affect what they do rather than the truth of the situation. The leader's perception of themselves and other factors such as stress and mood will also modify the leaders' behaviour. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 36 Discovering your leadership style: The Visionary style The Directional style The Strategic style The Managing style The Motivational style The Shepherding style The Team-building style The Entrepreneurial style The Re-engineering style The Bridge-building style Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 37 Male and Female Styles of Leadership Eagly and Johnson (1990), concluded that women were often found to lead in a more interpersonally oriented leadership style and men were found to lead in a more task-oriented style. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 38 LOCAL CHURCH MANAGEMENT The 5 essential for management excellence in the local church: Specific strategies Realistic resources Empowered people Clear communication Practical policies and procedures Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 39 THE 4 FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT PLANNING ORGANISING DIRECTING (LEADING) CONTROLLING Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 40 Planning The language of planning The words ‘aims’, ‘objectives’, ‘goals’ and ‘targets’ are often used interchangeably - They all What is important is not what they are called, but the time scale involved. An aim is an overall objective or goal: what the organisation would achieve if it was 100 per cent successful. It defines why the organisation exists, its purpose, and its reason for being. This is sometimes called the organisation’s mission, as expressed in a mission statement or statement of core purpose. Objectives are what the organisation wants to achieve within certain time periods. All of the organisation’s objectives, whether long, medium or short term, and all its activities should be in line with its core purpose. The time periods for strategic objectives in a fairly well established small or medium sized organisation might be three to five years for long term, two to three years for medium term, and 12 to 18 months for short term. For a larger organisation long term might be as long as 10 or 20 years, while for a new organisation long term might be as short as one year. Short term or immediate objectives (for this year, this month, this week) might be called objectives, goals or targets. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 41 Types of planning Development Planning: long term, with a broad overview of policies, current activities and new activities. Action or Tactical Planning: steps to implement a strategic plan or reach long term goals. Recurrent or Cyclical Planning: for events or activities which occur regularly or must be regularly undertaken, for example yearly planning, termly planning. Project Planning: for a specific, time-limited piece of work. Operational Planning: to keep the school and functioning smoothly and able to carry out the work it has to do. Day to day Planning: specific actions needing to be done immediately. Contingency Planning: allowing for the unforeseen. Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 42 Planning action spiral Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 43 Learning to delegate o o o o o o o o o Identify a “whole task”to one person Identify the actual outcome you want & expect Identify the “right”individual for this project Meet to outline results & any limitations Don’t underestimateone’s potential to do things for you Make sure they understand what is expected Make arrangements for feedback Make sure they come with recommendations Avoid surprises Hope Africa - Christian Leadership and Management 44