Week 1 - Genio

Week 1
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource
for and
in theare
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as a
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier
Genio. They
a resource
in the Endeavour
for not
practice by Endeavour
those who have
not undertaken
Endeavour for Excellence training.
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who
have not
for Excellence
An SRV-derived
Theoretical Framework
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
What is our mission?
What is the primary purpose of our work?
What kind of outcomes or results do we hope
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Universal good things of life
Respect, honesty &
Being treated as an
Having a say
Access to community
Safety and Security
Ordinary social life
Opportunities to develop
one’s abilities
Good health
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Why is it different?
Why do so many people who rely on our
supports not have the very things most of us
enjoy and describe as the “good life”?
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Devaluation - A harsh reality
Someone is seen
as outside the
norm, different
The difference is
viewed in a
negative way
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
What society values
Narrow definition of beauty
Physical strength/ability, athleticism
Material belongings/wealth
Competence, intelligence
Survival of the “fittest”
Youth, newness
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Valued vs. devalued
Person w/deformity
Dependent adult
Unemployed man
Lazy teen
Poor/homeless person
Someone on the dole
Person w/intellectual disability
Illiterate person
Movie star/model
Surgeon, solicitor
Instructor, university graduate
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Perceived devaluation
Devaluation is not about people’s
inherent worth, but their
perceived worth – it is in the eyes
and minds of others
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
How important or deeply held by observers
are the values perceived to be violated by
the person or group
How many values are perceived to be
violated by the person or group
The degree to which the values are
perceived to be violated by the person or
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Unconscious devaluation
Devaluation can be conscious, but
is more often unconscious
Even enlightened, kind, progressive
people (including human service
workers) devalue others
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Devaluation matters
Devaluation explains why people don’t
have equal access to the good things
in life that others do
Being devalued results in the likelihood
that bad things will happen to you, that
you will be treated in ways that
wouldn’t be tolerated for/by valued
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
It isn’t the functional impacts of disability:
– Reliance on a wheelchair
– Lower intellectual capacity
– Poor sight or hearing
that pose the biggest challenge to quality of
It is the impact of the common life
experiences that people face as a result
of being devalued
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Service workers
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Menace, evil, or object of
Holy Innocent
Trivial, or Object of Ridicule
Object of Pity
Dying, dead, better off dead
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Supported in valued-tainted locations
Grouped with people in image-impairing ways
Experience value-impairing methods and activities
Bizarre or negative names and labels to people,
programs, services, logos
Personal appearance neglected
Services funded with image-tainted monies or
devaluing appeals
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Being the scapegoat for anything bad that
Being suspected of belong to more than one
devalued group
Being cast into more than one deviancy role
Being treated worse for a suspected or real
offense than are valued people
Upon being vindicated, receiving less
restitution, if any
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Architectural barriers
Segregated: Separate places
Prisons, nursing homes
Expulsion, banishment
Assault, euthanasia, capital
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Avoided, ignored
Degrading treatment
Even within service: badges, keys, separate
dining areas, different toilets
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Being made/kept dependent by family and
Having to follow arbitrary rules
Having little say about things that have
personal impact
Being moved about
Having one’s associations controlled
Being deprived of legal rights
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Often the cause of discontinuity is a result of
Devalued people get moved around more often,
even within the same organization
People often get moved against their will and
with little notice, almost always interpreted as
being “for their own good”
Sometimes people don’t have the resources and
ability to cope or to stay in contact with those
left behind
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Impact of physical discontinuity on people
Disorientation or confusion
Lowered performance
Loss of possessions
Relationship loss
Illness and death
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
People often don’t have the skills or resources
to stay in touch with others
People are often abandoned by others
High turnover and reassignment in service
results in little continuity even with those
paid to be in relationship
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Sometimes stressed or absent family
Disproportionate number of relationships with
other devalued people which doesn’t afford
the same degree of social capital
Formal services rarely recognize or address
this need adequately
Substitution of artificial/paid ‘friends’
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Disability becomes life-defining and primary
determinant in decisions
People are often not well-known for their
unique identities
Vast majority of supports are provided in group
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
People are kept poor in order to receive
necessary supports
People don’t have equal access to
employment opportunities
People’s belongings are not valued or
protected in many settings
People are less likely to inherit from their
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Lack of opportunities to learn ordinary things
in the ordinary developmental sequence
Exposure to non-typical models of behavior
and custom
Absence of relevant and potent educational
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Low expectations related to a person’s
Few real investments made in a person’s
Exposed to programs and experiences that
have little meaning to the person
Time not well spent
Lack of potency in interventions
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Devalued people at increased risk of physical
and sexual abuse
Devalued people less likely to report or to be
Institutional culture provides few safeguards
Perpetrators rarely held to same accountability
as others
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
People often regret causing hardship on their
People are sometimes poorly treated by
Respite is evidence of “burden” mentality
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common life experiences
Lack of experience poorly prepares people for
valued involvement in the valued world
People often have insecurities and lack of
People often see themselves as not fitting in
or belonging
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Likely impacts of devaluation
Preoccupation with one’s own condition
Feeling/being/acting like an alien in the world
Sorrowing over all the good things one has
missed and the bad things one has suffered
A sense of worthlessness, dislike of self
Fear of failure and resulting avoidance
Searching for the abandoner
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Likely impacts of devaluation
Fantasy and inventions about positive
relationships that don’t exist
Seeking/demanding physical contact
Testing of the genuineness of relationships
Withdrawing from contact and/or reality
Turning the hurt into resentment or hatred
Rage, perhaps even violence, at the world or self
A sapping of physical and mental energy
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The relevance of
We must avoid services which continue to
impose wounds on people – congregation,
loneliness, low expectations, etc.
We cannot use our own valued life
experiences as a framework for
understanding where people are at the
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Social roles
How we are known by others
What defines who we are
The place we hold in society
“I am a . . . (noun)”
What we become over our lifetime
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Social roles
A socially expected pattern of
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Roles have a big impact
Our image in the eyes of others
Our own self-image
Acceptance and belonging
Degree of autonomy and freedom
Opportunity to make our contribution
Quantity and quality of relationships
Personal growth and development
Material possessions
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Valued & devalued roles
A role may be positive or valued
- good neighbor, student, member
A role may be negative or devalued
- client, eternal child, object of pity
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Social roles
Roles may be:
– Imposed ~ assigned by others
– Chosen ~ selected and pursued
Roles may be:
– Inherited ~ born into
– Earned ~ accomplished
Chosen and earned roles are most
highly regarded
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Social roles
Certain valued roles are expected:
– Family roles ~ daughter, uncle, grandparent
– Adult roles ~ employee or student
– Irish citizen ~ contributor, good neighbor
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Primary goals of SRV
Protect the socially valued roles held by
the person
Avoid adding new negative, devalued
Escape or disprove negative roles that
have become a part of a person’s
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Primary goals of SRV
Enter into new valued roles (i.e., roles
that most of us take for granted such
as neighbor, church member,
volunteer, employee, etc.)
Defend and embed socially valued roles
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Common goals of service
Minding people
Protecting people
Entertaining people
Changing people
Evaluating people
Keeping people busy
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
From activities to roles
Going to church
Church member
Taking a class
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Role communicators - Artist
The physical
Studio space, art
The people associated
with a person or group
Artists, art instructor, art
shop cashiers
The behaviors that are
expected and the
activities engaged in
Taking classes, exhibits,
giving art as gifts,
shopping for supplies
The language and
words that are used
Canvas, pastels, acrylic,
impressionistic, form
Other imagery such as
Art supplies, original art
in home
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Primary SRV strategies
Image Enhancement
Competency Enhancement
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Image enhancement
Image is conveyed by:
– Physical appearance of the person
– Physical appearance of others associated
w/the person
– Proper social etiquette and skills
– What is said ~ words, topics
– Physical surroundings
– Possessions and belongings
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Competency enhancement
Current functioning does not predict a
person’s capacity
Teach relevant skills using:
The power of imitation and modeling
Positive role expectancies
High expectations
Strategies that reflect how a person best
– Potent systemised instruction methods
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Role expectancy and
People become
what they are
expected to be
Breaking the
vicious cycle
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Culturally valued analog
“What happens for valued citizens of the
same age and gender?”
Which can be encountered with at least
reasonable frequency in the valued sector of
With which most members of society would be
Of which most members of the society would
hold most positive expectations and images
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Model coherency
“Are we doing that which is most useful?”
Relevance – does the support match what the
person needs most? Are we addressing the
person’s most fundamental and most
pressing needs? Quality
Potency – is the support sufficient enough to
bring about desired results? Is there enough
of the right support? Quantity
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Conservatism corollary
“Bending over backwards”
Heightened vulnerability
Prevailing stereotypes
Impact of wounding experiences
Lack of protection afforded by valued roles
Multiple jeopardizes
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Conservatism corollary
Positive compensation for disadvantage
– Disprove common stereotypes by seeking
roles that contradict
– Beyond normative
– Strive for the most highly valued options
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Personal social integration
and valued social integration
Adaptive participation by a devalued person
In a culturally normative quantity of contacts,
interactions, & positive relationships
With ordinary citizens
In normative shared activities, that are part of
recognizable roles, and
Carried out in a valued physical & social
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Personal, valued social
Address characteristics and conditions of
person which are apt to elicit rejection
(anxiety, habits, images, roles)
Help community members identify with person
(commonalities, cooperative tasks,
Recognize and reinforce any integrative
gestures or acts by community members
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Personal, valued social
Protection of welfare and safety
Enhancement of competencies
Higher, more normative expectations
Access to good models
More variety of experience
Enhancement of person’s image
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Non-programmatic issues that
constrain programmatic ones
Legal issues
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Confusing Terminology
Are there distinctions between ‘individualised’ and
‘person centred’?
The concept of individualising is not at all new
Calling the work ‘individualised’ doesn’t necessarily
make it so!
It isn’t reasonable or ethical to focus solely on one
person at the expense of those in their intimate
personal network
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Confusing Terminology
We can still do harm when using one-person-at-atime methodology
Once individualised, not always individualised!
Term typically intended to signify high quality
Individualised strategies embrace a presumed
ideology about what constitutes good work
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Sequence matters!
Typically services are pre-designed based on
professional ideologies about what people
Decisions are made before knowing who will
avail of the service
People ‘fit into’ the model
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Getting to know people in a different way
Focusing on:
Thinking about potential and possibility
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Getting to know the person
Deficiency-based focus Capacity-based focus
Assessments with
comparative scores
Finding what people have
in common with others
Diagnoses & labels; levels
of intellectual disability
Appreciating what a person
CAN do; finding their
A thorough description of
what a person CAN’T do
What’s possible with good
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
What is individualised planning?
Variety of methods or tools
– Personal Futures
– Essential Lifestyle
Focused on one person
Positive possibilities
Rich in valued roles and
meaningful relationships
Customized supports
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
What individualised planning is NOT
– Only accomplished
using colored markers!
– Just documenting the
answers to simple
– Giving people whatever
they want
– Ignoring people’s most
fundamental needs
– Sticking only to what we
know how to do
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Defining a desirable lifestyle
A HOME of One’s Own
Of person’s choosing, in typical setting, with people
Valued Social ROLES
Adult, citizen, neighbor, sibling, aunt/uncle, employee,
volunteer, artist, member, friend
Disproportionate number of friends with disabilities
– People need intentional support to cultivate meaningful
relationships with ordinary citizens
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Resource development
Mobilizing and creating desired supports:
How do valued citizens go about this?
What places and resources are used by others?
Who is in the best position to assist?
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The proper use of formal supports
First – what is family able to do, want to do, do well
(that the person being supported finds acceptable)?
Second – who else in the person’s social network
might be interested in assisting the person in
specific ways?
Third – what other options for support are available in
the community?
Fourth – what blanks do we fill with paid supports?
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Service delivery
Relevant and thoughtful safeguards
Teamwork ~ layers of people working together to
make good things happen
Effective leadership that provides vision, inspiration
Competent management of supports and assisting
people to play a bigger role in managing their
Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility and more flexibility
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Process of individualised
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Evolving as we learn
Some of the assumptions we had will be wrong
and need correcting
We will learn things about people that we didn’t
know before
People will grow and develop and their interests,
opportunities and needs will change
People will, hopefully, become less reliant on us
A culture of mindfulness and reflection is needed
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Partnership and
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Is hard work!
Takes time
Requires nurturing
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Shared values
Agreement about what is worth working toward –
‘common ground’
Consensus about how to treat one another,
especially in the face of adversity
Recognition and respect for one another’s ‘nonnegotiables’
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Shared responsibility
Doing ‘with’ one another vs. doing ‘to’ or even
doing ‘for’
Balancing investment and effort between parties
Taking responsibility for our actions - regretting
our errors
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Mutual respect
Honoring one another’s previous experience
Recognizing one another’s expertise and
Having clarity about each party’s boundaries
Portraying one another in positive ways
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Role clarity
Natural investments of people being supported
and their families
Proper purview of service
Clear expectations
Being ‘friendly’ but not being friends
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Effective communication
Being honest
Discussing differences or disagreements
Keeping one another informed
Maintaining confidentiality
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Conflict management
Not about IF things go wrong, but WHEN things
go wrong
Notice the learning
– Create a positive and productive outcome
– Avoid blame
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Interpersonal identification
People who identify with others will generally
– Want good things for the others
– Want to be with the others
– Communicate good things about the
– Want to please the others; do what they
– Possibly want to be like the others
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategies for Fostering
Interpersonal Identification
Improve the approachability of each party by the
Improve the likelihood that when contact occurs,
it is positive
Find and emphasize commonalities shared by
the parties
Engage each party in experiences that help
them see the world through one another’s
Foster each party’s sense of responsibility for
one another
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Roles of Supporters
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and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Role of Family and Guardians
Expert regarding the person
Advocate for what is best
Authority to make decisions
Financial manager
‘Back-up’ by design
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
First Steps on the journey
Full disclosure of our intentions
Agreements about the process
Discussion of roles and responsibilities
Appreciating what is non-negotiable
A ‘walk in the other’s shoes’
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Is hard work!
Takes time
Requires intention
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Preaching to the Choir!
Starting with the assumptions that you
already believe:
– People are entitled to be the determiners of
their destiny.
– People are able, with support, to make more
decisions than they do now.
– It is our responsibility to make choices
available and to help people make good
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Why is it so important to us
to make our own decisions?
Which choices matter most to us?
What choices do we NOT have?
What do we do when we have
a difficult decision to make?
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice is Developmental
People do not learn how to make
good choices overnight.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice is usually an
Interdependent Activity
People typically rely on trusted allies
to help them make good decisions.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice is Relational
People who care about someone will
typically try to influence them to
make ‘the right’ decisions or at
least not make devastating
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice involves Complex
Most genuine choices are not a
simple ‘yes/no’ or ‘either/or’ or
‘right/wrong’ proposition.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice involves
People typically recognize and
consider the impact their decisions
have on others.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Choice implies Having
Options Available
People we support won’t have
genuine choices unless we
embrace service strategies that
actually afford personalized options
– where, who, how, when, etc.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
People Tend to Choose ...
What is familiar
What is certain, less risky
What is simple, concrete
What is quick, immediate
What requires less investment
What they think others want them to
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Non-Authentic Choosing
Rhetoric - using the word “choice” doesn’t
necessarily mean people have/had a
“They” prefer . . . never honors individual
Coercive circumstances which favor the
needs of others, particularly the service
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Abandoned to Choice
Standing by to observe people making
dangerous decisions is not supporting
choice, it’s irresponsible and maybe
“Suffer the natural consequences” often
means punishing people for what they
don’t understand
Recognizing our role in the cycle of
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Necessity of Relationship
Seeking an open, honest, balanced, mutual,
reciprocal, ‘friendly’
Over time ~ gradually proving oneself
Knowing the person vs. fixing them
Understanding vs. blaming
Accompanying vs. controlling
Milton Tyree
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Advocate for people’s right to make
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Provide a comfortable and safe
atmosphere for people to make
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
“Veto power” – at a very minimum,
the right to say “NO!”
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Informed choice - providing accurate
and relevant information in ways
that people understand
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Teach people strategies to use in
making good decisions
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Help people learn from their
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
When necessary, embrace a
partnership or joint responsibility
with gradual shift of power
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Strategic Support for Making
Provide safeguards to keep people
from experiencing irreparable harm
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Support Roles
Partner – “Let’s work on this together.”
Advisor – “This is how I look at it”
Informant – “You need this information”
Teacher – “One way to weigh your options is . . .”
Cheerleader – “You did it – I knew you could!”
Connector – “I would love for you to meet . . .”
Analyzer – “What could we have done differently?
What did we learn?”
Assurer – “It’s okay. Remember, you’re still new at
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The Distinctive
Identity Portrait
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Discovery seeks to understand who the person is
in as many aspects of life as necessary to
inform the subsequent plan
Discovery is a systematic and intentional set of indepth activities designed to uncover a person’s
assets, interest, and conditions for success
Discovery is an optimistic process, focusing on
strengths rather than deficits
Discovery translates information into possibilities
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Discovery seeks to identify information about
the person’s life, not create evaluative data
regarding performance
Discovery information is intended to be a
guide for matching a person to fitting roles
Discovery identifies a person’s complexities
and challenges for the purposes of
matching, negotiation and supporting the
person in new roles
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The essence of discovery
Discovery: to gain
insight or
knowledge of
previously unseen
or unknown; to
notice or realize; to
make known, to
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The iceberg analogy
What we usually
know about the
people we try to
assist – just the tip of
the iceberg
We need to
know much
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Skills needed in discovery
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
“What would you like to do?” can be counterproductive!
– People have been deprived of typical
experiences of the valued world,
– People have had a very limited “menu” from
which to choose,
– People might not know their own talents and
Look at activities person engages in without being
expected to do so, what is naturally motivating
Provide opportunities to explore new possibilities
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - skills
What person can do, is good at doing
Creating an vivid description of abilities:
Pour liquid into a cup
Hold item and drop into a slot
Turn head toward sounds
Enter data into excel spreadsheet
Meditate effectively
Noticing all volitional movements
What a person might be interested in learning
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - knowledge
What information a person knows or is seen
as an expert in:
Irish history
80’s music legends
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - personality
Personal traits that are engaging, inspiring,
likeable, impressive, honorable
What people who love the person would say
about them:
Fun to be around
Can keep a secret
Never gives up
Considerate of others
Is a peace-maker
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - lived experience
Potential contribution based on personal life
Survived cancer
Successful with weight watchers
Lost a parent at a young age
Grew up in the Jewish tradition
Survived institutionalisation
Learned to manage diabetes
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - passion
What a person cares deeply about:
The environment
Animal rights
Health care
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - resources
What resources or belongings a person has
that might be shared
A place to meet
A computer
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Assets - connections
What personal connections does the person
have that might be shared, what networks
they have access to:
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Conditions for success
Task performance
Minimal need to stand, physical activity
Instructional strategies
Modeling, repeated practice, visual prompts
Environmental conditions
Indoors, well-lit spaces, intimate groups
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Conditions for success
Supportive strategies
Even voice tone, encouraging comments,
proactive planning
Supports needed
Job coach training for 1 to 4 weeks,
personal assistance, transport
Conditions to be avoided
Hot temperatures; novel situations
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The discovery process
Explain the process to the person and family
Confirm that the ultimate goal is (supported)
valued opportunities in typical community
Address questions and concerns
Conduct home visit
Survey neighborhood resources
Ask about routines and responsibilities
Interview others
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
The discovery process
Identify favorite familiar activity and participate
with the person
Suggest and participate in an unfamiliar
activity with the person
Review files, and other information about the
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Discovering fitting
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
Discovering fitting
Good w/numbers
Great social skills
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource for participants in the Endeavour for Excellence programme
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who have not undertaken Endeavour for Excellence training.
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier and Genio. They are a resource
for and
in theare
and should
be usedprogramme
as a
These notes are the intellectual property of Hope Leet Dittmeier
Genio. They
a resource
in the Endeavour
for not
practice by Endeavour
those who have
not undertaken
Endeavour for Excellence training.
and should not be used as a foundation for practice by those who
have not
for Excellence