Accreditation vs Regulation: It’s that difference that makes a difference! First Dubai Health Regulation Conference for the MENA region 22-23 October , 2014 Today, regulation is an encompassing term for three different potential regulatory activities... Licensing Regulation—any standard that is mandated by a governmental agency or authoritative body • Licensing implies meeting minimal standards Certification • Certification: Procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specific requirements • Credentialing means that an individual has demonstrated the capabilities necessary for successful participation in that profession • Accreditation Accreditation implies performing at a higher level and are meeting additional standards beyond the licensing standards 2 Definitions have been unified to a certain extent… usually a voluntary program, Licensing Accreditation sponsored by a non-governmental agency trained external peer reviewers evaluate a health care organization's compliance with pre-established performance standards addresses organizational rather than individual practitioner capability or performance is an internationally recognized evaluation process used to assess and improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of health care organisations. ISQua definition of accreditation: “Act of granting credit or recognition by an external evaluation organization of the achievement of accreditation standards, demonstrated through an independent external peer assessment of that organisation’s level of performance in relation to the standards.” Licensure: “Licensure: process by which a government authority grants permission to an individual practitioner or health care organisation to operate or to engage in an occupation or profession.” ISQua Accreditation Council 2002 *Unlike licensure, accreditation focuses on continuous improvement strategies and achievement of optimal quality standards rather than adherence to minimal standards intended to assure public safety.“ - Simply put, accreditation is based on the premise that adherence to evidence-based standards will produce higher quality health care services in an increasingly safe environment. It is also a way to publicly recognize that a health care organization has met national quality standards”. (Pomey, 2005) 3 … And the USA-based Quality Assurance Program and Joint Commission Resources have proposed a table of definitions Process Accreditation (voluntary or mandatory) Licensure (mandatory) Object of Evaluation Requirements Uses recognised tools, often an NGO but may be part of government or funded by government Organization e.g. hospital, clinic, community service, network of health services and facilities Compliance with or achievement of published standards, on-site evaluation, compliance usually not required by law and/or regulations but a developing trend of becoming required by governments Governmental authority Individual Organization Individual Certification (voluntary or mandatory) Components/ Issuing Organization Authorized body, either government or NGO Organization or component Standards Regulations to ensure minimum standards, exam, or proof of education/competence Regulations to ensure minimum standards, on-site inspection Evaluation of predetermined requirements, additional education/training, demonstrated competence in specialty area Set at a maximum achievable level to stimulate improvement over time, often with different levels of achievement for different levels of accreditation Set at a minimum level to ensure an environment with minimum risk to health and safety Set by national professional or specialty boards Industry standards (e.g. ISO 9000 Compliance with set standards, on- standards) evaluate conformance to site evaluation design specifications, or specific health standards 4 But there is a crucial need to differentiate health service accreditation from both certification and licensing, especially when we are looking at institutional competence. Do we need accreditation? Accreditation Licensure Which standards should we use? Certification How does that differ from regulation? 5 Regulation seems to be more stringent on accountability 6 While accreditation seems to focus on growth ! Benefits (Nicklin2011) A framework systems and processes to improve operations and health outcomes Decreases variances in practice among healthcare providers and decision –makers Improves communication and collaboration Stimulates continuous raising of the bar Strengthen interdisciplinary team effectiveness Leads to the improvement of internal practices Demonstrates credibility and a commitment to quality and accountability Increases health care organisations’ compliance with quality and safety standards Decreases liability costs: Improves patients’ health outcomes Mitigates the risk of adverse events Provides a team-building opportunity for staff and improves their understanding of their co-workers’ functions Sustains quality and organisational performance Enables on-going self-analysis Ensures an acceptable level of quality among healthcare providers Enhances the understanding of continuum of care Improves the organisation’s reputation among end-users and enhances their awareness & perceptions Promotes capacity-building, professional development and organisational learning Codifies policies and procedures Promotes an understanding of how each person’s job contributes to the healthcare organisation mission & services Contributes to increased job satisfaction among physicians, nurses and other providers Engenders a spill-over effect, whereby the accreditation of one service helps to improve the performance of other service Highlights practices that are working well Promotes the sharing of policies, procedures and best practices among health care organisations. 7 Can this diagram summarize it? Or is it too easy? 8 Accreditation, unlike regulation, seems to have the essence of self assessment and self growth Continued reporting Mystery client Un-announced midpoint assessment Contiguous engagement New standards every other year 9 Many approaches look at accreditation as a developmental approach where as licensing as a regulatory one Developmental Regulatory Purpose Dynamic, organisational improvement Static, control Terminology Accreditation, certification Licensing, regulation Governance Non-governmental organisation, stakeholders National, regional government agency Primary Customers Healthcare providers Government Secondary customers Patients, professions, health care insurers Population, politicians, public finance Incentives for healthcare organisations to participate Ethical, commercial Legal, mandatory Uptake Voluntary self-selection to available programs All institutions in all sectors Standards Defined by non-governmental organisation, optimal achievable Defined by regulation, minimal acceptable Funding Cross-border mobility Self-financing Limited by language, culture State Limited by political borders 10 In simple terms, accreditation is to educate and elevate while regulation/licensing is to investigate and enforce Licensure • Building safety • Physical space • provider-to-beneficiary ratios • Staff qualifications • Transportation • Compliance to regulation • Accreditation • Access ,Assessment and continuity of care • Patient Right and Education . • Care of Patients . • Management of Medication . • Hospital Infection Control . • Continuous Quality Improvement • Responsibility of Management . • Facility Management and Safety . • Human Resource Management • Information Management System . Action Sanctions, fines Patient decision, pay for performance Implementation Inspectors, Auditors Assessors, Surveyors Areas of Focus 11 Accreditation also seems to be more in depth! infection Policies & procedur es hazardous material resuscita tion maintena nce medical equipme nt privacy continuit y of care basic hygiene fire safety radiation safety triage Plans and guidelines sterilizati on waste manageme nt laws and regulatio ns human rights emergency care Medicati on referral system lack of privacy Chemical exposure Qualified staff 12 In summary, we may be able to simplify it with that licensure can be a starting point while certification and accreditation can be the continuous way forward Heath Institution Heath Institution Heath Institution Accreditation Certification Licensure 13 To end with another layer of questions: What is after accreditation? Excellence? Continuous readiness? Heath Institution Heath Institution Heath Institution Accreditation Certification Licensure 14 Questions and Comments 15 15 Thank You