WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO ARISTOTLE SAID… EXCELLENCE THEREFORE IS NOT AN ACT BUT A HABIT EXCELLENCE THEREFORE IS NOT AN ACT BUT A HABIT WE ARE WHAT… WE REPEATEDLY DO Mission, Goal and Thrusts OVCA OFFICES provide nurturing and enabling environment for the University to carry out: Administrative Excellence Research and Extension functions Thrusts: 1. Promotion of Filipino language and culture; 2. Excellence in instruction; 3. Search for truth and new knowledge; 4. Public Service; 5. Democratization of access to a UP education; 6. Internal Governance; 7. Student, faculty and staff welfare. Academic Excellence (Page 4, UP and You Partners in Excellence, Booklet October 1986) VISION for UP DILIMAN Chancellor Caesar A. Saloma (CCAS) A University of the Philippines that is recognized and respected internationally as a great university in the Asia-Pacific Rim. A national university that is able to harness, embody, and project the considerable artistic, creative and scientific talent of its people. UPD’s building an enabling and nurturing environment for operational excellence in support of the ultimate objective of attaining academic excellence is to be realized through enhancing the capability of the support and service units so that their personnel can do their jobs properly and be justifiably held accountable (CCAS). • To ensure provision of administrative and fiscal support services and resources required by the broad sectors of the University ; and • To make certain that the processes and practices employed for such purpose are founded on the principles of accountability, integrity, efficiency and transparency. To provide the best possible enabling environment, through prompt delivery of topmost quality, efficient and effective services and wherewithal, in support of the University’s fulfillment of its three major functions: instruction, research and community service MISSION GOALS 1. As steward of the University’s manpower, physical and financial resources, the OVCA shall see to it that resources are efficiently allocated and utilized---i.e., optimally aligned to the needs of the end-users; 2. As a major support office, the OVCA will continue to seek improvements in the processes of delivering support services (i.e., fiscal, procurement and manpower) by the various units under its supervision, for the purpose of making service delivery simple, cost-effective and timely/prompt; OBJECTIVES 3. The OVCA shall make certain that its units’ attainment of their respective organizational objectives; their carrying out of operations; and dealings with both internal and external clients are anchored on values and principles that promote productivity and constructive organizational culture (e.g. respect, trustworthiness, fairness, responsibility, transparency and accountability, pursuit of excellence, teamwork, professionalism, honesty, global perspectives, etc.); OBJECTIVES 4. The OVCA shall persevere to find ways to further improve personnel services through highly selective recruitment and hiring of personnel as well as through relevant personnel training and development programs; 5. The OVCA, together with its various units, shall undertake a continuing review and evaluation of University’s policies relative to fiscal, procurement and human resource administration to ensure their responsiveness and relevance to the requirements of the various academic and non-academic units of the University and the changing needs of the time; OBJECTIVES The Offices under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration OVCA HRDO SPMO DBO DAO Human Resources Development Office Supply and Property Management Office (Diliman) Budget Office (Diliman) Accounting Office (Diliman) Cash Office PABX UMT DCO PABX UMT UPD’s building an enabling and nurturing environment for operational excellence in support of the ultimate objective of attaining academic excellence is environed to be realized through enhancing the capability of the support and service units so that their personnel can do their jobs properly and be justifiably held accountable (CCAS). The offices under the OVCA seeks to improve administrative efficiency in the administration of support and services to academic and other administrative units; To achieve this the heads of units and concerned officials are revisiting their requirements to comply with internal and external policies and programs towards a world class university; The OVCA and its five (5) major service units: HRDO; SPMO; DAO; DCO , DBO revisited their respective organizational structure and environment, processes and requirements relative to the services they extend to their internal clientele with the objective of making service delivery more efficient. Each unit will present and discuss their respective legal mandate, organizational setup, processes and procedures, documentary requirements and the corresponding policy bases for such requirements. Subsequently, issues and concerns that are of common interest among the internal clients along with the actions taken to address present challenges and operational problems will be likewise tackled. Common vision and understanding on each unit’s functions and operational procedures will build strong relationship and effective flow of communication within the offices of the University Aims to re-acquaint the participants with the existing functions, processes and procedures, and documentary requirements of the major service offices under the OVCA in the context of the University’s vision, mission and thrusts; relevant laws; and government and University policies, rules and regulations. Specifically it aims to: • Revisit the mission, goals and thrusts of the University; • Present and discuss each unit’s functions, operations, processes, procedures and documentary requirements for major transactions; • Identify operational problems, issues and concerns; and • Set directions and corresponding measures and mechanisms to strengthen service delivery. EFFECTIVE SYSTEM FLOW UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS (BOR, PRESIDENT, CHANCELLOR) Diliman OVCA OVCA OFFICES • • Supervision and implementation Capacity Development • • Requirements submission Feedback mechanism for decision making UNITS (Dean/Director/Head / AOs) Employees (Faculty, REPS, Admin) Relevant and effective office procedures towards highly professional unit of OVCA World Class University having Operational & Academic Excellence Part I: What and Why? Perspective Setting: • Levelling (alignment) of UP VMGO and its direction; Part II: The Present Situation • Levels and types of organization under OVCA Guidelines, Rules and related laws • UP Part III: How? (current operational procedures) Methodology • Process oriented • Dialogical • Interactive • Experiential • Participatory Functions, flow of operation and documents required by each unit or level of organization. Part IV: So What? Common issues and concerns and action taken OVCA HRDO,SPMO, DBO, DAO,DCO, DCO, Empowered and highly competitive employees Build the competence (KSA) to effectively perform the supervisory tasks as Administrative Officers/ Heads of Units Part V: So What Now? Formulation of plan of action