Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund Annual Report Diversity and Inclusion Presented to Governor Pat Quinn December, 2013 1 Commitment To Diversity Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) provides retirement benefits for a diverse ethnic population of approximately 34,000 active and 27,500 retired Public School Teachers. Since the early 1990’s, CTPF is proud to be at the forefront of pension and retirement systems throughout the United States to ensure that minorities, women and persons with disabilities have access to the many opportunities to conduct business with CTPF. CTPF continues to encourage diversity and equality among our employees, vendors, and investment professionals. On behalf of the CTPF Fund and our Board of Trustees, we present to Governor Pat Quinn CTPF’s annual Diversity Report for 2013. 2 Changes to the Fund’s Portfolio during Fiscal Year 2013 • Equity Hired Earnest Partners ($50M), an African American-owned firm, and DuPont ($150M) for an emerging markets allocation Reduced assets by $100M from a Latino-owned firm, Lombardia, due to performance, to fund an emerging markets allocation Terminated an African American-owned firm, Credo, due to performance and organizational concerns, to fund an emerging markets allocation Terminated an African American-owned firm, Piedmont, due to performance to fund CTPF benefits • Fixed Income Reduced assets of Western Asset Management by $105M to fund CTPF benefits and increase the mandate of a minority-owned firm Increased allocation to LM Capital, a Latino-owned firm, by $50M and refocused their mandate to Core Plus • Real Estate Funded Newport Capital Partners ($5M), a Disabled-owned firm 3 Since Public Act 096-0006… CTPF Enhanced our MWDBE Diversity Goals: 20% of Total Fund Assets will be invested with MWDBE firms 25% of actively managed assets will be invested with MWDBE firms Additionally: 30% of all equity assets will be invested with MWDBE firms 25% being managed by Minority owned firms 5% being managed by Women owned firms 15% of all fixed income assets will be invested with MWDBE firms 12% being managed by Minority owned firms 3% being managed by Women owned firms 10% of all alternative assets will be invested with MWDBE firms 10% being managed by Minority owned firms Best efforts for Women owned firms 4 Since Public Act 096-0006… CTPF Enhanced our MWDBE Diversity Goals: (continued) Trades are to be executed with CTPF approved MWDBE brokers. Non-direct trading is not allowed to meet the Fund’s goals. CTPF Brokerage goals: 50% of Domestic Equity trades: Active Large, All cap, and MoM’s 35% of Domestic Equity trades: Active Small Cap and Passive 25% of International Equity trades: Active & Passive Large, All Cap, and MoM’s 5% of International Equity trades: Active Small Cap 25% of all Fixed Income Volume 10% Active REIT Managers 5 Total MWDBE % Growth Since 1993 CTPF began investing with MWDBE firms in the early 1990’s. Some of CTPF’s earliest MWDBE dollars were invested with firms such as Ariel Investment (African American), Zevenbergen (Women) and Taplin, Habatch & Canida (Latino) As of September 2013, the Fund invested $3.2B or 32% of total Fund assets with MWDBE firms 6 Total MWDBE % Growth Since 1993 33.0% 31.6% 31.2% 30.8% 31.6% 27.5% 23.2% 23.6% 12.7% 12.8% 5.8% FY 93 7.9% 6.7% 6.1% FY 95 6.3%6.3% 5.2%5.4% 5.7% 5.8% FY 97 FY 99 FY 01 9.2% 7.3% FY 03 FY 05 FY 07 FY 09 FY 11 FY 13 Sep-13 7 Total Fund MWDBE Assets CTPF had $3.2B of the Fund’s total assets invested with MWDBE firms MWDBE goal for total assets is 20%; actual Fund assets are 32% 34% 32% 25% 35% 20% 30% 25% CTPF had $2.3B of the Fund’s active assets invested with MWDBE firms MWDBE goal for active assets is 25%; actual Fund assets are 34% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Total Fund Assets Total Fund Active Assets Actual As of 9/30/13 Goal 8 Fund Breakdown by MWDBE Status $1.24B was managed by African 6.4% American owned Latino firms $1.17B was managed by Women owned firms $639.2M was managed by Latino owned firms $75.0M was managed by Asian American owned firms 12.5% $8.4M was managed by a African American Person with a Disability owned firms As of 9/30/13 0.8% Asian American 11.7% Women 0.1% Person with a Disability 9 MWDBE Equity Managers For domestic and international equity assets, CTPF had $2.6B assets invested with MWDBE firms. 45% 41% 30% 40% 41% of all equity 35% assets were managed by MWDBE 30% 25% firms 24% of these assets 20% were managed by 15% minority owned 10% firms 17% of these assets 5% 0% were managed by women owned firms 24% 25% 17% 5% MWDBE Equity Assets Minority Owned Equity Firms Women Owned Equity Firms Actual As of 9/30/13 Goal 10 MWDBE Fixed Income Managers For fixed income assets, CTPF had $328.6M invested with MWDBE firms. 19% of all fixed income assets were managed by MWDBE firms 15% of these assets were managed by minority owned firms 5% of these assets were managed by women owned firms As of 9/30/13 19% 15% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 15% 12% 5% MWDBE Fixed Income Assets Minority Owned Fixed Income Firms 3% Women Owned Fixed Income Firms Actual Goal 11 MWDBE Alternative Managers For alternative assets, CTPF had $210.9M invested with MWDBE firms. 12% 14% 10% 11% 10% 12% 12% of all alternative assets were managed by MWDBE firms 11% of these assets were managed by minority owned firms 2% of these assets were managed by women owned firms .1% of these assets were managed by disabled owned firms As of 9/30/13 10% 8% 6% 2% 4% 0% 2% 0% MWDBE Alternative Assets Minority Owned Alternative Firms Women Owned Alternative Firms Actual Goal 12 How We Invest In Minority Managers CTPF invests in MWDBE firms in four ways: Direct Mandates The Fund has direct relationships with 26 MWDBE firms in the public markets and alternative investments area Manager of Managers (MoM) The Fund has two domestic equity (both African American) and one international equity (Asian American) Manager of Manager programs Through the MoM program the Fund has relationships with 20 MWDBE firms via 26 investment portfolios Graduation Program Since the inception of the Fund’s MoM program, six firms graduated to direct mandates with the Fund Fund of Funds (FoF) The Fund is a Limited Partner in two minority focused Private Equity Funds. The General Partner is African American-owned The Fund is a Limited Partner in a minority focused Private Real Estate Fund As of 9/30/13 13 CTPF Outreach CTPF’s First Friday Meeting Occurs the first Friday of each month. Provides opportunities for Emerging and MWDBE manager firms to meet with CTPF’s Investment Consultant, CTPF Trustees, CTPF Investment Staff and Executive Director to highlight their firms products and accomplishments Manager of Managers (MoM) Programs Emerging managers have opportunities to manage CTPF assets. Due to their size, these opportunities would not be available to small firms without the Manager of Managers program Publications Emerging Manager Monthly Fund Fire Pensions & Investments 14 CTPF Outreach - continued Organizations and Involvement (continued) Robert Toigo Foundation Rising Farmworker Dream Fund Women Investment Professionals Council of Institutional Investors (November, 2013) Pension Real Estate Association (PREA) Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) (January, 2014) Institutional Financial Services Days A 2-day educational program initiated and designed by CTPF to expose underrepresented students to the institutional financial services industry Conferences Emerging Manager Conferences (Opal, IMN) Groundbreakers Summit – Women in Leadership (Toigo Foundation) MBDA: Minority Investment Management Forum National Association of Securities Professionals New America Alliance 15 Brokerage Commissions for 2012 In calendar year 2012, the Fund paid over $4.5M in domestic 60% 50% equity and international equity 40% commissions and 30% $1.9M was directed to MWDBE brokers. 20% 59% 50% 52% 35% 30% 25% 30% 25% 10% In 2012, the Fund had 9.0B in fixed income volume and 2.6B was directed MWDBE brokerage firms 0% Domestic Domestic Equity Large Equity Small Cap & Mid Cap Cap & Passive Large Cap Fixed Income International Equity Total Paid Goal 16 CTPF’S MWDBE Brokerage Programs CTPF maintains a list of approved MWDBE brokerage firms. To be an approved MWDBE broker with CTPF, the following qualifications must be met: Certified MWDBE brokerage firm Registered with FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory authority) for a minimum of 1 year Have a Chicago or metro area office with at least one dedicated full time staff person that holds a Series 7 license 17 The Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund Board of Trustees Jay Rehak President Lois Ashford Vice President James Ward Recording Secretary Carlos Azcoitia Mary S. Reilly As of 9/30/13 Tina Padilla Financial Secretary Jeffrey Blackwell Jerry Travlos Bernie Eshoo Raymond Wohl Walter Pilditch Andrea Zopp 18 Diversity Of The CTPF Board 7 7 7 6 5 Men 5 Women 4 African American 3 3 Caucasian 2 Latino 2 Asian American 1 0 0 42% 58% 25% 58% 17% CTPF Total Board of Trustees As of 9/30/13 19 Diversity Of The CTPF Fund Staff 60 53 Men Women 50 African American 40 Caucasian 30 20 22 26 Latino Asian American 15 11 9 10 0 22% 78% 32% 38% CTPF Total Staff FT Employees As of 9/30/13 16% 13% 20 CTPF Investment Management Department Employee Diversity The CTPF Investment Management Staff has 6 employees 6 6 5 4 6 are Women 3 2 are African American 2 2 are Latino 2 2 33% 33% 2 1 100% 0 33% CTPF Investment Mgmt Staff Women African American Caucasian Latino 21 As of 9/30/13 CTPF’S METROPOLITAN CHICAGO RECRUITING AREA CTPF’s goal is to develop a workforce that more closely reflects the minority and women demographics of the CTPF’s metropolitan Chicago recruiting area The metropolitan recruiting area includes Cook, DuPage, Lake, and Will counties in Illinois CTPF Current Headcount Metro Recruiting Ratio Area Ratio African American 22 32% 17.8% Asian American 9 13% 6.0% Caucasian 25 37% 56.6% Latino 11 16% 19.7% Women 53 78% 51.3% Men 15 22% 48.7% Data as of October 1, 2013 Metro Data – 2010 U.S. Census 22 Staff Diversity Recruitment Guidelines Management is directed to pursue diversity in the recruitment of staff that reflects our area demographics The Board of Trustees recognizes that knowledge and understanding of diversity is the cornerstone of a successful diversity strategy. It is the policy of the Fund to provide Diversity Training to Human Resources and management staff The Board of Trustees recognizes that achievement of the Fund’s diversity goals is contingent upon the Fund gaining exposure to a large and broad pool of qualified candidates When no internal candidate applies for, and/or no internal candidate is identified as the best candidate for a position, CTPF shall expand the pool of candidates on the Fund’s website In all cases, CTPF will seek to hire the best qualified candidate for each position When two or more candidates have comparable qualifications for a position, CTPF will seek to hire the qualified candidate that lends to achievement of the State of Illinois’ public policy goals and the Fund’s diversity goals 23 Diversity Procurement and Purchasing Policy CTPF fully supports the public policy considerations of SB364 (Public Act 96-0006) which among other provisions, mandates the establishment of procurement policies by all major public pension funds in Illinois that promotes inclusion and diversity. The law also mandates establishment of incremental goals for the inclusion of minorities, women, and disabled persons when pension funds seek fiduciaries and services. 24 Policy Objectives The primary objective of the CTPF diversity policy is to ensure that minorities, women and disabled persons are provided an equal opportunity to provide services to and do business with CTPF. Diversity Policy Objectives promote and ensure: Prospective service providers have an equal opportunity to compete and have access to information regarding the search parameters; Fair competition among qualified fiduciaries and service providers; Communications related to the selection of service providers are accessible, consistent and accurate; The process of selecting service providers is efficient, diligent, and fair; Transparency in the process of selection and retention of service providers. 25 Fiduciaries and Service Providers Service Expense MWDBE Status and Allocation Actuarial Services 164,753 Independent Auditor 210,750 Investment Consulting and Services Master Custodian 501,250 Investment Consulting 374,814 Real Estate Investment Consulting 166,598 Health Insurance Consulting 50,000 Legal Services 164,800 Information Services Consulting 947,196 Communications and Publications 316,979 MWDBE 214,047 (6%) Document Processing and Mailing 194,384 MWDBE 153,939 (4%) Election Administration 197,117 Legislative Lobbyists 164,800 MWDBE 61,800 (2%) Total $3,453,441 Total MWDBE Participation 429,786.00 Total Investment Manager Fees Total Investment Fees Paid to MWDBE managers. Table data as of June 30, 2013 12% $39,317,322.00 $12,478,563.54 32% In fiscal year 2013, minorities and women-owned businesses received: • 12% of the business expenditures made by the fund for goods and services • 32% of the expenditures made to investment managers. 26 Goal It is CTPF’s goal is to have a minimum of 20% of all fund expenditures for fiduciaries, suppliers, consultants and service providers paid to firms owned by minorities, women and persons with disabilities. This goal is comparable to the percentage of investment related allocations to MWDBE investment professionals. 27 Formal Bid Process The Policy Guidelines below apply to the selection of all fiduciaries and service providers. Procurement of all goods and services budgeted or proposed individually or in the annual aggregate for an amount in excess of $25,000, shall be subject to a formal bid process including: Announcement of issuance of a Request for Proposal in appropriate trade journals and periodicals as applicable Issuance of a formal Request for Proposal in the format appropriate for the goods or services being sought and including all selection criteria to be considered in the evaluation of the proposal A Proposal Evaluation Committee, made up of organizational stakeholders for the goods or services being sought , who shall develop criteria and an objective tool for proposal evaluation Posting of the formal Request for Proposals on the Fund’s website 28 Formal Bid Process - continued Observance of a quiet period during which communications with potential providers is limited A quiet period will commence upon the initiation of a search for goods or services and end once a selection has been made by the Board and accepted by the service provider Initiation, continuation and conclusion of the quiet period shall be publicly communicated to prevent inadvertent violations All Board members, and Staff not directly involved in the search process, shall refrain from communicating with provider candidates regarding any product or service related to the search offered by the candidate throughout the quiet period and shall refrain from accepting meals, travel, hotel, or other value from the candidates Throughout the quiet period, if any Board member is contacted by a candidate, the Board member shall refer the candidate to CTPF Staff directly involved in the search process Authority related to the search process shall not be exercised by management or by individual staff members, but shall be exercised solely by the bid evaluation committee All information related to the search process shall be communicated by Staff to the relevant Committee as a whole, and not to individual staff members The quiet period does not prevent due diligence, or communications with an existing service provider that happens to be a candidate in the ordinary course of services provided by such service provider; however, discussions related to the pending selection shall be avoided during those activities The provisions of this policy will apply to service provider candidates throughout the quiet period and shall be communicated to candidates in conjunction with any Request For Proposal or Request For Information A service provider may be disqualified from a search process for a knowing violation of this policy 29 Formal Bid Process - continued Evaluation of submitted bids by the Proposal Evaluation Committee using of an objective evaluation tool Submission of a statement of due diligence and recommendation to the Board of Trustees by CTPF management and staff Approval of selected service provider by the Board of Trustees Retention in the organizational archives of all materials distributed, created, collected and evaluated in the search process for a period of at least 5 years 30 Informal Bid Process Procurement of all goods and services budgeted or anticipated individually for an amount between $10,000 and $24,999 shall be subject to an informal bid process including but not limited to: Development of a Needs, Requirements and Evaluative Criteria document prior to the initiation of discussion with potential providers or issuance of a request for information Posting of a Request for Information on the fund website Documentation of the need for services, criteria used in the evaluative process, and basis for selection of a particular vendor or service provider Retention in the purchasing records of CTPF of all written materials for a period of at least 5 years 31