web designer and illustrator

c u r r i c u l u m
v i t a e
web designer and illustrator
I have been working in graphic design and
visual communication for 15 years. I love
drawing - manually and digitally.
I am interested in working with new
technologies on interactive projects as well
as creating illustrations.
At 32 I moved to Barcelona, the city where I
currently work as a web designer and study
drawing, painting and illustration.
To relax I enjoy cooking and try to balance
the damage of the days spent in front of the
computer with an ashtanga yoga practice.
My interests include illustrated books,
comics and cinema.
Born in Sicily, at the age of 6 I already
aspired to become a cartoonist.
At 21 I moved to Turin to do a course for
comic designers.
While I was doing this course I also
attended the University of Turin and
graduated with a degree in multi media.
During my time in Turin I was also working
as a web designer and completed a course
in video editing and another in Maya (3D
software package) at the European Institute
of Design.
Nationality: Italian
Date and place of birth: Palermo, 6/6/1977
Place of residence: Barcelona, Spain
Telephone Spain: +34 661 163552
Telephone Italy: +39 347 2900186
E-Mail: bstaffetta@gmail.com
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15 years experience in graphic design
and visual communication, transferring
corporate image onto digital channels.
Web design and in recent years,
“responsive design” for websites being
viewed on different devices
(for example: barcelonanord.cat,
September 2009 – May 2014
Opus 5, Barcelona (Spain)
Web designer
Web design, html, css, Flash design and
animation, illustration.
September 2008 – June 2009
Bludocks, Turin (Italy)
Project manager, Web designer, Illustrator
Functional analysis, design, html y css.
Coordinating programming.
May 2008 – December 2008
Wind telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Milan (Italy)
Web designer
Graphic design as part of creative team of the
Italian portal “Libero”.
October 2007 – February 2008
SEP (telematic services of the bank INTESA
SANPAOLO Group), Turin (Italy)
Project manager, Web designer
Project management, content architecture and
re-design of the company website.
June 2007 – September 2007
ARYA Interactive Media - Milan (Italy)
Web designer
Microsite design for clients of the yellow pages
in Italy.
January 2007 – February 2007
People LAB S.r.l. - Milan (Italy)
Web designer
Graphic layout and design for web application
for client CSP - Turin (Italy).
June 2006 – September 2006
Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy)
Web designer, Graphic designer
Web design for the European project
Virthualis. Graphic re-styling of the logo,
design for business cards and corporate
November 2004 – December 2006
Virtual Reality and Multimedia Park, Turin
Web designer, Graphic designer
Design and layout for various websites for
Brochure design and testing of opensource
September 1997 - October 2004
Web designer
Web design for different companies:
- Weites S.r.l., Turin (Italy)
- IPSNet, Turin (Italy)
- Idealsoft, Turin (Italy)
- Atmedia, Palermo (Italy)
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iPad Application:
“Se le scimmie fossero elefanti“.
Finished amongst the 10
finalist (250 participants) on the PubCoder
competition in Italy (2014). A competition is a
collaboration between De Agostini and the
Bologna Children’s Book Fair. The illustrated
story will be published by the editorial
DeAgostini. I created the illustrations and
“Storie scombinate per Matteo” (2011) is an
illustrated book for kids between 6-8 years,
created as a present for a boy called Matteo.
The story was printed with hard cover by the
editorial Qanat de Palermo.
The book tells 6 stories, combining classic and
original tales. One of them I wrote myself.
I also created all the illustrations collaborating
with the writer in Reggio Emilia and the person
responsible for layout design in Palermo.
“Tony e il fagiolo magico” (2013) is an
daptation of “Jack and the magic beans” with
an ecological message/context and set in
Palermo. It is written for kids between 6 and
12. I created all the illustrations in Barcelona
for project collaborating with the writer in Reggio Emilia and the graphic designer in Palermo.
Interactive illustrated story:
The story is a recontruction of
the novel by Mary Shelley to
which new chactarers and settings have been added and which
allows users to interact with the
In this project, apart from the
original idea, I created the
concept, the setting, illustration
and definition of the interactivity.
I have collaborated with
professionals in Turín who have
been responsible for the copy
and programming of the
Pictures of illustrated stories
3 thematic series of 8 pictures painted in
aquarelle (2011):
- “Una cosa si trasforma in un’altra “(recycling).
- “Dal seme alla pianta”.
- “HTML non è una parolaccia”
(html and colour coding for web and print).
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2010 - today
Weekly course at the Escola FemArt, Barcelona
studying design, painting, water colour and
digital illustration.
Februrary 2010
Photography course at Max Studio, Barcelona.
February – July 2003
Maya software course (3D design) at Instituto
Europeo di Design, Turin (Italy).
Adobe Photoshop cs5
Adobe Illustrator cs5
March – July 2003
Adobe Premiere Course (production and video
montage) at Casa della Tigre, Turin (Italy).
Adobe Dreamweaver cs5
1999 - 2000
Comic drawing course at Accademia Pictor, Turin (Italy).
2000 - 2006
Degree Multimedia (Multidams:
Multimedialità e Discipline dell’Arte, della
Musica e dello Spettacolo).
Adobe Flash cs5
Adobe InDesign cs5
Instalation and
personalization of
- Adobe Premiere
video editing
- Maya
3D software
- Gimp
- Inkscape
Facoltà di scienze della formazione,
Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy).
1991 - 1996
High school diploma in the institute “Galileo Galilei”, Palermo (Italy).
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