COMPANY PROFILE BASSILICHI 2014 > THE BEST WAY TO UNDERSTAND WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO – follow us on: update: october 2014 2014 INDEX > COMPANY 1 VISION 2 MISSION 2 BASSILICHI SHAREHOLDERS 3 OUR SUBSIDIARIES 4 REVENUES 5 WHERE TO FIND US 6 HUMAN RESOURCES 7 THE PEOPLE 8 SALES COVERAGE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE 9 THE OFFERING11 ANALYSIS OF REVENUES 13 SOME NUMBERS ABOUT US…14 AND THE VOLUMES 15 INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS 17 OUR MAIN CUSTOMERS 18 LOCATIONS... 19 ...ADDRESSES 20 1. 2. B A S S I L I C H I PRO F I L E - C O MPANY COMPANY Recognized player in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Bassilichi serves as a strategic partner for Banks, Industry and Public Administration thanks to an offering that covers the following three areas: PAYMENT SYSTEMS BACK OFFICE SECURITY > B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - VI SI O N , MI SSI O N VISION Technological development, enhanced by human capital, working together with our customers for sustainable growth and continuous improvement. MISSION To help and guide the technological development of our customers allowing them to achive a winning position within their field providing professional expertise. > 3. 4. B A S S I L I C H I PRO F I L E - BA SSILI C HI SHARE H O LD E RS BASSILICHI SHAREHOLDERS B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - OU R SU B SID IARIE S OUR SUBSIDIARIES % BassilichiCEE 12,84 % % 11,29 8,8 7 % % 11 ,74 % 23,50% Bassilichi 19,00% Arno I (MPVenture SGR) 12,84% Finanziaria Senese di Sviluppo 11,74% Banca Monte dei Paschi 11,29% SICI SGR Fondo Toscana Venture 8,87% Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna 5,00% SICI SGR Fondo Centro Invest 3,80% Others 3,96% Bassilichi (treasury shares) Consorzio Triveneto 82% 50 5480% 90% % % 95% ABS Technology > SHARE CAPITAL € 11.839.650 FULLY PAID-IN 3,96 3,80 0 0 , 5 51% 80% % 0 ,5 23 19 ,00 ArsBlue BassmArt 60% Moneynet Krene Fruendo 60% 8498% Direct holdings of Bassilichi Indirect holdings of Bassilichi through its subsidiaries ABS Technology Physical security services Consorzio Triveneto Payment Systems Services ArsBlue Software production Fruendo Back office Services BassilichiCEE Payment Systems Services Krene Software development and computer systems BassmArt Ticketing, e-commerce, merchandising, multimedia, products and strategic consult for events Moneynet Payment Systems Services and Payment Istitution Partially owned companies: Alfazero (30%), Bassnet (33,18%) Esadecimale (30%), ICT Logistica (33,38%), RS Records Store (40,58%), Sibas (50%) 5. 6. B A S S I L I C H I PRO F I L E - RE VE NU E S REVENUES B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - WHE RE TO F IND US WHERE TO FIND US * PADOVA MILANO Competence Center: Payment Systems and Back office Competence Center: Payment Systems and Security MILLIONS € 303 BANJA LUKA TORINO Competence Center: Payment Systems Competence Center: Payment Systems BELGRADE Competence Center: Payment Systems 300 242 MANTOVA Competence Center: 250 BOLOGNA Competence Center: Payment Systems and Security ABBIATEGRASSO 200 Competence Center: FIRENZE PISA Competence Center: Payment Systems Competence Center: 150 SASSARI Competence Center: Software Development 100 SIENA LECCE Competence Center: Payment Systems Security Compentece Center: ROMA 50 0 2005 2006 * The values refer to sales revenues 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ast Forec 4 3 1 1 0 2 20 2012 PODGORICA Sales Office Competence Center: Payment Systems Research and Development Competence Center: Payment Systems Security PALERMO Competence Center: Payment Systems 7. 8. B A S S I L I C H I PRO F I L E - HU MAN RE SOU RC E S B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - THE PE O PLE HUMAN RESOURCES AVERAGE AGE WOMEN TURNOVER EMPLOYEES 2.198 FORECAST HOURS OF TRAINING IN CLASSROOM (2014) in addition to training “on the job” % 90 Production % 8Corporate 2Mktg%e Sales SOCIAL ENTERPRISE 9. 10. BASSILICHI PROFILE - SALES COVERAGE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE BASSILICHI PROFILE - SALES COVERAGE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE SALES COVERAGE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE ON SITE ON CENTER ICELAND BASSILICHI THIRD PARTY Subotica MILANO ABBIATEGRASSO TORINO Piacenza PADOVA Venezia MANTOVA Novi Sad BOLOGNA Reggio Emilia BANJA LUKA Sarajevo Jesi SIENA Elba Kragujevac Uzice Empoli Follonica BELGRADE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FIRENZE PISA Bjeljina SERBIA Fermo ITALY Trebinje Niš PODGORICA MONTENEGRO PRISTINA KOSOVO ROMA ALBANIA Skopje MACEDONIA ~1000 Castellamare di Stabia SASSARI LECCE TECHNICIANS ALBANIA HEADQUARTER CAGLIARI BRANCH NIGERIA PALERMO Caltanissetta SUPPORT CENTER SALES COVERAGE 11. 12. B A SS I L I C H I PRO F I L E - THE O F F E RIN G B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - THE O F F E RIN G CBI POS Administrative Back Office Document Bank Mgmt Back Office Innovative Branch PDL Printing E-Commerce TELLER AUTOMATION OFBAC FI K CE Branch Automation BACK OFFICE Cash Management S EM Cash Safe Box POS e-Commerce CBI Terminal Rental, Installation, Help Desk, Technical Support, On-Call Intervention, Contractual Management, Processing SW Development and Implementation of CBI Service Payment Gateway Development and Management for 5 E-commerce Transactions and MO/TO.portali. ATM BaseB TCR CARD MANAGEMENT Fidelity Card and issuing VAS Installation and service management EDI Document Exchange Specialist Support Control and Reporting EDI Y YMENT SY ST PA Control Room SECU RI T VAS SECURITY Basic Services PAYMENT SYSTEMS THE OFFERING HW Supply, Installation and Implementation. Monitoring and Maintenance, Transaction Processing, Cash in Transit Management HW Supply HD Installation and Monitoring BANK BACK OFFICE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Cash and Payment, Finance, Treasury and Agencies, Online Banking and Third Party Networks BASIC SERVICES Design and Supply, Installation, HD Maintenance 100% SERVICE COVERAGE HW Supply, Installation and Implementation, Monitoring and Maintenance Physical Storage, Scanning and Digitalization, Content Management and Document Workflow, Advanced Electronic Signature SECURITY CONTROL ROOM Anti-Intrusion, Anti-Fraud, Video surveillance, Access Control 75% SERVICE COVERAGE INNOVATIVE BRANCH DEVELOPMENT Branch Setup and Dismantling, Innovative Branch Development (concept, layout, process automation) LICENSING Licensing Specialist Advice, Solution Partner ADMINISTRATIVE BACK OFFICE Passive Cycle, Users and Taxes TECHNOLOGY CONTROL ROOM CASH SAFE BOX Energy Monitoring Monitoring Remote Control 25% SERVICE COVERAGE Supply, Installation Maintenance Cash Management PDL HW Supply and Installation, HD, Monitoring and Support CONTACT CENTER OutBound Campaigns, Direct Marketing, Help Desk VAS Cloud Home Services Security Business Security 13. B A SS I L I C H I PRO F I L E - ANALYSI S O F RE VE NU E S ANALYSIS OF REVENUES 60% 55 Payment Systems 8Back90% office 20% 35 Security 30% 0Other 14. B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - SO ME NU MBE RS ABOUT US … SOMEQUALCHE NUMBERS ABOUT US… NUMERO... E-COMMERCE Users 3.479 CBI N° transacted/year Users 106.500 more than 5,8 millions Volume transacted/year Volume transacted/year > € 81 billions > € 1.1 billions N° transaction/year Provisions > 21 millions Informative > 120 millions FACILITY MANAGEMENT Workstations 34.200 Printer 37.289 XCHANGE (Volumes) 14.500 IMAC (Volumes) 13.600 Queue Management System 393 POS Asset 235.961 N° transaction/year 350.134.632 Volume transacted/year € 25.9 billions SELF SERVICE Asset 1.328 - rental 642 - sub service of monitoring service 750 LICENSING Contracts 93 CASH HANDLING 90 Finance 40% 7Industr y 50% Asset 6.057 ATM / CASH MANAGEMENT Asset 15.103 • rental 3.697 • monitoring service 5.795 0Public Sector 0Ser vices TRANSFERS LOGIC SECURITY 20% 20% 4.000.000 pc. 550.000 pc. 70% 1Retail DOCUMENTS COLLECTION AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS Assets 12.000 SECURITY Asset 34.008 Braches assisted 2.806 TVCC branches 2.625 PROFESSIONAL CASH HANDLING 1.100.000 pc. PROXIES Cash in transit: 691.966 orders Points served 4.671 Retail 6.869 Local Agecies 217 Other 2.163 SH CHECKS 2.000.000 pc. 46.000.000 pc. DOCUMENT STORAGE 65.000 qubic meters DEMATERIALIZATION 9.000.000 pc. 15. 16. BASSILICHI PROFILE - … AND THE VOLUMES B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - … AND THE VO LU ME S … AND THE VOLUMES E-COMMERCE 50.000 0 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 20.000 2.000 0 CBI NR. TRANSACTION THOUSAND 350.000 VOLUME TRANSACTED MILLION 100.000 22.995 24.180 24.100 20.693 21.000 0 23.281 50.000 60.000 40.000 20.241 150.000 100.000 81.000 81.006 80.000 67.167 200.000 80.309 67.287 250.000 71.597 76.661 300.000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20.000 0 0 1.140 1.200 6.301 943 7.090 1.500 5.849 4.000 783 40.000 5.425 6.000 600 60.000 4.400 8.000 722 80.000 4.455 25.990 310.318 20.400 2009 24.423 277.641 2008 21.000 237.201 18.246 100.000 16.537 150.000 216.121 200.000 204.259 16.390 250.000 298.247 300.000 VOLUME TRANSACTED BILLIONS 2.000 NR. TRANSACTION THOUSAND 10.000 526 VOLUME TRANSACTED BILLIONS 100.000 350.134 NR. TRANSACTION THOUSAND 350.000 2007 2008 2009 1.000 500 2.812 POS 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 17. B A SS I L I C H I PRO F I L E - INTE RNATI O NAL PARTNE RSHIPS 18. B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - OU R MAIN C USTO ME RS INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Bassilichi is a technological partner of ABI Lab, a Research Center for the development of new technologies for the Italian Banking System. Bassilichi is part of Ossif, Phisycal Security Research Center for the Italian Banking System. Bassilichi is a member of ATMIA, an independent trade association operating within the cash market. Bassilichi cooperates with RBR, internationally recognized as a leader in the Payment Systems market. Bassilichi is a member of CashlessWay, company founded with the aim of promoting the ePayment in all its forms and encourage the responsible use of cash. Total Costumers: 448 19. 20. B A SS I L I C H I PRO F I L E - LO C ATI O N S . . . B A SS I L I C H I P RO F I L E - . . . AD D RE SSE S ...ADDRESSES LOCATIONS... Firenze Via P. Petrocchi, 24 50127 (FI) Ph. 055 42281 - Fax 055 414851 FIRENZE Siena Via delle Nazioni Unite, 30/32 Loc. San Martino 53035 Monteriggioni (SI) Ph. 0577 578121 - Fax 0577 578158 SIENA Strada delle Frigge, 6 53035 Monteriggioni (SI) Ph. 0577 30581 - Fax 0577 305806 Bologna Via dell’Artigianato, 22 40057 Granarolo dell’Emilia (BO) Ph. 051 762611 - Fax 051 762650 ABBIATEGRASSO MANTOVA BANJA LUKA BELGRADO MILANO PODGORICA PADOVA ROMA BOLOGNA PALERMO SASSARI TORINO LECCE PISA Milano Via Vittor Pisani, 31 - 20124 (MI) Ph. 02 67111911 - Fax 02 67111999 Pisa Via Umberto Forti, 4, 6, 8 56121 Loc. Montacchiello (PI) Ph. 050 9776001 - Fax 050 983282 Roma Via della Maglianella 65/E 00166 (RM) Ph. 06 66415681 - Fax 06 66418094 Torino Via Vernea n. 31 10153 Nichelino (TO) Firenze Via P. Petrocchi, 24 50127 Firenze Tel. (+39) 055 42281 Fax (+39) 055 4579926 Belgrado Palmira Toljatija 5/2 11070 Belgrade, Serbia Tel. (+381) 112697393 Fax (+381) 112697393 Belgrado Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165e 11070 Belgrade, Serbia Tel. (+381) 11 2676714 Firenze Via P. Petrocchi, 24 50127 Firenze Tel. (+39) 055 42281 Fax (+39) 055 4228394 Firenze Via P. Petrocchi, 24 50127 Firenze Tel. (+39) 055 42281 Fax (+39) 055 414851 Sassari Loc. Predda Niedda Nord Strada n. 5 07100 Sassari Tel. (+39) 079 264300 Fax (+39) 079 264344 Palermo Via Sacra Famiglia, 18 90146 Palermo Tel. (+39) 091 38044450 Fax (+39) 091 9764109 Padova Viale dell’Industria, 23 35129 Padova Tel. (+39) 049 8083011 Fax (+39) 049 8078041