Download the LIFE-EDESIA workshop programme and registration

Registration Form
Speakers and Chairpersons
(please copy and return to
Alessandra Roncaglioni within 04th Dec 2014:
fax 02-39014735 or e-mail
- Jürgen Arning – UBA, Dessau-Roßlau (D)
- Anna Auzzi - Polynt, S. Giovanni Valdarno (I)
- Emilio Benfenati – IRFMN, Milan (I)
- Livia Biardi – Altroconsumo, Milan (I)
- Raffaella Butera – Toxicon srl & UniPavia, Pavia (I)
- Francesca Caloni – UniMilano, Milan (I)
- Valeria Croce – ChemService, Novate Milanese (I)
- Pietro Cozzini – UniParma (I)
- Ferdinando Fiorino – UniNeaples (I)
- Elena Lo Piparo – Nestlè, Lausanne (CH)
- Stefano Lorenzetti – ISS, Rome (I)
- Alberto Mantovani – ISS, Rome (I)
- Elisa Perissutti – UniNeaples (I)
- Alessandra Roncaglioni – IRFMN, Milan (I)
- Maria Teresa Russo - CNSC-ISS, Rome (I)
First name ………………………………………………
Family name ……………………………………………
Affiliation ………………………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………….
Zip code ………………………………………………….
Country ………………………………………………….
General Info - Venue
Phone …………………………………………………….
Registration is free. Workshop materials and
coffee breaks are included.
Accomodation and board are in charge of the
participants: max number is 100.
Certificates of participation. Available upon
request at the end of the workshop.
For any further information, please contact the
Scientific Secretariat.
E-mail ……………………………………………………
Coffee break attendance:
Dec. 10th coffee break
Dec. 11th coffee break
Special dietary needs:
Scientific Secretariat
Dr. Alessandra Roncaglioni
Dpt. Environment and Health, Istituto Ricerche
Farmacologiche Mario Negri – IRFMN
Via Giuseppe La Masa, 19 – 20156 Milan (I)
Phone: 39.(0)2-3901
Dr. Stefano Lorenzetti
Dpt. Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità – ISS
Viale Regina Elena, 299 – 00161 Rome (I)
Phone: +39.(0)6-49902512
Venue: Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario
Negri - IRFMN, Aula B
via G. La Masa, 19 – 20156 Milano
Endocrine Disruptors in silico / in vitro –
Evaluation and Substitution
for Industrial Applications
LIFE12 ENV/IT/000633
LIFE-EDESIA workshop on
The role of
in silico tools
in supporting
the application of
the substitution principle
10th -11th December 2014
Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche
Mario Negri — IRFMN
Aula B
Programme - December 10th, 2014
The first LIFE-EDESIA Workshop on “The
role of in silico tools in supporting the application of the substitution principle” will
deal with the emerging issue of the use of
computational, in silico tools in toxicological
risk assessment and the research needs in
order to develop and optimize such use.
In silico tools are recognized as essential
components of non-animal testing strategies;
their relevance is further enhanced by the
availability of large data sets on different
In particular, the workshop will discuss in
silico tools as a scientific support to implement the substitution principle, a main pillar
of the EU regulations on chemicals, first of
all the REACH. A cutting-edge topic is the
potential role of in silico screenings when the
substances to be replaced have complex toxicity mechanisms: a telling example is endocrine disruption, a general term which includes multiple intracellular pathways.
14.30-15.00 Registration of participants
The workshop is organized by the EU LIFE+
granted project LIFE-EDESIA (“Endocrine
Disruptors in silico / in vitro – Evaluation
and Substitution
for Industrial Applications”, LIFE12 ENV/IT/000633, http:// coordinated by the Istituto
Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and it will involve
contributions and expertises from research,
regulators, the industry and stakeholders.
16.40-17.00 In silico approach in the REACH
context: the experience from EC LIFE
projects CALEIDOS, PROSIL, etc
Emilio Benfenati – IRFMN
17.00-17.20 Advantages and disadvantages of in
silico tools: their use in addressing
Alessandra Roncaglioni – IRFMN
17.20-17.40 A computational approach to
nuclear receptors screening
Pietro Cozzini – UniParma
17.40-18.00 Discussion
15.00-15.05 Workshop opening
Emilio Benfenati – IRFMN
(chairperson: S. Lorenzetti)
15.05-15.20 Introduction on LIFE-EDESIA
Alberto Mantovani – ISS
15.20-15.40 The in vitro assessment of
endocrine disruptors/EDCs
Stefano Lorenzetti – ISS, Rome
15.40-16.00 The role of chemical synthesis in
support of the substitution
Ferdinando Fiorino / Elisa Perissutti
16-00-16.20 Discussion
16.20-16.40 Coffee break
Academic perspective
(chairperson: A. Roncaglioni)
Programme - December 11th, 2014
Industry and regulatory perspectives in
Risk Assessment
(chairperson: A. Mantovani, E. Benfenati)
09.00–09.20 Industrial approaches towards
alternative strategies for EDCs: the
food domain
Elena Lo Piparo – Nestlè
09.20–09.40 Alternative strategies for EDCs: the
domain of man-made chemicals
Raffaella Butera – Toxicon srl &
09.40-10.00 Discussion
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-10.50 The role of regulatory agency in
addressing EDCs in the framework
of REACH legislation: support from
in silico tools
Jürgen Arning – UBA
10.50-11.10 Last news from ECHA on
alternative methods in compliance
with the REACH: the Read-Across
Maria Teresa Russo – CNSC-ISS
11.10-11.30 Discussion
Round-table of stakeholders
(chairpersons: E. Benfenati - A. Mantovani)
11.30-11.40 Livia Biardi – Altroconsumo
11.40-11.50 Valeria Croce – Chemservice
11.50-12.00 Francesca Caloni – UniMilano
12.00-12.10 Anna Auzzi - Polynt
12.00-12.30 Discussion—Question time
12.30-12.45 Concluding remarks
Emilio Benfenati – IRFMN
Alberto Mantovani – ISS