Confference of o Europpean Sta atistics Stakehoolders M Methodologis sts, Produceers and Useers of Europ pean Statistitics Department of S Statistical Sciences, S Saapienza - Unniversity off Rome, Rom me, 24-25 N November, 2014 2 ORG GANIZED BY: Federation off European National N Statisttical Societiess (FENStatS), EUROSTAT, European Sta atistical Advissory Comm mittee (ESAC)). Local Orgaanization: Itallian National IInstitute of Sttatistics (ISTAT), Società Itaaliana di Statiistica SIS-VSP P, Dtp of Sta atistical Sciennces, Sapienzaa University off Rome The scope of the Conference is i to enhance the dialoguee between European metho odologists, pro roducers, and users of Eurropean Statisstics identifyiing the requiirements of the t users (ES SAC), the beest practices of o the producction (EURO OSTAT, NSIss), the innov vative ways oof visualising and communiicating statistiics, and the new n methodological ideas ffor collecting and analysingg data (FEN NStatS). Speciific topics of high h interest regard r the devvelopment off the European n Statistical SSystem toward ds 2020. This is the occassion to investiigate and pressent themes off research in oofficial statistiics within the scientific com mmunity, to explore the enaabling instru uments such aas the Horizoon 2020 Reseaarch Framewoork Programm me, compare and a share besst practices off production, and a good d opportunity tto meet nationnal and Europeean users of sttatistics. The Conference iss an operative tool to facilitate the evoluttion of statisstics towards tthe 2020 modeernisation targ gets. CAL LL FOR PAPERS. All sttatistics stakeh holders (meth hodologists, producers, p ussers) are warm mly invited to o participate to this conferrence by subm mitting a papeer, thus contrributing to th he advances oof European Statistics S for the year to coome. The scientific s proggram includes plenary, invitted and contrib ibuted session ns with oral preesentation. All participants p aree invited to suubmit an abstract and a papeer. Contributeed papers will have both a liightning talk presentation, p i a i.e., shortt oral presentaation and/or a poster p presenttation to allow w a complete exhibition e of the t scientific ccontribution. IMPORTANT DA ATES (INFO O: Conttributed papeer (8 pages) submission: 10 Septemberr, 2014 Auth hors of contribbuted papers notifications: 29 2 September,, 2014 Invitted paper (100 pages) subm mission: 10 Seeptember, 20114 Finall version of paapers: 29 Septtember, 2014 4 Registration is maandatory for all participants (limited aattendance – first come firrst served, wiith preference for presenters of papeers); no registtration fee wiill be required d. A sellection of fullyy peer-review wed papers will be publishedd in the Spring ger Series Seleected Papers oof the Statisticcal Socieeties (http://ww ww.springer.ccom/series/10107). Firstt Special Focu us on Method dological and d technical dri rivers for mod dernisation of statistics: - Statistics for deecision makinng: statistical products p and sservices for an n informed socciety; - What W statistics can measure and how: defiining Europeaan statistics wiith a 2020 tim me horizon; - Methods M for annalysing Big Data D in the con ntext of officiaal statistics, (d data mining, integration of data from diffferent sourcess); - New N methodologies for sum mmarising large sets of indiccators (composite indicatorss, faactorial methoods, structural equation mod dels, PLS moddels and otherr latent variablle methods); - Methods M for annalysing unstruuctured digitaal data (sentim ment analysis, opinion minin ng, text miningg); - New N methods ffor collecting data, visualisiing and comm municating statistics in the e-society: e multlti-purposes co ollection, methhods an nd tools. Second Special Foocus on Euroope 2020: - Statistics as a nnew Skill for new n Jobs and a new Key Coompetence forr lifelong learning; - Poverty and social exclusionn: enhancing capacity c to meeasure employ yment and social developmeents; - New N paradigms in statistics: when researcch meets Euroopean statisticss. Scien ntific Steeringg Committee Walter Radermachher, Director General G of Eurrostat, (Co-orgganiser), Maurrizio Vichi, Prresident FENS StatS, (Co-org ganiser) , Annee Gégout-Petitt, President off the French Statistical Sociiety, Giorg gio Alleva, Prresident ISTAT, Lean ndro Pardo LL Lorente, Presiddent of the Spaanish Society of Statistics and a Operations Research. John Pullinger, Preesident of Thee Royal Statisttical Society, Aurel Schubert, Diirector Generaal Statistics Eu uropean Centrral Bank, Wolffgang Schmid,, President of the German Statistical S Socciety, Inekee Stoop, membber of ESAC, Nicola Torelli, Preesident of the Italian I Statistiical Society.