CV Carolina Di Biase: Esperta in Restauro Architettonico

Personal information
Architecture and Urban Studies Department
via Bonardi 9
20133 Milano - Italy tel. +39 02 2399 9400
fax. +39 02 2399 9413
mob. + 39 338 3600383
e-mail :
Academic qualifications
Full Professor of Architectural Restoration, she is Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Preservation
of the Architectural Heritage, member of the Teaching Committee of the School of Architecture and
Society, member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies,
member of the Scientific Board of the Center for the Exploitation of Cultural Heritage of the Politecnico di
Academic activities
As professor at Milan Polytechnic’s ‘Scuola di Architettura e Società’, she holds lectures for the Master
Degree (Theory and History courses as well as Architectural Restoration studio) and the ‘Scuola di
Specializzazione in Conservazione dei beni architettonici e per il paesaggio’ (“Methodologies of
Conservation” , “Urban Restoration”).
Within the PhD Course in Preservation, she is in charge of the course of “Culture and experiences of
Preservation”, supervises a number of theses by Italian and foreign students (from European Countries,
China, America, etc.);
She also has organized interdisciplinary and International study seminars: for the Politecnico’s PhD
School (2011, 2012 and 2013); for the Doctoral Programme in Preservation: “Construction and the Fate
of the Agrarian Landscape: the Role of Historical Geography” (2005-2006); “A tribute to Alois Riegl.
1858-2008”, held in 2008 with the participation of some of the world’s major Riegl scholars (from Austria
and United States); “ ‘Minor’ Architecture of 20th Century: Preservation and Enhancement Strategies”
(2010), with interventions by international Scholars; “The Future of Italy’s Architectural and Cultural
Heritage: Theory, methods and practice”.
She has lectured in masters courses in Italy and abroad (Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, China) and
participated in Workshops on restoration and preservation topics in Ireland, in Bucharest, in Andalusia, in
Scientific and research activities
PhD in the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage in 1987 (thesis published as Strada Balbi a
Genova. Residenza aristocratica e città, 1993), she has carried out and coordinated research projects
that have explored both the history and analysis of urban areas and studies and conservation of buildings
comprising either ‘traditional’ or modern and contemporary architecture.
The research work has often gone together with teaching activities.
- “Architectural examination and analysis of the present state and background of the Rocca
Rangoni at Spilamberto and associated buildings”, was carried out in 2006-2007 for the town
council of Spilamberto (Modena) and generated a number of wide-ranging and in-depth multi-disciplinary
studies that were published in Italy and abroad. The on-site studies involved the participation of various
research structures within the Politecnico di Milano: the DIIAR (topographical framework), the DIS
(analysis of structural instabilities and stratigraphical analysis of surfaces) and the DiAP Laboratory for
Structural Analysis and Diagnosis (studies of the wooden elements and Behaviour and reactions to
microclimatic conditions). The project also saw the involvement of the ICVBC of the Centro ‘Gino Bozza’
(analysis of mortars, plasterwork, frescoes and brickwork finishings). As well as providing funding for an
annual bursary, the research also enabled two students taking their PhDs in the Conservation of the
Architectural Heritage to participate in the various phases of the enquiry.
- As scientific director of the research project (2003-2005) entitled “A Taxonomy of Forms of
Deterioration in Concrete, Reinforced Concrete and Artificial Stone” she adopted a methodology
drew upon a range of expertise (engineering, chemistry and construction sciences: Prof. Luca Bertolini of
the “Giulio Natta” Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering; Prof. Giulia Baronio and
researcher Cristina Tedeschi from the Chemical Section of the “Materials Testing” Laboratory at the
Department of Structural Engineering, again at the Politecnico di Milano. The results were presented in
papers at various national and international conferences. A more detailed and in-depth examination of
the topics of the research was presented in the volume Il degrado del calcestruzzo nell’architettura del
Novecento (Maggioli, 2009), edited by C. Di Biase.
- 2011-2012, supervisor of the research “Design, Costruction and Transformations of the
Politecnico di Milano Core Campus” (1920-1964), co-financed by Politecnico di Milano.
C. Di Biase is also supervising editor of the series “Research into Restoration and Conservation”
published by Maggioli (Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna), which includes: essays based on wide-ranging
research projects, for example the very best PhD theses; the illustration of projects that are of particular
interest, either because of the methodology adopted in the preliminary investigations and studies or the
criteria adopted in the planning and execution phases; essays that look at the culture of restoration,
which may include the re-examination of known texts or the translation of previously unavailable texts.
Professional and public projects
Carolina Di Biase has planned and directed the restoration of a number of public buildings. These projects
include in the last decade:
1996/2002 – Planning and execution for the completion of the Villa Burba (XVII Century) restoration:
side wings; Oratorio di San Giuseppe (1714); honour courtyard and the eighteenth-century gateways in
the garden walls;
1997 – Project for the redevelopment as housing of the building formerly used for sericulture and tenant
farmers, in the Rustic Courtyard of Villa Burba;
1998 /2001- With D. Vitale - and the consultation of Lorenzo Jurina - planning and execution of the
redevelopment of the ex-Masciadri farming complex in Arcene (Bergamo);
Work of conservation and redevelopment of the sixteenth-century ‘Charles V Tower’ and adjacent
Customs House in Martinsicuro (Teramo): 2000-2002 - Planning and execution of the work of plant
installation and finishings;
2000/2006 – With D. Vitale, planning and direction of the restoration and adaptation of the buildings in
the Rustic Courtyard of Villa Burba, Rho;
Planning and design of the exhibition on the history and restoration of the entire complex.
2007 A project of particular interest was collaboration on the preliminary studies and design
commissioned by Politecnico di Milano (project director: D. Vitale) for the functional update of the
‘Trifoglio’ (built 1959-1963) by Gio Ponti, perhaps the most prestigious of the buildings designed for
Milan Polytechnic’s ‘Leonardo’ campus. In studying the development and construction of the building, and
the actual role played in the design and execution phases by Gio Ponti, Carolina Di Biase was one of
those who highlighted that the project should be predicted upon methodologies of restoration; that the
transformations to the structure should be as limited as possible, with specific attention being focused
upon their impact and design. The research project also enabled the Superintendence for the
Environmental and Architectural Heritage to list this as a protected building.
2011- Collaboration as expert in architectural conservation of contemporary monuments in the
competition for the conservation and rehabilitation of the Industrial Area of ‘Manifattura Tabacchi’,
designed and built in Bologna by Pier Luigi Nervi (1948-1965) in the group coordinated by Oriol Bohigas
et Oriol Capdevila (among the selected groups invited).
Publications (short outline)
- C. Di Biase, Strada Balbi a Genova. Residenza aristocratica e città, SAGEP, Genova 1993
- C. Di Biase (ed.), Nuova complessità e progetto per la città esistente, Franco Angeli, Milano 1989
- C. Di Biase (ed.), Il degrado del calcestruzzo nell’architettura del Novecento, Maggioli, Sant’Arcangelo di
Romagna 2009.
- C. Di Biase (ed.), Il restauro e i Monumenti, Maggioli, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna 2010 (2th ed.)
In course of publication:
- C. Di Biase, F. Albani (ed.), ‘Minor’ Architecture of 20th Century: Preservation and Enhancement
Recent publications:
- - C. Di Biase, Nel cuore della città. Progetto e cantiere al Castello Sforzesco di Milano, 1946 –
1956, in Chiara Baglione (a cura di), Ernesto Nathan Rogers 1909-1969, Franco Angeli, Milano 2012, pp.
- C. Di Biase (2011), An Archaeological Itinerary within the Irish Countryside. Around Kells
Priory, EAAE, Lowen, pp. 213-228. In: L. Kealy, S.F. Musso (Eds), Conservation/Transformation.
- C. Di Biase, A. Coelho Sanches (2011), O concredo armado: problemas de restauro. Entrevista
com a arquiteta restauradora Carolina Di Biase. Entrevista e traduçào: A. Coelho Sanches, «RISCO»
13 (pp. 91- 102).
C. Di Biase (2011), Outside the Factory: The Industrial Heritage as an Enduring Whole. In
«PATRIMOINE DE L'INDUSTRIE» n. 26 (pp. 80 – 84);
- C. Di Biase, T. Ferreira, Stanze dell'arte. Alfredo D'Andrade all'esposizione del 1906, G. Ricci, P.
Cordera (edited by) In: "Per l'esposizione, mi raccomando...!". Milano e l'Esposizione Internazionale del
Sempione del 1906 nei documenti del Castello Sforzesco (pp. 130- 154), Comune di Milano, CASVA,
Centro di Alti Studi sulle Arti Visive - Biblioteca d'Arte, Milano 2011., 2011 2011
- C. Di Biase, F. Albani, L. Balboni, P. Corradini (2010). Methodology of survey and assessment for
the conservation and re-use of the Rocca Rangoni, Spilamberto (Italy). Grafica elettronica,
Napoli, pp. 90 – 96. In: 4th International Congress on "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of
Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranenan Basin". 6-8 dicembre 2009, Il Cairo.
- C. Di Biase (2010), Il culto dei monumenti moderni e il valore della conoscenza. In “ANATKE”
(pp. 41-50), 2/2010.
- C. Di Biase (2010), Roberto Pane e Ernesto Nathan Rogers: Dibattito sugli inserimenti nelle
preesistenze ambientali, Venezia, Marsilio. In S. Casiello (a cura di), Roberto Pane tra storia e
restauro. Architettura, città, paesaggio.
- C. Di Biase, (2009). Piero Gazzola. Gli anni della formazione al nuovo Politecnico, Cierre Edizioni,
Verona: (pp. 53-58). In: Piero Gazzola. Una strategia per i beni architettonici nel secondo Novecento.
- C. Di Biase (2009), Stories Of Deterioration and Decay, Maggioli, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna pp.
75-119. In C. Di Biase (ed.), Il degrado del calcestruzzo nell’architettura del Novecento.
- C. Di Biase, F Albani (2009). Alteration and decay in Twentieth-century architecture: A lexicon
proposal. Taylor & Francis Group, LONDON UK: (pp. 519-524). In: Protection of Historical Building.
21/6/2009 - 24/6/2009, ROMA.
- C. Di Biase, F Albani (2009). Deteriorations in the XXth Century Architecture: Concrete,
Reinforced Concrete, Artificial Stone. Luciano Editore, Napoli: (pp. 199- 208). In: Concrete 2009.
The Building Techniques. I International congress . 19/02/2009 - 21/02/2009, Termoli.
- C. Di Biase, D. Vitale. (2008). Il ‘Trifoglio’ di Gio Ponti al Politecnico di Milano (1959-1963),
architettura e materiali (141 -152), Politecnico di Milano, DPA, Milano: (pp. 141 -152 ). In: S.
Bortolotto, MC. Giambruno (eds), I materiali e le finiture del “Moderno”.
- C. Di Biase (2008). I monumenti di Aldo Rossi. Variazioni sul tema delle permanenze, Bononia
University Press Bologna: (pp. 160-164). In: La lezione di Aldo Rossi, Convegno Internazionale di studi
21/02/2008 – 23/02/2008, Bologna, Cesena, Modena.
- C. Di Biase (2008). When and to what extent do we teach conservation/restoration?, Keynote
Lecture, Proceedings published by EAAE, Leuven, printed in Tessaloniki (pp. 345-360). In: Teaching
Conservation/Restoration of the Architectural Heritage. Goals, Contents and Methods. 18/10/2007 –
20/10/2007, Genova.
In course of publication:
C. Di Biase, Manufatti della città breve. Tecniche e materiali del XX secolo nel paesaggio contemporaneo,
Torino, in S. Musso (a cura di) Tecniche del restauro, UTET, Torino 2013