CONCEPT EUROSTADIUM BRUSSELS 2020 Special edition Newsletter 25 7 de jaargang March 2015 CONTENTS EDITO NE WSLE T TER 25 PAUL GHE YSENS, CEO GHEL AMCO Zal de markt van vastgoed terug aantrekken? De maatregelen van de Europese Centrale Bank zullen op termijn hun effect hebben en verder de markt ondersteunen. Institutionele investeerders worden selectiever en de yields voor de topproducten zullen nog verder dalen. INVESTMENT PROJECTS BELGIUM 03 - EDITORIAL 06 - PRESS ARTICLES 08 - URBAN DE VELOPMENT LEUVEN “Waterview” student tower - 55,000 m2 12 - URBAN DE VELOPMENT GHENT “Filature du Rabot” a new and modern city area - 35,000 m2 14 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING GHENT “Blaisantpark” - 16,000 m2 16 - T WO RESIDENTIAL TOWERS KORTRIJK “Blekerij Site” - 21,000 m2 18 - T WO RESIDENTIAL AND OFFICE PROJECTS BRUSSELS “Centre Etoile” and “Avenue Louise 165” 20 - EUROSTADIUM BRUSSELS Ghelamco’s view on the future Eurostadium INVESTMENT PROJECTS POLAND 40 - WARSAW SPIRE - PL AC EUROPEJSKI 220 m high main tower with a hyperboloid glass facade 4 4 - WO ŁOSK A 24 A 21,000 m2 highly sustainable office project 46 - GDANSKI TR AIN STATION A redevelopment PPP project of 530 million euros INVESTMENT PROJECTS RUSSIA 5 2 - D M I T R O V L O G I S T I C S PA R K Building C at Dmitrov Logistics Park is taking shape 5 4 - C O O P E R AT I O N R E G E N T ’ S U N I V E R S I T Y L O N D O N Developing Distinctive Leaders Growing and sustaining family businesses Creative Director Ria Gheysens - Graphic Design Hanne Thomas Contact person headquarters: Is the property market about to start rising again? Over time, the measures taken by the European Central Bank will take effect and support the market further. But currently, institutional investors are becoming more selective and yields for top products still have some way to fall. De laatste maanden heeft het GhelamIn recent months, the Ghelamco co team hard gewerkt aan de tender team has been working hard on the “Eurostade”; Brussel is trouwens één “Eurovan de gaststeden voor het EK 2020. stade” tender. As you may know, Voortbouwend op zijn succes met de Brussels is one of the cities hostGhelamco arena te Gent, is Ghelamco ing the European Championships in kandidaat om ook het “Eurostadium 2020. Building further on its success Brussels” te ontwikkelen. Het ontwerp with the Ghelamco arena in Ghent, Simon, Paul en Michael Gheysens dat Ghelamco indiende voor deze Ghelamco is one of the companies nieuwe site is volledig geïntegreerd tendering to develop “Eurostadium binnen de bestaande leefomgeving en Brussels”. The design submitted by de historische Heizelpaleizen. Ghelamco wil er met zijn 30-jarige ervaring Ghelamco for this new site is totally integrated into the existing environin het creëren van echte leefwerelden, een multifunctionele sportinfrastrucment of the historic Heizel Palace. Ghelamco aims to use its 30 years of tuur van wereldklasse ontwikkelen en dit ingebed in een park van 11 ha groen. experience in creating genuine living worlds to develop a world-class multifunctional sports infrastructure set amid green surroundings exOns ontwerp heeft bijzondere troeven; tending to 11 hectares. - Het voetbalstadion, de parking en facilitaire campus zijn elk op zich ondersteund door een sterk businessplan zodat financieel elk deelproject Our design has a number of special features: op zich haalbaar is. Garanties of waarborgen door Stad of Gewest zijn - The football stadium, parking and facilities campus are individually dan ook niet nodig; supported by a strong business plan so that each part of the project is - De site is zodanig ontworpen dat alle aspecten van mogelijke overlast financially viable. There are no guarantees or sureties needed from the voor de omgeving worden weggenomen zowel tijdens de realisatie als City or Region, either; na de realisatie van het project. Ghelamco heeft alle mobiliteitsstudies - The site has been designed in such a way that all of the aspects that uitgevoerd met het internationaal toonaangevend studiebureau Technum might possibly overload the environment have been overcome, both (Tractebel Engineering GDF-Suez) om de meest optimale mobiliteit en while the project is being built and after it is complete. Ghelamco carried veiligheidssituatie uit te werken. Ghelamco maakt zich sterk dat zijn dosout all of the mobility studies with the leading international study bureau, sier technisch, financieel en reglementair zeer robuust is om snel de noTechnum (Tractebel Engineering GDF-Suez), to develop the ideal mobildige vergunningen te bekomen; ity and safety/security situation; Ghelamco is confident that its submis- De mobiliteit wordt geoptimaliseerd door een overdekte 4-vaks driveway, sion has the technical, financial and regulatory strength to be awarded zodat alle verkeer ondergronds afgewikkeld wordt en er geen kruisend verthe necessary permits quickly. keer is wat de doorloopsnelheid moet maximeren. Bovendien wordt zeer - Mobility will be optimised by a covered 4-lane access road so that veel aandacht besteed aan de veilige, snelle en aangename bereikbaarheid all traffic can be routed underground, with no cross-traffic. This should van de site voor de voetganger, fietser en de tram of metro-gebruiker. maximise pass-through speeds and reduce travelling times. A great deal of attention has also been paid to achieving safe, fast and pleasant acBovendien ontsluiten de infrastructuurwerken ingenieus Neo en de Hallen cess to the site for pedestrians, cyclists and tram or metro-users. zodat tegelijkertijd een voetbalwedstijd, een beurs en een muziekoptreden kan plaatsvinden zonder dat de mobiliteit het struikelblok wordt voor de The infrastructure works also ingeniously incorporate Neo and the Hallen supporter, concert- of beursganger. Ook zal het stadion energie-positief so that a football match can be played at the same time as an exhibition worden ontworpen en zal de geluidsoverlast minder zijn dan de huidige or music performance, without impeding mobility for supporters, consituatie. certgoers or exhibition visitors. The stadium has also been designed to be energy-positive and will generate less noise than the current situation. Het Ghelamco team gaat echter ondertussen door met zijn verdere ontwikkeling in Brussel Hoofdstad en heeft recent de aankopen van twee In the meantime, the Ghelamco team continues with its further developgebouwen afgerond voor een totaal van 24.000 m² in de Louizalaan en ment of projects in Brussels itself and recently purchased two buildings aan het Madouplein. De kantoren zullen omgevormd worden tot topprototalling some 24,000 m² on Louizalaan/Avenue Louise and at Madouducten die beantwoorden aan de meest veeleisende kantoor- en enerplein/Place Madou. The offices in these properties will be converted into gienormen van de toekomst. top-quality products that meet the most discerning and demanding office and energy standards of the future. In Rusland en Oekraïne wordt de kwaliteit van onze huurders bevestigd door de continuïteit van de uitvoering van de $-huurcontracten omwille In Russia and Ukraine, the quality of our tenants has been confirmed by van de zeer hoge kwaliteit van onze logistieke sites. the continuation of the $-lease contracts. This has been made possible by the extremely high quality of our logistics site. In Warschau heeft de Spire ondertussen zijn tophoogte bereikt en is de ruwbouw van de 54 verdiepingen gerealiseerd. Ondertussen wordt ook In Warsaw, the Spire has now been topped out and the structural side of de laatste hand gelegd aan de huurcontracten met tophuurders. the 54 floors completed. The finishing touches are also being put to the leases with high-quality tenants. We geloven rotsvast in de toekomst en de zo vele mogelijkheden voor het Ghelamco-team. We have every faith in the future and there are so many opportunities out there for the Ghelamco team to capitalise on. 2 3 CONTENTS E D I TO 08 12 18 URBAN DEVELOPMENTS LEUVEN/GHENT A NEW AND MODERN CIT Y ARE A FIL ATURE DU R ABOT GHENT NEW OFFICE PROJECTS BRUSSELS INVESTMENT PROJECTS BELGIUM 4 5 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Weekblad voor bouw en industrie nummer 7, 13 februari 2015, p. 12 KH magazine, driemaandelijks magazine Knokke-Heist, nummer 19, p.60 januari - februari - maart 2015 KH Expertise News 488 19 december 2014, p. 12 GOLF PROJECT, KNOKKE-HEIST PRESS ARTICLES GHEL AMCO BELGIUM 6 7 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M URBAN DEVELOPMENT ‘VAARTKOM’ LEUVEN Expertise News 488, 19 december 2014, p. 9 LEUVEN, BELGIUM Vander Elst, Leuven De voormalige sigarenfabriek “Vander Elst”, onderdeel van de stadsontwikkeling “Vaartkom”, maakte plaats voor een gemengd project met 3.335 m² retail en 13.806 m² moduleerbare A – klasse kantoorruimtes. 2 1 Student tower Waterview is the final building of the urban development ‘Vaartkom’ in Leuven. While achieving a height of 55 m and a total surface of 55,000 m², this project will comprise 461 student flats, 1,001 parking bays and 5,435 m² of retail space. Visualisatie van het volledige Vaartkom project: Waterside (1) (residentie), Waterview (2) (studentenflats, parkeergelegenheid en retail) en Vander Elst (3) (kantoorruimte en retail). 8 9 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M 3 Waterview, Leuven, Belgium. The tower of the Waterview project consists of 461 student flats, several retail areas and a spacious parking. Door het aanvatten van de afwerkingsfase van de studententoren Waterview krijgen zowel dit prestigieuze project als de ganse stadsontwikkeling De Vaartkom stilaan hun definitieve uitzicht. De voltooiingsfase loopt volop en zodoende wordt de laatste hand gelegd aan de kwalitatief hoogstaande afwerking. Het gevelmetselwerk is volledig uitgevoerd, de eerste vliesgevels verschijnen van achter de sluier van gevelsteigers en de parkingafdichting wordt boven de retailruimtes geplaatst. Hierdoor zijn ook de werken met betrekking tot het parkinggedeelte van het gebouw zo goed als afgerond. In de studententoren zelf rijdt de afwerkingstrein in volle vaart. Voor meer dan de helft van de verdiepingen werden de technieken volledig geïnstalleerd en zullen pleister-, chape- en gipskartonwerken snel volgen. Voor de afwerking van de kamers wordt gestreefd naar een hoog akoestisch comfort door de keuze voor mooie en duurzame materialen. Begin februari werden twee modelkamers voorgesteld aan makelaar Optima en aan de KU Leuven, die zal instaan voor het beheer en verhuur van de studentenflats. Deze modelkamers werden op veel enthousiasme onthaald. Begin april zal een nieuw filiaal van Albert Heijn zijn deuren openen in de “Waterview will become an iconic pearl, both for the redevelopment of the Vaartkom-area and for the city of Leuven. The skyline of the city will be redrawn, thanks to the slender and delightful student tower with its unique appearance and color shades.” Waterview studententoren. Ghelamco is erg opgetogen om na het succesverhaal in de Ghelamco Arena opnieuw met Albert Heijn te kunnen samenwerken en hen in dit gloednieuwe project te mogen verwelkomen. Met de eindmeet in zicht krijgt de volledige stadsontwikkeling De Vaartkom langzaamaan zijn ware gedaante. Waterview wordt een pareltje dat beeldbepalend zal zijn voor de herontwikkeling van De Vaartkom en voor de stad Leuven. Door de beeldige, ranke studententoren met een unieke uitstraling en kleurschakering wordt de skyline van Leuven hertekend. 10 11 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M URBAN DEVELOPMENT ‘FILATURE DU RABOT’: A NEW AND MODERN CITY AREA GHENT, BELGIUM “Local government trusts that this large-scale building project will bring new dynamism to this part of town, thanks to its many strengths such as the green habitat, the upgrading of houses and shops, the attractive architecture focusing on ecological solutions and low energy values a.o. Consequently, a new and modern city area is being created.” Het totale project behelst ca. 35.000 m² ontwikkelbare bovengrondse vloeroppervlakte, waarvan ca. 6.200 m² bestemd is voor commerciële doeleinden (retail, kleinhandel, kantoren, horeca). Daarnaast worden ook verschillende woontypologieën gerealiseerd. De 225 woningen omvatten 178 appartementen, 29 grondgebonden woningen, 12 duplexen en 6 lofts. De lofts zullen ondergebracht worden in het bestaande historisch fabriekspand, dat samen met de oude fabrieksschouw gerenoveerd wordt en behouden blijft. Deze elementen zorgen voor een levendige herinnering aan de oorspronkelijke functie van het terrein. Het stadspark dat grenst aan de site zal tot diep in de Filature Du Rabot binnendringen. Fiets- en wandelpaden zorgen voor een fysieke verbinding tussen park en het project. Door de keuze om alle 400 parkeerplaatsen naar de ondergrondse verdieping te brengen, kan een groen en doorwaadbaar binnengebied ontstaan. Het dak van de winkelruimte wordt bovendien ingericht als een groot publiek toegankelijk groendak en het speelse karakter van de architectuur laat toe groene daken op verschillende niveaus van de gebouwen te voorzien. De nieuwe bewoners zullen op die manier kunnen genieten van een ruim terras en van de luxe van een private groene buitenruimte. The adjacent park will enter into Filature Du Rabot, since cycling and walking paths will generate a physical connection between the park and the project. This new building project, located at the site of the departed jute spinning mill ‘Filature Du Rabot’, will become a new urban area offering a complete mix of retail and shopping area, houses, apartments, lofts and greenery. The site is located in a popular neighbourhood, at walking distance of the historical center and alongside the so called ‘Nieuwe Vaart’ (New Canal). 12 13 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M De eerste werken op de site werden opgestart en de beëindiging van de wegeniswerken wordt reeds voorzien in de maand juni. Ook de eerste woningen zullen voor de zomervakantie gebruiksklaar zijn. De constructie van de verschillende appartementseenheden wordt gefaseerd opgestart vanaf najaar 2015, wat kan resulteren in een volledig afgewerkte site binnen minder dan 3 jaar. De plaatselijke overheden vertrouwen erop dat dit grootschalige bouwproject een nieuwe dynamiek zal creëren in dit gedeelte van de stad dankzij de vele troeven zoals de goede leefomgeving, de herwaardering van huizen en winkels, de aantrekkelijke architectuur met de nadruk op ecologische oplossingen en lage energiewaarden, enz. Hierdoor wordt een nieuw en modern stadsgebied gecreëerd. Het vertrouwen van de stedelijke diensten in de site vertaalt zich in de getoonde interesse voor de verkoop van de 20% sociale woningen die worden voorzien. Op die manier werken Ghelamco en Stad Gent samen aan een duurzame oplossing voor de problematiek inzake sociale huisvesting. RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX ‘BLAISANTPARK’ GHENT, BELGIUM The site has excellent accessibility, both from the E40 highway and from Ghent’s harbor. Additionally, it is located within a 10-minute walk from the historical center and benefits from the immediate proximity of tram and bus stops. Blaisantvest is a dynamic and fun environment where mostly young people live. The project borders a public park, which is planned to be expanded. The city government invests abundantly to reconvert the neighborhood in a fresh and green environment connecting residents and visitors. Thanks to these multiple strengths, over 85% of the residential units have been sold. Opening of the retail areas is planned for April 2015. The carcass construction of Blaisantpark is completed. The student flats were finished successfully in September 2014 and many students already had a pleasant experience staying in the complex during the first semester. The works on the courtyard with outside parking are started as well. “The thought-through mix of different types of apartments, correct pricing and qualitative workmanship are strongly appreciated by buyers. These strengths, combined with the ceasing efforts of brokers Dewaele Vastgoed and Agence Rosseel, result in an actual sales figure of 90% for the apartments and 85% for the student flats.” With its Blaisantpark project, Ghelamco contributes to Ghent’s urban renewal project “Bruggen naar Rabot” (Bridges to Rabot). The city of Ghent invests abundantly in living quality, public space and social coherence in this part of town. The project Blaisantpark fosters and benefits from this actual upgrade. 14 15 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M TWO RESIDENTIAL TOWERS AT THE ‘BLEKERIJ’ SITE Site “Oude Blekerij”, Kortrijk, Belgium Residential project situated at the river Lys, Close to the centre of Kortrijk KORTRIJK, BELGIUM INTERVIEW WITH FOCUS/WTV MICHAEL GHEYSENS: Given the unique location of this project, we decided to appoint Andrew Bromberg, an internationally renowned architect. Bromberg has a visionary and creative approach to incorporating residential landmarks into an existing urban fabric. This ability is demonstrated by the many design awards he has won both at home and abroad. FOCUS/WTV REPORTER: In addition to the two residential towers, the site also includes a number of other dwellings. The area is as big as 6 football fields. 21,000 m² has been set aside for housing, 6,000 m² for retail space and 3,000 m² for offices. MICHAEL GHEYSENS: Our aim is to create a new living space and environment for this part of the city. Living, working, leisure and shopping have been brought together in a carefully considered way – all designed around a central ‘green lung’. This green lung takes the form of communal, public grounds extending over an area of around two hectares. An exciting new urban development plan is coming to Kortrijk soon. The most striking feature of this redevelopment at the site of the ‘Oude Blekerij’ will be two residential towers situated at the waterfront. Other housing will also be developed in addition to these two towers. In all, space is planned for 21,000 m2 of residential, 6,000 m2 of retail and 3,000 m2 of offices - all set amid beautiful greenery close to the city centre. FOCUS/WTV REPORTER: The project will also include a fitness centre. The city of Kortrijk and project developer Ghelamco are consulting with Unizo and the ‘K in Kortrijk’ shopping centre about the retail space. The aim is to attract young thirty-somethings with children to the site. FOCUS/WTV REPORTER: The blank wall along the avenue in Kortrijk will continue to exist, but a number of openings will be added, complete with greenery. Although the spatial development plan is still at the design stage, the aim is for this section of the city to be enhanced during the city council’s current term of office. The total cost of implementing this project is approximately 40 million euro. 16 17 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M TWO RESIDENTIAL AND OFFICE PROJECTS IN BRUSSELS BRUSSELS, BELGIUM In Brussels, two new projects will be started up soon. At Avenue Louise 165, 52 luxurious apartments, 500 m² of shopping space and an underground parking are planned. At the location of the current ‘Centre Etoile’ building in Boulevard Bischoffsheim, 16,615 m² of office space and 174 parking bays will be realised. HIGH LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PROJECT “AVENUE LOUISE” BRUSSELS · Prestigious project offering a mix of housing and retail · Located in the centre of Brussels, in the lively Louiza neighbourhood · Luxurious apartments with high quality of workmanship Visualisation of the future residential project in the Avenue Louise with 52 luxurious apartments Office building Centre Etoile, Brussels Visualisation of the future office building in the Boulevard Bischoffsheim BREEAM EXCELLENT OFFICE BUILDING “CENTRE ETOILE” · 16,615 m² gross leasable area · 174 parking bays · Project has a good visibility · Use of the most modern construction techniques · Breeam excellent / outstanding · Excellent accessibility, both by car and by public transportation · Efficient use of space Visualisation of the future office building Centre Etoile, Brussels, Belgium 18 19 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M TITEL ONDERTITEL Eurostadium Brussels — Excellent mobility — Business plan without government guarantee INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE INVESTOR AND DEVELOPER 20 21 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M 01 03 05 02 06 04 04 — Surroundings 01 — The stadium 02 — Mobility 05 — Innovation centre 03 — Safety 06 — Leisure 22 23 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Functional design Extremely efficient evacuation design, in which the average visitor (out of a total of 60,000 stadium visitors) only has to take 20 steps on stairs. Support functions for the stadium are situated underground. This ensures that the stadium can be evacuated The public access zones are above in case of emergency in ground, which makes it easier to impose less than 10 minutes. strict safety measures. Levels 0 and 3: Primary hospitality zone. For the majority of visitors. On these levels, a total of about 800 metres of counter space is planned. Level 1: Completely transparent. Allows a view on the field as well as outside the stadium. Level 2: Skyboxes and media rooms. Levels 4 and 5: Office space. Office spaces oriented towards sports-related organisations. 24 25 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Brussels city marketing Brussels lounge 650m2 View to the field View to the Expo and Atomium Guided tours: Info point 'Garden Bridge' Additional activities: Relaxing in the park. Watching the matches during the Euro 2020. 26 27 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Parking Mobility Parking Capacity Up to 500 parking spaces for tractor-trailers or buses. Up to 12,000 parking spaces for cars. -1 BRUSSELS -2 ANTWERP / LIEGE GHENT / BERGEN -3 -1 BRUSSELS PARKING AREA -2 ANTWERP PARKING AREA -3 GHENT PARKING AREA -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 28 29 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Ghelamco's Solution - BAM Pedestrians above ground. Motor vehicles underground. There are two current problems: Level -3 Level -2 No traffic necessary outdoors = no noise burden for the neighbourhood. • Traffic jams getting IN to the site. • Long wait times to LEAVE the site. In brief: Our solution The access capacity of the parking area is greater than the capacity of the public infrastructure by a factor of 2. Elimination of all bottlenecks by eliminating all traffic junctions, in combination with the use of multiple levels and • No traffic jams on the highway wide roads with up to 5 lanes in each direction. Optionally we can alter the access to the highway in order to improve (as a result of the project) • No traffic jams in the parking the mobility solution. areas 30 31 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Scenario 01: Roundabout (60.000 visitors) Traffic to and from Neo NEO lies at barely 550 metres. When traffic queues are Demand/ capacity ratio per arm Average wait time per arm (s) Maximum wait time per arm (s) Length of longest wait queue (m) 1 Neo 1166% 1229 2546 5000 m + 93 vtg 2 Antwerp 237% 307 686 5000m + 1162 veh 3 Ghent 295% 1011 2033 763 longer than 550 metres (01. and 02.), the entire parking area of NEO is blocked. This study emphasises that the third solution alleviates all traffic queues in parking area C, which means that it supports an acceptable environmental impact study for NEO. Scenario 02: Traffic lights (60.000 visitors) Demand/ capacity ratio per arm Average wait time per arm (s) Maximum wait time per arm (s) Length of longest wait queue (m) 1 Neo 148% 234 585 1898 2 Antwerp 274% 477 982 5000m + 1420 veh 3 Ghent 115% 131 402 148 Scenario 03: Multilevel connection (60.000 visitors) Demand/ capacity ratio per arm Average wait time per arm (s) Maximum wait time per arm (s) Length of longest wait queue (m) 1 Neo 96% 57 80 254 2 Antwerp 119% 80 73 141 (+593 veh) 3 Ghent 57% 21 39 174 veh = vehicles 32 33 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M Sustainable design The stadium has been designed to be energy-neutral. First and foremost, we look for energy that can be derived from the immediate surroundings. On the one hand, we save as much energy as possible. On the other hand, we seek to fulfil the remaining energy needs with green energy. Actively seeking new innovations. In order to supplement modern technologies, such as automatic field lighting, The cooling power of the use of daylight, interactive touchscreens, the fountains in the ponds is used latest developments in lighting technology, to lower the energy needs of high-definition cameras, and more. the cooling towers. This is an example of In this respect we have begun collaboration state-of-the-art innovative with various technology partners such methods that we use to reduce as VITO and the University of Ghent, and we the net energy production are continuing to pursue more opportunities on the site. to cooperate with local and international technology partners. 34 35 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M a powerful vision of social cohesion and engagement in the heart of Belgium Facts & figures • 11 hectare park • 86,000 m² hospitality zone • 12,000 parking spots • 60,250 seats • 6,550 VIP seats • 250 seats for disabled • 20 steps average per visitor • < 10 minutes evacuation time • GRUP conformant “required of mixed-use developments” • Environmental Impact Studies are READY • A mobility solution for NEO that works • Experience: realisation of Ghelamco Arena • Team of specialists Jaspers & Eyers / WIRTZ / Stopa - Broomberg Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp) en schlaich bergmann und partner (sbp) 36 37 G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M G H E L A M C O B E LG I U M INVESTMENT PROJECTS POLAND 40 44 46 WARSAW SPIRE WOŁOSK A 24 GDANSKI TR AINSTATION 38 39 GHEL AMCO POL AND GHEL AMCO POL AND ‘WARSAW SPIRE’ OFFICE BUILDING IS RISING IN WARSAW WARSAW, POL AND The area of the Daszynskiego Roundabout is subject to very strong changes in urban space. The second line of Warsaw’s Underground is currently being built, and Ghelamco is realising a completely new project according to an innovative architectural and city-planning concept: the Warsaw Spire and Plac Europejski (European Square). On this square, Building B of the Warsaw Spire Complex is already finished and welcomed its first tenant. Meanwhile, Building C is arriving at a finishing phase. The structural work of the 220-metres tall Tower comes to an end too and the assembly of its façade started. For more info: “The tenants are not only attracted by the unique appearance of Warsaw Spire and its impressive façade, but also by the idea of combining top quality workspace with newly created public space. This public space, named Plac Europejski (European Square), will offer employees, along with city inhabitants a place to meet, relax and participate in cultural events.” The façade of the Warsaw Spire tower is not just another façade. It is as unique as the entire project. What is now being installed on the tower Building A is a second to none example of tailor made design that completes the sophisticated geometry of the tower. The building will be covered with 30,000 m² of unitized façade, a surface exceeding the area of an entire side building of the complex. The façade is completely prefabricated under controlled conditions, which ensures the best performance parameters during the building’s entire lifetime. Each panel of the Eastern and Western façade has a trapezoidal shape and will be installed on unique steel cantilevers, spanning to over 8 m out of the concrete structure. In this way, the “wings” and “collar” will be created, giving the Warsaw Spire its typical and award winning design. The podium part on the Northern section of the tower will also be covered in a unique way. A surface of almost 2,000 m² will be cladded by large dimension glass panels, fixed on steel ribs of up to 15 m high. Another distinguishing item of the façade will be its stunning combination of steel and light. On every third level, a horizontal half-round 3 mm stainless steel element, polished to shine like a mirror, will be installed. This will create a characteristic signature for the tower, especially in combination with the underlining elegant LED illumination. B The tenants are not only attracted by the unique appearance of Warsaw Spire and its impressive façade, but also by the idea of combining top quality workspace with newly created public space. This public space, named Plac Europejski, will offer employees, along with city inhabitants a place to meet, relax and participate in cultural events. Plac Europejski will become one of the most attractive locations of Poland’s capital because of the presence of restaurants, bars, a panoramic terrace and an arcade designed for temporary art exhibitions. Ghelamco has invited the world-famous architectural studio Wirtz International Landscape Architects to cooperate on the design of this square. This studio also worked on the Elysee Palace Gardens and Jardin du Caroussel in Paris, Jubilee Park in London and many more. As such, it is guaranteed that the Plac Europejski will become a perfect location for meetings and urban events. The multiple strengths of the site resulted in the signing of different lease agreements in this early stage. In January 2015, Benefit Systems S.A. became the third tenant of Warsaw Spire and is the first tenant for the adjacent Building C. The first two tenants together, EU Frontex and BNP Securities Services, occupy over 90% of Building B. EU Frontex moved into the new offices in January 2015 and BNP Securities Services plans to move in by the second half of this year. C The public space Plac Europejski. 42 43 GHEL AMCO POL AND GHEL AMCO POL AND ‘WOŁOSKA 24’ A HIGHLY SUSTAINABLE OFFICE PROJECT “The Wołoska 24 project will offer approx. 21,000 m2 of office space on 10 levels. The ground floor of the investment will be dedicated to retail outlets and services and gastronomy. The project is conveniently located in the center of the Mokotów district with excellent transportation infrastructure and the proximity of the Fryderyk Chopin international airport.” WARSAW, POL AND Our newest project emerging in Warsaw’s Mokotów – Wołoska 24 – has its first tenant. Arval Service Lease Polska had just signed an agreement for 2,400 m2 located on the 7th and 8th floor of the building. The company will move to its new headquarters in Q1 of 2016. Arval Polska is a part of the BNP Paribas Group. The company operates in Poland since 1999 and has currently 700 clients for whom it manages a fleet of 16,000 vehicles. The Wołoska 24 project will offer approx. 21,000 m2 of office space on 10 levels. The ground floor of the investment will be dedicated to retail outlets and services and gastronomy which can be located in two 400 m2 modules. The project is conveniently located in the center of the Mokotów district with excellent transportation infrastructure and the proximity of the Fryderyk Chopin international airport. Wołoska 24, Warsaw, Poland The office project will offer 21,000 m2 office space Ghelamco is currently building its office project ‘Wołoska 24’ in Warsaw’s Mokotów. This 21,000 m2 office building, with space for retail outlets and services, stands out because of its mobility, visibility, functionality and configuration. 44 45 GHEL AMCO POL AND GHEL AMCO POL AND GHELAMCO DEVELOPS AND INVESTS WITH STATE-OWNED POLISH RAILWAYS IN A PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FOR 530 MILLION EUROS WARSAW, POL AND “With this new urban concept, modern architecture and carefully chosen facilities, the entire project will be a spectacular example of how new city areas should be created.” Jeroen van der Toolen, Managing Director CEE Ghelamco The Dworzec Gdanski project consists of an integrated multimodal transport node. The project not only provides in transport but also foresees in commercial and office space. The entire PKP Dworzec Gdanski project will comprise 165,000 m2 and will feature a new train station, office buildings, a retail area and most probably a small residential area. The concept of the investment is representing our strategy of creating projects that benefit the city and its inhabitants. Within the commercial buildings we plan a vast public area, filled with greenery, elements of small architecture and gastronomy. These elements will create a functional space for the tenants, visitors and passengers of the trains. The train station itself is going to get a totally new and modern look - on the covering platform we plan six buildings with the ‘ground floor’ lobbies on 16 m height situated in a nice garden setting. Below will be a multi-storey car parking and retail facilities. The investment will also have a very high importance for the city’s transportation strategy. It will become one of the main commuting hubs for the future - with a metro station, buses and trams. During the period that PKP will perform the works regarding the modernization of the railway tracks in Warsaw, this train station will play a crucial role in Warsaw’s public transportation network. 46 47 GHEL AMCO POL AND GHEL AMCO POL AND Observer, Warsaw Business Journal Number 01/02 January - Februari 2015 48 49 GHEL AMCO POL AND GHEL AMCO POL AND 50 DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK BUILDING C INVESTMENT PROJECTS RUSSIA 50 51 GHEL AMCO RUSSIA GHEL AMCO RUSSIA “Despite the negative influence of geopolitical events that do not add optimism to business globally, there was not any real impact on the warehouse market. About 30% of all the deals are requests for warehouse space of over 20,000 m2. Both foreign and Russian companies continue to grow their business, their production, sales, etc. Most tenants understand that right now the market offers unique opportunities to grow and consolidate stocks in Class A logistics complexes, for further business growth. And smart developers like Ghelamco are ready to offer flexible commercial terms and smart technical solutions to meet tenants’ needs.” ‘DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK’ BUILDING C UNDER CONSTRUCTION MOSCOW, RUSSIA Anton Alyabyev, Director CBRE Building C (46,000 m2) is the third chapter in the realization of 228,000 m2 class A+ warehousing, mezzanine and office premisses. Dmitrov Logisitcs Park is recognized as one of the highest quality warehouse developments available for occupation in the Moscow region. CLASS A+ WAREHOUSE MEZZANINE AND OFFICE PREMISES B C D ∙ Building and site allow tenants to expand ∙ Connected to 9 MW of power ∙ Connected to 9.1 tn/pa of gas supply ∙ Gas heaters on and / or under the roof individually ∙ Provided with autonomous water supply ∙ Provided with autonomous sewage treatment plant ∙ 3 major telecommunication providers are present on site ∙ Each building is being certified according to international BREEAM standard ∙ 25-meter by 12-meter column grid ∙ Facades - sandwich panels and glazing ∙ 8 tons per m2 floor bearing capacity ∙ Jointless technology is used for the floors ∙ Floors are coated with hardener and anti-dust coating ∙ 1.5 dock per 1,000 m2 ∙ 5,000 m2 smallest unit for offer BEST LOCATION ∙ 30 km from Moscow (MKAD) ∙ 30 km from Dmitrov ∙ 20 km from Leningradskoye highway (M 10) ∙ 2 km from Dmitrovskoye highway (A 104) ∙ 2 km from proposed extension of federal road A - 107 (CKAD) ∙ 650 m of frontage ∙ 60% of all logistics traffic comes into Moscow from the North-West Direction ∙ Excellent accessibility by road ∙ 2 direct accesses/ exits to/ from federal road A- 107 (CKAD) LARGE SCALE PROJECT ∙ 47.2 hectares of land ∙ Zoned for industrial, logistics ∙ 4 buildings ∙ 242,000 m2 of leasable area ∙ Security fence along the perimeter of the complex ∙ 500 parking spaces for cars ∙ 330 parking spaces for lorries ∙ 100 parking spaces for bicycles “As a global real estate consultancy, Colliers International has been working with commercial properties in Russia for over 20 years. We highly value our partnership with Ghelamco. They have a tremendous experience with industrial real estate projects. We closed a major deal with them 2 years ago (20,000 m2) and since then they have consistently maintained a high quality level in their work. Their staff professionally deals with every detail during all development phases. The company is also very flexible when it comes to providing solutions that would best suit each of our clients individually. Ghelamco has proven to be a professional and reliable developer and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them.” Dmitrov Logistics Park, Moscow, Russia The interior of one of the Dmitrov Logisitcs Park buildings. Temperatures can be adapted to any product the tenant wants to store. Vladislav Ryabov, Partner, Regional Director of Warehouse, lndustrial and Land Department Colliers 52 53 GHEL AMCO RUSSIA GHEL AMCO RUSSIA NEW EXECUTIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMME LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM Developing Distinctive Leaders - Growing and Sustainable Family Businesses has been sponsored by Paul Gheysens, the founder and CEO of Ghelamco, a large family-run commercial property company that has global interests and is headquartered in Belgium. “Family firms are not simply a unique phenomenological setting but are significantly different from non-family firms” Gomez Mejia, Cruz, Berrone & DeCastro, 2011 THE CHALLENGE To create a distinctive leadership development programme for family (and non-family) members of family businesses that ensures: · Safe custodianship of the family business by the succeeding generation · High levels of leadership integrity, competence and confidence · Long term sustainable growth · Service to the communities in wich the business operates Due to the high value that family business occupy in the global economy, and the pattern of diminishing commitment that successive generations tend to have on these businesses, Mr Gheysens sought the expertise of Regent’s University London to enhance and develop the skills of current and future family business leaders. Family businesses are critical to the global economy. They account for around two-thirds of all business enterprises. They are responsible for up to 80% of jobs in most countries and they contribute an estimated 70% - 90% of GDP globally. Yet less than a third of family-owned businesses survive beyond the second generation. The ownership, leadership and management of family businesses requires special knowledge and skills to overcome some of the complex and criti- cal obstacles to their long-term success. This innovative programme is designed specifically to help future-proof family businesses. Developing Distinctive Leaders will enable participants to enhance their strategic and leadership capabilities as well as grow their confidence as custodians or associates of the family business. It will impart advanced technical knowledge and cultivate essential leadership skills that will enable family-run businesses to grow globally and succeed at the highest level. The programme has been developed by Regent’s University London for experienced leaders in family businesses who wish to broaden their perspectives in the global market. Participants will be drawn from businesses all over the world, so that a critical yet constructive leadership con- versation will be initiated and developed. In this forum participants will exchange their views and experiences to generate pertinent strategic development agendas. The programme will bring together renowned faculty who are specialists in family business structures, dynamics and initiatives. Together with guest speakers who have personal experience of the challenges family businesses face, they will form the bedrock of an informed, generative discussion that will take a long-term strategic view. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST Dena Michelli, PhD Programme Director Telephone +44 (0)20 3075 6285 Email Web WHAT MAKES THIS PROGRAMME DISTINCTIVE? · The faculty is sought out around the world for it’s ability to respond to participants needs. · No preferred model of leadership will be advocated, rather, participants will understand that they are the ‘instrument of leadership’ in their context. · Learning facilitators (who are also coaches) will accompany the participants’ through the programme and assist them with their sense-making and learning. · The network created will span the globe and will enable families to connect to each other to provide support, business opportunities and, through the alliances formed, strategic scale. BENEFITS · Lead with confidence and credibility · Think strategically · Understand the fiscal and financial dynamics of their business structures · View the global economic landscape opportunistically · Undertsand the dynamics of different business structures · Develop new insights on the global business landscape that will inform innovative thinking · Improve your communication skills to become more confident in engaging with stakeholders and family or non-family members · Strenghten your social skills to network more effectively both inside and outside the family business “The high level of synergy between Ghelamco’s international and entrepreneurial approach to business and Regent’s global outlook, unrivalled student experience and highest quality education makes us obvious partners for the development of the exciting Distinctive Leaders programme. That members of my own family will be participating demonstrates the significant confidance and trust I have in the Regent’s experience.” Paul Gheysens, Founder and President of Ghelamco 54 55 G H E L A M C O LO N D O N G H E L A M C O LO N D O N INFO@GHELAMCO.COM WWW.GHELAMCO.COM