Workshop Impact Europees Beleid Speelveld Europa Gerard van den Berg (3 September 2014) 2 Uitgangspunt Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe 3 Aanpak presentatie • Korte introductie KWR • • • • Europees waterbeleid Mogelijkheden voor beinvloeding Onderzoeksprogramma’s Voorbeelden uit lopende onderzoeksprojecten • Watershare® KWR Watercycle Research Institute Missie en visie KWR Watercycle Research Institute helpt de samenleving om de watercyclus optimaal in te richten en te gebruiken door: • kennis te creëren via hoogwaardige research; • bruggen te slaan tussen wetenschap, bedrijfsleven en maatschappij; • maatschappelijke innovatie te bevorderen met de beste beschikbare kennis. 5 Aandeelhouders KWR Areas of supply 6 Aandeelhouders 44 KWR 32 88 Drinking water production (in million m3 ) 345 86 76 41 176 178 71 7 Gezamenlijk onderzoeksprogramma (BTO) Gezond, Duurzaam, Efficient en Vooruitstrevend water Thema’s • Biologische activiteit • Hygiene en veiligheid • Nieuwe stoffen • Nieuwe meetmethoden en sensoring • Asset management • Water en Energie • Drinkwatertechnologie • Duurzame bronnen en watersystemen • Klimaatbestendige watersector • Trends 8 Internationaal Onderzoeksprogramma KWR EU team • Gezamenlijk onderzoeksprogramma(BTO) • Internationale netwerken: • European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP-Water) • Water supply and sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP) • Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) • Aqua Research Collaboration (ARC) • Internationale onderzoeksprojecten: • FP7, HORIZON2020 • Watershare® 9 Europees beleid op het gebied van water Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe • ‘Water Blueprint’ • River Basin Management • Flood Risk Management • Water Scarcity and Droughts • Drinking Water • Bathing Water • Water Pollution • ‘REACH’ Gerard van den Berg (EU team) Trends in EU water beleid • Van sectorale aanpak voor geselecteerde watersystemen naar holistische aanpak voor alle wateren in Europa • Van eenvoudige command en control naar geïntegreerde plannings aanpakken in riviersystemen • Van emissie controle of kwaliteitsstandaarden naar een gecombineerde aanpak, waarbij de strengste eis leidend is. • Verhoogde participatie van burgers, overheden en stakeholders door consultatie • Economische instrumenten die rekening houden met milieudoelstellingen, specifiek water pricing. 10 11 Water Blueprint taking stock, moving forward The “Blueprint” outlines actions that concentrate on better implementation of current water legislation, integration of water policy objectives into other policies, and filling the gaps in particular as regards water quantity and efficiency. The objective is to ensure that a sufficient quantity of good quality water is available for people's needs, the economy and the environment throughout the EU. The Water Blueprint highlights that preserving water is not only about environmental protection, health and well-being, but it is also about economic growth and prosperity. It is a way of ensuring that the EU develops fully its growth potential and that all economic sectors have the water available they need for creating growth and jobs. The Blueprint is supported by the European Innovation Partnership on Water launched in May 2012. 12 Closing the gap between research and commercialisation fragmentation • European Technology Platforms (ETP’s) • European Innovation Partnerships (EIP-Action Groups) • HORIZON 2020 research and innovation program 13 European Technology Platforms WssTP European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led stakeholder fora that develop short to long-term research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding. 14 WssTP Water supply and sanitation Technology Platform WssTP Working Groups • • • • • • • • • Agriculture and Irrigation Membrane Technologies Emerging Compounds Urban Water Pollution Water & ICT Bathing Water Ecosystem Services Fin4WatComp Green Infrastructure • Water-Energy-FoodBiodiversity nexus Shale Gas • • • • • Hydro climatic extremes International Relations Resource Recovery Water and Industry TECHwatch • KWR 15 EIP - Water Steering Group, Task Force, Priorities, Action Groups The EIP Water aims to • speed up development of water innovation • contribute to sustainable growth and employment • stimulate uptake of water innovations by market and society 16 EIP Action Groups City Blueprint The Action Group will organize interventions at the local level to overcome barriers in the water related governance systems that hinder the development and uptake of innovations in municipal water management. W ater footprint Public partic ipation Management and ac tion plans W ater sc arc ity W ater self-suffic ienc y Attrac tiveness Surfac e w ater quality Biodiversity Groundw ater quality Climate-robust buildings Suffic ient to drink Adaptation measures W ater sy stem leakages Climate c ommitments W ater effic ienc y Infrastruc ture separation Drinking w ater c onsumption Average age sew er sy stem Drinking w ater quality Nutrient rec overy Energy rec overy Safe sanitation Sew age sludge rec y c ling Energy effic ienc y 17 EIP Action Groups ARREAU Specific actions of ARREAU will be: • Review current European initiatives and best practices of resource recovery from the water cycle and value chains. • Identify success factors for viable and profitable value chains of recovered resources. • Identify barriers, constraints and requirements for implementation of value chains. • Develop market plans to exploit and commercialize opportunities for recovered resources and for the enabling technologies. • Define and implement an effective and well-targeted communication and dissemination strategy. 18 Horizon 2020 New framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) 19 HORIZON2020 New framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) 20 Relevante internationale onderzoeksprojecten met deelname van KWR (FP7 programma) PREPARED enabling change (2010-2014), Adaptation to Climate Change in the urban Water Cycle TRUST (2011-2015), Transitions to the Urban Water Services of tomorrow DESSIN (2014-2017), Valuation of Ecosystem Services DE MOWARE (2014-2016), Water Reuse 21 Adaptatie Investeren in een onzekere toekomst 22 Water Cycle Safety Planning Gezamenlijk risico’s bepalen en oplossingen ontwikkelen System level 1. Commitment, assemble team and establishment of water cycle safety policy and context S.1. Commitment, assemble team and establishment of system safety policy and context 2. Urban water cycle characterization S.2. System characterization 3. Risk identification in the water cycle S.3. Risk identification 4. Risk analysis and evaluation in the water cycle S.4. Risk analysis and evaluation 5. Integrated risk treatment S.5. Risk treatment S.6. Programme for detection of critical situations 6. Programme for action in critical situations at water cycle integrated level S.7. Management of events 7. Management and communication programmes and protocols S.8. Management and communication programmes and protocols 8. Development of supporting programmes S.9. Development of supporting programmes S.10. Monitoring and review 9. Monitoring and review Water cycle level 23 PREPARED Enabling change Oslo Norway Århus, Denmark KWR Wales Seattle, USA Berlin, Germany Eindhoven, The Netherlands Lyon, France Melbourne, Australia Lisbon, Portugal Barcelona, Spain Gliwice, Poland Simferopol, Ukraine Genoa, Italy Istanbul, Turkey 24 PREPARED Enabling change Istanbul Megacity, enorme bevolkingsgroei Alternatieve waterbronnen Stimulering hergebruik grijs water en regenwater opvang Introductie gescheiden rioolsystemen Oslo Norway Århus, Denmark KWR Wales Seattle, USA Berlin, Germany Eindhoven, The Netherlands Lyon, France Melbourne, Australia Lisbon, Portugal Barcelona, Spain Gliwice, Poland Simferopol, Ukraine Genoa, Italy Istanbul, Turkey 25 DESSIN Ecosystem valuation Athene Watertekorten, weinig groen Decentrale zuivering afvalwater (kleine units) Sewer mining Waterhergebruik voor groene ruimte Seattle, USA Oslo Norway KWR Westland, The Netherlands Ruhrgebiet, Germany Barcelona, Spain Athens, Greece 26 DEMEAU Upscaling and demonstration of innovative technologies 27 Sharing advanced Dutch knowledge with European partners 28 Conclusies Europa: grenzeloze kansen Meer innovatiekracht door samenwerking Betere positionering NL watersector Nieuwe contacten, vergroten netwerk Samenwerking met NL bedrijven in Europese context Speelveld Europa voor onderzoekers Kans op vervolgtrajecten (70 B€ in Horizon2020) Verbreding kennisveld Spin off Nieuwe uitdagingen