47 PAS T. D IJKM ANS STR . VAN W ASSEH OEFSTR AAT GAB RIEL MES ULAA N W. V. HO RN ES TR AA T AK KE RS ST RA AT GROE NSTR . 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 58 59 N BOS C HL AAN VEE N 57 LUP INE STR AA T BIESTERW EG EG TERW A A LS 62 71 72 73 JE ROE NA CHT EGA ALL AAN BLE EKS TR. R TOGSTRAAT EN LELIEST RAA T CATSLAAN POT GIE TER STR AA T N. B EET SST RA AT JAN JA CO LUI KEN BV STR .M AE AAT RL AN TL AA N GES TEL SES TRA AT BER GMA NNS TRA AT 56 T LE AT RA ST EG EA AL RW AZ DE GES TEL SES TRA J. V AT AN HEE LUS TRA AT WI LLE MK LO OS LA AN HAL LEN WEG 55 AT RA ST EA IRA SP BRE DER OLA AN 54 VAN D NF J OH BISSCHOPSM OLEN TR. NS SO ME RE AT STA RING STR A AT RA ST OG HO HAGENKAMPWEG ZU ID SPOORSTRAAT A GEBR. V. DOORNESTR LMSTRAAT SCHA GASTHUISSTRAAT D I JK AAT BURGHSTR MSE PHUSSTR. SINT ODUL AT U T AA TR INS TU ST R SCHEIDINGSSTR. N GOD FRI EDS TR AA AT RA EST EFK HO TL PR INC ES SE NL AA N OF AN HO AN TLA EN ELZ LA N. HE KL EIN EB ER G DE KE NV CZ TE 53 E S LA A A. CUYPSTRA AT DKN . V. L IEM PDS T CLAU S R. ST US M I T ST. MA R P. AT RO BLEE KWE G ELIAS WEG EF HAGENKAMPWEG - NOORD L J ADI PAR RA EG DIJK MSE ATU STR WA LUCIFERSTRAAT ST LD 52 T AA STR NER EIT BR F HO T TRAA NS VE HA N NE GIJ BE AN LA JS DI RA PA EN UDERSWEG AT JO LE T AT RA ST RG BE ED T AA TR GS OE PL L RE 51 GERARD DOUSTRAAT CH TERWEST ENSTRAA T RA T.V. THU LDENSTR . SG TS URG KA 32 NRE terrain 68 A.V. DIEPEN BEECKSTR . AT RA ST TE CH RE ER RI T AA TR GS LIN PA MA RIA VA NB O 67 66 J.V. GOYEN STR. 16 IZ AU R. ST AU SS AAT STR UDE DE O N GLAA SBUR HAB L IM B Strijp Area USTIJNENDREE AUG F Vestedatoren K . TR IJS VR KE M AAT STR IMIR CAS . STR DER XAN ALE AN LA KE RIJ DE E .V RG BU WEG TEN RIJS TES 14 DIJ PLEIN A TR IKS DR AT EN RA T SH AS IN RIN PR HA AT AT .C RA ST ST EM LL WI RAAT ERST LOGG AA N T RAA ERST BOTT ENL WILLEMSTRAA T ST BO T AT T 50 HOUTSTR. EECK 69 65 64 49 HUGO EDY NN . KE NACHTEGAALLAAN L KOL ERR ME L N N GE AA R. ST AG SD E M . TR ES AD ST NO VA ASI EL EG T AA STR TTER P. PO . TR NS MA ER UW WO 46 TAC, Vonderweg 1 12 Nareshtaurant ANNY& | Crafts with a modern twist ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten | Uncertainty Studios Culture.pl | POLISH DESIGN: in the middle of gutedort | Krautfarben UNION11 Studio Ineke van der Werff | Porselein+ Inntel Hotels Art Eindhoven, Mathildelaan 1 Dutch Design Freak Studio-ePosh | Elleke van Gorsel Coffeelovers, Nieuwe Emmasingel 44 Bubblemint | Pop-up bloggerscafé Jannissima Concept Store, Nieuwe Emmasingel 20 Jannissima | Wanderlust deWitteDame, Emmasingel 14, 4th floor Design Academy Eindhoven | DAE Graduation Show 2014 deWitteDame (next to escalator) Lichtplein Wereldwinkel Eindhoven | Travelling Crafts Library deWitteDame, Emmasingel 22 MAD emergent art center | Make the Future Lichtstraat 2, Eindhoven Galerie Tydeman |ESHouse of talent V, TRAAT LRES TONGE Roots Emmasingel 31 Philips Design | Health Factory Willemstraat 23 Dutch Design Year | OODE Vij5Tworkshop, Hallenweg 1e A RA | Ton sur Ton Vij5 ST Hal-2, Hallenweg 2 Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven | Wishful Thinking, Wishful Doing Studio Jeroen Wand, Hallenweg 11b Studio Jeroen Wand | Studio Jeroen Wand presents itself and others 4Apostelen, Bergmannstraat 76 4Apostelen | This Marvellous Terrible Place Kazerne, Paradijslaan 2-8 21 Kazerne Expo Restaurant | Lunch, Drinks & Diner Kazerne Expo Open Mind | Featuring Maarten Baas, BCXSY, Walter van Beirendonck, Ice, Daphna Laurens, Low Motion, Mieke Meijer, Bertjan Pot, Nienke Sybrandy, and many others Dirk Vander Kooij Lecturis | Booklaunch ‘How we work’ New Window | New Window x Lex Pott Van Engelen & Evers | Woven Into Detail De Wal 28 Dutch Space Invaders Stadhuisplein Volle-Kracht | Design for Kids - Dome Wereldwinkel Eindhoven | Travelling Crafts City Hall, Stadhuisplein 1 Capital D | Design 4the fittest Gemeente Eindhoven icw Volle-Kracht/Zilver-Werk | G/OUD de toekomst van het ouder worden Zilver-Werk, Factor-I | Project O Van Abbemuseum, Bilderdijklaan 10 Van Abbemuseum | Sense Nonsense presented by Design Academy Eindhoven Van Abbemuseum | Staging the message - The open work of Jan van Toorn Designhuis, Stadhuisplein 3, Eindhoven LEF stadsdynamica c.s. | Tilburg Ontwerp + Design Eindhoven Studio Michiel van der Kley | Project EGG, largest 3D printing community project to date Provincie Noord-Brabant, bkkc | MozaiekBrabant / Ontwerpen aan het nieuwste Brabant Stratumseind 34-36 YOU ARE HERE | Modebelofte 2014 - Seductive Precursors Philips Professional Lighting Solutions | Philips Lighting @ Modebelofte Stratumseind 32 27 De Oude Rechtbank | Official Designers Meeting Point ER GO LAA N LAAN TGOMMERY CHALK MON VELDMAARS USSTR. BENEDICT L IS TR. ECKARTSEW EG Z UID E MGR . SW INK DRE MOLSTRAAT FRETSTRAAT DASSTR. EGEL STRA AT GAL VAN IST R VO LT AS TR . STE R VA NP ED ES TR . FRA NKR IJKS TRA AT V. P OP WA TT ST RA AT DAGUERRE ST R. GALILEISRT AAT V. D. ST EIN ST MIN CK EL E ST EP HE NO NS ST RA AT DR EB BE LS ST RA AT JA NV A RE AU MU RS TR . BE ZU IDE NH OU TS EW EG KLO O TRA RS AT SE VIS S P INN ERSTRAAT I ND 45 Apparatenfabriek, Torenallee 22 Het Klokhuis/De Ontdekfabriek | Iedereen aan tafel P ST TH J. ER S T N D I ERES S 29 AN L EC IASTR KAN 70 PLE PIALA 32 Apparatenfabriek, Yksi Expo, KE 47 15 R. ZEE WIFI HOTSPOT FOOD & DRINKS TRAAT PARTICIPANT . NA AAL I T OLYM R M S SS STR IS V. NASSAUSTRAAT P AAKS HEL H TR AAT Torenallee 22-04 HU WIL EIL AA OG IGE T HO Floris Hovers Ontwerp 24 G S P MA EES 17 OF H 25 S Z TST L EG 23 PER 00 HEETMAN | PATIJN RUY VE P DDW PRESS CENTRE RA LARGE LW FIRST AID CHIP G LOCATION E S E S H 61 A T T SDAEL W T TD 62 S T A VEL BAAN AA 18 HA I JK Inflate | AIRCLAD KANAA AA 60 VEN HEU TR L R S E LD T IJK NO K AT S SPE R O Modebelofte . E E R 26 D R K D Olav Slingerland T AT R U S A 19 22 DIJ O ST R EK KANAA KS DE ST LDIJK BLE TR 27 RATUM Onderstroom | Platform voor NA SC EG EN JAN ZUID MAIN ABN AMRO ATM KL. VOLVO DESIGN RIDES SEI RW HE RG ROAD (PEDESTRIAN) . 59 ND BE LL KKE LAAN N T S T A ontwerptalent 58 R 20 L O A A IN E SP RP A A G E L G R Designhuis H ST T EN AT A. RG SC 57 Studio Alex de Witte ES RA 52 TRA V. E Schellensfabriek RG BE S E E B M W A .D. ZWIJGERSTR T NG 54 R E TE T 21 Kazerne AA ELA EG P EL 63 GRO RT Yksi Expo | Prijsvraag Collaboration-S W G U RAILWAY BIKE RENTAL N ABN AMRO HOTSPOT T N I N DST E 53 W .W TO UIS RA V. BURG 2014 AT PR Stadhuis 55 S. P 28 AV K I ER Yksi Expo, Academy Fine Arts & ED T L. GAS FR AA SELSTR AT Design Maastricht | New Works 2014 Van Abbemuseum AAT TR RA G PARKING BUS LANE DDW INFO POINT T S E S G W EW E ER CH TEL 56 32 Apparatenfabriek, Capital D, Design GELDROPS BA AT UIV AR N M N T A E S T EL KL DIRK B TR OR OUTSL DIJ KAR Innovation Space, .C AAN Torenallee 22-08 GS GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE TICKET DER A. V UR BIL B PROUD | Co-design works N P KLOKGEBOUW: PIN + CASH TOURIST INFORMATION E L SL HE OTHER LOCATIONS: PIN ONLY N G GE 33 Between Glasgebouw and N CK AA WE KL RT LD LAA ME N TER OG RO DIJ DIE Apparatenfabriek, Torenallee 22 ER OOR P JA V GON D S R EW U NI BIL EG LA PE Studio Bas Luiting icw Van Wezel AN PIJ . R NS TR ST T Design & Rock9Design | 3D Print AA TR. SN O EK AA T CHS TR BER 19 Strijp T Project Klokgebouw, Klokgebouw 50 WENZE RS LEN IL E N M LW K . AA EG W. V AK ZL PO 34 Glasgebouw, Baars & Bloemhoff, Hall 1 09 Building B-TOO, Zwaanstraat 1 LA MIT NE NS NW G. G JA (outdoor) Torenallee 45 (ground floor) De Volkskrant AAT EG EZE R T S LLE S ELLA P. DE GO B-TOO | Label JOEP Baars & Bloemhoff | Material Fontys Academy for Creative STR CHU ND AN F E O O O A H D R V S A R AA ST ELN T T IVIE AN BIN AD SIN Trends 2014 Locations 01 - 36 Industries, International 03 B-TOO | UNLOCKED food & drinks . N BOM RS NEW HO TR M . IER AN AAT SINT ODASTR XIM TZS Alumni of The Royal Academy of Art General opening hours: 11:00 – 18:00 Lifestyle Studies | TrendTours Aen 10 Building B-TOO, Zwaanstraat 1 N SLA JAN TRA ILIL N A A50 LE / A2 A V. B AT AA HE TOL OEN SL NS Susanne de Graef and Lotte Douwes | (KABK) The Hague | Graphic Design Talented and renowned designers, trade TrendLab SS RI TR DAL KA EN O . RE VENLO ELA J KA LD 04 FOODZ UNLOCKED 2014 and industry, and numerous educational AN SIN T HEL SS SO ES E L M M L MAASTRICHT ERS OU 48 SW STR. LAA TE 35 Videolab Office-S Plaza, Torenallee 20 Building TAB, Zwaanstraat 1 institutions present themselves in an Frame 11 EG ST 49 N N ANTWERPEN R AA (outdoor) (revolving door) industrial setting with a strong business Lecturis | Lecturis Klokgebouw CL E O Hallenweg BR PI-design | Designlamp HT character. Motta Kunstboeken | DDW & 12 Building TAB, Zwaanstraat 1 US 50 VAN P O IRTERSL A AN RU 51 MEU Kikiworld / Project Joost | Joost & Kiki GAPV | Personal urban transporter Motta shop HU SIN RSS D OC IJG BA AN TRA TO R TL EN AR AT 13 Building TAB, Zwaanstraat 1 Sphereness | A Vegua goes beyond Strijp R New Window | New Window @ EO LA S CH SL SS T N TR A A AN AR EPM AA EN DU T A NL V3RS Dutch design! Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 30 Klokgebouw 01 Z S L A AN ST E RA Studio Bas Luiting | BB Bricks, Studio Mieke Meijer, Daphna Laurens, Piet Hein Eek Scholten & Baijings AT SIN SIN TA OS ∆ OOS, Studio Maatwerk, eindeloos veranderen - De Wonderkamer Hall 2 84 TN DR ICA IAN SIU Bogaerts Label | TAB STUDIOS - Jonge ontwerpers &me US 36 GardenMania, Philitelaan 2 SS ST ST SIN RA - Light Art Centre 3 dots collective | POT.PURRI 14 Building TAB, Zwaanstraat 1 RA TH A (next to Monk Bouldergym) AT UB Dutch Design Awards GardenMania | Le basi delle cose - Marc Mulders Advantage Austria | Austrian ER TU SW Philips Professional Lighting Hall 3 QisDesign | Interactive Fun of Light Hall 4 - Piet Hein Eek (new collection) Design - Distinctively Creative Ketelhuisplein Travelling Crafts 20 EG AN LA Solutions | Philips Retail Lighting 52shapes | elke week een uniek design Remi Bvan Arend Groosman | 24MM Stichting Social label | Social label expo brck | Tabeau by Nicole Brock ABN AMRO | DDW Business Lounge Lucid | Please DO Touch . HU Oers | How I envision design US ETS I P TRA @ Dutch Design Awards AG Design Studio | Concrete Tableware Ruud-Jan Kokke Crafts Council Nederland | Dutch Burobas | Stoel Nr.1 ABN AMRO Hotspots | Curated by VanBerlo | TrainT als een pro met AT 02 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 28 A RA VanBerlo! 01 Restaurant Piet Hein Eek AKV|St.Joost | Levende Kleuren Spectrum | Spectrum, Rietveld & friends Darlings and Meet the Master Chris Slutter Ontwerp | Flens Van Eijk & Van der Lubbe SmartGoals Ien T S HE 03 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 26 Strijp-S Andere Monjo | Rain Mirrors Spoinq | Spoinq! new designs by Roderick Hozan Zangana studio | Nowruz Rituals Het Tafelbureau | Between reality Agri meets Design | Boerderij van de VPRO 09 Torenkamer Klokgebouw, Atelier Mats | Niets Machines Vos, R.J. Kokke, Ben Oostrum a.o. Meubelmakerij Mertens Lotty Lindeman & Wouter Scheublin and fantasy toekomst Xpring | Soupalicious 15 IDE 04 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 24 21 De Machinekamer, Ketelhuisplein Klokgebouw 50 Blond & Bieber | Algaemy - crafting STRP | STRP SCENE OLA Jewelry JASNO | Folds by studio Daphna Laurens 7-9 06 Amaro Creative Industries | BOU #2, Installation HE T EN OP Davours Design in Use our future food by Zimoun Shapeways rENs Meike Harde | Hybrid Cabinet Katrina the church 4funkyfl avours | more fl invited SL A AN ERICA Burg Giebichenstein University of Art Studio Marlène Huissoud | From Insects SLEM-Waalwijk | Watch our steps III MEJD | studio public presentation DDW Press Centre Lois Denim | Nieuw Nederlands Jeans 16 Venturelab-S, Klokgebouw 126 05 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 22 STR AAT (4th floor) and Design Halle | Materials and Studio Simul Studio Frederique Hesp, Marcia Nolte Steven Banken & Studio Rene Siebum Niël-vormgeving | stripstiQ Baltan Laboratories en Hivos | Age of Design & Jeans door de jaren heen ANEMONE STRAAT WE-venture | GOODcompanies Making at the Burg Studiotheun | Moving Things icw De Bakelietfabriek | GRIP - Nieuw OFORM | Jewelry collection Wonderland: The Pryson Tryptich #1 MLY by Emily Hermans | MLY LAB 06 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 20 17 22 Skatepark Area 51, Klokgebouw 51 Klokgebouw, Klokgebouw 50 Eigen Huis & Interieur studioZAND | zonder einde bakeliet in huis Ontwerpduo | Impossible things Studio De Jonge | Yana Pop-up Lab (outside) Gielissen Interiors & Exhibitions Temo Gonzalez Moreno | Ring Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | before breakfast Hall 2, ABN AMRO House Willemijn de Wit, Sarah Mesritz, 07 Damn Food Waste and Provincie L EO STR A AT 07 Piet Hein Eek, Halvemaanstraat 18a gutedort | Hidden beauty - inner skins Recordings by Temo Gonzalez Moreno Mind the Step Daily business events, check ddw.nl Noord-Brabant | Damn Food Waste Ulrike Jurklies | Imaginary Area 18 Klokgebouw, Klokgebouw 50 (outside) 23 Plug in City, Leidingstraat 30 ABN AMRO Hotspots | Curated by Headmade | Cucalu: a stamp-sized Vilt aan Zee en Mark de Weijer | Felt Van Tjalle en Jasper | De FOLD Provincie Noord-Brabant | Social Restaurant 02 Pinkie Patisserie | The Bustle Van Eijk & Van der Lubbe adventure + Paper Low-chair and CP-80 Vloerlamp Sanne Muiser | Tasting Senses Design Garden Dopper | From cradle to solution Van Eijk & Van der Lubbe | Snelkookpan 08 Houben Worstenbrood | 08 Lochemstraat 45-59 KPN Glasvezel | Glasvezel experience Volvo Cars Nederland | Design Moves Us Winter in Holland 24 Plug in City, Leidingstraat MartMarcus | BENDT – Shaping the White Cubes Zuiderzeemuseum | Weathering Blue BMX playground | Urban design in Worstenbrood Experience Waterland-huisje Future YOUKBYYOUKI | Nomads@home, by Aliki van der Kruijs the public space Karwei | Een goed idee voor DDW 25 Plug in City, Leidingstraat Morgan Ruben Jansen op de Haar | usable clothes to be lived in and SintLucas | Hotel SintLucas Everdag Sanctuaria lived with Stichting Wereldwinkel Eindhoven | AT TRA ESTRAA S TR I J P S 44 A AN 48 3.5 km from Central Area 6.5 km from Strijp Area Heuvel Galerie VE EMM UL AT RA ST ND ZA EWEG S OVEN ‘t Karregat KKERSW 30 P KT LICH TSTR AAT INS Sectie C URKH BROEKA VONDERWEG AN C. BAKKER VAN BOSSESSTRAAT LA G ST R DE EWE BER KEN STR . LIN EIK EN ST RA AT SU HORSTEN S OVEN URKH OUDE 77 ENSEWEG G . TR WS EU NI Philips museum 46 31 42 43 78 76 T MELSTRAA DOM 38 41 79 75 NS WE 37 IN HET EEUWSEL HET VEKEN 40 RSWEG DAALAKKE URKHOV P MAR 42 44 LAPLACE DE LAMPENDRIESEN 41 HET KRANEN DAE P LICHT STRA AT 45 39 LA AN P TRAMSTRAAT 43 13 CTOR DORGELO 60 61 Locations 37 - 74 General opening hours: 11:00 – 22:00 Dazzling designer collectives, cultural institutions, conceptual and experimental design, mostly under curatorship, in the welcoming hospitality environment of the Eindhoven city centre. 39 Weekdays open from 14:00 hrs Weekends open from 12:00 hrs 73 P Central Area 40 Design Dutch Invertuals Perron 74 STR. A. V. HEMERT 38 12 STATIO RAAT OEXST H. B M S TR A 37 East Area TU/e 71 BERPLEIN 18 SSEEPTEM DEMER W ILL E TAC HELMOND Bus rijp-S To St /18/401/402 13/16 a East To Are5 5 / 6 5/ Central Station Blob N. EMMASINGEL T AA STR GEL GA USSTRAAT ANTONI SINT T RAA AST ANN JOH TJE NNEL ELTU DOMM T TRAA SS NU MA AA ST L HUL OR DS. THEOD DEN DOLECH WE G STR. TOREN OUDE EN IJK LR ME HE PL AA TJ ES PAD ROSS SCOTTL N NDSENLAAN TR DRAPENIERS RAAT KAARDERST TRAAT SPELERS SLAGERSTRAAT AT RA ST UIS KR AAT STR NTZ RE BA W. T AA TR NS MA UT ZO VL T AA STR RTA HU B E T AA SRT RUS EVE TS SIN AAT RSTR AKKE KERK A270 Lichttoren 83 PROFESSOR DO RD E N OO P N AA DE ZAALE 72 P MAT HILD ELAA N VENTO SELAA N P VELD AAT STR ERS PET P DE LISMORTEL P Vertigo Bijenkorf Eigen Huis & Interieur Philips Stadion AAT VINCENT VAN DEN HEUVELLAAN FELL AT STRA IETTE HENR SCHO UWBR OEKSE WEG DE NB UL T STRAAT WIJNDER STR. RNAAR WASSE KT MAR LSE NSE WOE T RAA ST EIN TH PIE AAT TR SS VO JE OS RO R TOO PAS N TRAAT ANNAS AN OPLA KLIM GILDELN. AT AAT LIJSTERBE S T AN DLA OOR LEN FEL E UW NIE TR. ELS KAB NS TRA AS LA WEVERS TR AA T RAA SST RIE DE V R. DST BON NIJMEGEN STRAAT DEN DEN BOSCH FLIE UTRECHT RACHELSM OLEN Central Area A WICHMAN AN TR. PEIJKS NS VA IJ K GL AN IKLA DER FRE AAT STR PSE AAT KSTR TJAL STRU YCKE NSTR AAT AN T AA STR OL HO SC FREDERI KL AA N STR IJ AAT OSTR TRUD SINT AAT STR PER KLIP LA AAN IPENL T RAA EST IJPS STR TILBURG ROTTERDAM DEN BOSCH JE T AA TR RS WE R VE PS EN A58 AN RSTRAAT KEERWEE UT T 35 AN ENLA LIND G T TRAA OTSES SCHO WE RAAT ENST DOEL SE EG ERW AKK AAT RSTR EKKE RG RIET P ANSTRAAT ANTHONY MODDERMA TOBIAS ASSERSTRAAT AT STRA EM NH PPE BO CO JA BU ST HD EG KKERW KLEINA TIL KA P ONZE LIEVE VROUWESTR Plug in City, Leidingstraat Plan-S coöperatie u.a. | Plug In Paviljoen 27 Drents Dorp Hoofdkwartier (under ‘Strijps Bultje’) Drents Dorp | Typisch Drents Dorp 28 SPACE-S terrain (between Torenallee and Schootsestraat) Woonbedrijf | OPEN UP Kinegrity | Energy producing structure 29 Natlab, Kastanjelaan 500 Baltan Laboratories and Hivos | Age of Wonderland Exhibition BROET Basement / Salon Graphique | A GRAPHIC GETAWAY EXPO 10 Natlab by Plaza Futura Lab-1 | Personalize 30 MU, building Gerard, Torenallee 40-06 MU | Kneeling / Five years of We LE DE ZAAMake Carpets Apparatenfabriek, Seats2Meet 31 Strijp-S, Torenallee 24 (1st floor) Stichting Circulaire Economie | Circulaire Economie HOTSPOT Dutch Design Starter | The Crowd is the Curator 26 A50 / A2 LOOIERSTR . TRAAT ERGENS VAN KINSB SC NHOF BATE 34 P RAAT IAST ACAC 36 PH ILI TE LA A TOR ENA N LLE E AR Evoluon P AAN RAAT ERST BAKK 82 T AA TR PS M O TR BO L 10 11 R AA T TR. ENTS VAN G STEENSTRAAT P CL NT Yksi 33 N AAN PLAT L A A O BA N AA ERL 32 AAN . RSTR AKKE HEES N. RL NO A BR CED 31 TR. KS ER SK EM HE 30 MU SENSTRAAT NAN PASTORIESTRAAT R. TST ZOU STRIJP-S N INLAA BAFF AAT DSTR BYR A AT R. ST ING RR TE WE 07/08/09 Baltan Laboratories, Natlab T AA TR KS EE MB LIJ AT TRA ELS EUG 04 KetelhuispleinP 20 EG EW ALS WA ZE VE NA A 22 23 19 06 18 R. VEN STR AA T 24 28 29 RD . V. D N 25 TR. ERS PEP Klokgebouw ABN AMRO House 16 21 . STR MA GEM N AA KL OE NH WE EU LE AA 26 05 ES T KR NL ILA AT RA EST ND SA N VE RA ‘S-G AN LA TE ILI PH KE ON TOR ENA LLE E OT S U BE RC 27 HO L IJK SW TER WIN S RG BU AN DS TR AA T TRA AT AT STRA HOEK KERK PL AG GE NS TR AA T MA SC N AA DL T AA TR NS AA EM V L HA AAT IJKSTR KOOTW T AA TR NS RE AR SP A RA EN KO T AA TR ES ED NE T AA TR NS PE TH ZU R. ST LO UR RU MEIDOO RNSTR AAT 17 IMK ERS TRA AT PETRUSSTRAA SINT T J AN YV ON TH AN H AAT STR GEN WIL AAT VUURD STR OORNS ADA TR. CAN T AA TR MS HE C LO 15 AN ROB BEN STR AAT O E F ST K RO N E H S NE AN OH AT TRA NS AA ZW 01 08 FLUWIJNSTRAAT OTTERSTRAAT EL RIC TOR 02 03 07 04 AT RA ST 05 AN MA E 06 ALV AT AAT Station Beukenlaan STRIJP T 01 02 Piet Hein Eek AT TRA EKS RO NB HE AT SSC TA MU SR IUS JUL UID GZ WE SE HT AC Dutch Design Awards 12 13 14 A LA RG BU EL 1E FRAN AR CH IME DE ST R. MO 81 RS ES TR AA T 10 09 03 ED ISO NS TR AA T 80 T KLINSTRAA 11 Joost & Kiki STRIJP R AT G WE SE UD WO NE OE GR Strijp Area . TR OS NL OE GR T AA TR NS ALAA N AH RE NH EIT STR AA T CEL SIU SST RA AT 74 Smalle Haven 8-24 Smalle Haven | Food, drinks, shop & design Smalle Haven 6 26 DOK [ . ] PUNT | Expo Stadsbakkerij Broodt, Smalle Haven 101 25 Mensch Made | Mensch Made by Broodt Schellensfabriek, Vestdijk 280 28 BYLEI | Kippen kafee & Mozzarella bar Dimitri Kruithof | STEEL WORKS IJsselID | IJsselproducten Jannissima | Wanderlust Expo Kleurrijke Stad | GROW L’Atelier Échelle 1sur1 Monumentalista Lucas van Vugt | FURniture Soundflo | THE BELL speakers Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie | In No Particular Order Studio Sander Mulder | DIGITAL BY DESIGN NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 13a (Building 2) Kelderman en Van Noort | Club-C presents Proud part of the problem Kelderman en Van Noort | Fontys Factory 2, Warehouse Atelierdorp | Opening Up NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 13a (building 9) Zuiverhuis NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 15a (Building 7) Nul Zes | Feeling Blue NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 13-15 (Building 8) Stichting IDKC | Straffe Madammen & Makke Mannen Film NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 15 (Building Fifth) 29 BYLEI | Future Tradition NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 13-15 (Building 11) Tom Frencken & JobsProps | Tom Frencken & JobsProps in the workshop NRE terrain, Nachtegaallaan 15 (Building 3) Fabrique Céramique | Fabrique Céramique Invites Denovo Design | DENOVO / Moves Beeldenstorm | The Glass Heap Challenge Stationsplein Kennispoort, J.F. Kennedylaan 2 DPI Value Centre | Biobased plastics expo Design Perron, Fuutlaan 12 Design Perron | Hier is Utrecht Design Perron | TANGLE ONE Pintu Dutch Invertuals, Edhv, Fuutlaan 12b Dutch Invertuals East Area Locations 75 - 79 Opening hours: Sat. and Sun. 12:00 – 21:00, Mon. till Fri. 14:00 – 21:00 Up-and-coming designers and dynamic collectives with a hands-on mentality in the experimental environment with a strong open-studio character of the unique design enclave Sectie C on the outskirts of the city. 75 76 77 78 79 Kruisruimte Complex, Generaal Bothastraat 7e Material Sense | Forging the Future with Material Sense LAB Molijnstraat 3 Vitalis Berckelhof & Cornerspot | Social& Sectie C, Daalakkersweg 2-8 Sectie C | Continiuo [Open Ateliers / Exhibitions] 31 Sectie C | Kijkje in de Keuken [Food & Drinks] Lambert Kamps | Tube Sectie C, Daalakkersweg 2-8 (Hall B) Sectie C | Club-C presents PROUD PART OF THE PROBLEM Ellie’s Kledingkast | REM40 expo Sectie C, Daalakkersweg 2-8 (Hall H) Sectie C | DDW-Doom-Pa-Di-Dee Other locations 80 81 82 83 84 Tante Netty, Edisonstraat 70 Tante Netty | Rotonde der Zonde: speelse vrijplaats in Woensel-West Morsestraat MORSE EXPO WOW, Kruisstraat en Woenselsemarkt Hans Bergman | Circumspectio De Rondom 18 Grafisch Atelier Daglicht / Meulensteen Art Center | Gebonden en Gebundeld Hoogstraat 275 Wereldwinkel Eindhoven | Fair Trade Design Skills Not on map Public toilets in Eindhoven Maag Lever Darm Stichting | Wij hebben een grote boodschap! Several locations in Eindhoven Bureau Sculptaal | Sculptaal - Joris Visser Food & Drinks 0101 Restaurant Piet Hein Eek Halvemaanstraat 28 0202 Pinkie Patisserie Halvemaanstraat 18a 0303 UNLOCKED | food & drinks B-TOO terras, Zwaanstraat 1 0404 FOODZ Klokgebouw 50 (Hall 1) 0505 Radio Royaal Ketelhuisplein 10 0606 Amaro Creative Industries | Katrina the church Ketelhuisplein 1 0707 Damn Food Waste Restaurant Ketelhuisplein 0808 Houben Worstenbrood Ketelhuisplein 0909 Soupalicious Ketelhuisplein 1010 Natlab by Plaza Futura Kastanjelaan 500 11 11 Caffee Allee Torenallee 22-02 12 12 Nareshtaurant, TAC Vonderweg 1 1313 Usine Lichttoren 6 1414 Lunchroom De Binnenstad | Design by Joost & Kiki Emmasingel 35d 15 15 Jiu.nu restaurant | wine bar Willemstraat 9 16 16 Hoogste Tijd Vrijstraat 38 17 17 Grand Café Berlage Kleine Berg 16 1818 Meneer De Boer Keizersgracht 20 1919 Magda Bergstraat 41 2020 Eetcafé De Karseboom Grote Berg 10 2121 Kazerne Expo Restaurant Paradijslaan 2-8 2222 De Burger Kerkstraat 5 2323 Cooks Kerkstraat 30 2424 Ons | Eten en drinken Kerkstraat 16 2525 Stadsbakkerij Broodt Smalle Haven 101 2626 Smalle Haven | Food, drinks, shop & design Smalle Haven 8 - 24 2727 Oude Rechtbank Stratumseind 32 2828 BYLEI | Kippen kafee & Mozzarella bar Schellensfabriek, Vestdijk 280 2929 BYLEI | Future Tradition FIFTH | NRE, Nachtegaallaan 15 3030 Effenaar | Restaurant-Café Dommelstraat 2 3131 Sectie C | Kijkje in de keuken Daalakkersweg 2-8 Participants A-Z DDW Design Routes Public Route Strijp Area 01 Piet Hein Eek 14 Dutch Design Awards icw Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 19 Klokgebouw 19 Mind the Step by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Central Area 37 TAC 41 DAE Graduation Show 2014 by Design Academy Eindhoven 52 Kazerne 58 Modebelofte 2014 - Seductive Precursors by YOU ARE HERE in collaboration with Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 73 Design Perron Business Tips Strijp Area 19 Klokgebouw 28 OPEN UP by Woonbedrijf 29 Age of Wonderland by Baltan Laboratories and Hivos 31 Circulaire Economie HOTSPOT by Stichting Circulaire Economie 31 The Crowd is the Curator by Dutch Design Starter 35 Videolab Office-S Plaza Strijp Area 14 Daily 11:00 – 18:00 Dutch Design Awards icw Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 19 Daily 11:00 – 18:00 Mind the Step by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 31 Daily 13:00 – 16:00 Launch: MO 20 OCT 16:00 – 19:00 Circulaire Economie HOTSPOT activities by Stichting Circulaire Economie – WO 22 OCT 14:00 – 17:00 The Internet of Things: designing the user experience by eFocus, Igluu (Diode), Lichttoren 32 You need to register for this event. 41 SA 25 OCT 13:00 – 18:00 Social Design - International conference and book launch by Anne van der Zwaag in collaboration with DOEN Foundation and Lecturis Publishers. You need to register for this event. 46 SA 18 OCT 09:00 – 0:00 SU 19 OCT 09:00 – 18:00 Digital Health Hackathon by Philips Design Central Area 41 DAE Graduation Show 2014 by Design Academy Eindhoven 44 Make the Future by MAD emergent art center 63 GROW by Kleurrijke Stad East Area 75 Forging the Future with Material Sense LAB by Material Sense Kids Route Interior Route Central Area 37 POLISH DESIGN: in the middle of by Culture.pl 52 Kazerne Expo Open Mind by Maarten Baas, BCXSY, Walter van Beirendonck, Ice, Daphna Laurens, Low Motion, Mieke Meijer, Bertjan Pot, Nienke Sybrandy, and many others 52 Dirk Vander Kooij 52 New Window x Lex Pott by New Window 66 Feeling Blue by Nul Zes 73 Design Perron 74 Dutch Invertuals This is Eindhoven route Central Area 40 Wanderlust by Jannissima 19 Magda 52 Kazerne 55 City hall 58 Modebelofte 2014 - Seductive Precursors by YOU ARE HERE icw Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 60 Smalle Haven 63 Schellensfabriek 64 Proud part of the problem and Fontys Factory 2, Warehouse by NRE and Kelderman en Van Noort 71 This is Eindhoven Brandstore/VVV 74 Dutch Invertuals Central Area 56 Daily 11:00 – 18:00 except for SU 19 OCT 11:00 – 17:00 Sense Nonsense presented by Design Academy Eindhoven by Van Abbemuseum 58 Daily 11:00 – 21:00 except for MO 20 OCT 11:00 – 17:00 Modebelofte 2014 - Seductive Precursors by YOU ARE HERE in collaboration with Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 72 FR 24 OCT 10:00 – 13:00 Design meets Business 2014 Focus on Retail by Design & Business Service icw Kamer van Koophandel, J.F. Kennedyplein 2 You need to register for this event. Central Area 54 Design for Kids - Dome by Volle-Kracht East Area 77 Tube by Lambert Kamps THIS IS the lively heart of design EINDHOVEN ↓ ↖ ↘ ↘ ← ↘ Strijp Area 04 rENs 19 New Window @ Klokgebouw by New Window 19 Scholten & Baijings expo 32 Studio Alex de Witte Strijp Area 20 Please DO Touch by Lucid 21 More flavours invited by 4funkyflavours 28 OPEN UP by Woonbedrijf 29 SA 18 OCT 14:00 – 16:00 DO 23 OCT 12:00 – 17:00 Age of Wonderland: DIY Instruments by Sandra Suubi (workshop) by Baltan Laboratories, Hivos and FLIPSIDE You need to register for this event. 29 SU 19 OCT 11:15 – 14:00 SU 26 OCT 11:15 – 14:00 Age of Wonderland: Ebilooto, The Dream Lab by Sandra Suubi (workshop) by Baltan Laboratories, Hivos and FLIPSIDE 30 Kneeling / Five years of We Make Carpets by MU 32 Floris Hovers Ontwerp 32 SA 18 OCT - DO 23 OCT 09:30 – 13:00 Iedereen aan tafel - Het Klokhuis zoekt Ontwerpers (workshop) by De Ontdekfabriek icw NTR, Het Klokhuis, Dutch Design Week, Design Academy Eindhoven You need to register for this event. ↘ A number of specialists planned special Design Routes with a specific theme. You can follow them on foot or by bicycle in a day. Six routes and tips can be found below. More on: www.ddw.nl. Now Future Route This list is an index from a-z of registered locations, organisations, collectives and designers. DDW is a bottom-up event that takes place at more than 80 locations. Some designers work together in an organisation or collective. Therefore, we do not know every participating designer by name, and we can not provide a complete list of all participants. Yellow marked: large locations. # -SYB14 &me 19 3 Dots collective 19 4Apostelen 51 4funkyflavours 21 52shapes 19 A a-Lex 73 ABN AMRO | DDW Business Lounge 20 ABN AMRO Hotspots 19, 20 ABN AMRO House 19 The place for the professional DDW visitor. A daily programme detailing all the inspiring speakers can be found at www.ddw.nl. Academy Fine Arts & Design Maastricht 32 Adam Marc James 58 Advantage Austria 19 Afslag Eindhoven 77 AG Design Studio 19 Agri meets Design 20 Akko Goldenbeld 77 AKV|St.Joost 19 Alejandro Cerón 64 Alejo Bernal 66 Alex de Witte 32 Alexandra Daisy Ginsburg 56 Alexandra Stueck 52 Alissa van Asseldonk 66 Amaro Creative Industries 20 Andere Monjo 19 André Wiersma 64 Andreas Siagian 29 Angel Chen 58 Anita Hirlekar 58 Anne Dijkhorst 55 Anne Ligtenberg 66 Annelou van Griensven 28 Annika de Boer 19 ANNY& 37 Anouk Suilen 29 Apparatenfabriek 31-32 Area 51 22 Arend Groosman 19 Arjen Born 55 Arne Hendriks 29 Arnout Meijer 52, 74 ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten 37 Atelier Mats 19 Atelierdorp 64 Aukje Fleur Janssen 19, 64 Aurelie Hoegy 56 Aziz Bekkaoui 14 B B-TOO 09 Baars & Bloemhoff 34 Baltan Laboratories/Natlab 20, 29 Six young creatives from Asia, Latin America and Africa from the Hivos network have come to Eindhoven for local cooperation, co-creation concerning social innovation, workshops, lectures and experiments for a better future. BAM Civiel 14 Bart Keiren 55 Bas Koreman 66 Bas Luiting 33, 35 Bas van Raay 52 Bastian Visch 58 BCXSY 52 Beeldenstorm 70 Ben Hohmann 77 Ben Landau 56 Bianca van Rooij 55 Birgit Severin 63 bkkc 57 Blendle 14 Blond & Bieber 19 Bmxplayground 08 Boaz Cohen 52 Bob Waardenburg 30 Boele Zwanenburg 18 Bogaerts Label 13 Bora Hong 63 Bori Kovacs 56 Brad Wursten 56 Bram de Vries 66 Bram Tuns 64 brck 19 Brecht Duijf 19 Brigitta Boon 63 Brik fietsen 38 Brit van Nerven 74 BROET Basement 29 Bubblemint 39 Bureau Sculptaal 86 Burg Giebichenstein University of Art 19 Burning Barrel 73 Burobas 19, 55 BYLEI 63, 68 C Capital D 32, 55 Carolijn Slottje 49, 63 Caroline Rohner 58 Charlotte Tydeman 58 Chris Kabel 56 Chris Slutter Ontwerp 19 Christa van der Meer 18 Christopher Engelman 63 Circulaire Economie, stichting 31 CityHub 19 Coqoon 38 Cor Unum 73 Corner Spot 76 Crafts Council Nederland 19 Creatieve fabrieken 63 Culture.pl 37 Cynthia Hathaway 56 D Damn Food Waste 20 Daniela Pais 64 Daphna Isaacs 52 Daphna Laurens 13, 74 Dave Hakkens 14 David Derksen 19 David Marin 29 De Bakelietfabriek 19 De Machinekamer 21 De Ontdekfabriek 32 De Oude Rechtbank 59 De Volkskrant 19 Delta Vaas 73 Delva Landscape architects 14 Dennis Parren 77 Denovo Design 70 Design Academy Eindhoven 41 Here you will find all the projects by the recently graduated designers from the Design Academy Eindhoven under one roof. Design Halle 19 Design in Context 73 Design in Use 15 Design Perron 72 Designhuis 57 Desso 14 deWitteDame 42 Dieneke Dekker 74 Dimitri Kruithof 63 Dirk Smit 66 Dirk Vander Kooij 52 DOK [ . ] PUNT 61 Dopper 20 Dora Kloppenburg 63 Doreen van den Broek 29 DPI Value Centre 74 Drents Dorp Hoofdkwartier 27 DUS Architects 14 Dutch Design Awards 14 A collection of the best of Dutch design from last year. Vote for your favourite! Dutch Design Freak 38 Dutch Design Starter 31 Dutch Design Year 47 Dutch Invertuals 73, 74 Dutch Invertuals is an internationally renowned collective of individual young and famous designers from different disciplines. They have just one thing in common: experiment takes precedence. Dutch Space Invaders 53 Dynamic Food 28 Dyvsign 38 E Edhv 74 EDVH 14 Edwin Vollebergh 28 Eigen Huis & Interieur 19 Eindhoven Utrecht 73 Elena Pereira 63 eli5e 3dPrinted Designs 63 Elke van den Berg 77 Ellie’s Kledingkast 78 Elmer Franken 32 Emil van der Wijst 64 Emilija Marinkovic 63 Emma Hardstaff 58 Emmy Cleophas 18 EnvelopeBooks 38 Erfgoed Brabant 55 Eric Klarenbeek 52, 63 Erik Stehmann 28 Ester van de Wiel 14 Esther Jongsma 77 Estimote Polska 37 Eva Schlechte 37 Everdag 25 F Fabrique Céramique 70 Fields 38 Fien Ploeger 58 Fiona O’Neill 58 Flora Seierl 58 Floris Hovers Ontwerp 32 Floris Wubben 77 Fontys Academy for Creative Industries 19 FOODZ 19 Frame 19 Frank de Ruwe 63 Frederique Hesp 19 G Gabriel Lester 14 Galerie Tydeman 45 GAPV 35 GardenMania 36 Gemeente Eindhoven 55 Gerard Jasperse 56, 77 Gielissen Interiors & Exhibitions 19 Gino Anthonisse 58 Glasgebouw 34 Grafisch Atelier Daglicht 83 Griet Menschaert 29 Guillaume Neu-rinaudo 63 Gutedort 19, 37 Guus Kusters 52 Guus van Leeuwen 77 H Hal-2 49 Hallenweg 48-51 There is a lot to discover around the Hallenweg; visit the open studios and exhibitions. Hans Heetman 32, 82 HappyKamping 49 Harm Rensink 59 Harm van den Nieuwenhof 77 Headmade 19 Heather Daams 55 HEETMAN | PATIJN 32 Helmut Smits 56 Henriette Waal 14 Het Instituut 14 Het Klokhuis 32 Het Tafelbureau 19 Hier is Utrecht 73 Hilde Koeders 59 Hivos 20, 29 Hosun Ching 77 Houben Worstenbrood 20 House of Thol 73 Hozan Zangana studio 19 Huub Smits 63 Hyein Seo 58 I Ida Gro Christiansen 58 IDKC, stichting 67 IJsselID 63 ILLY 63 Ilse Heesterbeek 18 Ine Mulder 63 Ineke van der Werff 37 Inflate 32 Inge en Anke Kuipers 63 Inna Stein 58 Inntel Hotels Art Eindhoven 38 Iris van Daalen 52 Izabele Boloz 52 J Jaap Patijn 32 James Auger 56 James King 56 Jan van Ackeren 19 Janne van Kollenbur 55 Jannis Hülsen 18 Jannissima 40, 63 JASNO 19 Jelle Mastenbroek 77 Jennifer de Jonge 19 Jennifer Hier 37 Jeroen Aspers Architect 14 Jeroen Wand 50, 52, 74 Jessica Mort 58 Jetske Visser 64, 74 Jiali Tang 63 Jimmy Loizeau 56 Jip Pullens 55 JobsProps 69 Joep Huisinga 77 Joep van Griensven 28 Joep van Lieshout 56 Jólan van der Wiel 74 Joost & Kiki 12 Step into the world of the former DDW ambassadors Joost and Kiki to discover their most recent designs. Joost Dingemanse 77 Joost Gehem 77 Joost van Bleiswijk 12, 52 Joris Laarman 56 José Montealegre 29 JSPR 73 Jules van den Langenberg 79 Julius Blaauw 32 Jurgen Bey 56 Jurjen van Houte 58 K Karin Vlug 58 Karwei 20 Kaspar Eisenmeier 77 Katrien van de Camp 29 Kazerne 52 An international podium for design, housed in an old constabulary barracks with adjoining store. Eat and drink here surrounded by design. Kelderman en van Noort 64 Ketelhuisplein 20 The Ketelhuisplein has something for every DDW visitor. Food and drink, lectures and even sport. Are you on the look-out for that festival feeling? Then this is the place. Kevin Cools 77 Kiki van Eijk 12, 52 Kikiworld 12 Kim Beekmans 19 Kim Haagen 77 Kinegrity 28 Kirstie van Noort 77 Klaas Kuiken 52, 73 Klara Válková 58 Kleurrijke Stad 63 Klokgebouw 19 DDW hotspot. This former Philips factory now houses more than 100 (international) designers from different design disciplines. Maarten Kolk and Guus Kusters are the art directors for this exhibition. Koen van Santvoort 64 Koledo International BV 19 Kollektiv Plus Zwei 63 Kosmos Project 37 KPN Glasvezel 19 Kummer & Herrman 14 L L’Atelier Échelle 1 sur 1 63 Lab-1 29 Lambert Kamps 77 Laura Koenen 64 Laura Lynn Jansen 74 Laurent Beirnaert 56 Lecturis 19, 52 LEF stadsdynamica c.s. 57 LEMZ 14 Lenneke Langenhuijsen 18, 19 Lernert & Sander 14 Letterpers 38 Lex Pott 19, 52 Lichtplein 43 Lilian van Daal 18, 52 Lina-Marie Köeppen 56 Liselore Frowijn 14 Lois Denim 21 Lonneke Gordijn 52 Lotte Douwes 10, 77 Lotte van Wulfften Palthe 55 Lotty Lindeman 03 Lucas en Lucas 52 Lucas Maassen 64 Lucie Jansen 77 Luuk van den Broek 77 M Maag Lever Darm Stichting 85 Maaike Fecken 28 Maaike van Zijl 77 Maarten Baas 52, 56 Maarten Coolen 77 Maarten Kolk 52 Maartje van Gestel 55 MAD emergent art center 44, 55 Malou van Dijck 64 Mandy Roos 56 Manuel Wijffels 55 Marc Mulders 01 Marcel Kampman 63 Marcel van de Kimmenade 77 Marcel Wanders 56 Marcia Nolte 19, 30 Marije Seijn 58 Mark de Weijer 19 Marloes van Bennekom 77 Martijn Peeters 55 MartMarcus 19 Material Sense 75 Mats Horbach 66 Maurice Schill 19 Meike Harde 19 MEJD 19 Meng Hsun Wu 63 Mensch Made 62 Mestrom Chandeliers 63 Metabolic 14 Meubelmakerij Mertens 19 Meulensteen Art Center 83 Mianne de Vries 19 Michael Sailstorfer 56 Michel van de Ven 29 Michiel Martens 74, 77 Mieke Meijer 13, 52, 74 Miguel Guerra 19 Mike Roelofs 51 MLY by Emily Hermans 21 Modebelofte 58 Modebelofte presents the fresh batch of international fashion talent graduates from 2014 in a spectacular conceptual exhibition. In an extraordinary pop-up location: a former nightclub. Monica Alisse 18 Monumentalista 63 Morgan Ruben Jansen op de Haar 19 Morse Expo 81 Motta Kunstboeken 19 MU 30 MU zooms in on the hybrid visual culture of now and later. MU is an adventurous guide for all art lovers with a keen interest in the energetic mix of art, design, pop culture and new media. Multitude 18 MVO& 14 N Nacho Carbonell 77 Nathaly Heesakkers 32 Natlab 29 Natura Artis Magistra 14 Nelly Song 63 New Window 19, 52 Next Nature Network 14 Niek van der Heijden 64, 77 Niek van Hengel 55 Niël-vormgeving 19 Niels Hoebers 14, 77 Nienke Bongers 66 Nienke Sybrandy 52 Nina van Bart 74 No Academy 14 NRE terrain 64-70 The NRE site opens its gates for a second year, showing work by creative young talents in their work spaces. With exceptional exhibitions, food, drinks and parties. Nul Zes 66 Nuon Solar Team 56 O OFORM 19 OLA Jewelry 19 Ola Lanko 19 Olav Slingerland 32 Olga Kuryschuk 58 Onderstroom 32 Ontwerpduo 06 OS ∆ OOS 13, 74 Oskar Zięta 37 P Pani Jurek 37 Papyrus 19 Paul Tubiana 56 Perceptor 14 Peter van de Riet 64 Petra Janssen 28 Philips Design 46 Philips Design Healthcare team 14 Philips museum 46 Philips Professional Lighting Solutions 14, 58 PI-design 35 Pierre Bouvier 56 Piet Hein Eek 01 The former Philips workshop, now with a retail outlet and restaurant, is certainly worth a visit. In addition to the collection by Eek and other (international) big names, lots of work by young talent is on show. Pieter-Jan Pieters 77 Pinkie Patisserie 07 Pintu 72, 73 Plan-S Coöperatie U.A. 26 Plint 38 Plug in City 23 PR&Co 63 Primal Edition 73 Project Joost 12 PROUD 32 Provincie Noord-Brabant 19, 20, 57 Q QisDesign 19 R Ratna Ho 73 Raw Color 74 REMI VAN OERS 19 Remy van Zandbergen 77 Renee Scheepers 66 rENs 04 Richard Quinn 58 Rob van Kaam 77 Rock9Design 33 Roel de Boer 77 Rogier Klomp 14 Ronald Smits 77 DUTCH DESIGN WEEK P.O. BOX 8043 5601 KA EINDHOVEN INFO@DDW.NL WWW.DDW.NL Roos Gomperts 19, 64, 74 Roos Meerman 18 Rop van Mierlo 19 Rotterdam Centraal 73 Roy Ombatti 29 Rudi Boiten 77 Ruud-Jan Kokke 19 S Sabine Marcelis 74 Salon Graphique 29 Salvatore Franzese 64 Sam van Gurp 77 Sander Mulder 63 Sander Wassink 14, 77 Sandra Nakitto 29 Sandra Suubi 29 Sanne Muiser 07 Sanne Ree Barthels 55 Sarah Mesritz 22 Saskia Overzee 77 Sayaka Yamamoto 52 Schellensfabriek 63 Schellensfabriek is one of the hotspots of Dutch Design Week 2014, a showcase of contemporary design displayed on three floors in the historic textile factory in the centre of Eindhoven. The place to meet & match, find & explore, listen & debate, eat & drink. Where creatives and industry collaborations show their potential. Scholten & Baijings 19, 56 Sectie C 77-79 More than 80 emerging designers in a friendly setting of exhibitions, open studios, food and drinks. Up-and-coming designers and dynamic collectives with a hands-on mentality in an experimental environment and unique design enclave Sectie C on the outskirts of the city. Seterhen Akbar Suriadinata 29 Shapeways 19 Sietske Klooster 63 Simas Zabulionis 66 Simon Wald-Lasowski 19 Simul 19 SintLucas 20 SLEM-Waalwijk 19 Smalle Haven 60 Smeelearchitecture 14 Social label 01, 28 Sonia Aissaoui 58 Sophie Krier 14 Soundflo 63 SPACE-S terrain 28 Space&Matter 14 Spark design & innovation 14 Spectrum 19 Sphereness 35 Spoinq 19 Stadhuis 54 Get to know design in and around the town hall. Exciting exhibitions, presentations and workshops for all ages. Stationsplein 71 Stefan Schwabe 18 Steven Banken 05 Stijn van der Vleuten 30 Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie 63 STRP 19 Studio-ePosh 38 Studio 1:1 18 Studio Boot 28 Studio Cotton & Clay 73 Studio diip 56 Studio Job 56 Studio Maatwerk 13 Studio Makkink & Bey 56 Studio Marlène Huissoud 19 Studio Minale-Maeda 14 Studio Mulder 73 Studio Natwerk Amsterdam 49 Studio Rene Siebum 05 Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven 49, 63 Studio Valkenier 14 StudioDJIM BERGER 64 Studiotheun 19 studioZAND 19 Study Association Industrial Design Lucid 20 Suriadinata 29 Susanne de Graef 10 Suzanne Nachtegaal 28 T TAC 37 The Temporary Art Centre (TAC) is a spot for cultural innovation. Discover the work of designers in residence and national and international up-and-coming talents. Tante Netty 80 Tarek Beshta 64 Team CS 14 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 19 Temo Gonzalez Moreno 19 MAIN SPONSOR PUBLIC PARTNERS PROGRAMME PARTNERS MEDIA PARTNERS PREFERRED SUPPLIERS SPONSOR Teresa van Dongen 56 Tessa Koot 64, 78 Teun Fleskens 77 The Royal Academy of Art (KABK) The Hague, Alumni 34 Thomas Eurlings 52 Thomas Vailly 74 Tijme Veldt 58 Tim van de Weerd 73 Tjimke de Boer 63 Tom Frencken 69 Tomm Velthuis 19, 56 Tord Boontje with Laikingland 56 U Uitgeverij Snor 28 Ulrike Jurklies 22 UNION11 37 V V3RS 13 Valeriane Lazard 52 Van Abbemuseum 56 Explore the unavoidable relationship between sense and nonsense in the DAE exhibition Sense Nonsense. The evening programme comprises performances, debates and tours by the designers. Van Eijk & Van der Lubbe 19, 23 Van Engelen & Evers 52 Van Tjalle en Jasper 19 Van Wezel Design 33 VanBerlo 20 Vanmoof 14 Vera Cerutti 63 Vera Roggli 58 Véronique Driedonks 77 Versmissen Furniture & Decoration 63 Victor Sonna 77 Victoria Ledig 19, 64 Videolab Office-S Plaza 35 Vij5 48 Viktor&Rolf 14 Vilt aan Zee 19 Visser Meijwaard 73 Vitalis Berckelhof 55, 76 Volle-Kracht 54 Volvo Cars Nederland 19 VPRO 20 VVV 71 W Waterland-huisje 24 WE-venture 16 Wendy Plomp 74 Wendy Wassink 28 Wereldwinkel Eindhoven 20, 43, 54, 84 White Cubes 19 Wies Preijde 63 Wikke Peters 55 Willem Popelier 19 Willemijn de Wit 22 Wim T. Schippers 56 Winter in Holland 19 Woody Veneman 64 Woonbedrijf 28 Wouter Scheublin 03 Wouter Strietman 77 X Xiaoyun Zhang 63 Xpring 20 Y Yiyu Chen 58 Yksi 32 A retail store and exhibition full of Dutch design. Not just the big names, but work by young designers can be seen here too. Yorgos Bournousouzis 64 YOU ARE HERE 58 YOUKBYYOUKI 19 Youp Boelen 19 Yuyuan Zhou 63 Z Zilver-Werk 55 Zona Ventosa 37 Zuiderzeemuseum 19 Zuiverhuis 65 MAP On the up: design makes the world better. More beautiful. Handier too. And more fun. Come, see and experience it for yourself during the thirteenth edition of Dutch Design Week. Smart solutions. Inventive design. New perspectives. Discover the upward force of design; seek inspiration in the ground-breaking work of a staggering number of designers, optimistic buzz guaranteed. General Information Ambassadors Dutch Design Week is represented by designers Scholten & Baijings and artist Arne Hendriks. Want to know more about these official ambassadors? Read the interviews at www.ddw.nl. Tickets Go-as-you-please tickets give entrance to and can be purchased at the Klokgebouw (19), Dutch Design Awards (14), Design Academy Eindhoven/Graduation Show Art Directors The Klokgebouw (19) is curated by Studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters. Themed exhibitions present a selection of design and the creative industry as it stands. (41) and the Van Abbemuseum (56). The go-as-you-please ticket entitles you to a 50% discount at the Philips museum (46) and TAC (37). Visitors are provided with a wristband that gives access to these locations for 9 days. All other locations are free, unless stated otherwise. Buy your go-as-you-please tickets online via www.ddw.nl or at the door. Online At the door Go-as-you-please ticket € 15.00 p.p. excl. service costs € 17.50 p.p. Students and children (12 – 18 years) € 7.50 p.p. excl. service costs € 10.00 p.p. Family ticket (2 adults and three children from 12 – 18 years and/or students) Tickets only available at the door € 40.00 Children under 12 years of age Free Free Online Visit www.ddw.nl for the complete programme and the latest news. Like us on Facebook (www.facebook. com/DutchDesignWeek), follow us on Twitter (@dutchdesignweek, #DDW14) and Instagram (@dutchdesignweek). Tabloid Every day hot off the press: the tabloid with the latest news, including official map and programme. Available free at all the exhibition locations and information points. News or tips? Mail the editorial desk: info@hofmandonker.com. Info Points Three official info points answer your questions and show directions: at Central Station (71), deWitteDame (42), and the Klokgebouw (19). Press Centre The official Press Centre (20, Katrina the Church) welcomes journalists, bloggers, photographers and camera teams with an information package. Open daily from 10:00 – 18:00 hours. Volvo Design Rides Free Volvo taxis bring visitors (daily between 11:00 – 20:00 hours) to and from every Dutch Design Week location. Catch a ride at one of the taxi ranks: the Lichtplein (43), Stadhuisplein (54), Klokgebouw (17), TAB building (Dutch Design Awards) (11), and Piet Hein Eek (01). Reserve by telephone from all other locations: + 31(0)40-218 00 00. ABN AMRO | DDW Business Lounge The official ABN AMRO | DDW Business Lounge (20) welcomes professional DDW visitors. Open daily from 10:00 – 18:00 hours. Bicycles Rent a bicycle from the Urban Wheelz Center at Strijp-S, Ketelhuisplein (20) or at the Lichtplein (behind the deWitteDame, 43). Please note: rental is only possible with a credit card in conjunction with valid ID.