Overview Masters for PT and SI bachelor students In this document we describe the admission criteria for enrollement in a number of relevant MScprograms as we know them right now. Please visit the MSc-websites and/or contact the MScprograms directly in case you have further questions. Master HTI PT students have direct access, regardless of their specialisation. SI (and other major)-students have to choose two elective packages (also regardless of their specialisation). 1. Statistics and Research Methododology (0HV00 and 0HV50 already in SI-major) 2. Either Brain Perception, Action or Cognition & Social Interaction Brain, Perception, Action code 0HV40 0HV20 0HV100 Course name Brain Body Behavior Perception and Motor Control Human Factors Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) 2012 - 2013, Quarter 4, Slot C 2013 - 2014, Quarter 3, Slot D 2014 - 2015, Quarter 2, Slot C Cognition & social interaction code 0HV30 0HV60 0HV80 Course name Social psychology & consumer behavior1 Thinking and deciding HTI in social contect Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) Quarter 2/ Slot A Quarter 4/ Slot C Quarter 1/ Slot B Master IS SI students have direct access, regardless of their specialisation. PT-students have to choose two electives (also regardless of their specialisation). 1. 0SV10 Technology in society: Introduction Q2, timeslot C 2. 0SV30 Economics of Innovation: Introduction, Q1, timeslot E NB Students from other majors also need to choose 0HV50 Research Methods 2, Q2, timeslot D. Master CME contact Wim Schaeffer • • • • In principe is het voor alle PT en SI studenten mogelijk om in te stromen in CME; affiniteit met bouw/CME is natuurlijk wel wenselijk. Dit is eigen verantwoordelijkheid van de student. Voor de studenten die de bouwrichting doen (PT-Living and SI-Sustainable Living) is CME een aanbevolen doorstroomroute. Zij hebben in elk geval vier bouwkunde-vakken in hun major gedaan Studenten die zich willen orienteren op en verder verdiepen in het vakgebied van CME wordt aangeraden het coherent keuzepakket ‘Tussen droom en daad staan regels en feiten’ (nu: Urban Systems and Real Estate) te volgen. Het geheel of gedeeltelijk volgen van het cohrent keuzepakket is niet verplicht, en eigen verantwoordeijkheid van de student. Studenten die vragen hebben over de inhoud van de master of twijfelen over de inhoud van hun keuzepakket in de bachelor kunnen conatc opnemen met Wim Schaefer Overig: • • In het coherente keuzepakket ‘Tussen droom en daad staan regels en feiten’ wordt het vak 0SAX0 Inleiding Recht en Techniek vervangen door het vak 7M6X0 Smart Cities. In het coherente keuzepakket ‘Tussen droom en daad staan regels en feiten’ zit het vak 7U9X0 Onderzoek en Statistiek; dit hoeft door de PT en SI stduenten niet te worden gevolgd; zie bijlage RE: CME keuzepakket voor de vrijstelling Master IM contact Simone Resing and/or FTC info http://www.tue.nl/studeren/tue-graduate-school/masteropleidingen/innovationmanagement/toelating/admission-tue-bachelor-college-students/) Students of the TU/e Bachelor College, not following the major Industrial Engineering and Management Science, will only be admitted if they have followed the elective package Innovation Management. We also recommend to follow the USE-package Customer Centricity. Depending of the direction of your major you have to follow some courses about business economics and research methods in the elective part of your Master’s program. The Admission Board decides which courses you have to follow. If you want more information about admission, please send an email to ftc-ieis@tue.nl. Customer Centricity and the Design of Winning Products all courses in timeslot A Exploration Q2: • 1ZEUAO - New product marketing Specialization Q3: • 1ZSUA0 Customer centric new product development or • 1ZSUB0 Open innovation Application in Q4 or Q1: • 1ZAUA0 Innovating by design Innovation management NB overlap 0HV30 and 1ZV20 at least for PT students Master OML contactpersoon Simone Resing (and FTC) Elective package "Preparation Master OML for non-IE" The elective package consists of 3 courses out of 5, the other 2 can be part if the master. Please note that the elective package does not imply that you are automatically admitte din the master program. Each student shoud individually contact the FTC ftc-ieis@tue.nl (facultaire toelatingscommissie). Preparation Master OML for non-IE [tbd] 1JK00 Management van Menselijk Gedrag in Organisaties (1JK00) - NL 2012/2013 Q4 1CV10 Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting 2013/2014 Q1 Choose 3 out of 5 courses 1BV00 Business Modeling (1BV00) 2012/2013 Q3 FTC OML always decides upon remaining deficiencies 2DD50 Mathematics 2 2013/2014 Q2 1CK50 Production & Inventory Control (non-IE) 2013/2014 Q4 Master BIS PT-ICT and SI-Smart Systems students are allowed in the BIS master if they choose two elective packages (see below). Only one course may be missing, which will be included in the elective space of the master. Information from Michel Westenberg, director Graduate programs Computer Science, email dated 06-11-2013). Computer Science Essentials code 2IP90 or 2IS60 2IL50 2ID50 2IO90 Course name Programming or App Programming Data structures Datamodeling and databases DBL algorithms** Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) Quarter 1 / Slot E or Quarter 1 / Slot A Quarter 3 / Slot B Quarter 2 / Slot B Quarter 2 / Slot D Course name Business information systems Business process intelligence DBL Information systems Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) Quarter 1 / Slot D Quarter 3 / Slot B Quarter 4 / Slot B Preparation Master BIS code 2IIC0 2IIE0 2IOC0 Master CSE PT-ICT and SI-Smart Systems students are allowed in the CSE master if they choose two elective packages (see below). Only one course may be missing, which will be included in the elective space of the master. Information from Michel Westenberg, director Graduate programs Computer Science, email dated 07-11-2013). Computer Science Essentials code 2IP90 or 2IS60 2IL50 2ID50 2IO90 Course name Programming or App Programming Data structures Datamodeling and databases DBL algorithms** Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) Quarter 1 / Slot E or Quarter 1 / Slot A Quarter 3 / Slot B Quarter 2 / Slot B Quarter 2 / Slot D Preparation master CSE code 2IPC0 2IC60 2IPD0 Course name Programming methods Computer networks and security Software engineering and architecture Scheduled (Quarter/Slot) Quarter 3 / Slot D Quarter 4 / Slot E Quarter 2 / Slot C Master SET This master is open for Sustainable Energy students provided that they meet the requirements below. If they haven’t completed all courses they should contact the FTC individually. Information is based on the email of the FTC SET dated 07-102013. For Sustainable Energy NL Specialisation Sustainable Energy NL: • • • • 4GA20 - OGO Propellor 1.3 E 4EB00 - Thermodynamica 2.1 D 4GB10 - OGO Verbrandingsm. 2.3 C 4PB00 - Warmte en stroming 2.4 C At least one of the Energy elective packages TN Energie 3DEX0 Fysica van de nieuwe energie: bronnen, transport en opslag 1.2 E TN Energie 3EPX0 Energieproject 2.4 A TN Energie 4BC00 Chemisch reagerende stromingen 3.4 E WTB Ontwerpen van Energiesystemen (OES) 3FTX0 Turbulentie, golven en instabiliteiten 3.3 A WTB Ontwerpen van Energiesystemen (OES) 4BC00 Chemisch reagerende stromingen 3.4 E WTB Ontwerpen van Energiesystemen (OES) 4PC00 Technische warmte en stromingsleer 3.2 E Completed with two EE- courses: EE 5SEA0 Electrical energy phenomena and relations EE 5EWB0 Electrical Power Systems For Sustainable Energy EN Specialisation Sustainable Energy EN: • • • • 2DE20 - Mathematics EE 1.3 D 5EPA0 - Electromagnetics I 2.1 D 5ECB0 - Electronic Circuits I 2.3 C 5ESB0 - Systems 2.4 B 2.1 B 2.2/3.2 B AND in addition (updated June 2, 2014) 3.2 5EWB0 Electrical Power Systems 3.3 5APA0 Power Electronics 3.4 5XWA0 Power system analysis and Optimization (i.p.v. 5XSB0 Signal Analysis and Estimation in 3.2E) This requires one additional course with prior knowledge, 5EWA0 Electromechanics, in qualtile 2.2 time slot C. Before, SET asked for the program below, which also gives access to the master SET, though which requires many courses in Electrical Engineering, causing problems in the scheduling of these courses for those who plan to finish the bachelor program in three years. The first two courses from the elective package Smart Sustainable Society (SSS) EE Smart and Sustainable Society 5APA0 Power Electronics 3.3 A EE Smart and Sustainable Society 5XSB0 Signal Analysis and Estimation 3.2 E EE Smart and Sustainable Society 5XWA0 Power system analysis and optimization 3.4 E Completed with one EE- course: EE 5EWB0 Electrical Power Systems 2.2/3.2 B