Research data management: funder requirements, questions and solutions 3TU.Datacentrum Symposium 2014 The changing landscape of research data Looking back • 3TU.Datacentrum established in 2007 • As part of the set-up of the 3TU.Datacentrum: interview round with senior scientists at the three technical universities: • Situation with regard to the archiving of research data: ‘little structured’ and ‘depending on persons’ • Response to 3TU.Datacentrum: ‘long-term process’ and plea for ‘small-scale, demand-driven approach’ 2011: NWO adapts policy with regard to research data Four types of incentives • Re-use and recognition: • Citations of datasets (f.e. DataCite) VSNU Code Wetenschapsbeoefening • Peer-reviewed data publication (f.e. ESSD) SEP protocol 2015-2021 Challenge: to policies: make data-invoer, sharing III.2 data De kwaliteit van dataverzameling, • Journal availability datasets an integrated part of • Journals increasingly demand that the underlying data of an The assessment committee considers the research unit’s verslaglegging van alle stappen en controle op de uitvoering article are available isthe policy noodzakelijk onacademic research (labjournaals, integrity and voortgangsrapportages, the way in which violations culture dataopslag The assessment en dataverwerking committee: wordt goed bewaakt. Goede of such of integrity are prevented. is interested in how documentatie van afspraken en Itbeslissingen enz.). • Principles science, reflected in rules andthe codes of unit deals with research data, data management and conduct: integrity III.3 De bewaartermijn van ruwe onderzoeksgegevens is minimaal jaar.Conduct Deze gegevens worden op aanvraag • VNSU Code5 of (2004; updated 2012);terSEP 2015-021 • Self evaluation: beschikking gesteld aan andere wetenschapsbeoefenaren. Requirements by funding organisations: Research integrity: A general reflection covering the aspects: c. how the unit deals zodanig with and storesmonitoring; III.4 Ruweaccess/sharing; onderzoeksgegevens worden • Datafollowing plan; long-term curation; gearchiveerd raw and processed dat deze data te allen tijde met een minimum aan guidance; costs tijd en handelen kunnen worden geraadpleegd. Which roles with regard to research data fulfil Dutch researchers (DANS Naambekendheidsonderzoek 2013) With regard to research data I fulfil the following roles: I am (co-) producer of research data I have made research data available to others occasionally I re-use research data ( from other researchers and/or from large research facilities) None of the above-mentioned roles Researchers Ph.D. students 80,7 78,9 45,3 25 43,1 41,8 8,3 8,9 How do Dutch researchers characterise their own research area? (DANS Naambekendheidsonderzoek 2013) How would you characterise your research area with regard to research data? Researchers PhD students Research data do hardly play a role in my research area 9,6 10,5 Data archiving and datasharing is already well organised in my research area 15,5 10,2 Data archiving and datasharing become increasingly important in my research area and its organisation is In 2011: in development 52,7 57,6 42,4% 41,4% 22,2 21,7 In my research area there is no culture of data archiving and datasharing A simplified schema of the ‘ideal’ research project from the perspective of research data management Start Conduct of the research Publications Data management plan Storage and (collaborative) processing of the research data Archiving and publishing of research dataset(s) Requirements by funders Questions and solutions as research progresses Questions and solutions after conclusion of research Questions and solutions in the research proposal phase Programme 14.10 Requirements by funders • Research data and NWO: how to run a research group in the world of big data; Bert Meijer, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, member of the board of NWO 14.40 Questions and solutions in research proposal phase: data management plan • Data management planning; Madeleine de Smaele, 3TU Datacenter • Practical Benefits (and Some Annoyances) of Sharing Data; Daniël Lakens, Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences 15.15 Break 15.25 Questions and solutions after conclusion of research: Data archiving and publishing • Data sharing pays off; Leon Osinski (IEC) • Archiving and publishing in practice ; Joos Buijs, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science 16.00 Questions and solutions as research progresses Data lab • Data labs; Maurice Vanderfeesten, 3TU Datacenter • Beyond data sharing: sharing research software in a dedicated cloud; Pieter van Gorp, Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences 16.35 Closing remarks Networking with refreshments